Interface And Graphics :: Display Long Lists Of Output?

Aug 15, 2008

I am trying to write a program in VB2008 Express. I originally wrote it in excel, but I want to add some features and make it a standalone executable. the program is ideal for a spreadsheet application though.

essentially, there are two input tables. each containing about 6 columns and maybe 10 rows. I assume that could be handled by arrays. the output would be a continuously updated table of output based on calculations using the data from the two input tables. the output table would be about 4 columns by up to 1000+ rows, and would need to be recalculated and displayed each time any data in the input tables has changed.

first, are arrays sufficient to handle this? would databases be more appropriate?

second, what's the best way to display a long list of output, that has a user defined length and is continually updated. it would also be nice to have the ability to click on an individual cell (or value) in the output and have more code executed.

is there a way to incorporate a spreadsheet like tool for this as a backend? I want to make sure i'm using the most efficient approach before i invest too much time.

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Interface And Graphics :: GDI Output To A Monitor And Projector

Aug 30, 2008

I'm writing a VB2005 program (for WinXP) to implement a lighting show and need to clarify a few things before I buy a video projector.My PC has 2 Geforce 8800GTS cards. One will feed a standard monitor (housing the program control interface) and the other will feed the video projector doing the lighting show.My prog uses GDI DrawString to output text to the video projector.In the prog I want the output of Form1 (control interface) to ALWAYS go to the Monitor (through the primary display adapter) and the output of Form2 (GDI text strings) to go to the video projector (through the secondary display adapter).Can I assign a FORM to a specific Display Adapter or Monitor/Projector so that all output from that form will automatically go to that adapter (monitor/video projector)?If not, what is the best way to do it? Perhaps something like the following? Frankly I have no idea whether this is even remotely correct or whether there is a better way. [code] If the above is correct, will it work for a video projector as well (i.e. is a porojector also set to a specific resolution/bounds and is that resolution/bounds used as its size, as with a monitor?

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Interface And Graphics :: Any Way To Pipe Output Of Bat File To Control

Mar 26, 2010

I have a visual basic .NET application that starts up a command prompt window using the following method:[code]The bat file then goes on to start up an application, which has a lot of output to the command prompt.I was wondering if there was any way to pipe the output of the bat file to a visual basic control. I am trying not to modify the bat file, if I can help it.

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Interface And Graphics :: DXF Viewer Control With Measured Output

Dec 16, 2011

I am re-writing my old VB6 DXF viewer control in VB.NET Winforms. Attached is a picture of my testbed app. As we only need it to check parts that have been created to generate gcode for our laser it is limited to Points, Lines, Arcs, And Circles. It has Point, EndPoint, Centers, and Intersections snaps for all entities and combinations of entities. Measured output is displayed as Actual Point to Point plus Horizontal and vertical delta. Zoom Extents, Zoom Window, Pan and Mouse Wheel Zoom are fully functional. The last took a while to develop as I wanted the Zoom to be centered about the cursor position just as it is in Acad.

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Interface And Graphics :: Display Form As Part Of A Function?

Jul 24, 2008

I have only recently started using VB.NET after having a little experience in VB6. I am trying hard to force myself into this OOP mindset. I want to know if a certain thing is possible.

I want to be able to call a function in the beginning of my main form's startup sub. The function call would look something like this.

Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim Username, Password, NewPassword as String


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Interface And Graphics :: VB ListBox Control Display Names?

Dec 20, 2010

I don't usually use VB but now I must for an assignment. I would like to know if it's possible to change the display name for an object on a listbox. For instance, if I add to it a user defined class, there's a way to provide it's display name, instead of converting it to string and then add it.

This is what I have

Dim format As String = FormatOutput(object)

I would like to have the same output, but instead add the object.

Note: if such is not possible, then how can I associate the list box selection to the actual object? Doing it by index is painfull, because I'm using linked lists (ie., instead of arrays).

Note 2: python has a __str__ method which is called by default when the object is cast to string. Is there anything like it in VB?

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Interface And Graphics :: Display 48X48 Icon From Project/Resource?

Aug 2, 2010

Im in a win.form app. in .Net 2008 I have a lot of Icons that I want to display on a (TouchScreen enviroment) button The icons are in 8,16; 32 bit in the sizes 16X16 ; 32X32 ; 48X48 The buttons are large enough, they have a dimension of 252X132. The images are loaded via the Button propertie : Image. This has allso a size propertie, but is disabled. And I can see its loading the 32X32 32bpp format But I want the 48X48 size on there. Does some 1 knows how to get those sizes op the button.

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Interface And Graphics :: Display The Rgb Code Of System Colors In VB2008?

Mar 10, 2009

Is there an easy way to display the rgb code of system colors in VB2008?

That is, I am looking for some code that will retrieve the names of the colors that are used in the system colors and display their rgb codes (and maybe show a sample), so I could display, for example, what the rgb code for "control" is.

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Interface And Graphics :: E.Graphics.Drawstring Length Overflow Page?

Nov 19, 2010

Im working on a project that needs to print a report of one client.Everything went smooth untill i came across my multiline input text data.When i display it in the PrintPagePreview the text go's outside my page. Even when im printing it only the halve of my text is displayed. I googled and looked everywhere but i can't get a clear fix for it.


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Interface And Graphics :: Passing Bitmaps & Graphics To Subroutines As Arguments

Jan 22, 2011

I used to program with Visual Basic 6, so I have alot of old programs that I'm updating, plus I'm learning the new VB2008 methods. I'm writing a program that replaces the old "BitBlit" function which is no longer supported by Visual Basic 2008. It involves three picture boxes, one holds the sprite bitmap, a second holds the mask (silhouette) of the sprite bitmap, and a third has a background image.


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Interface And Graphics :: System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString On Other Window?

Aug 14, 2009

drawing text on a window which is not the current form's window.I remember doing this in Win32 api with getwindowdc(handle) to obtain a DC for the Window, then textout() on the DC.

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Interface And Graphics :: Create A User Interface In A Game Such As The Application XFire Using VB?

Jan 12, 2010

how to create a user interface in a game such as the application XFire using Visual Basic?

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Interface And Graphics :: Use A Graphical User Interface That Contains A Drag And Drop Form?

Oct 19, 2008

I'm working on a design project where I have to use a Graphical User Interface that contains a drag and drop form. It consists of having a window dropped on a wall. Both of them are images to scale. I would like to know what kind of code I would have to use to show the x and y coordinates of one of the points of my window when dragged so when I drop it, I'm dropping in it on the desired coordinate of the wall.

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Interface And Graphics :: Creating A Class Holding Some Graphics?

Jan 12, 2011

Ok, I want to create a class that will handle a special rectangle graphic.In my form, I want to have two of these special rectangles. So, basically, I need two instances of that class in my form, right?I manage to initialize two, alright. But, how exactly am I supposed tomanage drawing/graphics etc in a class, and the results to be displayed in my form?

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Interface And Graphics :: Error - Graphics Paths For Designing

Oct 29, 2008

Using graphics paths for designing...but am getting an error when trying to add a shape to : _shapelist.add(createshape())

It says : Value of type 'system.drawing.drawing2d.graphicspath' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of system.drawing.drawing2d.graphicspath'

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Procede With An Interface Design Approach

May 18, 2012

I was wondering if I could elicit some tips on how to procede with an interface design approach.That is. What is a good way to go about establishing a "work area" where one can have multiple "floating forms" in this area.Can you have a form which occupies the entire windows desk top and the other forms "float" in this space? the "floating" forms would need to interact with each other where pressing buttons etc on them would affect other forms on the "workspace") Or what would be a good way to start accomplishing that? Or is there a better way to get the same effect?

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Interface And Graphics :: Link A Class / Object To An Interface?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm trying to make a .dll that contains a lot of basic functionality that a program can use. Currently i am trying to use interfaces to make a lot of this functionallity independend of the program using it but i hit a snag. The Basic idea is that a programmer will create his own object using the interface discribed in my .DLL file. Then implements those functions as he likes. He can then instanciate a controller (found in the same DLL) and sends his custom object implementing the interface to that Controller. The controller can then be started and will take over all the work. I do not know what type of object is send to the controller and idealy i want to program it in such a fashion that i shouldn't care as long as the object send implements that interface.In code I am trying to achieve the following: (quite simplyfied)

Public Interface MyInterface '<----Decleration of the interfaceFunction GetData() As Integer
Function SetData(Data As Integer)
end interface


this propperly. I know that the second i set the interface adaptor in the Controller VS comes nagging that it can not be converted to a "MyInterface" Class. Obviously i am doing something wrong. I can change the datatype that the controller expects to the "MyController" type but that would completely ruin the whole idea of flexibillity. I am hoping someone sees what i am trying to do and can point out where i made the thinking error.

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Interface And Graphics :: Picture Of Interface And Get Feedback On Changes For Easier Use?

May 21, 2012

Is this where i would post a picture of my interface and get feedback on changes for easier use? If not is there someplace on this forum or any other forum to do this?

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Interface And Graphics :: Draw On Tabpage's Graphics?

Jan 19, 2011

So I decided to make my famous tile selector project, but instead of drawing in a form's graphics, do it inside a tabpage.Well, I managed to get it working, but it seems to... flicker.Normally, setting the form's DoubleBuffered property to True would help a lot there, but apparently, the tabpage has no such property.

When I invalidate the tabpage, I draw two images and fill one rectangle.Following past advice, those two images were created before, just once, and are stored in a variable so I don't create them every time I invalidate the tabpage.

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Interface And Graphics :: Save Graphics As Png With Transparency?

Aug 1, 2010

Ok I have this: This makes a sub called 'graphicspaint' then writes "demo version" to a picturebox1

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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Interface And Graphics :: [VB2010] - Some Graphics Effects?

Dec 5, 2011

i whant do my own shadow effect. i can do the shandow. but how can i plus 2 bitmap images(1 above the other)?

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Interface And Graphics :: Keep Graphics Over Image

Oct 28, 2011

I load my picturebox with a jpeg. If I put my DrawObjects() sub into picturebox paint event.When ever a picturebox.refresh or picturebox.visible = true ( seems to draw my DrawObjects() first, then load the jpeg Image over my drawing - erasing drawing) Is there a way to get the picturebox to redraw the jpg image first then draw on it, in picturebox paint event?

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Parsing - Extract Characters From A Long String And Reformat The Output To CSV By Using Keywords With .net?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a task to resolve, it is regading extracting characters from a long string to the console, the extracted text shall be reformatted and saved into a CSV file. The string comes out of a database.

It looks something like: UNH+RAM6957+ORDERS:D:96A:UN:EGC103'BGM+38G::ZEW+REQEST6957+9'DTM+Z05:0:805'DTM+137:20100930154

The values are seperated by '.I can query the database and display the string on the console, but now I need to extract the Keyword 'ORDERS' for example, and lets say it's following 5 Characters. So the output should look like: ORDERS:D:96A then I need to extract the keyword 'BGM' and its following five characters so the output should look like: BGM+38G:After extracting all the keywords, the result should be comma seperated and look like:

ORDERS:D:96A,BGM+38G: it should be saved into a CSV file automatically.

I tried already:

'Lookup for containing KeyWords
Dim FoundPosition1 = p_EDI.Contains("ORDERS")

Which gives the starting position of the Keyword.I tried to trim the whole thing around the keyword "DTM". The EDI variable holds the entire string from the Database:

Dim FoundPosition2 = EDI
FoundPosition2 = Trim(Mid(EDI, InStr(EDI, "DTM")))

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VS 2008 Make An Output That Is Too Long For The MessageBox To [roll] Across The Screen Rather Than Have [newline]

Jan 13, 2010

i don't if i can make an output that is too long for the MessageBox to [roll] across the screen rather than have [newline] in

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Display The Lists Of Costs ?

Mar 20, 2011

Ok this is a hw assignment like always....just not sure on how to do the math on this form...the constants are declared for the registration fees and i did the same for the required days at each work shop i just need to find a way to multiply the days required at each workshop by the lodging fees. but i also need to display the lists of costs so its pretty complicated.

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Use A DataGridView To Display Filtered Lists From A SQL Database?

Jun 26, 2011

I use a DataGridView to display filtered lists from a SQL data base.I've used this method on almost 100 Different objects.Today i'm getting a strange error from the DGV on only one of them, If you try to select an item in the list


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Plotting Graphics And Output To Image File?

Feb 23, 2009

I am a total beginner to software development, I have purchased a copy of Visual Studio 2008 and have been working through a self teach book on Visual Basic.NET. I have some ideas for applications that I want to develop and am in need of some pointers.

I want to plot graphical objects and standard lines and rectangles based on coordinate data that I have imported into an array from a tab delimited text file. I have some bitmap symbols that I have created and I want to plot these in my programme along with some labels and save the output as a bitmap file or other suitable image file.

I am having trouble finding any help in the online documentation and want know where I need to start. Do I plot the graphics directly onto a form or do I need to add them to a picture box? When I get this far how to I create the image file?

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Comparing Lists Of Strings - Copy And Display Elements?

Dec 20, 2009

I have two lists of strings. One is a list of all students in a class and the other is a list of students in the class that completed an assignment. The two lists are part:whole. So we have two loops for copying elements and displaying them in a list box for only the students who did submit.

Dim f As Integer
f = 0
Dim h As Integer
h = 0
While (usersinclass.Count > f)
h = 0
While (usersidthatsubmittedassingments.Count > h)
[Code] .....

What I need is the remaining portion of the "usersinclass" list. (i.e. The students who did not submit). I tried an Else statement BUT with nested loops, every element is guaranteed not to match at least once, so I was getting elements that shouldn't be there. So, is there anyway to run the given lists against each other again to pull out the remaining students? (preferably with no repeats).

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Interface And Graphics :: Possible To Do Image Map

Apr 4, 2011

Just want to know if it is possible to do an image mapping in VB2010?..

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Network Interface - Equivalent To Get The Same Output In .Net?

Jan 29, 2011

I have this snippet in Java:

final InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
final NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(address);
key = new String(ni.getHardwareAddress());

"key", on my PC returns:


What would be the equivalent to get the same output in VB.Net? I have tried getting 'MAC Address' and 'Physical Address' but they do not compare to the output in Java at all?

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