Invisible Watermark Using .NET?

Aug 19, 2006

I've a project where users can upload images onto the server and i have to add an invisible water mark into it. anyway,i've recommended that it would be better to purchase or use a 3rd party API that allows the invisible watermarking to be done using VB.NET. So i was wondering does anyone have any recommendations

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Way To Make The Band In The DevExpress Banded GridView Be Invisible If All The Columns Are Also Invisible?

Jan 6, 2012

I am currently using a DevExpress (10.2) Banded GridView within my Visual Studio 2010 project. It works great except I was have an area where I allow the user to choose which columns they want visible or invisible. I noticed that if I make all the columns within a band invisible the band still remains and gives an empty column in my grid. I was wondering if there is some way to automatically

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Add A Watermark With VB?

Nov 14, 2011

i managed to make an input and output box but cant get my head over how to add a watermark with VB, ive got the arguments to add when in dos, but doesnt work when in vb The visual basic code is below

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Watermark In List Box?

Sep 16, 2011

im making a Watermark in a textbox but it keeps buging no mather what i do.i have made a class project but i cant get it to work properly the cod is


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Add Watermark On A Series Of Pictures?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a strong amount of pictures, which i would like to "protect" by adding watermark on them. Is there any way of adding watermark by using or C# ?

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How To Add A Watermark To A TIFF Image

Jun 30, 2010

Well the title says it all, i have bin trying to find an idea or a way to do this but i am stuck so maybe i can get some feedback with this.

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Use Watermark In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008?

Dec 18, 2011

is it possible to use water mark in microsoft visual studio 2008? if yes, how?

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ITextSharp Adding Background Color To Watermark Text

Dec 29, 2011

I am adding watermark text to PDFs in a class library I have created. The code I posted below works fine, however the watermark is sometimes difficult to read because it overlays with content on the PDF. How would I go about adding a white background color around the watermark text? I basically would like the watermark text to be surrounded inside a white rectangle the size of the text.


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Overlay Or Watermark A Picture In Windows Media Player?

Jan 14, 2009

I working on a distributed mediaplayer that uses the windows media player component.Now the customer asks me if its possible to have their logo overlayed on the media played instead of them having to render every movie with the logotype.I have google it and it seems like I can use a directshow filter to do this, but I havent found any good information on how to do it yet.If anyone here know If I can do this programatically, with a plugin, filter or some other way it would be nice to know. Its fine if its a plugin that costs money too. What I want is to be able to use a jpg/png as watermark/overlay to the running movie in Windows Media Player 11

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Inserting Word Watermark - System.MissingMemberException Was Unhandled By User Code

Mar 8, 2012

With oWordDoc
.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = Word.WdSeekView.wdSeekCurrentPageHeader


It throws at this line...

.Selection.HeaderFooter.Shapes.AddTextEffect(Office.MsoPresetTextEffect.msoTextEffect1, "UNCONTROLLED", "Calibri", 1, Office.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Office.MsoTriState.msoFalse, 0, 0).Select()

This is the error...

System.MissingMemberException was unhandled by user code
Message=Public member 'Selection' on type 'DocumentClass' not found.

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Word Interop: Setting Doc.Bookmarks("BookmarkName").Range.Text Causes Watermark And Other Elements Of Template To Disappear From Document

Apr 28, 2011

I am automating Word from VB.Net.I open a document by:

Dim msWord as Word.Application = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Dim doc As Word.Document = msWord.Documents.Add(Template:=Path)

where path points to a template file I created with a header and a watermark. The template has some bookmarks which I want to dynamically set to some appropriate text values:

doc.Bookmarks("DocumentTitle").Range.Text = "The Joy of Office Automation"

If I comment out that line, the document opens in Word with the watermark, etc, in place. If I let that line execute, it inserts the text as appropriate, but the watermark and other things disappear from the document. You can actually see it flash briefly, and then disappear.FWIW, this is Office Word 2007, and I am opening a .Dot (Word 97-2003) template. The Bookmark.Range.Text I am setting is in the document header.

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How To Have Invisible Audio

Feb 12, 2009

i wanna know how to have an invisible audio playing in the background of your program, as soon as someone opens it should play.

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Use SendKeys To An Invisible Cmd?

Oct 27, 2009

Im trying to use SendKeys to an invisible cmd(that i open in the program), but I can not get it to work. it just sends the text to the program that is active. is there any way to send a specific program I'm using Visual Basic Express editor 2008th

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BindingResource And Invisible Textbox

Mar 10, 2010

vs2008, Binding Resource & Binding Navigator by Wizard I had drag a field from a table into the form, and the wizard had created the binding resource and the binding navigator of the required field including the 2 field I use as PK Autoinc "ID" and PK "site". I run the form, and in the BindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click I put


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Bounded Datagridview Cannot Set Row To Invisible?

Oct 25, 2011

i have a bounded datagridview with a checkbox column

I want to set to invisible all rows not checked:

For Each oRow As DataGridViewRow In dgMulti.Rows
oRow.Visible = (CInt(oRow.Cells("Checked").Value) <> 0)

But if if have 5 rows and i check last 4 and selection is on 1st row, the 1st row is set to visible = false but still showing

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Datagrid Data Invisible?

Mar 1, 2009

I had this working but I have done something to not allow my data grid contents to appear.It appears to be working as when I select the buttons which call different stored procedures the records counts are correct yet no data appears in the grid other than what appears to be empty cells.

Private SubLoadAllDMR()
Dim AllDMR DMRDataLists


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How To Make Form Invisible

Nov 25, 2011

I am using VB.Net and I'd like to ask how could I make my form invisible while the other objects on it are visible? When I set the form's opacity property into 0%, the objects on it are affected.

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Label Wouldn't Be Invisible

Oct 6, 2009

my program reads settings from a file into an array. But i can't set the labels visibility's to false.

If Ins(2) = "NaN" Then
Label3.Visible = False
Label23.Visible = False


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Make An Invisible Button?

Apr 17, 2011

I want to make an invisible button where the text is visible but not the button. When the mouse moves onto the button there will be an outline of the button.basically it just blends in the element

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Make My Form Invisible?

Jul 25, 2010

Is it possible to make my Form invisible? Not putting Form1.Hide or Form1.Visible = false in Form_Loading. I want it to be invisible on startup, basically have no GUI.

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Make My Mainform Invisible?

Mar 10, 2010

I made a birthdaylist. You can store birthdays in it, and it will alert you on the day a person has his birthday. To do that the program has to startup when the computer starts up, and give the alert if neccesary and then close itself again. This all works, but the mainform is visible in that period.

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Setting A Datagridview Row To Invisible?

Jul 6, 2009

Public Sub View_Rows(ByVal e, ByVal Type)
rowcount = DataGridView1.RowCount
For i As Integer = 0 To rowcount - 1


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Using Two Backgroundworker On Two Different Invisible Forms?

Apr 8, 2012

i'm using two backgroundworker on two different invisible forms.One bgworker starts to work before the second, it depends on the cpu usage calculated every minute.

When the second bgworker starts to work, an operation me.invoke is called to show a message, but when the code reachs the comand, the system give me this exception : impossible to call invoke or begininvoke method without a form handle.The me.invoke method is called during the dowork fase of the bgWorker.

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VS 2008 Datagridview Invisible Row

Jul 30, 2009

Im looking for an event that fires after a user enters a tabbed page and after the datagridview on that tabbed page is painted. BUT only fires on the load, not every single time the datagridview is painted. I am making rows in the datagrid invisible to the user based on wether or not a checkbox in the row is checked.

If I do this on the Tab_Enter event it paints the datagrid before I can loop through the records and change the visible property And if I do this on the Datagridview_Paint event it fires everytime the datagrid is painted (I only want it to fire once)


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VS 2010 All Controls Are Invisible?

Apr 19, 2012

I'm having a problem with my form: all controls are suddenly insvisible! They are still working, though. It looks like this now: [URL] The menu items File, Edit, View and Extra used to be in the yellow bar above, but now they're gone, just like the status labels in the yellow bar below.

View 1 Replies - Can't Make The Inserted Row Invisible In GridView

Mar 19, 2009

In my Grid View ,When a button is clicked,i want to insert that row in to database and at the same time make the row invisible in the Grid View. I can insert in to database but can't make the inserted row invisible.


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Button On Form - Visible To Invisible?

May 18, 2012

I understand the properties to change a button from visible to invisible, but I need to be able to have two buttons alternate visibility when the first button is clicked.It's for a game. The first button is to "Begin Game" and on open, the invisible button that sits over it is called "Begin Again" which I would like to only appear once the Begin Game button has already been clicked. This would then trigger the "Begin Game" to become invisible.

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Controls On Inherited Usercontrol Are Invisible?

Jun 26, 2010

am trying to make use of inheritance to keep consistency in my user control appearance. I created a usercontrol to use as my base design, as a platform to link to a tab as acontainer. To this I added a few framing visual items like a header panel andsome labels.I then created another usercontrol that inherits from my base control, with the intention of adding the necessary items to this derived control to build it into a complete functional usercontrol that I can associate with a tab on my main form. I want to keep the visual appearance consistent across all similar derived controls. Then later if I change the design of the base form, this flows through to the derived controls.

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DataGridView Uncommitted New Row Cannot Be Made Invisible?

Nov 19, 2009

I have a DataGridView in my Form. I need to make some rows invisible based on a value. As there is not GridviewrowdataBound, I am trying to achieve it as shown in the below Code

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellFormatting[code].....

When I try to do this I am getting the Uncommitted new row cannot be made visible error.

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Delete Invisible Text From Richtextbox?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm using a richtextbox which contains some invisible text; this is so I can have the user add a hyperlink - the code inserts the hyperlink as invisible RTF text after the link text. The problem I have is trying to delete the hyperlink - if I try and set the selectionstart and selectionlength to select the hyperlink, they ignore the invisible part (which is all of it).

So, how do I select the invisible text so it can be deleted? - I have the appropriate index and length available. An alternative approach is to somehow map the index to find the location in the rtf property of the RTB and delete the text in there;

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