Is There A Way To Record Mouse Movements In Windows Instead Of Just The Form

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to create an application that logs off a computer. I want it to check for mouse movement. If the mouse hasn't been moved in a certain amount of time then log off. I created an application for a form that if the mouse isn't moved in the form in 5 seconds the application closes. The reason I am trying to create this is because I work for the board of education and we have a problem with the teachers not logging off. The students get on there computers and mess stuff up. So my questions are:

1.) Is there a way to record mouse movements in windows instead of just the form? tutorials/info?

2.) Is there a way to execute a command like you would in a command prompt? For example if you type in shutdown -r it will restart the computer. tutorials/info?

3.) I do not want an interface for this just an icon in the task bar and for it to start on bootup. tutorials/info? When it reaches the time I want it to pop up with a form and say logging off in however many seconds and then logoff.

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Record And Playback Mouse Movements

Jan 17, 2010

I am working on mouse recorder and I got it where it will record and playback the mouse movement by using 2 simple listbox and some codes. But now I am stuck on how to get it to record the clicks and also playback that as well. I was wondering if I could just use another list box to store the clicks in it? But I am sure I got to do something more extreme.

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How To Simulate Mouse Movements To Look Like Humans

Mar 3, 2012

I have few questions regarding the cursor movement. As you all know, moving the cursor is as easy as cursor.pos = new point etc... but that jumps your mouse to the new location. Anyway, here are my questions.

1.How to simulate mouse movements to look like humans'? I want my cursor not to jump around but move/ flow from point to point.

2. How do you click a point/place without moving your cursor? I know this is possible, just not sure how people do it. For example, say my mspaint. exe is minimized. I want to to random click at a coordinate in the mspaint.exe without actually having to move my original cursor.

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VS 2008 Achieve Mouse Movements With SendInput?

Aug 17, 2009

I�m trying to achieve mouse movements with SendInput.

There is code that got from Pinvoke, [URL]

<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = True)> _
Private Shared Function SendInput(ByVal nInputs As Integer, ByRef pInputs As InputLanguage,


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VS 2010 - Simulate Human Mouse Movements

Aug 12, 2009

How to simulate mouse movements to look like humans'? I want my cursor not to jump around but move/flow from point to point.

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Mouse Movements To Fast To Fire Events Accurately?

Jul 8, 2011

I'm working on a custom scroll bar. When dragging the slider, things work smoothing with what I have... that is if the users movements are smooth and slow-ish. When moving quickly the mouse move event doesn't seem to fire as accurately as I had hoped.. I attempted using the up and down buttons enter event for re positioning or "resetting" the slider whenragging is activated but still those events don't even fire when the mouse move event is firing. So I believe I hit a barrier of my .Net knowledge and hope someone here knows a way around this little issue.

Public Class Form1
Dim Dragging As Boolean
Dim mPointY As Integer


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Draw Lines On Charts With Mouse Movements In Visual Basic 2010

Apr 13, 2011

I display a Chart with several graphic lines on it. What I want to do is draw a line (using the mouse) overtop or below the chart such that it can be seen on the chart. The mouse line draw code is below. What is required is either make
the line always be on top or make the chart transparent. I don't know how to do either and I don't know if it is possible in Visual Basic 2010 as it was in VB2.

Private Sub frmComDashBrdGraph_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then


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Record Mouse Movement In Form?

Oct 18, 2009

i want to save location of Form Where mouse Move or Hover and its save in Two Listboxes like :

Listbox1 contain Width
Listbox2 contain Height

Basicaly i want to record mouse Moving. i m using Listboxes to save location

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Mouse Move Out Of Windows Form?

Mar 12, 2010

im trying to make a standby mode for my program that resets the timer when the mouse moves, is it possible to make the mouse move event trigger when the mouse moves anywhere on the desktop not just inside the form window because i cant find any articles regarding this online and i don't know how to do it

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Windows Form Which Follows Mouse Cursor

Jul 7, 2011

i'm trying to work on a seamless 'help' system on my new application, so that throughout the application, people can hover over different aspects of it to display a small window of help, which follows the cursor until the user leaves the aspect they hovered over. I have had a look around and can't find any good code for this, and tried some myself without success.

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Mouse Cursor Not Showing Up Over Windows Form

Feb 10, 2011

Can anyone with more experience with User Controls see what I've done wrong here? The mouse cursor disappears as soon as the user enters the area of the Form although MouseMove, MouseEnter and MouseLeave event handlers are firing correctly. I want an overridden custom cursor to appear on the form with a reticle such as occurs here in this image as per the code listed below and in a
VS2010 solution on SkyDrive.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Drawing


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Getting An Error When Creating A New Record In SQL Db From A Windows App Form?

Jan 18, 2011

getting an error when creating a new record in SQL db from a windows app form.Here is the error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status.
at ADODB.RecordsetClass.Update(Object Fields, Object Values)

Error is occurring on the update step.

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Update Record In Windows Form Application?

Jan 10, 2011

i am using MS access as my database and as my programing language.i want to update records based on their ID. here is the code below.

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdUpdate.Click
Dim connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:Vb.netdb1.mdb"
Dim str As String


now the code seems work, because it gives me an alert message that says" SUccessfuly Updated" but when i see the table, nothing change, what is happening any solutions out there?

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Windows Form Menustrip - Add 'save Record'

Jul 29, 2009

I have a bound windows form with a bindingnavigator control. I want to add save and new record commands to a menustrip. How do I code the menustrip selections?

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Write A Simple Windows Form That Will Make It Easy To Record A Voice Message Before Uploading It To A Remote Web Server?

Oct 2, 2011

I'd like to write a simple Windows form that will make it easy to record a voice message before uploading it to a remote web server and sending the URL to the recipient(s):


Currently, the user has to use Sound Record to record the message, use an FTP client to upload it to a web server, and finally, use an e-mail client to send the URL. I'd like to combine those three features into one.

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How To Move Mouse Outside Of A Form And Make Mouse Click Outside Of Form

Jan 15, 2011

I'm a really beginner so i want to know if its possible to make the mouse move to certain co-ordinates outside of your form and then click , and then pause before repeating.

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Forms :: Two Event Methods - Mouse Click And Mouse Down For A Single Button In A Form

Feb 1, 2009

I am new to VB.NET, Now i'm working with Events in VB.NET, I have two event methods, Mouse Click and Mouse Down for a single button in a form, I have displyed a message in each of these methods but only mouse down event is triggered. Why Mouse Click is not triggered? Similiarly I Did the same for Mouse Enter and Mouse Move for a particular button, in this case both the events are triggered.

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Mouse Hover And Mouse Leave To Open And Close The Window Form

Nov 5, 2009

how to raise the mouse leave and mouse hover events for VB when i place my mouse cursor over the button.

When my mouse cursor is over the buttons, it will raise the mouse hover event and open the form, then when the mouse leaves the button, it will close the form upon raising the mouse leave event.

but currently, When i excute this two events, the for will open and close very,very fast. so fast that it is like spamming the VB.

So i am wondering how to change the code that i have to excecute the event one time every time the mouse is over the button which is created at run time.

the codes to execute these two events are:

Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
For Each ctl As Control In PictureBox1.Controls


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Mouse Hover And Mouse Leave To Open And Close The Window Form?

Nov 12, 2009

[URL] I have tried heslacher's method which is Hi clzanas, you problems had been the result of calling a for each loop inside the events. If you only want for the button you hoover / leave to call the ShowDetails.Open/close, then you can take the code below:

Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If TypeOf sender Is Button Then


But i got the same results as my previous code, resulting in the form opening and closing so fast that it is like spamming the window.

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Can Record Configuration Of Mouse During Recording Process

Oct 17, 2009

i'm trying to make a "mouse recorder" program which will record mouse activity and then play it back using 2 timers.I'm comfortable recording and playing back mouse positions, but I'm having some trouble recording mouse clicks.I'm planning on using the "mouse_event" function to simulate the clicks during play back but I'm not really sure how I can record the configuration of the mouse during the recording process.

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Mouse Recorder - Record Clicks As Well As Movement?

Dec 6, 2010

i am trying to make a program that will recored basicly everything that you do with your mouse and play it back. I already have it to where it will record mouse positions but i want it to record clicks as well as movement.

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Record And Playback All Keyboard And Mouse Events

Oct 8, 2010

I am writing a program to record and playback all the keyboard and mouse events using the journalrecord and journalplayback methods. The code also stores this recorded event in the file and opens the file for playing. The mouse movements are playing fine but none of the mouse clicks or keyboard keypresses are playing fine. Attaching the record and playback hook procedure.

Private Function RecordHookProc( _
ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, _
ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer
'Stop recording at "BREAK" key press
[Code] .....

Win32 is a class file which I have used for declaration of constants and importing DLL files.
readFs and writeFs are the Filestreams

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VS 2005 Created A Project That Has Add New Record / Edit Record And A Search Form

Apr 1, 2009

I have created a project that has an add a new record, edit record and a search form, that has multiple text, combo boxes and is working great.Last nite I have added a checkbox under my add new record form and i am saving the checkbox value to my database, so far so good. I would like to be able to search any record that is mark with a checkbox to show up in my search screen when I do a search: [code] The problem that i am having is that now that I have added the code to my project to search for the checkbox field in the search screen and if I leave everything blank and click on the the search button I get no record found. I expected to see all that data, since I have nothing selected. Now if I click my checkbox, as soon as I click on my search button I see that two records that I have added for my test.

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Access In Datagridview Record In The Textbox By Clicking Mouse?

Jun 2, 2011

how to access in datagridview record in the textbox by clicking mouse

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Save Movements To Access 2007 Database?

Jun 11, 2011

saving data into an access 2007 database from a program created in vb 2008.

I am making a basic "game" that allows you to move a "robot" up,down,left, right and will save the movements/positions into an access 2007 database. I already have the basic movement created with buttons that will change the robot location (the movements are done though a separate class).

The main issue I have is creating the connection and saving the movements.

the access database is located here, no password and I have already added it as a datasource in vb 2008:


and has Fields: direction (char(1), x (decimal), y (decimal), TimeStamp (datetime)

I have tried some examples for and other places and I get a variety of different errors.

The code is pretty long already but here is a snippet for the up button (btnup):

If I can get it to save data into the above fields, I should just be able to edit it for the rest of the buttons.

Form 1 code:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


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Capture Muse Movements And Clicks In Visual Basic?

Jun 13, 2011

How to capture mouse movements and clicks i visual basic and then repeat the same movements and clicks automatically..and where should I save these clicks and movements for later use..

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Get Form Click Or Form Control Mouse Events To Fire DURING Form LOADing

Aug 26, 2011

Im Using VB 2008. I have MsgBox() statements in all Mouse & Form Click events to TEST & NOTHING FIRES during Form Load when I click on Form or Button Controls !!! The Form Load event contains code for Displaying the Label.Text control many times with changes in the Text to simmulate annimation.


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Coping The Active Record In A Form To Another Table And Then Deleting The Record From The Original Table?

Aug 18, 2011

I am leaning VB and have created a basic inventory app for work that consist of 4 tables, CurrentInventory, Surplus, Staff and Category. Each of these tables have a corresponding form. My question is with the CurrentInventory and Surplus form/tables. I want a button on the CurrentInventory Form that when clicked the current record would be transferred to the Surplus table and deleted from the CurrentInventory table.I am assuming that I could somehow use the INSERT command to copy the current record to the surplus table but I am not sure how to accomplish this.

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.net - Mouse Hook In .NET And Windows Forms?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a form that is displayed, not by ShowDialog, but by setting its visible property to true. This is so it behaves like a dropdown.The form installs a mouse hook, using SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, ...).

I detect if the mouse is clicked outside of the dropdown and if so, return 1 in my HookProc method and close the dropdown.The strange thing is, if I click outside of my drop down on to a textbox, the textbox still receives the mouse click, after my dropdown closes, even though it's been handled by my HookProc method.It gets stranger... If I click on a label or button, they do not receive the mouse click, as expected, after the drop down closes!


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Simulating Mouse Click Through Windows API

Sep 12, 2010

When I execute DoMouseClick then I get a PInvkokeStackImbalaced. I searched on google and tried some other things nothing really worked.
Public Class PerformClick
Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
[Code] .....

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