JSON Stringify And Parse Capability For VB

Aug 11, 2009

I looked on the JSON.org website but I couldn't find any JSON library for Visual Basic .NET, does one exist?

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Using JSON.NET To Parse JSON Generated Through PHP?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm not finding quite the information I'm needing so I thought I'd post this.

I've written a PHP script that returns a simple JSON object that looks like this:


I'm doing a standard web request that submits the required data to the script over the internet and that's working fine.

Now, I want to use JSON.NET to pull out the individual variables so I can know what the values of "status" and "level" are. The problem is, I have no idea where to start.

I'm doing this in VB.NET (on the .NET Compact Framework).

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C# - Parse JSON String Into DataSet?

Nov 16, 2011

I have to the replication.That time have to pass String as JSON

{"Table1" :
{"Name" : "MyCustomer","Description" : "cutomer","Status" : "1"}, {"Name" : "Kiraa","Description" : "My","Status" : "1",}[code]......

This is my format of JSON result. I want to convert to DataSet.I have installed JSON.NET library. I am using C#.net

public bool convertJSONToDataSet(string strBusinessUnit, string strExecutiveCode, string strTableName, String jsonContent)
DataSet dataset = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<String>(jsonContent);[code].....

here this statement is wrong DataSet dataset = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<String>(jsonContent); how to covert to a JSON string to a Dataset.

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Parse Json From Such As Twitter Etc In Applications?

Mar 27, 2011

How can I parse json from such as twitter etc in vb.net applications.

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.Net Regex To Parse Specific JSON Format

Feb 20, 2010

I'm writing a little web service which generates SO/SF/SU/MSO user flair in the form of an image with various "themes". I find this preferable to using the HTML/JS solutions offered by SO as it's more flexible and also works better in forum signatures.

I'm retrieving the data using the apparently unofficial API (More info here). I can have the data in HTML or JSON. I assumed the JSON would be easier to parse.

Unfortunately, I'm not great at regexes. and the best I can come up with is some very hacky sub-stringing. I believe a regex should be the most elegant solution

regex that matches ID, GravatarURL, ProfileURL, DisplayName, Reputation and Badge Counts (Bronze/Silver/Gold).

FWIW This is to be used in a VB.Net project (in case that affects the syntax at all)


In case any of you are interested, some screenshots of the flair as a work in progress are available here: Me, Jeff Atwood, Joel Spolsky

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Parse And Extract Specific Elements Out Of A JSON?

May 9, 2011

how to parse and extract specific elements out of a JSON that I obtain from a web source. Using Visual Studio 2010 and VB. I can get the JSON but I haven't been able to find any examples or tutorials regarding parsing the data, locating specific elements and their associated data.

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Twitter Json - Unable To Convert To Jobject Or Jarray Using Json.net / Javascriptserializer?

May 9, 2012

I am been stuck on this for 3 days now...I have been accessing the twitter api to pull a user_timeline for a list of users and the json that comes back is impossible to work with. I tried to deserialize it using javascriptserializer and get an error:invalid object passed in , ':' or '}'

Now this is frustrating since I expect the json being returned to be error free. Then I tried json.net and split the posts using string.split and tried to convert each post to Jobject or jarray. for Jarray I get

'unexpected end of content while loading jArray


Now I have formatted the code here and not pasted the whole file but it does look like valid json to me and I do not alter anything after receiving the stream from the twitter api. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I really need to get this stuff parsed?

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JSON.NET Deserialize - Next JSON String - Returns Always An Empty Result

Feb 21, 2011

I'm strugling the whole day with the next JSON string


How can i deserialize this? What's wrong with the next code (vb.net)

Public Class DataString
Private m_link As String
Public Property link() As String


It returns always an empty result.

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Receiving Json And Send Back Json On Server-side?

Jul 28, 2011

how to receive and send back json. Hope someone can help me on this. I understand by examples.

On my clientside, I am sending a ajax json string "name":"theName" to the server side and would like the server side to return a string saying "welcome &name ".

Client-side code
<!DOCTYPE html>


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Deserializing JSON Into Byrefrence ParametrizedConstructor Object With Json?

Nov 12, 2010

Below is my JSON formated String

{"AliasName": "ysiCountryInfo", "DataClass": {"Description":"United States 111","Code":"usa","WriteOffTaxPointAdjustment":0,"IndexationRounding":6}}
I would like to deserialize object into below class


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Convert JSON String To JSON Object?

Jan 18, 2012

I have a JSON response from a web service that I need to be converted to an object then to an array. My response is similar to the one below:

{"status":{"error":"NO","code":"200","description":"none","message":"Request ok"},"geolocation":{"lat":"38.89515","lng":"-77.0310"},"stations":[{"country":"United States","regPrice":"0.00","midPrice":"0.00","prePrice":"0.00","streetAddress":"1401, I St[code]....

I am doing this is VB.NET within a console for now. Basically I am trying to create a simple way to test my API calls and output the information. What I am trying to accomplish is having to loop through the JSON array and list the stations.

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Convert JSON To Array OR JSON To XML?

Jul 17, 2011

How can I convert a JSON string to an array OR a JSON string to XML in VB.NET? I know how to do this in C#, as I have read dozens of articles on it, however, I am unable to figure out how to achieve the same result in VB.NET.

I'm using the System.Web.Script namespace via System.Web.Extensions.dll (from Microsoft).

I'm willing to use an additional DLL file if needed.

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Why There's No Block Comment Capability

Feb 4, 2010

Does anyone know why there's no block comment capability in VB .NET? (Unless there really is

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C# - Directx Basic Capability Testing?

Apr 6, 2009

I have a managed directx 9.0c application that fails to run on some low spec machines (ones without graphics card).I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions with regards to the minimum directx caps to test for so that I can catch a potential failure before trying to run the application.The directx application only displays a few meshes and a couple of textures and nothing too intensive

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IDE :: Lost Edit And Continue Capability

May 12, 2012

In the last day or two I've lost the ability to edit code while the program is running (and halted at a breakpoint).I also can't instantiate otherwise unused test variables for purposes of examination - I'm told they don't exist in the current context.Also System. Diagnostics.Debug doesn't work anymore.the error message generated when attempting to edit is :Changes are not allowed in the following cases:

- When the debugger has been attached to an already running process.

- The code being debugged was optimized at build or run time.

- The assembly being debugged is loaded as domain-neutral.

- The assembly being debugged was loaded through reflection.

I suspect that optimizations are being performed that are causing all this but I can't find where they are being set nor why they have changed.tools/options/debug shows that Edit and Continue is enabled although it is grayed out while the progarm is running. Windows 7, X86.

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Resume Capability With System.net.webclient

Apr 15, 2011

I want to make a download Manager with resume capability (dont refer me to codeproject examples which use httpwebrequest and webresponse classes) i want to make the use of system.net.webclient class. I know it can provide me with events and stuff but is it possible to resume our downlaods with this class ?

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Count Down Timer With Resume Capability Even The PC Is Shutdown

Oct 20, 2011

i want to create a program that has a countdown timer for a specific time month/day/hours with resume capability...


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Intelligent Combo Box With Type Ahead Capability?

Mar 29, 2012

I am writing a windows application in VB.Net.

My client wants an intelligent combo box with type ahead capability. For example let's I have a list of companies. I want to find my company "MetaPro". With the Microsoft combo box if you type in the first letter of the name it will bring up first one starting with that letter. For example I type in "M" it will bring up "Mass. Dept. of Ed.", I then type in "E" I get the first one starting with "E" maybe "E, G & G" where I want the first one starting with "ME".

Perhaps there is an open source solution to this or I could create a custom control. But I don't know how.

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.net - JSON Parsing Using JSON.net?

Feb 15, 2011

I am accessing the facebook api and using the json.net library (newtonsoft.json.net)I declare a Jobject to parse the content and look for the specific elements and get their values. Everything works fine for the first few but then I get this unexplained nullexception error " (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)Now I took a look at the declaration but cannot see how to change it. Dim jobj as JObject = JObject.Parse(responseData) message = jobj("message").tostring

The error occurs at the last line above.I check to see if message is null and then look for the next desired field as follows


This is one example where "message" does not appear in the first few lines but appears later. So what I do is look for position of message and description and which ever is first go and get that and if I get an error or the fields do not return anything, I try and parse by regex and even that is not working right.

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C# - Parse An Expression And Retrieve A Parse Tree?

Jun 8, 2012

I just want to parse simple expressions like IIF(FVAL(PFC) = TRUE, (IIF((ORGVAL(BAS, "2012/12/31") + ORGVAL(DA)) < 6500, (FVAL(BAS) + FVAL(DA)) * 12%, 780)), 0)`After parsing this I should be able to know what functions contains what parameters.


I'm stuck with .Net Framework 2.0, so no Linq or lambda expression goodies for me. Also I want to include the code in my custom library and not just reference it. Can anyone point me to some good library or code.

I just need to parse and not evaluate the expression and find what tokens are in use. After finding the tokens I need to change the expression string before parsing, like if the function ORGVAL is used then the parameter passed has has to be prefixed by an underscore. Like ORGVAL(BAS) will transform to ORGVAL(_BAS). Some functions can have tow parameters like ORGVAL(BAS, "2012/12/31") and this will transform to ORGVAL(_BAS, "2012/12/31")


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Win32 API A Good Approach For Use With USB Communication Between VB2005 And A Microcontroller With USB Capability?

Feb 17, 2011

Is Win32 API a good approach for use with USB communication between VB2005 and a microcontroller with USB capability? If so where can I find these APIs?

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DB/Reporting :: Add Data-entry Capability To My App Using Password-protection User-access

Mar 8, 2009

I'm presently creating an application which uses Access2007 as the database. No problem there. But Since most use Excel for data-entry, i've created two tables in access linked to excel source file. Any change in excel will reflect in Access database and subsequently in my Application . Until now my application only reads the database and displays records in DataGridView. These records, i then export to excel along with other formatting for direct printing as a report as I have no idea how to make report. Now i want to add data-entry capability to my app using password-protection user-access. So i can directly add new record to source file. Also need to know if There's any way of eliminating Access from the picture entirely....

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File I/O And Registry :: Use The Bitmasking Capability Of The FileAttributes Enumeration To Indicate Which Attributes Changed?

Nov 18, 2009

I've got an issue with an Access97 replicated database that I'm writing a small monitoring app for. I've got FSW's to track changes to the necessary files, but am having some issue in enumerating exactly what has changed in some instances, specifically when attributes may have changed. I'm using a similar strategy to track this as I did for changes in size. I've got a Private class variable for the size of each file and a local method variable and compare the two, when different, update the class variable for the next comparison.


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Asmx Json Serialization Versus Wcf Json Serialization?

Nov 24, 2011

I have two experimental web services. One is an asmx contained within a .net web application. The other is a WCF service library being invoked from the web application.The asmx basically does everything I need, but I think WCF would be better, except that it doesn't do anything as I would expect after fiddling with the asmx service.For example, the same method behaves differently in each:

<WebMethod(BufferResponse:=True, EnableSession:=False)>
Function Test(aObject as Object) as Object
' object will have been successfully serializaed into a dictionary


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Asp.net - Integrate Ckeditor File Upload And File Browser Capability?

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to integrate the ckeditors file browser and upload image tools, i have managed to set the ckeditor to allow you to click on the browse file button and upload tag but how do i use ASP.NET VB to open the file browser and make the upload image work?

I am using the .NET 3.6.0 version where they provided the DLLS

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Adding Windows Explorer Capability To A Windows Form App?

Aug 27, 2010

So i am having a bit of a problem.. What i want is for my application to show the panel in the from to display a windows explorer selection.. Look here

You see the panel 2 in here... Well the panel 2 needs to display this...

Is this possible you know like with a library or an extension or something.. Or do i need to make my own System for viewing files..???

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Translate PHP Json Webservice Request TO .Net Json Webservice Request?

Jun 13, 2011

I have to send a request to Webservice and I have a working PHP solution, that I have to translate in VB.net

Here's the code working in PHP

//fill in the details of the contacts.userId is obtained from loginResult.
$contactData = array('lastname'=>'Valiant', 'assigned_user_id'=>$userId);
//encode the object in JSON format to communicate with the server.


Naturally I imported a reference to a Json library and Imported (Imports Newtonsoft.Json)?

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C# - Using JSON In .Net?

Feb 5, 2010

What libraries are available to handle JSON in .Net? I've seen this: [URL]..but would prefer a native library, if possible.

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Using JSON With .NET ASP.NET 2.0?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm trying to understand how to actually use, and create JSON data.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
using (JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(sw))


and I am sure it does... but how do I view it? How do I turn that into an object that the browser can output.It seems to me that the first stage I need to resolve is "how to create" JSON files/strings, next stage will be how to actually use them. If it helps answer the question, what I'm aiming for initially is to be able to use AJAX Autocomplete from a search page generated from my MySQL database, I was hoping I could write a simple SQL query and have that returned using something similar to the above?

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.net - JSON.Net Always Returns {}

May 17, 2011


I always get {} as answer. What's wrong?

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