Javascript Command In ASP - Window.close Doesn't Always Work

Aug 22, 2011

I have a question regarding a javascript command. What I am doing is on a page, a user clicks on a print button which I have another page open up and at the bottom of that page, I put in a simple script command, but I have noticed that my window.close doesn't always work. [Code]

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Me.Close() Doesn't Work - The Form Doesn't Close?

Apr 16, 2009

The form is an About Us form so has nothing on it only a text box and a OK button.


Why won't the button close the form? I'm puzzled, I tried another button just in case with the same result. UPDATE: I set a break point on Me.Close() and it isn't reaching it when I click the button, I created a new button and the same thing happened.

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Response.Write() With Javascript Doesn't Work Properly?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm having a problem with this code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
clave = Request.QueryString("cve")
If clave = Nothing Then


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JavaScript - Window.Open Will Not Work Twice

Jul 21, 2011

I have an aspx page with a button. When the user clicks that button, the following javascript opens a new browser window (in this case, 'Reasons.aspx'). Works great. Here's the function for that part:

function ShowPanel(url) {
var width = 750;
var height = 600;
var left = (screen.width - width) / 2;
var top = (screen.height - height) / 2;
[Code] .....

When this window pops up, there are some controls. One of which is a button, which triggers almost identical code to popup a third window (in this case, ReasonCodes.aspx). Only it won't work. Here's the code for that:
function fGetReasons(url) {
var width = 750;
var height = 600;
var left = (screen.width - width) / 2;
var top = (screen.height - height) / 2;
[Code] ....

I've set breakpoints on the javascript. It does execute. Here's what's weird -- The above javascript executes, only I don't get a new window with ReasonCodes.aspx. However, I set a breakpoint in the page_load of ReasonCodes.aspx and all of it executes. So the javascript executes, the code-behind page_load of the third page executes, but I don't get a third page. Instead, the second window (Reasons.aspx) refreshes. It's like my third window is somehow 'hidden'.

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What Command Will Actually Close The Console Window

Sep 25, 2003

I'm writing a console Application in VB.NET. I give user a list of menus to choose from and the last one is Enter 'Q' to quit. what command will actually close the console window.

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Shell Command To Hide .exe Script Doesn't Work

Aug 8, 2011

I'm having trouble getting this Shell command to hide this script. I got this Shell command to work with other compiled VB script but blog_finder.exe was created by some other program. Any ideas on how to hide it or minimize it. All variations of doesn't seem to work. [Code]

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Cancel A Webbrowser Close Window Command?

Dec 5, 2009

I have a webbrowser control in 2008 that navigates to a page, submits some data, then wait for the data to be submitted. The problem is that once submitted, the website sends back a close windows request[code]...

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Command Item Template For Grid Doesn't Seem To Work - ASP.NET | Dream.In.Code

Jul 28, 2009

I have a page with multiple RadPageViews, some with RadGrids in them. They all need command item template in order for the user to edit and refresh the grid. On my first page view, the item template works perfectly, poping-up the edit form for the user to edit the data of the selected row. On my second page view, the command item template buttons don't seem to want to work (not even the refresh). If it were just the edit button then i would suppose there'd be a problem with my edit form, but not its that no buttons seems to work (not even refresh). The grid does display the information correctly too.

Here is the code of the pageview who's radgrid doesn't seem to work:


I've been going through it many times and i don't understand why it doesn't work. I've also compared it to the working pageview and there doesn't seem to be any noticeable difference between them both.

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Windows Messaging - SendMessage() Doesn't Work On A Window Already Found?

Oct 14, 2011

I am trying to SendMessage to an app called 'Signal threads' - a test app which sends out a message called TV1_Threads, and listens for a reply. I have shown the values of each variable in the commented areas.


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[2008] Notify Icon When The User Clicks The Close Button That It Doesn't Close The Form?

Jan 17, 2009

I have set up a notify icon for my form. I want to make it so that when the user clicks the close button that it doesn't close the form it just takes it to shows the notify icon. They can exit the program from the notify icon. Can someone tell me how to keep it running?

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Tooltip On Windows 7 Doesn't Work VB2010 - Thecolor Doesn't Change ?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to change the background color of a tooltip

I am using tooltip.backgroundcolor = color.colr

No errors but thecolor doesn't change

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Forms :: When Me.close() Doesn't Close Form

Mar 2, 2009

I have a situation where me.close() doesn't close the form. I have a form with a button with the code seen below. What happens when the button is clicked is the new form shows, but the original form(calling form) is still there. When I go into debug mode, I can see the me.close() execute, but nothing happens (calling form stays open). When I close the second form both forms close. If I comment out the call for the second form to open the first form closes without problem.

Private Sub cmdNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdNext.Click
Dim f As New frmOrder3


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VS 2010 : Close A Third-party Window (application) If A Specified String Was Found In The Window Title?

May 2, 2012

Excuse me for posting this, but I have searched both Google along with this forum before asking this question, maybe I'm not using the right keywords but I apologize if it's easy to find.I would like to know how one could close a third-party window (application) if a specified string was found in the window title.

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Close A Third-party Window (application) If A Specified String Was Found In The Window Title

Nov 30, 2010

I would like to know how one could close a third-party window (application) if a specified string was found in the window title.

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PerformClick() Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 2, 2011

I have an application that requires data be entered, and after entering, a button is clicked to process that data. Clicking the button works just as it should--the data is processed properly. In constructing a test module, I provide a set of data values, followed by:


Nothing happens. I have used this syntax for years, and it has always worked flawlessly. I have triple checked everything else and isolated the problem to the failure of the PerformClick(). The PerformClick() is in a test subroutine that does nothing but fill textboxes and labels with default data, then calls the PerformClick() on the button to begin processing. Again, the button works fine, the data is entered as it should be, but the PerformClick() does not fire the click event.

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Command Line Switches - Keeping Command Window Open?

Feb 24, 2010

I am using the following code to run defrag and to analyze if the C: drive requires defragmentation:

Dim analyze As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:WindowsSystem32defrag.exe", "C: /a /h /u /v")

This process runs through analyzing, runs it in normal mode & prints the progress to the command window.

My problem is that as soon as the process is complete the command window closes. I need it to stay open so that I can read the results.

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Javascript - HiddenField Value Doesn't Get Removed

Nov 1, 2011

I have a javascript function that moves items between 2 select multiple box, when I move item from the source select box to the destination select box, I add the value to my HiddenField so that I can access in code behind, works fine but when I move item(s) from the destination select box back to the source select box, I try to use : hidMemType.value = ""; to clear the hiddenfield. I thought this works but apparently in the event of a postback, the item still gets stuck in the destination box.

// Move items to and fro select box
function move(sourceFrom, sourceTo) {
var hidOutlet = document.getElementById('<%=hdnOutlet.ClientID%>');


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Automatically Close Javascript Prompt Boxes?

Feb 24, 2011

How would I go about having my application automatically close an onbeforeunload prompt box that warns you before leaving the page?

Example: [URL]

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How To Work With Javascript

Nov 14, 2011

i have a GUIform that will display an AxWebBrowser to show a html table which have some interactive controls that required javascript to work.I already prepared the javascript with the valid functions.Example:Inside AxWebBrowser have a button, when i pressed the button, it will display the current time inside the AxWebBrowswer. Is that possible to do this? and how? Just place the .js file in the same place and set the src equals to the .js file path? but it seems not work.And after several tried, i found maybe JScriptCodeProvider can do this. but i no idea how to point the src to the jscript running in memory.

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WebBrowser Control Is Running Into Javascript Error That IE Doesn't?

Oct 21, 2009

If I use IE I can visit the website I want and click the 'Next' button and life is good. If I open that same website using the webBrowser control and click the 'Next button I get a javascript error message.I'm not doing anything in the code to manipulate the website. My goal, eventually, is to have some level of automation; but at this point, I get the javascript error and a pop-up and it screws everything else.

View 2 Replies - Javascript .focus() Won't Work With Tab

Jun 10, 2011

For some reason none of my setfocus() events were working on the server side of my web ap, so I created a javascript function setfocus that is set to trigger on the onload event of the body tag.

<body onload="SetFocus()">

The user will click a radio button which enables the drop down. they select from the drop down which enables the textbox. When they scan a barcode into the textbox it will automatically tab out of the field, therefore triggering the onchange event to call some server side code which, if a successful SQL insert is completed, will insert a new row to the gridview, and it should set focus automatically back to the textbox via javascript. Once that gridview object has more than a header and a row of data, I disable the drop down and radio button list, so if you look at the javascript below, i can't use those as criteria in my if statement anymore.


var MatAllRB = document.getElementById("HF_RB_MatAll").value;
var MatAllCL = document.getElementById("DD_SelectCL_All").value;
var MatAll = document.getElementById("Txt_MatBC_All");


When I view the source the textbox looks like this:

<input name="Txt_MatBC_All" type="text" onchange="javascript:setTimeout(&#39;__doPostBack(&#39;Txt_MatBC_All&#39;,&#39;&#39;)&#39;, 0)" onkeypress="if (WebForm_TextBoxKeyHandler(event) == false) return false;" id="Txt_MatBC_All" class="Form" />

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C# - Catch The Event Of The Window Close Button(red X Button On Window Right Top Corner) In Wpf Form?

Jan 23, 2012

How to catch the event of the window close button(red X button on window right top corner) in wpf form ? We have got the closing event, window unloaded event also, but we want to show a pop up if he clicks the close button of the wpf form.

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Automated Excel Doesn't Close

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to automate writing some data to an Excel spreadsheet (Office 2010, VS 2010), save the spreadsheet, and then open the spreadsheet for the user to view and edit. When I save the spreadsheet, an instance Excel is left running in the Task manager. No matter how many spreadsheets I create, there is always instance in Task Manager left.[code]...

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Splash Screen Doesn't Close?

Apr 23, 2012

My Splash screen is acting funny. I may have inadvertently changes some detail somewhere, but I'm not sure where. I have a main form and a splash screen set in the "My Project" screen. When I test the program the splash screen shows up, as does the main form - simultaneously. The main form functions properly, but when I close it the splash screen doesn't close and the application runs forever.

I've tried removing and replacing splash screens to no effect. I've tried using the minimumsplashscreendisplaytime method, but nothing changes. Is there some page of information somewhere, independent of any individual splash screen, that manages all of this?

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VS 2008 A Form Doesn't Close?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a Main form that lauches sometimes a secondary form with the

code... (FrmAlert.TopMost = True)
some seconds after, from the Main form I launch the
but the form don't closes itself!


to activate the form, but it don't closes itself, both with .Close or .Dispose or .Hide code even if it is activated by frmAlert.Select()... the FrmAlert.Visible property remains = False

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C# - Execute InsertQuery Command From SqlDataSource In JavaScript

Sep 27, 2011

I am using ASP.NET

If I want to execute my Insert command from my SqlDataSource in my code behind I would do this.


But how would I be able to do this in JavaScript?

<script type='text/javascript' language="javascript">
function valSubmit() {
//Need to call the Insert Command here!


Where in my code behind can I place the Insert() command to make sure only after my valSubmit() function in JavaScript have executed it will then execute the Insert Command?

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Javascript Does Not Work With Response.redirect

Jul 9, 2009

[code]I have the above code in my aspx.vb file but the Response.write script doesnot work it directly redirects the page.but if i remove response.redirect the script works fine.

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.net - Me.Close Does Not Work

Sep 22, 2011

I'm working with'm having problems while I connect my application to my database today so I wanted to add an error handling to close the form.The problem is that when I put Me.close in a form, this form still open. I used the Form.Closing event handler to verify that it was called, and then ran my application in step by step which showed that the event handler was called, but the application continues and the errors appears to the to close a form properly without closing the application?

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After Close The Executable File Doesn't Save Anything In Favorites

Jun 3, 2011

I'm working on this advanced web browser with my friend, and we made a favorites feature. So, it works and all that, but, after I close the executable file, it doesn't save anything!


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VS 2010 - DownloadFileAsync No Progress - Form Doesn't Close

Jun 17, 2010

I'm trying to download a file, which works fine, but the progress-bar is showing me no progress and because of that the form doesn't close. Could anyone tell me what is/could be wrong with my code. The weird thing is that the same code is working in my another app. [Code]

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