Key Press Function With 60 Second Timer

Apr 22, 2009

I have placed a timer on the main menu form I set the timer to 60 seconds I want the timer to check for user inactivity if no key pressed at 60 seconds I want the application to navigate to the login page. I have a rough idea how to do this but I don't know which functions to use this is on a mobile application in visual studio 2008.

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VS 2008 Difference Of Sleep Function And Pause Function (using Timer) Between A Loop

Aug 20, 2009

Hi. what is the difference of sleep function and pause function (using timer) between a loop.

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Enter Key Press (Register Hotkey Function)

Jun 23, 2009

I registered a function that I made in Enter Key. But it is possible that if I used to register Enter Key for my function the original registered key of Enter Key will not be replace. So, the Enter Key will not be replace, it will just add another function for hotkey.

Here's my code:
Private Sub DexLogger_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
RegisterHotKey(Me.Handle, TZIH_keyID1, 0, VK_RETURN)
[Code] .....

View 7 Replies

Backround Timer - Press A Button And It Changes Form 1 Backround Into A Difrent Color

Aug 8, 2010

1. I am making a program in here i press a button and it changes form 1 backround into a difrent couler which i have don code for number 1

( Private Sub cmdColor_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pnlColor.Click

If pnlColor.BackColor = Color.Red Then

pnlColor.BackColor = Color.Blue


2. But next i whant to create it where you press the button onece and it turns to a couler and then wait 30 seconds and it changes to another couler any ideas for number 2

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Program A Specific Function Key Press To Perform That Key's Action?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm new to VB and Windows programming but I do have a fair amount of experience programming at the command line level. A friend is having problems with his laptop. He does a lot of speaking engagements with Powerpoint. His laptop uses the F7 key to toggle the output to his external monitor port to the video projector. The F7 key has stopped doing this. Is there a way to create a Windows program that will do this without using a DOS window? He is not familiar with command line processing and needs something that he can double-click.

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Run The Function When You Close The Form Or You Press The Logout Button?

May 9, 2010

I have a Function Named Logout. Code is below;

Private Sub Logout()

Everytime I login, It seems to run the logout function also. It DOES NOT do the SendRequest, but it does the me.client.dispose() which logs you out of chat. Is there a way where i can make this function only work when a button is pressed or the form is closing. In the form closing and btnLogout code I have Logout(), but I only want it to run that function when you close the form or you press the logout button, not when you log in. Is there anyway?

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Associate A Timer To Function?

Mar 8, 2012

I am facing another issue. I want to associate a timer to my function. Actually what i am doing is that i am tryin to store certain values in a database. A function is such that it calculates 5 values and stores them in a database. While storing them in the database it displays them in a textbox on the form. Now i want to display them one by one which it does. But it does it so fast that i can only see the last value that it enters in the database inside the textbox.

Can i make it show all the values slowly one by one.

Private Sub dbInsert(ByVal strfile As String, ByVal hashoffile As String, ByVal p As Integer)
'parameter to the above function (ByVal strfile As String)


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Using The Keydown Function In A Timer?

Feb 14, 2012

I am making a game that involves using the arrow keys I have been using the keydown function for the form but when i use it now all the timers seem to stop. this was my previous code for the arrow keys using the keydown function:

If e.keydata = keys.up Then
If pbxship.Top <= 77 Then
pbxship.Top += 10


but this does not do anything like the keys are not pressed, does anyone know how to make it work or a different way to do this in a timer

View 6 Replies

How To Use Timer Function Just As Time Delay

May 29, 2010

What line of code would I need to use the timer function just as a delay, so like as lines are being executed, once it gets to this timer it waits for say 1500 milliseconds before execution is continued.

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Reset Function For Countdown Timer?

Feb 13, 2012

i have a coundown time in which will trigger once i run my main screen in my "MAIN SCREENFORM" ....... I create a "RESET button" on other form call "FORM2" , now the problems is how should i write the code when i click reset button it will reset the count value my lblcountime.text and start re-countdown again from the start?

Public Sub MainScreen_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
timeleft = 120
lblCountTime.Text = "120 seconds"[code].......

View 5 Replies

VS 2005 - Function Based On Timer?

Feb 9, 2010

I can't seem to get one of my functions to work based on a timer. Every tick of the timer, I'm trying to call a function which will start periodically taking screen shots until the 'Finish' button is pressed. However, I've run into numerous errors and wondered if anyone could give me any insight or suggestions. Here is what I have so far.


One of the errors included "Public Sub RunAC() does not have the same signature as delegate". This might be really obvious, I'm a recent Computer Programmer / Analyst graduate with intermediate experience.

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VS 2008 Associate A Timer To Function?

Mar 8, 2012

I want to associate a timer to my function. Actually what i am doing is that i am tryin to store certain values in a database. A function is such that it calculates 5 values and stores them in a database. While storing them in the database it displays them in a textbox on the form. Now i want to display them one by one which it does. But it does it so fast that i can only see the last value that it enters in the database inside the textbox. Can i make it show all the values slowly one by one.

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Control The Timer Function In Window Form?

Aug 11, 2009

how to use the timer to control the blinking? Cuz i tried to stop one timer, it did stop this timer but if i didnt stop the timer 1, both timer 1 and timer 2 will begin although the data is in different entity. By right if the alarm comes in from block 2, only block 2 button will blink, like wise if the alarm comes in from block 1, only block 1 button will blink

the below is my code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Drawing.Image


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Get Threading.Timer To Do A Function Everyday At A Specific?

Jun 9, 2010

I've been trying to get this part of my code to work but it hasn't done anything. I'm trying to create a function that sends an email everyday at a specific time. I thought threading.timer would work but i haven't figured it out yet. I don't get errors when its executed but it also does nothing. If someone could tell me whats going on with this piece of code,


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Timer Control - Calling Function At 8 To 11 Seconds

Apr 15, 2010

I have successfully set up a timer in visual basic, see the code below. My timer uses case statements and at specific case/time it calls a function, 'ShuttleA'. 'ShuttleA' function, is a function that 'getskeystate', which inturn from the user interface tallies a response in a text box. My problem is that the program runs fine when calling the function at eg; at 10 seconds, case 10. But I want to be able to call the function e.g., at 8 seconds to 11 seconds. Or create a tolerance of e.g., 1 second either side of e.g., 10.

PrivateSub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim secondsAsInteger
seconds += 1
Label1.Text = seconds
SelectCase seconds
[Code] .....

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Timer Event Is Not Generated When C Dll Function Is Called

May 14, 2012

Net_mang_Form.Prg_bar.Visible = True
Net_mang_Form.Prg_bar.Value = 0


Here Net_mang_Form is Form1 and this code is written in button click event of Form2.

file_send is the function of dll .

prg_Timer is the timer control .

Prg_bar is Progress bar control.

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VS 2010 Cancel The Timer From Within The Callback Function

Mar 16, 2012

I was trying to use the System.Threading.Timer to run a function every 250ms - but I'm finding it difficult to cancel the timer from within the callback function. I can't seem to find a reference to "this" (js has this - it's so nice). At any rate - how could I start a callback running 250ms from now - without a timer - and then if I want to continue it again do another start for 250ms.

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Forms :: Create A Timer And Assign It A Function For Each Row Of Data Gotten From A SQL Query?

Dec 31, 2009

Basically, I want to create a timer for each row of data that will get returned by a SQL query:

SELECT * FROM Projects

I would want the timers to be called "Compteur" & ROWID. This really is necessary.I need them to have different Ticks and so that some can be enabled all at once. Basically it is for a project tracker to count the time you are working on the current project. However you could indeed work on many project at the same time.

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Split Function And Save Once Press The Save Button?

May 13, 2009

I am writing a program that involves the split Function. The user will enter A, B, C. I wrote a splic fuction code (below). I am not quite sure if it is right, I would also like to know how to write the code for that split function when the user preses the save button after entering there input.

Dim strInput As String 'input string
Dim strOutput() As Sting 'output string array
strInput = "A, B, C," 'user input
strOutput = Split(strInput, ",") 'splits the input string

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"Press Any Key To Continue" Function?

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to code a function which will pause the system until the user presses the key. I did some googling and I was able to find this function called getch() for c++ but no luck for Is there a such as function as getch() for

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Make A Function So When Press A Key Like "F2"

Oct 29, 2009

I think its called e.keys?

How do I make a function so when you press a key like "F2" I can make it do another function like bring up a message box?

View 9 Replies

VS 2005 - Timer Function - Project "Computer Rentals"

Oct 4, 2009

How to convert this to codes? i want to put it in my project "Computer Rentals"

[VB6 codes]
Public Sub xClock(Optional ByVal xSec As Variant = 1)
Dim iCnt As Variant


I use this procedure as my own timer, put it in module as public procedure.

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Extend My Interval Timer Timer To Include Hours In Addition To Minutes And Seconds?

Aug 2, 2010

What I need to do to make this code work for hours as well?[code]...

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.net - Accurate Windows Timer - System.Timers.Timer() Is Limited To 15 Msec

Jan 15, 2009

I need an accurate timer to interface a Windows application to a piece of lab equipment.I used System.Timers.Timer() to create a timer that ticks every 10 msec, but this clock runs slow. For example 1000 ticks with an interval of 10 msec should take 10 wall-clock seconds, but it actually takes more like 20 wall-clock sec (on my PC). I am guessing this is because System.Timers.Timer() is an interval timer that is reset every time it elapses. Since it will always take some time between when the timer elapses and when it is reset (to another 10msec) the clock will run slow. This probably fine if the interval is large (seconds or minutes) but unacceptable for very short intervals.Is there a function on Windows that will trigger a procedure every time the system clock crosses a 10 msec (or whatever) boundary?

UPDATE: System.Timers.Timer() is extremely inaccurate for small intervals.I wrote a simple program that counted 10 seconds several ways:

Interval=1, Count=10000, Run time = 160 sec, msec per interval=16
Interval=10, Count=1000, Run time = 16 sec, msec per interval=15
Interval=100, Count=100, Run time = 11 sec, msec per interval=110
Interval=1000, Count=10, Run time = 10 sec, msec per interval=1000

It seems like System.Timers.Timer() cannot tick faster that about 15 msec, regardless of the interval setting.Note that none of these tests seemed to use any measurable CPU time, so the limit is not the CPU, just a .net limitation (bug?)For now I think I can live with an inaccurate timer that triggers a routine every 15 msec or so and the routine gets an accurate system time. Kinda strange, but...I also found a shareware product ZylTimer.NET that claims to be a much more accurate .net timer (resolution of 1-2 msec). This may be what I need. If there is one product there are likely others.

View 5 Replies - Local Static Variables In Timer.Tick Event (Stopping A Timer)

Jul 9, 2009

I have a timer on a page in ASP.NET.

After a certain period of time elapses, I want to disable the timer.

I want to put a static variable in the timers tick event that will track how many seconds have elapsed.

My question is, will this work?

If user X and Y are viewing the page will they both have separate local static variables?

What is the best method of shutting down an ASP.NET timer after a certain elapsed time?

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Synchronize The Timer Event So That The Timer Executes From The Background Worker Thread?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a windows application that need to process som quite time consuming jobs. In my first try i did all processing under
the form thread. The result was bad response and update of the form due to the heavy jobs.To get around the problem with bad response from the form i created a new class "processing" where i put all the data processing. Then i instanciated a background worker where i in the "doWork" sub created a new instance of "processing".The "processing" class creates a timer from system.timer, and the timer drives the processing.On the Timer event Elapsed the timer starts a new thread from the thread pool.

My problem is now when i want to asynchronously close the background worker (with the corresponding function call what ever it is called ...) there is still a timer thread out there that causes exceptions for me.

1. How can i close my background worker and at the same time have the timer to be stopped?

2. Is there a way to synchronize the timer event so that the timer executes from the background worker thread?

3. Is there a better approach for me to adapt?

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Create An Array Of Timer - Raise The Tick Event For A Particular Timer?

Jan 11, 2011

I want to create an array of timer in My problem is that how will i raise the tick event for a particular timer, say mytimer(x).tick and inside the tick event there is also a button, say mybutton(x) which changes location every interval. for example:

public class blah
dim mybuttons(20) as button
dim mytimer(20) as timer
private sub form_load(....) handles me.load
for x as integer = 0 to 20


i dont know what to do next, all i want is to pass the button mybuttons(x) to mytimer(x) tick event, in which their index number are the same. i want to create one timer per button. how to do that? please help me and post example codes. i've researched the net but i cant understand passing variables, addhandlers, etc. i'm just new to programming object oriented.

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VS 2010 Incorporate The Timer So Once A Page Loads The Timer Activates?

Jul 4, 2011

How can I incorporate the timer so once a page loads the timer activates, waits a few seconds then I tell my program what to do next.I tried this code but it didnt work:

Timer1.Interval = 5000
Timer1.Enabled = True


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Timer And 64bit Processor - Timer That Doesn't Work?

Sep 30, 2010

Everything is nice and dandy on my pc, then I compile, move it to its final destination and I doesn't work! At first I thought it was a OS problem, but both machines has win7, I then thought it was a compilation problem, installed visual studio on the other pc, recompiled still with no luck, then it dawned on me, may it be a problem of 32bit vs 64bit?The piece of code is this:[code]....

By the way is not a problem of mouse_event, is the timer that doesn't work

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Timer Control In VB - When I Click Outside Of The Form, The Timer Stops?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a timer in and it's interval is 1000ms ,. i have placed in it's timer_tick event a code that will print screen the screen and save it to a database.The problem is when i click outside of the form, or loosing the focus of the mouse to the form containing that timer/printscreen, the timer stops. As a result the printscreen also are it's properties:

generate member = true
interval = 1000
modifiers = friend

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