Timer Control In VB - When I Click Outside Of The Form, The Timer Stops?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a timer in vb.net and it's interval is 1000ms ,. i have placed in it's timer_tick event a code that will print screen the screen and save it to a database.The problem is when i click outside of the form, or loosing the focus of the mouse to the form containing that timer/printscreen, the timer stops. As a result the printscreen also stops.here are it's properties:

generate member = true
interval = 1000
modifiers = friend

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Update Control On Win Form: Windows-based-timer Vs Server-based-timer

Feb 24, 2011

In a vb 2010 project, I have 2 win forms: Form1 and Form2.

In the Form1 class there is a server-based timer: when the "elapsed event" fires, then I update the text of a Label1 on the Form2. A very simple code:

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VB6 Create Object Of Timer Instead Of Timer Control

Nov 6, 2009

VB6 create object of timer instead of timer control

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Timer - When The Message Box Stops, Then It Display The First Form Then Stop To Display?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a problem in timers, I want to display 2 forms each one after 3 and 5, how to do that? I mean when the first form appears, after 3 seconds another one will appear, then after 5 seconds the second will appear. I have a code where someone gave me here but its for message box only, thus I modify it to put a form still does not work. Here the code I put in the timer below:

Private Sub frmblabla_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Private Sub tmrnote_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrnote.Tick[code]....

I still have problem when the message box stops, it displays all the forms together. All I want is when the message box stops, then it display the first form then stop to display the second then stop to display the last. The first form must stay for 3 seconds on the screen, then after 3 seconds the second appears then after 5 seconds the last appears.

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Timer Only Fires 8 Times Then Stops?

Mar 23, 2011

I've been trying to get a Timer to execute code every 50ms and it's worked okay, but for some reason after doing the code 8 times (i.e. for 400ms) it just stops. As in, won't execute the code any more times. Specifically, it's wired up to an animation (Picture) and a rectangle which moves around the screen (Box). why the timer would suddenly stop executing after doing so for a while? It's the same duration every time.


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Why Timer Stops For 1st Selected Item In Combo Box

Apr 26, 2009

Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 Problem. I have a Combo Box containing Country Names "New York" & "New Zealand", when "New York" is selected it shows the time and date of New York in label1 on the form and the time is updated every second by the timer, but when I make another selection by selecting New Zealand in the combox dropdown list then New York's time updation is stopped in label 1 and only New Zealand's time is updated in label 2. Why the timer control stops functioning for the first selection after we make a second selection in the combo box. I want that time for both label 1 country as well as label 2 country updates simultaneously on the form. My code is as follows:I have added 2 label controls and one combo box control on the form and following code.[code]Can any one advice me how all countries selected in the combo box one after other are dispplayed with updated time every second?

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Service With Timer SMTP Email Stops Not Working?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm having complications with imlementing a service that uses a timer to send emails. In my code, it stops in GetDocuments() after TisValid() validates the directory path. I tried using a addhandler and threading but neither worked.

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Control The Timer Function In Window Form?

Aug 11, 2009

how to use the timer to control the blinking? Cuz i tried to stop one timer, it did stop this timer but if i didnt stop the timer 1, both timer 1 and timer 2 will begin although the data is in different entity. By right if the alarm comes in from block 2, only block 2 button will blink, like wise if the alarm comes in from block 1, only block 1 button will blink

the below is my code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.data
Imports System.Drawing.Image


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Timer Control On Child Form Crashes VS 2010?

Sep 7, 2011

I've created a form that has a timer control. When this form loads it counts down before running a procedure. Simple.

Now I want to subclass this form in a new VB.NET project to so that another form inherits this form (an it's timer functionality) and runs a different procedure on this new form.My problem is that when I create the form in my new project the timer from the parent form seems to be running and when it's time is up it runs and code and crashes the VS environment.

I've searched high and low but have only found references to making sure the timer is disabled at design time. I've done this on the parent form but in this parent form's Load event the timer is enabled.... the purpose of the form. So when the child form loads it is enabling the timer. How can I work around this? Can I enable the timer from the child form? Timer is not visible when the child form loads so how do I manipulate it?

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Create A Game When Move A Picture Box Around The Form With A Timer Control?

Dec 17, 2009

i am try to create a game when i move a picture box around my form with a timer control i almost done every thing but the problem is avoiding the flikkering effect ?is there any way to avoid it?

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Form Opacity With Timer Control - Textbox Text Area Is Alway Clear?

May 21, 2009

I trying to fade-in the application startup form using the forms opacity and a timer control.I dont know if I am using the right approch to achieve this so suggestions for alternatativ approches are welcome.I have a form with a few randomly select controls on it, one of which is a textbox.When I run the code, the form and all its controls reflect the changes to the form opacity property set through the timer_tick event except the textbox.The textbox remains clear all the time and I would like to know: Why?[code].....

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Extend My Interval Timer Timer To Include Hours In Addition To Minutes And Seconds?

Aug 2, 2010

What I need to do to make this code work for hours as well?[code]...

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.net - Accurate Windows Timer - System.Timers.Timer() Is Limited To 15 Msec

Jan 15, 2009

I need an accurate timer to interface a Windows application to a piece of lab equipment.I used System.Timers.Timer() to create a timer that ticks every 10 msec, but this clock runs slow. For example 1000 ticks with an interval of 10 msec should take 10 wall-clock seconds, but it actually takes more like 20 wall-clock sec (on my PC). I am guessing this is because System.Timers.Timer() is an interval timer that is reset every time it elapses. Since it will always take some time between when the timer elapses and when it is reset (to another 10msec) the clock will run slow. This probably fine if the interval is large (seconds or minutes) but unacceptable for very short intervals.Is there a function on Windows that will trigger a procedure every time the system clock crosses a 10 msec (or whatever) boundary?

UPDATE: System.Timers.Timer() is extremely inaccurate for small intervals.I wrote a simple program that counted 10 seconds several ways:

Interval=1, Count=10000, Run time = 160 sec, msec per interval=16
Interval=10, Count=1000, Run time = 16 sec, msec per interval=15
Interval=100, Count=100, Run time = 11 sec, msec per interval=110
Interval=1000, Count=10, Run time = 10 sec, msec per interval=1000

It seems like System.Timers.Timer() cannot tick faster that about 15 msec, regardless of the interval setting.Note that none of these tests seemed to use any measurable CPU time, so the limit is not the CPU, just a .net limitation (bug?)For now I think I can live with an inaccurate timer that triggers a routine every 15 msec or so and the routine gets an accurate system time. Kinda strange, but...I also found a shareware product ZylTimer.NET that claims to be a much more accurate .net timer (resolution of 1-2 msec). This may be what I need. If there is one product there are likely others.

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Asp.net - Local Static Variables In Timer.Tick Event (Stopping A Timer)

Jul 9, 2009

I have a timer on a page in ASP.NET.

After a certain period of time elapses, I want to disable the timer.

I want to put a static variable in the timers tick event that will track how many seconds have elapsed.

My question is, will this work?

If user X and Y are viewing the page will they both have separate local static variables?

What is the best method of shutting down an ASP.NET timer after a certain elapsed time?

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Synchronize The Timer Event So That The Timer Executes From The Background Worker Thread?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a windows application that need to process som quite time consuming jobs. In my first try i did all processing under
the form thread. The result was bad response and update of the form due to the heavy jobs.To get around the problem with bad response from the form i created a new class "processing" where i put all the data processing. Then i instanciated a background worker where i in the "doWork" sub created a new instance of "processing".The "processing" class creates a timer from system.timer, and the timer drives the processing.On the Timer event Elapsed the timer starts a new thread from the thread pool.

My problem is now when i want to asynchronously close the background worker (with the corresponding function call what ever it is called ...) there is still a timer thread out there that causes exceptions for me.

1. How can i close my background worker and at the same time have the timer to be stopped?

2. Is there a way to synchronize the timer event so that the timer executes from the background worker thread?

3. Is there a better approach for me to adapt?

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Create An Array Of Timer - Raise The Tick Event For A Particular Timer?

Jan 11, 2011

I want to create an array of timer in vb.net. My problem is that how will i raise the tick event for a particular timer, say mytimer(x).tick and inside the tick event there is also a button, say mybutton(x) which changes location every interval. for example:

public class blah
dim mybuttons(20) as button
dim mytimer(20) as timer
private sub form_load(....) handles me.load
for x as integer = 0 to 20


i dont know what to do next, all i want is to pass the button mybuttons(x) to mytimer(x) tick event, in which their index number are the same. i want to create one timer per button. how to do that? please help me and post example codes. i've researched the net but i cant understand passing variables, addhandlers, etc. i'm just new to programming object oriented.

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VS 2010 Incorporate The Timer So Once A Page Loads The Timer Activates?

Jul 4, 2011

How can I incorporate the timer so once a page loads the timer activates, waits a few seconds then I tell my program what to do next.I tried this code but it didnt work:

Timer1.Interval = 5000
Timer1.Enabled = True


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Timer And 64bit Processor - Timer That Doesn't Work?

Sep 30, 2010

Everything is nice and dandy on my pc, then I compile, move it to its final destination and I doesn't work! At first I thought it was a OS problem, but both machines has win7, I then thought it was a compilation problem, installed visual studio on the other pc, recompiled still with no luck, then it dawned on me, may it be a problem of 32bit vs 64bit?The piece of code is this:[code]....

By the way is not a problem of mouse_event, is the timer that doesn't work

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.net - Systems.timer.timer Unwanted Multithreading?

Jul 14, 2011

I recently switched my code from using the windows.forms.timer to the systems.timer.timer and it has resulted in a multithreading error. I'm using the timer to trigger just one event so multithreading shouldn't be an issue. To give more detail I have implemented the timer at follows:
At the top of the class I have: Private Shared timr1sec As System.Timers.Timer

When the program loads (Private Sub Test_load):
timr1sec = New System.Timers.Timer(1000)
AddHandler timr1sec.Elapsed, AddressOf OnTimedEvent

In OnTimedEvent I call several subroutines, and write some data to the screen using a ListView object.VisualExpress throws the multithreading error on the last line of this code, which is in OnTimedEvent


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Timer In A Thread - Routine Which Is Controlled By A Timer

Aug 13, 2010

I have a routine which is controlled by a timer. It works perfectly. The problem is that now, I need to run this routine several times, so I need to start differents threads so that my program doesn't get hung up. I've been trying to start my timer inside a thread, but it doesn't work!

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VS 2008 Timer - Possible To Use A Timer To Delay Code?

Apr 6, 2009

Is it possible to use a timer to delay code? For example:


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How To Simulate Button Click With Timer

Apr 17, 2012

I have a series of buttons that I am handling with a single method (Button_Click). I use the sender.tag to determine which button was clicked. I want to simulate clicking btn3 with a Timer. So when Timer1 triggers, I want it to trigger the Button_click method, but indicate that btn9 was clicked.

I have:
Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn1.Click, btn2.Click, btn3.Click
Dim i As Integer = CInt(sender.tag)
In the Timer_Tick method I would Call the Button_Click method, but what do I used for the sender and eventargs?

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Starting A Timer With Button Click

Apr 26, 2012

I only have had 2 vb classes now in school but I rather like playing with this. I am trying to figure out how to make a button click start a timer that will bring up a splash screen and then close and then close the program. To clarify I want this splash to show up on exiting another simple program that I have already wrote. Also are there any online resources that anyone could recommend to me? I have found a few places but most of the .net ones were limited.

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Animation - Link The Timer To The"timer Start Button" And Make It Move?

Mar 15, 2009

I already created a button "enjoy button" that i want to move in a form when the "timer start button" is clicked.how do link the timer to the"timer start button" and make it move? this is what i tried so far..then am blank first

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Me.xTimer.Enabled = False
xTimer.Interval = 10[code].........

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Autorun URL Webbrowser Click Button / Timer

Aug 25, 2011

I want to create with Visual Basic 2008, where an application via a button on a timer refreshes webbrowers after X seconds, a new web address.url.'I'm trying to create it for weeks but I can not .

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Put A Timer To Click A Button Every 1 Minute For 3 Times?

Mar 15, 2010

is it possible to put a timer to click a button every 1 minute for 3 times with 10 millseconds from one click to the next click automatically

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Set And Start Timer When Input Value And Click Button?

Aug 27, 2009

i am trying to set up and start the timer for few seconds when I input the timer seconds value in the textbox and click the button, wait for the timer to countdown then show up the messagebox. [code]When I input the timer value in the textbox and I have clicked the button, it did not start the timer for a few seconds which it show the messagebox straight away! How do i start the timer for a few seconds by input the value in the textbox and click the button then wait for few seconds while the timer start to countdown then show the messagebox??

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VS 2008 - Timer Set To 5000 (5 Seconds) And The Code In The Timer Takes Longer Than 5 Seconds?

Jun 14, 2012

Quick question - if I have a timer set to 5000 (5 seconds) and the code in the timer takes longer than 5 seconds to run because of sql stuff, will the timer wait until the code is done till it fires again?

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VS 2008 Difference Between System.Timers.Timer And System.Windows.Forms.Timer?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm wondering what exactly is the difference System.Timers.Timer and System.Windows.Forms.Timer???

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How To Use A Timer Control

Apr 1, 2010

I have created a game and I want to add a timer to update a ProgressBar after 30 seconds. I have tried multiple ways t get that timer (Timer1) to work. here's the basic code I used: 'for some reason this code does not work,even though everything is defined. [Code]

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