Knowing Who Is Online In ASP.NET Application?

Oct 16, 2009

how to display the list of all my application users who are currently online on a gridview and every user of my application sees who's online. How do I go about this if and if I am not using the built-in ASP.NET membership controls?

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.net - Application Online Security?

Jan 29, 2011

I am developing and application in winxp+ (windows xp upwards). The application has to receive backup data from clients software located at different pc over the Internet. but am concerned about security of this application on the Internet. what would be the best way to implement security in 2008 to make sure that the data is not sniffed or interfere with?

am thinking of encrypting the data before sending, saving it that way until it need to be viewed before decrypting. what type of encryption would you suggest? Is there any other way you would suggest this data be sent?

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Make VB Application Online?

Apr 15, 2012

How can I make application online. Is it possible? so it's can be access from anywhere..

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Creating An Online For The User Of Application?

Feb 25, 2010

How to do this? creating an online for the user of application

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Get An Application To Run Scripts From An Online Source?

Mar 8, 2009

Would it be possible to get an application to run scripts from an online scource? and if there is no internet connection to run scripts already written in the program? By scripts i mean standard VB code?

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How To Make A Online Exam Application

Oct 16, 2009

i want to know how to make online exam application using VB.NET & SQL SERVER,Suppose there is a question followed by 4 options, & USER have to select one of them,also there is a time restriction for example ,30 min for 25 question and time should be visible to user.then after time over he will be not able to do anything and redirected to result page.At last it will calculate the total no of marks scored and show in graph and report wise.

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Make An Application Online Written In VB?

Sep 26, 2011

I am a beginner in I have made a project in this. Now I want to make it online.Also how to use with

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Connection Between Desktop Application And Online SQL Server?

May 19, 2011

I made a desktop application and I Have a server on the internet and I need to make a connection between them

Can some one advise me about this problem?

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Connection To An Online Access Database From Application?

Jun 8, 2012

I am developing an application on VB.NET 2010, I am planning to make an online activation system, the idea behind is that Whenever someone installs my application, the application presents user an activation form, user will be entering product key, name and email address, and then system will establish a connection to a database which contains all the keys on WEB. So how should I make an efficient program to get rid of that.

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Online Chat Application With 2008 Using TCP Or UDP Sockets

Nov 15, 2010

I want to develop a chat application with a server/client model, opening TCP or UDP sockets in VISUAL BASIC 2008. Is there a working example I can download, or some code to help me with this project? [code]Now, instead of I should put some variable or something that keeps the IP address of the target machine?

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Online Check And Update Application From Ftp / Server?

Oct 10, 2009

I found there is something related "OnceClick"[code]...

but how to use it?? Got better solution like tray icon prompt the new version available. then prompt user permission for update~

if user accept to update, it will download from server and install and restart application.

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VS 2005 Creating An Online Help For The User Of Application?

Feb 25, 2010

How to do this?Should i use something like sandcastle?

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VS 2008 - Handling Online Activation For Application

Feb 20, 2010

This is how I handle online activation for my application the problem is that this is very poor security because i display my Username and Password. I was thinking of using Myslq but i also have to input the Username and the password into the application. What other ways do big companies like Kaspersky handle online activation.

My code
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("FTP SITE" + textbox1.Text + ".txt", "C:" + textbox1.Text + ".txt", "USER", "PASS")
Dim auth As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:" + textbox1.Text + ".txt")
If auth = Textbox2.Text Then
Kill("C:" + textbox1.Text + ".txt")
[Code] .....

View 9 Replies

Create An Application That Can Store And Access Database Online?

Feb 2, 2010

i've got a free mysql database online hosted by 000webhost, i'm just wondering if i could connect to the mysql database, and if so what would the connectionstring be like? when i connect using php its something like this: new mysqli("", "user", "password", "database1"), how do i translate this into a vb connection string, i can't decide what to put as the data source [code]if there's no way to connect, is there anyway for me to create an application that can store and access database online?

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VS 2005 - Making Application Check Online For Updates?

May 2, 2009

I remember seeing a tutorial a while ago about making your application check online for updates..I did this a year or two ago but have since lost my example. Can someone explain how you do this or supply me with a link if you know a good tutorial?

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VS 2010 Developing A Chat Application Using Online Connection To A Mysql Database?

Mar 4, 2012

I am developing a chat application using online connection to a mysql databbase. But i am facing a problem. After 10 minutes, MySQL closes all the chat connections because of the 600 seconds timeout (has been set by the host service i am using). I don't understand why is that happening cause every piece of my code which needs data from the database opens and closes the connection (i mean that it dosn't maintain the connection after the query's execution). If i .close() and .dispose() the connection, it still appears in mysql at sleep mode (it terminates only if i exit the program).

Dim MySQLCon as New MySQLConnection
Dim MySQLCom as New MySQLCom
Dim counter as Short


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Source - Mu Online Game - Can't Make Right "Server Status" To Show Online Or Offline

Jul 28, 2009

I have working on 1 program that is for Mu Online game. Its Mu Launcher program,but i'm having trouble with it. I can't make right "Server Status" to show Online or Offline I can't make autoupdater people to have using this for theyr server.

I make one file launcher.txt to get info the program but i need a lil help to finish thise program. The program is not for 1 server only its freewere . So here is the problem with the Server Status and AutoUpdater to get info from what server..

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ClickOnce Application That Is Available "online" Only?

Nov 13, 2009

I'm using VS2008 with a ClickOnce application that is available "online" only. The issue I'm having is that no matter what I do, my call to My.Settings.Upgrade doesn't actually pull in the previously saved settings.


I've used ClickOnce numerous times before for applications that were available offline and My.Settings.Upgrade works fine. Is there a limitation in that it won't work for fully offline ClickOnce applications? I saw a prior posting about it not working after code signing in Vista but I'm not actually signing my app (yet). It's using the temporary .pfx file created by Visual Studio.

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How To Set A File Path Without Knowing If HDD Is C / D / E

Nov 19, 2010

I am a complete beginner and I was wondering where do I need to look to learn how to set a file path without knowing if the HDD is C:, D:, E:.. I'm using VB2010

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Datatable Not Knowing Its Primary Key?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to query a datatable to establish the primary key [identity column], by querying each columns autoincrement property. However its always false (for the column which is the Idenity/PK).

Querying the tables primary key collection reveals that the datatable doesn't think it has a PK.;

Dim dc As DataColumn() = dt.PrimaryKey
Debug.WriteLine(dc.Count) 'Result is 0


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Retrieve The Key Of A Hasmap Knowing The Value?

Jun 14, 2011

How can i retrieve the key of a hasmap knowing the value?


Dim myHash As New Hashtable
'filling it with some values


Now i want to retrieve the key, lets say of "Z", how i do it?

Did not fount any Method or property to do so.

Dim position as integer = myHash.Item("Z") ' do compile but not work always get position=0 when i expected position=1

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Find Name By Knowing From Top Item Is Number 3

Jan 6, 2011

If I have four items in the listbox, e.g. a, b, c, d, how can I find the name by knowing from the top the item is number 3 (c)?

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Access Directory Without Knowing Full Name?

Mar 10, 2010

I need to access Mozilla FireFox's cache, but the path to it is different in each PC. Well, kind of.

This is the path: C:Users%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMozillaFirefoxProfiles*.defaultCache"

The ".default" folder will always have that extension, but the asterisk part is different on each PC.[code]...

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Comparing Two Fields Without Knowing MemberType

Apr 4, 2011

Given the name of a field that exists on a class (public) and not knowing the field type, is it possible to compare this field on an instance of the class to the same field on another instance of the same class? I'm trying to do this for a "ValueHasChanged" function, something like the following:

Protected Function ValueHasChanged(ByVal fieldName as String) As Boolean
Dim presentFieldInfo = presentInstance.GetType().GetField(fieldName)
Dim originalFieldInfo = originalInstance.GetType().GetField(fieldName)
Return presentFieldInfo.GetValue(presentInstance) <> originalFieldInfo.GetValue(originalInstance)
End Function

The Return line spawns a compiler error about not being able to compare operands of type Object for operator '=', which makes sense, of course. Is there a way I can cast the values or do this differently without having to test the field's type and write a long switch/if...elseif statement?

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Find A File Without Knowing Where It Is On All Drives?

Aug 3, 2010

SPECS: Visual Basic 2008 - SP1/2, Framework, Windows XP Pro, SP3? trying to wright code for checking for existing files but what has me stumped is the (WHAT IF PART) of it witch in fact is what I want to see. What im saying is can I find a file without knowing where it is on all drives? Or how can i find a folder if I dont know where they installed it to.

Example: I know that C:Perfect World International <--- is the default location where my game installs but what if I installed it on D:Perfect World International; or rather on drive G or H. How would I test to see if it exist without making a bunch of nested If statements to test every drive for it.

this also applies to files like: D:Perfect World EntertainmentPerfect World Internationalelementelementclient.exe is there a way to find these files to see if they exist. I know that Perfect world international does not use the program files to put there program files in as you see above. so Envirnment variables I think cant be used correct me if I'm wrong. BUT I know the registry of a computer keeps some stord information as to where these applications are installed to like (References App Data).

What I'm trying to do is use this to tell the user in a Label that the game is installed in this path but I know in some circumstances the game is not installed on drive C: or D: or even in this directory some users can install it in there own directory such as C:PWI. and as such the file elementclient.exe can even be in C:PWIelementclient.exe. So to sum it all up can this be found useing some sort of code to find the file and folder and return them both in 2 difrent labels like this

Game Is Installed In: C:Perfect World International
Game Client Name: elementclient.exe, C:Perfect World Internationalelement
Game Found On Drive: C:

I'm thinking and keep thinking that this can be done in many ways but as for environment variables I'm stumped. But perhaps windows registry may play a role in doing this but I myself don't even know where this stuff may be found; and even more how to apply it to code.

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Hide A Window Knowing His Process ID?

Jan 10, 2006

How can I hide a window knowing his process ID?

I am writing a program which opens another application with the "shell" command (so it's easy for me to get the procID). Once it is running I want to hide or show it when needed by pressing a button in my program...

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Knowing Document Inside Iframe

Jan 12, 2010

[code]Now ifrm.document will refer to the parent document.So what is the document INSIDE ifrm?

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Knowing Scroll Location In The Windows

Jan 18, 2010

If document is big then there will be scroll bars in the windows. Does anyone know how to know the measurment of those scroll? For example, if I scroll to look at the bottom domain. Some topscroll or scrolltop property should go up. But which one?

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Knowing What Input Radio Is Selected On ASP.NET (VB)

Jun 17, 2010

I'm creating input radio dynamicly on a ASP.NET page using PlacHolders.

While reader.Read
Dim ltr As New Literal()
Dim ltr1 As New Literal()


how can I get all the items selected on those input radio.

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Moving A Picturebox Without Knowing Its Exact Name?

Feb 3, 2012

What happens to create the car is the user selects which car he/she wants to create from a combobox and then they press a button to create it.Private Sub btnCreateCar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreateCar.Click

If cbCarSelect.Text.Contains("Ferrari") Then
c = 1
pictureboxesFerarri(c) = New PictureBox


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