Link A Library With Projects?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm using a C# "API wrapper" library for a program connection. It's been working fine, but when I started to use it I believe I just expanded an already existing test project, so I'm not sure how to now link the library to a project from scratch. [code]...

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Link Different Projects Using A DLLs?

Jun 4, 2010

i have been researching this question fror weeks and yet i cant find the answer. Can anyone tell me how i can link two projects in VS2010 together using a dll. For example, say i have two projects, project 1 and 2. if i want to open a form from project 2 using a button from project 1, what will the procedures be and the codes.


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Link Many Projects In One Soluton?

Jun 27, 2009

I'm using visual studio 2008 ( visual ) , so my question is,:

How can i link between many projects in the same solution, [I'm in (project 1), how can i call a form that's in (project 2)]

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Create License For My Class Library Projects(dlls) / Win Apps?

Jul 24, 2011

How can create license for my Class library projects(dlls) or win apps?

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IDE - Upgrade To 2010 Projects Referencing A Class Library Targeting A Different Framework Fail To Build

Aug 18, 2010

Say I have a Framework 4.0 project that is referencing a class library targeting 3.5. The project will simply not build. It won't give me any valid error message it will just act as though the reference does not exist.

Projects that were working like this in Visual Studio 2008 are no longer working in 2010. Took me forever to figure out what there error is. If I remove the project reference and add it back the intellisense lights up and you can tell a variable referenced in the class library is found. But as soon as you build the project everything is lost. My using statements get underlined, references to the variable all turn grey and project fails to build saying the class cannot be found. Once I make the class library 4.0 as well everything builds. I get the same issue between 4.0 client profile and 4.0 as well.

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Oci.dll Could Not Be Located In Dynamic Link Library

Jan 27, 2011

I am unsure why all of the sudden i am getting this error every time i compile and run my program running Oracle 10g. It ran fine many times but all of the sudden keeps saying this now.


It happens on this line:

myConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=" & _
"(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" & dbHost & ")(PORT=" & dbPort & ")))" & _


Once it gets to the myConnection.Open() is when it displays that error box. Like i said, i used to work just fine.

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Calling VB Dynamic Link Library In VB Applications?

Jul 13, 2009

I want to calling visual basic dynamic link library in visual basic applications. I'm using visual studio

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VS 2008 : Entry Point In Dynamic Link Library (DLL)?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm creating a project with an Add-on system, and I'm releasing an API so people can develop for my application (its called Levanta, its a basic Sub-OS, and i want people to be able to develop for it). I try to call a sample DLL i made to test out the system i created. Well, i CANT, because its not finding the functions entry point of the said function (its named initialize)...?

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What Would Cause A Dynamic Link Library To No Longer Be Found By VB Program

Apr 17, 2010

My program used to run on my system just fine until I removed some other applications. Then the proggy was giving me a runtime error. The funny thing is that once I installed visual basic 6 and added a reference to dao360.dll, or the Microsoft DAO 3.6 that the program then worked without error.

VB6 was never installed on this system before. The program worked just fine until applications were uninstalled from the system. What happened that caused the reference to stop working? Why did the program stop finding dao360.dll even though the program itself wasn't modified since vb6 wasn't installed?

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Error : Initialization Of The Dynamic Link Library C:WINNTsystem32COMCTL32.dll Failed

Jun 28, 2009

I am getting "Initialization of the dynamic link library c:WINNTsystem32COMCTL32.dll failed. The process is terminating abnormally" when I tried to install a vb package in Windows NT.

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MSDN Website - Link A Created Class Library To A Form?

Oct 11, 2010

I am in the beginning stages of learning VB.NET and all I want to know is how you link a created Class Library to a Form? I've seen code at the top of the designer window that says <dim objSomething as New somethingClass> What the heck is that and how does it work?

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Retrieves The Address Of An Exported Function Or Variable From The Specified Dynamic-link Library?

Jul 30, 2011

GetProcAddress Function Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified dynamic-link library (DLL).Lets say I have something like this:

Dim moduleHandle As Integer = LoadLibrary("C:myDLL.dll")
Dim methodName As String = ""
GetProcAddress(moduleHandle, methodName)
DLL should be win32 standard dll or .net dll.

How can I run the exported function if I have the address of it through GetProcAddress().If someone could supply some code it would be great.


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Removing Projects From VB2008 Start Page Recent Projects List?

Mar 15, 2009

Removing projects from VB2008 start page recent projects list. The above list is getting clogged. How do I remove items from this list?

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VB2010 Class Library: Create A Static Library Instead Of DLL?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a Visual Basic Class Library project. It generates a DLL. Is there a method to generate a static .LIB to which I can do a static link?Alternatively, can I do a static link against a DLL?

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VS 2010 Make The Download Manager Know It Is Link To Downloadable File As Opposed To Something Like Link To Another Webpage?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2010 express..I'm building my own web browser and want to add a download manager.I have been able to build one that will download a file if I type the file location into a text box.What I'm trying to figure out is how to have the download manager open when I click on a download link on a web page.How to make the download manager know it is a link to a downloadable file as opposed to something like a link to another webpage?

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Call An ASP Link From VB Code-behind Instead Of User Clicking Link?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a link here that works perfect for calling the postback close that I need to happen:

<a href="javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')"><asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text="Close Me"></asp:Label></a>

However, I would like to be able to call the *javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')* method from the code-behind file rather than the user clicking the link. I.e., when I have completed my tasks in the application code, call parent.doPostBack as my last function call, which closes the window in question.

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Clicking A Link In 1 WebBrowser Causes WebBrowser2 To Navigate To The Link?

Jun 12, 2009

When a button is clicked i am creating HTML that will be displayed in the WebBrowser1 control. With this HTML are several links to other pages. Is it possible that when one of these links is clicked, that WebBrowser2 navigates to the page instead of WebBrowser1?

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HTML In Windows Application - Add A URL Link And An Email Link

Jan 30, 2009

I have a project that I would like to add a URL link and an email link to in the Help/About dialog. How can I do this? Is it possible to add HTML code to a VB project? This is not a Web application.

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VS 2008 Find Clicked Url Link/ Open Link In New Tab?

Sep 4, 2009

Im trying to create a webbrowser in VB 08;

I was wondering how i would create new tab with the Link the clicked.

*EG* They Right-Click Link > Open In New Window/Tab > Makes New Tab In My Program > Navigates To The Linked Clicked.

View 26 Replies

Swf Link - Automatically Add The 1 To The End Of The .swf Link?

Dec 13, 2010

so I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I'm trying to make a program where I would have a textbox where the user would type,then a "Go" button. In the textbox, the user would type a number, lets go with 1 for an example. A user would type 1 in the textbox, then it would automatically add the 1 to the end of this .swf link: "http:[url]... after they enter the 1 in the textbox and press the "Go" button, it would add the 1 to the end of that link, then that link would open a new shockwaveflash form with the link being the Movie. Is this possible?

View 5 Replies - Back Reference Link (link Of Back Page)

Dec 18, 2009

i am using this function to get link of page which refered current page (in Back Button)


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How To See Sln Projects

Jan 16, 2010

i want to ask that wat is sln? and how to see sln projects...

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Convert Projects From VB6 To .Net?

Mar 22, 2009

I notice you need a wizard to at least start to convert projects from VB6 to .Net

I also see it comes with VS Professional

Is it able to be downloaded and run with VS2008 Express ?

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.net - Use Classes In Several Projects?

Jun 8, 2011

How can I create a namespace and classes in it, then save it, and reuse the namespace in other projects? Do I have to click on Create Class Library in Visual Studio?

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.Net Projects Can Be Used In A Network?

Jun 26, 2009

Im gonna develop an application s/w using VB.Net & Oralce for a small company with 4 employees and a MD.

Each has their own PC connected through a Hub.The task of MD is to check in the employees daily work progress & to calculate their incentives in daily basics...

And each emp should be able to check their daily incentives from their PC using the passwords provided by the s/w Now my doubt is. how should I show the daily incentives updates to all emps PC from MD pc?(i.e) if i install the s/w in all PCs, will they'll get the updates automatically? DOES VB.NET can be used here or should we use ASP.NET?

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.Net Solution With C# And VB Projects

Aug 30, 2011

I have a .Net solution with 5 projects in c# and one in visual basic. I want to know whether there would be a gain of performance to convert my visual basic project to C# in the day to day while I compile my solution.

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Add Menus To Projects?

Jan 28, 2010

I want to start learning how to add menus to my projects. how to code and design them.

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Add New Ocx Files So They Can Be Used In Projects?

Sep 13, 2010

How do you add new ocx files so they can be used in your projects? I download some free ocx files and cant use them right now cause I can't get them in the side bar thing.

View 2 Replies - How To Connect Two Projects

May 4, 2009

I have a project named "slnAllForKids" in Visual Studio 2005. I have another project named "AFKLogin." There is a page called index.aspx in slnAllForKids. I want to redirect from index.aspx to home.aspx in AFKLogin when I click submit button in index.aspx.

View 1 Replies - Linking Two Projects?

May 4, 2009

I am currently doing a project which is to be linked with another project. I.e., when I click on some button in my current project's page I should get a page from the other project..

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