Linq To Xml Output Valaue From A Certain Element?

Apr 15, 2011

It has two records and each record has three similar Nodes (<datafield tag="500">). What I want to accomplish is get the value of the second Node <datafield tag = "5000">. The following code I gets the value for all three nodes but I want something like get elementat(1).I tried this but it didn't worked.

Dim xd As XDocument = XDocument.Load("C:UsersstopeteDesktopMarc_conv ertxml.xml")
If xd IsNot Nothing Then
Dim datafields = From datafield In xd.Descendants("datafield")
Where (datafield.Attribute("tag").Value = "500")


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Using LINQ To Return Element In Collection, Would Like To Return Nothing If Element Not Found?

Mar 3, 2011

I would like the following function to return Nothing if the element with the specified key is not in the collection. Instead, it returns an error - something to the effect of "no element found"

Public Class MyCollection
Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of MyType)
Public Function FindByActivityKey(ByVal searchValue As Integer) As MyType


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Linq To Xml Get Certain Element Value?

Apr 14, 2011

The XML sample below has two records and each record has three similar Nodes (<datafield tag="500" >) What I want to accomplish is get the value of the second Node <datafield tag = "5000">. The fallowing code I gets the value for all three nodes but I want something like get elementat(1). I tried this but it didn't worked MsgBox(xEle.Elements.ElementAt(1).Value)


Dim xd As XDocument = XDocument.Load("C:UsersstopeteDesktopMarc_convertxml.xml")
If xd IsNot Nothing Then
Dim datafields = From datafield In xd.Descendants("datafield")


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Add An Element To The XML Document With LINQ To XML?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm adding an element to existing XML doc with the following code:

Dim theXMLSource As String = Server.MapPath("~/Demo/") & "LabDemo.xml"
Dim nodeElement As XElement
Dim attrAndValue As XElement = _


It makes error like this:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Error line: nodeElement.Add(New XElement(attrAndValue))

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Get The Value Of An XML Element Using Linq Even When Empty?

May 13, 2010

Please excuse my stupidity, I tend to find the traversing XML overly complicated.


Once it gets to staffBio I get an error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." obviously because that node does not exist. My question is how can I assign the value to a variable even when it is empty without having to do a conditional check before each assignment?

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How To Update XML Element With LINQ

Mar 15, 2010

I'm editing XML element with the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Test XML with LINQ to XML-->
[Code] .....
How to update the ServiceType and Price where ServiceType = varServiceType?

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Increment Element Using LINQ To XML?

Nov 12, 2009

Using VB.NET (3.5), i have an ArrayList of Employees. I'm trying to build an XML representation (to feed another system) and one of the fields is a simple incrementing ID, starting at 1.[code]...

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Linq To XML: Writing Xsi Into An Element?

Feb 25, 2011

Just playing about with LinqToXml and I need to form a xelement as follows:

Dim xe As XElement = _


This creates an error here: xsi:type "XML namespace prefix 'xsi' is not defined"

Is it possible to write this in Linq to xml?

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LINQ XML Get Parent Element

Oct 28, 2010

Using the XML elements below, I am trying to locate all table elements where they have a column@Name equal to a specific item such as "email" and return the Database@Location and Table@Name. My LINQ statement returns the proper table@name but for each element found returns the first database@Location for both. So my question is, how can I search for a column@Name and return the proper Database@Location and Table@Name [Code]

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Update XML Element With LINQ To XML?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm trying to update an element in the XML document below:

Here's the code:

Dim xmldoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load(theXMLSource1)
Dim ql As XElement = (From ls In xmldoc.Elements("LabService") _
Where CType(ls.Element("ServiceType"), String).Equals("Scan") _


But, I got this error message:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Error line:ql.SetValue("23")

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LINQ To XML Syntax For XML Element With Attributes?

May 13, 2009

I'm a bit of a LINQ newbie and I was having some trouble with the following. I'm trying to perform a query using LINQ on an XML file and store the results in a list of DataClass objects that match the XML.I've got an XML file that is defined like this:

<Field>Accepted ASNs</Field>

I have created a Data class to support this XML format. What I would like to do is create a LINQ Query to grab these 3 records and store them into a List of my DataClass. In order to support multiple Order elements, I have my class defined with a generic list of "Order" structs... It looks like this:

Public Class ASNData
Private _field As String
Private _value As String[code].....

how to grab the 3 order elements and store them into my list of Order structs.

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Linq To XML Remove Element Where Value Is Null?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a XML xElement like[code]...

In order to get rid of Trick nodes where value is null, I wrote:

myXmlElement.<Play>.<Trick>.Where(Function(m) m.<Trick>.Value = "").Remove()

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.Net LINQ Query To Determine Whether More Than One Element Has The Same Value For A Property?

Jun 28, 2011

I am trying to write a LINQ query which will return true if there are multiple objects which have a property with the same value.

Here is what I have come up with so far:

Formatters.Where(Function(f As DataModel.Formatter) _
Formatters.Select(Function(f2 As DataModel.Formatter) f2.Name.ToLower()).Contains(f.Name.ToLower())).Count > 1

However the above always returns true as long as their are more then 1 elements in the list?

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C# - Linq - Find Element In Nested Collections

Feb 19, 2011

I have a generic list - SupportedTypeGroups. Each SupportedTypeGroup has SupportedTypes property (generic list of SupportedType). How to construct a Linq query to locate SupportedType with required name?

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LINQ - Order By Anonymous Type (Value Element)

Jan 5, 2012

I am using linq to fill a gridview with the information from an xml from code behind. I would like to order my Grid according to one of my elements in the xml ("value element").

gvResourceEditor.DataSource = (From resElem In resourceElements.Elements("data") _
Select New With { _
.Key = resElem.Attribute("name").Value, _
.Value = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(resElem.Element("value").Value), _
.Comment = If(resElem.Element("comment") IsNot Nothing, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(resElem.Element("comment").Value), String.Empty) _

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Reading XML Element & Child Nodes Using LINQ

Aug 26, 2009

I am new in LINQ world.I need an urgent help in reading the xml elements using LINQ with specific where condition.I need to find the max air_temp for a county i.e where county name = "Boone" and hour id = "06/03/2009 09:00CDT".[code]

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Using LINQ To XML With Global Namespace - Xmlns Is Added To Each Non-data Element?

Jan 14, 2010

I have to create an xml doc for a vendor who specifically states they must have their xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
<WMWROOT xmlns="">

I cannot find a way to get LINQ to spit out xml the way they want. Question is, can LINQ do it or do I need to resort to hardcoding the xml the old way before LINQ to XML?

View 5 Replies - Element 'system.webServer' Has Invalid Child Element 'rewrite'?

Feb 14, 2012

I have a number of rewrite rules for a lot of things that I did in IIS7, like removing trailing slashes, canonnical URLs, lowercase lettering, and such. IIS altered my web.config, and everything works fine on the website, like it should. But in the Visual Studio web.config, the opening < rewrite > statement is underlined in blue, and at the bottom of VS, it says that the element 'system.webServer' has invalid child element 'rewrite'. But this is how IIS made it. I didn't do this manually. Should I be concerned with this VS error, or should I just leave as be, since it's working how it should work? Here's an example of my web.config:


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Make Webbrowser Not Click On Element But Grab Element Name?

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way to control the way a browser behaves such as if I click on this link it doesn't navigate to that link but instead show me the source code behind that button?

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Randomly Pick An Element From An Array And Can Only Use That Element Three Times

Mar 11, 2010

I need to randomly pick an element from an array and I can only use that element three times,I can randomly pick the element but how do I go about only using it three times.

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VS 2010 Check For Element Or Keep Trying Until Element Is Found?

Feb 21, 2012

I have been doing well and also I am a noob I know it and you know it a lot has started making sense and I am evening figuring new things out without using Google but of course I have hit another snag in my program so here goes

I am waiting for an email to arrive (the page automatically refreshes) and then I want to click the link (I do not need to click to open the email or anything like that) I also have the code to click and navigate to the address reason being it was the only way I could figure out how to stop it opening in a new window on IE

So my only problem is I need a way to check every x seconds for the element and then if its there proceed with my code and if its not wait and then check again or however this is done in VB.If this is not the way its done please point me in the right direction the code I am using to find and then navigate to the link is

Dim emailpageelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser2.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each emailver As HtmlElement In emailpageelements
If InStr(emailver.InnerHtml, "") Then


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Reference Structure Element By Element Name?

Jun 7, 2011

I want to be able to reference an element in an array of structures by the name of the element in a visual basic 2010 function. For example

Public Structure myStruct
Public element1 as string
Public element2 as integer
Public element3 as boolean


Is it possible to reference a structures element by the element's name in a similar way to that shown above. The code shown above does not work, as the expression obj(i).[elementName] does not work as hoped.

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No Output In Asynchronous Program - Retrieve Output After The Events Are Invoked?

Mar 1, 2012

What I am trying to do: There are three powershell scripts with different time delays as shown below.I am trying to run them asynchronously in .NET and I followed this article to implement Asyncrhonous programming. Where I am stuck:The I am not able to retrieve output after the events are invoked.The scripts are being called but then the program ends and it shows "Press any key to continue" in console windows.I don't what I am missing here.

Info: JobRequest is a class that I use to pass around information keep track of jobs.

Sub Main()
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript2.ps1", "-arg1 4 -arg2 5", 1)
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript1.ps1", "-arg1 2 -arg2 3", 2)[code]......

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Child Element Of XML Element Is "" When There Is A Space In The XML Document?

May 23, 2012

I have the following XML:


I am accessing the name of the child element like this:


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Unable To See In Output Window Number 5 As Output?

Sep 25, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(3 + 2)
End Sub

Why I don't see in Output window number 5 as output?

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Web Element Associated With Form Element

May 24, 2012

I would like to associate a web page element, a textbox for example, with a textbox in my form. When a user types something in the textbox, I would like it to be like he types it on the webpage.

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Using Write Start Element And Write End Element In VB For XML Code

Oct 2, 2009

I know I can create XML ouput in Example 1 as follows using the following code in Example 2. How do I create the same output in Example 3?[code...]

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.net - Why Only Getting One Output Value (and No Debug Output) From This Code?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm just going to throw all my code in here in case there's something wrong with a piece of the code not in the "SelectName()" sub.

Module Module1
Dim selectednames As String = ""
Dim index As Short = 0
Dim inarray As Boolean = False


Here's an image of what it does (I suppose you can see what went wrong)13 inputs, 3 outputs expected, only 1 output given.As from what I've figured out so far, it's doing the correct amount of loops etc. It's just as soon as it starts generating the "winner" for the 2nd game key it doesn't get a string value from namesarray.Also, why is

For x = 0 To totalnames - 1
Debug.Print("namesarray(" & x & ") = " & namesarray(x))

not giving me a debug output?

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.net - ActiveRecord Linq/NHibernate Linq Not Building Query Completely?

Jul 14, 2011

given this function:

Public Function Search(ByVal StartIndex As Integer, _
ByVal MaxResults As Integer, _
ByVal AccountNumber As String, _
ByVal LastName As String, _


instead of what I expected:

Select count(*) from remitline where lastname = "smith"

What am I doing wrong building up the where clause? I'm using Castle ActiveRecord 2.1

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Performance Gain In LINQ Query Vs LINQ Stored Procedure?

Aug 6, 2009

if there is that much of a performance gain in running a LINQ stored procedure versus a LINQ query?

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