I have recently started using vs2008 for the linq feature but am having problems using it with a sorted list.my sorted list has a key of timestamp.I want to retrieve the first item from the sorted list having (key) timestamp <= myTimestamp.
I want to create a sorted list, where I enter a name in two separate text boxes(Jones, Brown) and their values in two other textboxes(200,500), then in a fifth text box I enter one of the names and it gives me a messagebox with its corresponding value. Here is my code below.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim saleslist As New SortedList(Of String, Decimal)
How can I get the resulting generated list of links sorted out alphabetically according to "sTitle"? My sort function on line 272 is not giving me the results I need.
<script language="VB" runat="server"> Function sectionTitle(ByRef f As String) 'Open a file for reading 'Dim FILENAME As String = Server.MapPath("index.asp") Dim FILENAME As String = f 'Get a StreamReader class that can be used to read the file [Code] .....
I wrote the code and it works great but then i thought i'd have a little challenge and go above and beyond. i decided to make a highscore leader board system. i used the following variables and sub classes to make it but im having a slight issue...
The idea is that i wanted to make the system able to associate a name with a score, sort the score from greatest to lowest, save it to a text file, load it from the text file, repeat. so heres a quick list of what i have working... -Stores name and score -Sorts by score then outputs -occasional index of -1 issue -saves score and name to a text file -loads score and name when the form loads -CANNOT add new data to the sorted list...
Thats my main issue. When i have data loaded from last time i try to add a new score to the list but then it gives me an error.
InvalidOperationException was unhandled Failed to compare two array elements
-pointing to the line...
In the details of the exception it continues to say...InnerException {"object must be of type String"} i don't know which parameter its referring to tho, the variable name is already of type string and count is type integer.
I keep track of a score system for all users in a sorted list;
dim Scores as new sortedlist(of string, integer)
I can easely increse points for a cirtain person by;
scores("peter").value += 1
Now I need to display a top x list of the users, if users have the same score, it should sort alphabetically on the name. Of course it's also possible that users have the same score.I've already tried to make a new sorted list with as key the score, and added to that score the username. Later when displaying the scores, I've replaced the username with nothing. The only problem in this solution is that the numbers are sorted on asci value which has this order:
0 1 10 2 3 4
Also, if you make a sorted list like this:
dim Scores as new sortedlist(of integer, string)
You can't have two people with the same score... So, there must be something possible with the iComparer to sort on integers right?
I'm having some difficulty with a sorted & grouped listbox in WPF vb.net 3.5 that has an items source bound to an ObservableCollection.
What I want to be able to do is to retrieve a piece of data from the ObservableCollection items source depending on what item in the listbox the user has selected.I've almost got it working but because the listbox is sorted it does not match the index of the items source.
As I previously mentioned, because the lstBox is sorted and also grouped the index's don't match up.Does anyone know how I can get the correct information I want from the List Source depending on the selected item in the list box?
How can I get a new distinct list from an existing list using LINQ? This is what I have so far and it is not distinct but does give me a new list.
Dim tmpQryColumn = (From a In _allAudits Select New CheckBoxListItem With {.Id = a.AuditColumn, .Name = a.AuditColumn} ).Distinct() _columnList = New List(Of CheckBoxListItem)(tmpQryColumn)
I have two generic lists, named ListA and ListB. Both ListA and ListB could potentially have duplicate items. What I would like to do is use LINQ to grab the items in ListB that are not in ListA, but I'm unsure how to do so.
I'm basically brand new to LINQ. I've seen some examples that allow me to strong type objects using LINQ but I don't really understand them because they're in C#, which I guess lets you do different things with LINQ(I think?). [Code] I just want to get a list of all the products from the XML doc and put them into a Generics list.
I am trying to use linq to query a List(of T) object, but when i type in my linq statement it comes back with the following error: Error57Expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of BreakoutData)' is not queryable. Make sure you are not missing an assembly reference and/or namespace import for the LINQ provider.D:\Code\OLGA35\BreakoutByBusinessUnit.aspx17025D:\Code\OLGA35\
I have looked at my web.config and I have the imports:
I am trying to use linq to query a List(of T) object, but when i type in my linq statement it comes back with the following error:
Error57Expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of BreakoutData)' is not queryable. Make sure you are not missing an assembly reference and/or namespace import for the LINQ provider.D:\Code\OLGA35\BreakoutByBusinessUnit.aspx17025D:\Code\OLGA35\
I'm using a program see here: Visual Basic Regular Expression Question. I enter letters and the program returns all possible combinations from list. I want change this line of code...
Dim result = fruits.Where(Function(fruit) Not fruit.Except(letters).Any())
If I have this list:
Dim fruit as List(Of string) from {"apple","orange","pear","banana"}
And I input "p a p l e r" then it would return "apple" and "pear", but if I enter "a p l e r" then it would return just "pear". The idea is to return all words, which can be made of entered letters without duplicating any single letter. How to optimize this Linq code?
Dim query = From o In myContainer.MyObjects Select o.MyStringProperty Distinct Dim myProperties As List(Of String) = query.ToList????? 'no way!!!' "query" type is IEnumerable(Of String)
I tried to use the query directly as a DataSource of a (infragistic) combobox, but it throws me NullReferenceException, so I decided to convert it to a listof strings, to be a more "classical" datasource.
Dim values As List(Of String) = query.AsQueryable().ToList() does not work either: Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Linq.IQueryable(Of String))' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)'.
I am trying to learn some VB.NET for my coo-op that starts next week, and for that reason i took my portfolio web site that is on C# and just started to converting it to VB.NET to get familiar with the syntax.
I am sure my problem is simple however i have a hard time solving it. I am trying to grab data with the linq query and then return it as list to bind to the Repeater.I have the following function:
And it would work fine. However if I try to use ToList() in VB.NET i am getting error that it cannot convert it from ling to sql List to the generic list. How do i do this convertion in VB.NET ? or maybe there is another way ?
I am decent when it comes to C# however somewhat lost with the VB.NET syntax.
I need to take a collection and group it via Linq but all the examples I've seen fail in some manner or other with some syntax difference that I can't quite lick.
My collection:
Dim a As New List(Of ProcessAlert) a.Add(New ProcessAlert("0000112367", "5551110000@txt.att.net", "Alert", 2)) a.Add(New ProcessAlert("0000112367", "5551110000@txt.att.net", "Document", 2))