Loading Images To PictureBox And Saving In Database?
Feb 8, 2009
I want to load images into a picturebox, save them into a database and display them again in the picturebox. This is the code I'm actually having problem with:
Private Connection As String = _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:UsersclientDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsSavingsLoansCalc.mdb"
rivate Sub UploadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UploadButton.Click
[Code] .....
I'm getting this error message:
"Type 'Connection' is not declared"
On this line:
oConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection( _
New Connection().getConnectionString)
View 6 Replies
Jan 7, 2011
I have a 4 pictureboxes for a database I made but having a problem with loading images in to the picturebox. On my form I have a picturebox, 1 button, 1 textbox, and 1 openfiledialog.
My button click event code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
Pic1PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(TextBox1.Text)
End Sub
I can add pics but if I don't select any image (just close the dialogbox) I get an error and not sure what to do ..or what to add. Is there any code to tell it to just close..
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Dec 30, 2011
i have a simple photo viewer application where i want the user to click a "load sequence" button and then i want something like a folderbroswerdialog to appear then the user can pick a folder with images in it then the images get loaded into the picturebox and the user can click a "forward" button to go to the next image in the sequence and a "backward" button to go to the previous image in the sequence, it's kinda like windows 7 photo viewer.
View 17 Replies
Sep 12, 2011
I need some help with this project I'm trying to get my program to load and save data to an online database and I haven't been able to find anything that helps me to much, I have the working code for a local database but this program will be being used to multiple people for our business I want everybody to be able to add data, delete data, and such as necessary...
Here is the code i have for opening the file on my local machine
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|data.mdb;")
but i can't get it to open from my webpage
View 10 Replies
May 15, 2009
i have been doing VB.net and SQL programming to design databases but with no images involved. When i
involved images, i got the error "No mapping exists from object type System.Drawing.Bitmap to a
known managed provider native type" I have a form with a picture box named Photo, a save button
called Save below is the code i used'[Code...]
View 10 Replies
Mar 22, 2009
Saving an Image to An SQL Database from a Visual Basic ASPNET.rtf?written in Visual Studio 2008, which is supposed to Insert Images into an SQL Database in Visual Basic ASP.NET I know it contains some errors but I can't point out exactly where I got it wrong?
[Column Name] - [Data Type] - [Allow Nulls]ImageID, Int, NOT NULLProductID, Int, NOT NULLLargeImageName, varchar(50), NULLLargeImageData, image, NULLLargeImageContentType, varchar(50), NULLSmallImageName, varchar(50), NULLSmallImageData,
View 2 Replies
May 12, 2009
This is a newbie question. I am trying to create an applicatiojn which allows the user to enter info on plants including photos. I have set up the database using image datatype and created the form using the dataset but when I save the data everything is saved but the image file. Obviously I need extra code but I can't find anything in the help files etc that shows me. This is the code I have at the moment
View 1 Replies
Aug 2, 2009
I would like to enable my app to run from a central database, but I dont want to recompile should the DB server change. Are my only two options saving the connection string to an XML file or the registry?
If so I think the XML file will probably be the way I go at least for me. I dont really want to mess with the registry. I just wanted to check what my options are.
View 10 Replies
May 27, 2009
i'm using VB.NET 2005 and mySQL server 5.0. Can i ask how do i retrieve the image from database and display images onto picturebox? mySQL column name is pictures then the data type is varchar. and how should i write on the database? eg. abc.jpg?
View 2 Replies
Aug 5, 2011
i have a small database .mdf (sql server database) contains wallpaper table for ex. and a textbox for search. when someone write "wallpaper" in search box, i want to make my form adding Picturebox automatically On the basis of the number of images in the database, i mean i have 1000 image calls "blue wallpaper" in database, i want to see 1000 picturebox in my form and every pictruebox Displays a picture.
View 6 Replies
Jun 9, 2011
I have some BLOB images within a small, 9 row, database and I simply want to run through the database and sequentially place each separate image into 9 picture boxes. I have tried with a picturebox array but it's placing the same image into each picturebox!
View 2 Replies
Apr 22, 2012
store and retrieve image in a SQL Server database with vb.net.:Well, the application in vb.net seems to have a database which can accessed by the LAN computers so the SQL Server 2005 database allows remote computers to share its database once the other computer application requests database from the server.So, every other computer has to store and retrieve images in SQL Server 2005. For example, comp1 has to store images taken into the server and retrieve it like tableadapter.
I am using bindings and tableadapters to store the details in database and retrieving information from db. Please if you have code or anything which is working for me, please post it here... how to store image and retrieve it SQL Server through vb.net provided there's LAN computers who are also sharing the SQL Server database.
View 1 Replies
Apr 4, 2011
I keep getting an "Syntax error in Insert Into Statement." error message when trying to save an image to my Access database.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Drawing
View 9 Replies
Nov 24, 2011
I am trying to 1) write code in VB2010 that will get a JPG image from a Access Database field and write the image to a PictureBox 2) write code which will write a JPG file to an Access Database field. I have already sucessfully coded this in VB6, without fully understanding what I was doing.
Browsing the various forum's I have come across a few discussions on this subject, but due to my complete amerture status I don't seem to be able to follow the logic.
Below is the VB6 code
Writing JPG file to DataBase:
Dim bytBlob() As Byte
Dim intNum As Integer
View 1 Replies
Aug 20, 2010
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point- 'Updating the image from the picturebox'. My code to insert/update the data by OK button and to populate it by listbox doubleclick follows:
Private ms As MemoryStream
Private arrImage() As Byte
Private conn As SqlConnection
View 3 Replies
Aug 20, 2010
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point-
View 4 Replies
Aug 20, 2010
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point- 'Updating the image from the picturebox'.My code to insert/update the data by OK button and to populate it by listbox doubleclick follows:
View 1 Replies
Feb 8, 2010
i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.
View 5 Replies
Feb 28, 2009
My app has scrolling images in the background and a picturebox on top. The image in the picturebox has transparent parts. How can It so that the transparent parts show whatever is belo the picture box, not the form background? I have tried taking screenshots and positioning them as background but this just freezes the app.
Dim ScreenSize As Size = New Size(154, 83)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(154, 83)
Dim blank As New Bitmap(100, 300)
View 1 Replies
Jun 28, 2010
I have placed several PictureBox Images of different colored dots(which represent lights) on an image of a Christmas Tree. I can make the lights randomly flash using a randomGenerator and a Select case statement. However, the code is very long. There are 67 lights on this tree and the code is 71 pages long. There has to be an easier way to do this. So far I have tried the following with two images of lights just to see if it would work and it does not work:
Dim picLight(2) As
For intX
View 8 Replies
Mar 13, 2009
PicBox(0, 0).Image = My.Resources.ship1
PicBox(0, 1).Image = My.Resources.ship2
View 13 Replies
Mar 1, 2012
In VB6 I could embed a panel or picturebox containing controls or images within an outer panel or picturebox. If I moved the outer control then the embedded panel would move with the outer panel and stay in the same relative position, which is what I require. This doesn't seem to happen in VB.NET, the internal panel stays fixed in its location, even if I have pasted this panel within the outer container. Is there are trick to this or do I have to code to get the internal panel to move with the outer one? How does an internal container remain embedded within an outer one?
View 4 Replies
Jan 16, 2012
As you see the code given below is not very useful. Is it possible to shorten the code. Mousewheel back and forward give the same result (next image). Keydown cannot be configured.
Private Sub Images_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
count += 1
If count + 1 > ImageList1.Images.Count Then
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
Nov 21, 2010
I have about 100 PNG images stored in a Resource. Sometimes I need to have the same images in an ImageList, but I do not want to store the images twice in my application, so I add the images from the Resource to the ImageList during runtime when I need them.
Is there an easier way to do this than having 100 lines of code, like the small example below?
imgItems.Images.Add("A", My.Resources.A)
imgItems.Images.Add("B", My.Resources.B)
imgItems.Images.Add("C", My.Resources.C)
imgItems.Images.Add("D", My.Resources.D)
View 1 Replies
Jan 31, 2011
I am using the following piece of code to load images as thumbnails to a FlowLayoutPanel control. Unfortunately i get an OutOfMemory exception.As you already guess the memory leak is found at line
Pedit.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs)
So how could i optimize the following code?
Private Sub LoadImagesCommon(ByVal FlowPanel As FlowLayoutPanel, ByVal fi As FileInfo)
Pedit = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.PictureEdit
Pedit.Width = txtIconsWidth.EditValue
Update: The problem occurs while loading a number of images (3264x2448px at 300dpi - each image is about 3Mb's)
View 4 Replies
Mar 1, 2009
Is there any efficient way to load all of the images that my program will use upon start-up such that when I load those images into pictureboxes during runtime regardless of what form I may be using, the images will load faster?Does that make sense?I've read about ImageLists, but do they actually load the images or is it just a way to manage image files?
View 2 Replies
Oct 3, 2010
What type of connector do i need to actually save the Map data like point of the images (x,y coordinate) into the database . and then retrieve it to show on the page in asp.net and how do i go about doing it.
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Jan 14, 2012
I have a rather straightforward question.How to I get a DataGrid in WPF to save/load raw XML files and have the ability to display/edit them with other controls? The application will only work offline so I won't need SQL. Just simply open, edit and save data to XML.
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Feb 8, 2012
I am attempting to create a program that users can create "cards" that have user inputted data. There are textboxes for each field such as Name, Location, Description, etc What is the best way to save and load this information?
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Jul 4, 2010
I'm making a log for my application.I have made the log and it works.I use the streamreader and the streamwriter to save and load the data. I thought that it would be more organized to have columns inside the log.The problem is how will i save the information to the text file and load it up again so that it could organize itself again. The code that i used to make the columns.
log.Columns.Add("Task performed ", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.3), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
log.Columns.Add("Time and date", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.2), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
log.Columns.Add(" Amount of detected files(s)", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.2), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
log.Columns.Add(" App version", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.4), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
The code that i use to add the information to the log.
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