Loading An XML Document From A Server Via HTTP

Apr 8, 2009

[code] What I want to know is, if this is the right way to load an XML of a server, If yes, How do I handle exceptions like "Server Error 500" etc.I also want a nice little progress bar to show the user that the XML is being loaded of the server, How do I change the responseTimeOut.If No, How do I load an XML of a server??

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Remote Document Retrieval From Http

Aug 16, 2010

I have been doing some research to determine an efficient and secure way to pass a document located on another server in the network to our web server and then on to the intranet user that requested it. While I have found plenty of ways to do this, I am not that experienced with this scenario as I have always just served documents stored locally on the web server and located nowhere else.

Our document server is shared in the domain and everyone has access to it and depending on their permissions, can access many files. I was thinking that I could possibly grab a file if I could pass the intranet users credentials but I don't know where to look to do that.

I was also thinking that maybe a webservice could do what I need but that just doesn't seem right to me because I am kinda guessing that there is already a .net library available that already handles something like this but am unsure as to what it is.

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Webrequest - Post XML Document To HTTP?

Feb 19, 2011

posting my XML document to a url in VB.NET. Here's what I have so far ...

Public Shared xml As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim root As XmlElement


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Truncation Of Document Name In Main Window Title When Opening A Word Document Under Server 2008?

Sep 22, 2011

We are opening a Word document from our Visual Basic 2010 application using the Word object. When we run our application under Windows Server 2008 the document name is truncated in the main window title for the document. This is not the case when we run our application under Windows XP. Is there a way to prevent this truncation under Windows Server 2008?Mary Leathem

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Wait For A WebBrowser To Finish Loading A Document?

Jul 18, 2010

I need to get the url of the webpage the webbrowser is navigating to, but since the code executes faster than the webbrowser navigates to the webpage, it gets the url of the last page. I cant use DocumentComplete Event because i have a tabbed browser,
and i cant write events because im creating tabs(with webbrowsers) at run-time. So how would i check to see if the webbrowser has loaded a document?

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Wait Until WebBrowser Document Completed Loading?

Jul 23, 2010

How do i do that ? I want to wait until the webbrowser has loaded the document and then add the document text to a textbox... How do I do that ?

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Loading A Xml Document From A File Built Use Linq.Xelement

Jan 11, 2012

I'm trying to load in a xml file that was build using another windows form, but when I try the xml document I get the following error: Name cannot begin with the '%' character, hexadecimal value 0x25. Line 10, position 13.[code]

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Loading Excel Document And Show A Login Screen Before Anything?

Nov 11, 2010

i am trying to create a password system for my excel document which allows different users to change different things but i dont know how to make it so the login screen comes up first and dosnt allow you to do anything else.

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C# - Simple .Net Based HTTP Server

Jul 30, 2011

To .net programming. please can anyone assist me on any .net based simple http server code to implement on my application.

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Create A HTTP Web Server In VB Code?

Jun 2, 2010

I want a PC to operate as a mini HTTP web server that can receive requests from local (WIFI) devices. I know how to resolve the addresses so that the URL of the PC will be known on the WIFI network, but I'm not sure how to get the PC to act as a HTTP server.

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HTTP POST Server (Not Posting To A Webserver)?

Sep 22, 2011

I've been trying to get this to work for days now, but I fail I have a very small HTTP Web Server using TCP sockets listening on port 80. I can connect and display html to the browser, parse GET parameters; but what I can't get is getting POST data. When I get a POST request, the headers and everything else come in fine, but the POST data is missing:


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Send A POST HTTP Request To A Server?

Oct 12, 2010

How can I send a POST HTTP request to a server (in Visual Basic 2010) and then receive the reply into a string.

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VS 2008 - How To Get Image From HTTP Server Via Raw Socket

Apr 7, 2010

I am using Async socket class to handle HTTP data. The OnRecieve event handler looks like this:
Private Sub sck_onDataArrival(ByVal sData() As Byte, ByVal BytesTotal As Integer) Handles sck.onDataArrival
Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(sData)
Dim returnImage As Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
Picturebox1.Image = returnImage
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

I realize this will not work because the byte array still contains the header information from the response from the server. How to strip this data without converting the byte array to a string. I need to strip the header response information and just be left with the image data and from there convert that data into a stream so the stream can be loaded into an image and displayed in my picturebox.

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HTTP Headers - Sends An Xml Code To Server - Get JSESSIONID Value ?

Jun 12, 2011

I have created a few months ago a simple tool in vb.net, that sends an xml code to server, and that server sends response after a while. Everything is performed in http session, for that purpose I use webbrowser control and webclient. I know it could have been solved in different way, however iam not an expert in vb.net, and also didnt want to spend too much time on it. Anyway it worked, until they had changed something on the server. Let me explain in a few words how that tool works, so it will be easier to understand the problem.

In the first part, I open an URL in the webbrowser control, subsequently I enter xml code in the textarea on that page and click on the submit button. In result of that I get another page with some data on it, namely links to xls files. In the next part I use webclient for downloading those files. What is important for all of these operations I need to use the same http session id.

So, simply by now, i just set headers in webclient - WebClient.Headers.Add("Cookie", WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie.ToString) What have guaranteed to use the same session id by the WebClient. However, after the change made on the server mentioned before, the JSESSIONID value is not available in that string. When I use https analyzer (fiddler), I can see that value there...until moment when I am using WebClient. Of course due to that fact, the webclient won't download files for me, because the session id is not the same.

There is one more thing, what would be useful. When I checked the cookies file on my harddrive, I saw that line starts like #HTTP_ONLY. I think that would cause that problem with jsessionid.

Now, I am coming to my question Do you have any idea, how I would get that JSESSIONID value ? It is sent from webbrowser control, however don't know how to get it.

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Retrieving An Image From A SQL Server Database Using A Http Handler?

Aug 14, 2011

I'm currently battling to retrieve an image from SQL Server 2008 R2 in an asp webapplication using vb.net. The image is stored in the SQL Server 2008 R2 database as an image type. I've been researching for the past few days and can't seem to find anything solid on this topic. Apparently, the image has to be retrieved using

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Samples Codes On HTTP GET/POST From A Device Server?

Mar 10, 2009

Website dat have samples codes on HTTP GET/POST from a device server?

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VS 2010 Retrieve A Txt File Of A Server (http) And Store It In A String?

Mar 19, 2011

I am after some simple code to retrieve a txt file of a server (http) and store it in a string.

I have had a look around, but non luck.

I am using VB2010 on Windows 7

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VS 2010 Send An HTTP Request To A Server Using A POST Method

Dec 31, 2010

I am trying to send an HTTP Request to a server using a POST method. The problem comes from the PostData, which needs to be in Bytes form to be used by the UploadData function.


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HTML - How Can The Server Program Read The Variables Sent Using A HTTP 'GET' Request Method In .NET

Jul 31, 2011

I have written server code in vb.Net. I want it to read to variables sent by another server's HTTP 'GET' request. For example the first server will send this URL [URL]msgid=$messageid where the values to be used by my server are sender, receiver, msgdata, recvtime and msgid I have written my code but it only reads the address sent by the http server and locates for the file in the server's root directory. I want the server to be reading the variables sent by the other server using the HTTP 'GET' request. My code is shown below

' the web server only accepts get requests.
If Mid(LCase(sbuffer), 1, 3) <> "get" Then
'if not GET request then close socket and exit


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Web Service To Deserilize JSON Http Request - Pass To Stored Procedure To Retrieve Data From SQL Server

Aug 23, 2011

I have a task to create a web service to receive client-side app's http request(with rpc={json data} in the end), deserilize it and put he parameter in stored Procedure in order to retrive data from sql server. the procedure query and client-side's app are already there and the return data to client-side app is JSON too

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HTTP Client Component For Communicating With HTTP Servers

Jan 17, 2009

Anyone know anymore .DLL Files that are like this?

HTTP client component for communicating with HTTP servers. [URL]

Im looking for something that acts like Web Browser Control But it is not. It should be like HttpWebRequest Class But handle the stuff properly like a Web Browser Control Does.

So i found Chilkat HTTP .NET

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Regex - Extracting HTTP Link(http://) For The String In .NET?

Sep 28, 2011

I have the following column values in my table Sample values:


I want to have 2 variables having the links and content separate - example:


I guess it can be done via String functions or regular expression.

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DB/Reporting :: Loading Is Due To SQL Server Itself

May 27, 2010

I have a vb.net program using the MS SQL 2005 Database.I use the SqlClient.SQLdataAdaptor to insert the records in DB.Whenever i load the program and then use the SqlClient.SQLdataAdaptor to insert record into DB for the 1st time, it will take longer time to load. But if I use the same SqlClient. SQLdataAdaptor to insert record into DB again immidately, it will take shorter time to load. However, if I wait for 5-10mins, then use the same SqlClient.SQLdataAdaptor to insert record into DB again, it will take longer time to load again.Can anyone tell me this loading is due to the SQL Server itself / the VB.net?Can anyone suggest me a way to check the reason of this loading? [code]

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Push Document To SQL Server

Jan 8, 2012

I am using following code to push my document to Sql server my problem is each time I push document to sql server. The sql server using memory is increasing never clear the memory. How to clear sql sever using memory after push my document?

Public Sub StoreFile(ByVal sFilePath As String, ByVal ImageId As Integer)
Dim SqlCom As SqlCommand
Dim imageData As Byte()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim qry As String
[Code] .....

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Loading A Word Document Line By Line In VB2008?

Jan 25, 2010

how to load a word document ,line by line in Microsoft vb 2008?

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Loading Data From SQL Server Row By Row To Textboxes

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to retrieve data row by row from my SQL Server and load them into my respective textboxes, I was doing the below code but of course it doesn't work as the For Each loop will load every single textboxes with each data retrieved,


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Download File From Http Server That Requires A Referral Before Allowing Download?

Nov 18, 2011

I usually download file using following code:My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("url of the file","filepath to save the file")But recently I encountered a site that only allow file download if you click it from its site and not via direct downloading from vb.net code.How to download file from http server that requires a referral before allowing the download?

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Loading A XML From A HttpS Address If Server Is Offline?

Jul 22, 2010

I am using this code to get a XML file from a http or https server:

Public Function GetPageAsXML(ByVal address As String) As XmlDocument 'String
Dim doc As XmlDocument


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VS 2010 Loading Data From SQL Server Row By Row To Textboxes?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to retrieve data row by row from my SQL Server and load them into my respective textboxes, I was doing the below code but of course it doesn't work as the For Each loop will load every single textboxes with each data retrieved, ran out of ideas.

Private Sub retrieve_Data()
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


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XML - Saving Document In SQL Server 2008 Database?

Apr 13, 2012

I'm working in .NET solution Visual Basic that makes reporting of a database using Crystal Reports for .NET, and I want to store each report after it been generated in the database in xml or in PDF just tell me how?

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