Loop Through Text Boxes To Check If They Are Empty Before Saving Recor?
Nov 16, 2010
I have an insert statement which works fine but before the record is saved I want to validate the text boxes. So I just need to know how to check for empty text boxes before the save button is clicked on. I have seen a couple of examples like:
Dim ctr As TextBox
If ctr.Text = vbNullString Then
MsgBox("empty box")
For example, I clicked the Add Text box button, so it added 3 text boxes in the form (I used Dynamic text box so it can add multiple text box). When I input data to one of those 3 text boxes and then Save button has been clicked. It should checked whether the dynamic text boxes are empty or not. If there are empty text boxes, then saving data to db should not be continued and display a message telling the user that empty field(s) are invalid.
In the code below, it saves the data even if there are empty text boxes and I think because it is in the for loop, it checks the text boxes one by one and repeatedly displays the message box that I coded.
Here's the complete code:
Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form3
I have a Form with a Group Box with a number of check boxes within it, each check box has a text box next to it for the user to enter a number. I wondered if it was possible to loop through the check boxes within the Group Box to find out which are selected and output the value in the associated textbox next each checkbox as it loops?
I have a series of checkboxes named cbS1 through cbS20 and I set 'Count' as an integer.What I need help doing is taking the value of count and check the checkboxes that are greater than the count.example: count = 7 so checkboxes 8-20 would be checked.Im not sure how to make an array out of the checkboxes to use in a loop.
How to apply for loop on grid view and to check the empty cell value then show a message... Dim cnt As New DataSet1.LibraryDataTable For i As Integer = 0 To cnt.Rows.Count - 1 For j As Integer = 0 To 5 If GridView1.Rows(i).Cells(j).Text = Nothing Then GoTo e ElseIf GridView1.Rows(i).Cells(j).ID Then GoTo a End If Next Next e: lblmsg.Text = "he is not return a book" a: lblmsg.Text = "he is return all book"
I'm writing a program for my class, which pretty much is an energy cost calculator. It takes 4 inputs from 4 text boxes and multiplies them, and the result is the cost. Well, now I have to come up with a way to check for empty text boxes and display a prompt to enter a number. I've tried inserting multiple codes to display a prompt and to no avail nothing has worked, I also receive the error "when casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity" error.
I have a problem in that I have five text boxes pertaining to a customer/client, where there is a txtbox for each: Name; Address; City: State; Zipcode. Of course all the txtboxes are "" at initialization. I also have 2 combo boxes and a 2D array for prices which I have finally been able to understand the array logic. I have also been able to do my necessary calculations for.
My problem. The customer information is first to be validated as all being strings and not empty. The combo boxes I was able to get to tie to my 2 dimentional array and get good output and calculations for a finished product. I am just having problems with the error messages. Also I don't want summary totals unless the data is valid. In other words, the user must enter a complete address and make decisions about the two combo boxes, both of which are needed to use the price array. I will change the comboBoxes to represent dress sizes,"S" "M" "L" and "XL" and the other combobox to describe colorRedSatin or colorBlackBroadcloth with a two dollar difference in price between them. 'That would be similar enough to the problem I need to solve.
Basically I do not want any numbers to appear for price of the dress or addons to the dress unless all validation is complete. I do understand how the radio objects work for discounts and check boxes for accumulating accessories. The program should not give any totals untill the user has input all customer information and made decisions about input from combo boxes and selected calculate from menu. Right now it calculates and puts zeros in when choices are not made from the combo boxes by the user. It will include correct amounts for radio buttons and checkboxes if anything is entered. I need error messages for customer inputs and combo box inputs (if not selected from list of option in drop down for choices) (basically if nothing was put in a text box, the text box is empty. Of course the problem is the user must enter something in all 5 textboxes and not get multiple error messages in rapid succession to fix. We can't always count on our users putting in good data.. When I tried a Do While False with ORs I was getting endless looping. I could not get it to work because it will never execute because the control never passes back to the user.
I don't want to list a series of If/Thens becauser the user will see about 7 messages, where he/she only needs to be fed one at the time. I hope someone can give me some direction. I just need guidance on how to validate the text boxes and combo boxes. The code is analyzed with a "Calculate" on the menustrip. I would like for the calculation not to calculate and put outputs into the summery text boxes unless all textboxes are filled and combo boxes are valid for all the customer information and combo box choices for my two combo boxes describing what is needed for the order to calculate. There are also the radiobuttons and checkboxes, DIMs, Const, Variables, but not having problems with that part I have my indexing problems on the combo boxes worked out also, so I am not concerned about those now except for getting the error messages when I should. I hope that I have described my issues fully. I am using visual studio 8 with Windows 7
how to permanently save to text files then re-open all of the information again using SFD and OFD. Now my teacher has come back at me and said that i need to be able to save the information from multiple text boxes and have the text in certain labels to also be saved into the one text file (the labels need to be done because it is a database and these labels are like the fields and the right text box needs to match the right label)
I am working on a project where I need to create dynamicly created text boxes (which works fine) and then save the values from those text boxes to a txt file.Essentially how the form works is their are a few static text boxes the user fills out and then presses a button to create a row of 7 other text boxes and they click the button for however many rows they need.Again this part work just fine, but its when I get to trying to save the values in those boxes that I run into trouble.I'm fairly new to vb.net and currently I only know how to save the static boxes using the WriteLine function, which unfortunetely doesn't work for the dynamic ones. [code]
I'm creating an application that works like a recipe box. it has a picture box that is in the design of an index card, and it has 3 text boxes. I am having extreme difficulty saving the text boxes with the picture. i am using a database so that the info can be filtered, by recipe name, course description (appetizer, side dish...etc).
I have 100 text boxes on another form I have to populate. I don't want to use 100 Form3.txt1.Text = Mid(answer,1,1) as shown below, i would like to put them in a loop, like a For loop. But when I try I get Error1'txt' is not a member of 'WindowsApplication1.Form3'.Is there another way of doing this?
how to do something similar to what was a control array in VB6 in .NET? I would like to be able to fill the contents of several text boxes using a FOR NEXT loop or something similar..... corresponding the contents of an array with the texts of an equal number of text boxes.
My scenario is this; I'm doing a project on a vet and I have a form for the vaccinations that can be given. Each vaccine is assigned to a checkbox. What I want to do is, when a checkbox is checked, the required vaccine is added to the listbox. Also when numerous checkboxes are checked, I want all of the values to appear in the list box (the list box then gets saved to a database).
The only thing i've managed to do is; when the checkbox is checked it gets added to the list box. But when another one is checked the 2nd value replaces the first, in the list box.
Im working on a lay-away form application, this particular part is part of the even where the user adds a new customer, and has come to the section for adding personal references to the customers account. What Im trying to do is to check all the text boxes inside the GroupBox control, and then add all the tags of the text boxes that are empty to the list. If the list holds any records it will be put into a message box to let the user know he missed this value. But I want them to list in one text box. Here is what I've tried:[code...]
I get a conversion error, Cannot convert Prompt to String.
I'm trying to lern VS 2010 from VB 6 and one of the things i'm hawing a problem whid is control array.In vb 6 if you create a text box it's named "Text1" and if you yust copy it and paste it it renames to "Text1(0)" and the new one's name is "Text1(0)" and the code would lock like this
then it would print for each loop the random result in one of the text boxes corresponding to i.
I used this code to created 2 combo boxes General and Specific...and Only show Specific (Combo when Combo A is chosen.....What i need now is to know how to assign specific values to the items in combo b (Specific).??? If i chose a sode, Fanta, i want the total price to be $10.00 (this price will show up in the finial price box..
I have code which saves DGV contents including check box columns as a comma separated text file. I also have correct code which will take the text file and re-insert it into the DGV at a later time. This all works.When I'm working on the DGV, I have this
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellValueChanged If DataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name = "Column12" Then[code]....
So that when the check box is true, columns 1 and 3 turn different colours, and when false, go to a yellow colour.However, when I "re-insert" my DGV info from my text file, the check boxes come back correctly - as true and false on the right rows - but columns 1 and 3 don't change colour. I've tried a "DataGridView1.Refresh" option but not getting it to work.The DGV is unbound. I need it to recognise which check boxes are true and update automatically when the information is opened from a text file.
I am waiting for a confirmation email to arrive within the web browser I am using I do not need to click any buttons to open this mail I just need some help figuring out how I can check whether it has arrived or not I already have the code to find the link and navigate to it (I had to navigate rather then invoke due to it trying to open in a new window outside of web browser and out of my control)
How can I keep checking for my specified element and when found carry out the rest of my code or is there another way I should be doing this the code I am using to find the verification link and navigate to it is as follows
I really am desperate for help on this one I have been reading about loops but cannot seem to find any example which I can use and change to my needs I have done so well in learning up until now and I have really hit a brick wall for something which seems so simple
I am trying to follow the book 'Sams teach yourself VB 2008'. It was going well until the end of hour 4. For exercise 1 I have created the form with a button and two text boxes, but cannot work out the code I need to move text between the two boxes. The Object Browser does not seem to help - am I reading it wrong?
I use check boxes and place them on my user interface (See attachment)I have coded the code for "select all" button :
Code: Private Sub checkedall_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_ System.EventArgs) Handles checkedall.Click Dim chkboxes, outs As New Collection()
I could not seems to check all the boxes. Is there something wrong with it? I am not sure how to assign array to check boxes.
Public Sub RandomNumbers() Dim s(4) As String Dim RandomNumber As Byte
I don't know if you can tell what I am trying to do here, so I will try to explain. I what to create for random numbers and place them into for different text boxes. I also would like to do this with combo boxes and their selected indexes. So if the combo box has 10 items in it; the new selected index would be the random number generated above.
I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.
What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.
The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.
I've already asked on other forums and people are where replying giving me third party programs that I could use to implement this, something I don't really want to do.
I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.
What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.
Im trying to make a program that allows the user to view additional information via moving the cursor over the label to view (make visble) additional information, in the form of text boxes and/or picture boxes. How will i go about doing this?