Transfer Text From Check Boxes To A List Box?

Mar 6, 2010

My scenario is this; I'm doing a project on a vet and I have a form for the vaccinations that can be given. Each vaccine is assigned to a checkbox. What I want to do is, when a checkbox is checked, the required vaccine is added to the listbox. Also when numerous checkboxes are checked, I want all of the values to appear in the list box (the list box then gets saved to a database).

The only thing i've managed to do is; when the checkbox is checked it gets added to the list box. But when another one is checked the 2nd value replaces the first, in the list box.

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Add Check Boxes Into A List Box?

Nov 28, 2009

Add Check Boxes Into A List Box?[code]...

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Wrap The Text In Check Boxes?

Jan 26, 2011

how to wrap the text in check boxes? 2003

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How To Check All The Text Boxes Inside The GroupBox Control

Sep 8, 2011

Im working on a lay-away form application, this particular part is part of the even where the user adds a new customer, and has come to the section for adding personal references to the customers account. What Im trying to do is to check all the text boxes inside the GroupBox control, and then add all the tags of the text boxes that are empty to the list. If the list holds any records it will be put into a message box to let the user know he missed this value. But I want them to list in one text box. Here is what I've tried:[code...]

I get a conversion error, Cannot convert Prompt to String.

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Loop Through Text Boxes To Check If They Are Empty Before Saving Recor?

Nov 16, 2010

I have an insert statement which works fine but before the record is saved I want to validate the text boxes. So I just need to know how to check for empty text boxes before the save button is clicked on. I have seen a couple of examples like:

Dim ctr As TextBox
If ctr.Text = vbNullString Then
MsgBox("empty box")


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Read From XML File To Specific Form Control Text And Check Boxes?

Nov 18, 2010

Dealing with reading from an XML file, stuctured similar to the following:


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Text Boxes To Populate List View?

Jun 13, 2009

with the code below thatprompts the user to select a row from the ListView1 control. The row selected is then used to update the Xml file with the text box content.The original code works well but I'd like to find out if there's a way to automatically select the ListView1 row based on matching what is in Cbox1 and

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Wrting From List Boxes To Text File?

May 23, 2010

I have 6 List boxes, im trying to write the data in each list box to a Tet file but not sure how to do this.

I have:
'Writing a FIle
Dim sw_ShipmentsFile As StreamWriter
Dim sFileName As String = ""
Dim sConsignmentNumbers(1000) As String


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Automatically Generate Text Boxes From A List View?

Jun 3, 2011

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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DB/Reporting :: Taking Text Boxes And Adding To A List Box

Oct 15, 2008

I'm writing a database program that will take various information from the user via text boxes, then save them as a *.txt file. I've already figured out the majority of that business. However, I'm having trouble programming a ListBox.

The ListBox needs to accept three pieces of information from 3 Text Boxes, then concantenate them when a button labeled 'Add' is pressed and scoot them to the ListBox (lstshowresults) while clearing the three boxes at the same time.

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Open Text File In Multiple List Boxes?

Apr 23, 2009

At the present moment I have four list boxes that save into one text file each seperated by a number telling me how many items are in each. The code is as follows[code]...

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Loading Information From A Text File Back Into 8 List Boxes?

May 18, 2010

Basically my program creates a text file based on whatever is contained in the 6 list boxes. What i need it to do is load the text it created back into the relevant list box. text file looks like...

Consignment Number-----Shippment Method------Expected Departure Date
CC33-1EA------------Express Air-----------18/05/2010


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Using OpenFileDialog To Load A ',' Delimited Text File Into 6 List Boxes

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to Load data from a Text file, which is "," Delimited into 6 List Boxes.. Want a FileOpenDialog Box so that the user Can chose which Office Id txt File they wont to load into the List Boxes.How it works is;

-The user Enters an Office ID (e.g HH33)
-The user fills out the rest of the program, the data is then generated into the 6 list Boxes
-User then clicks Save to File button.
-The program creates a Text file with the name coming from the Office Id, so if the user enters HH33, the text file is created with name HH33.txt.
-All Data entered by the user under the office name HH33 will be added to the Text File..[code]

View 36 Replies

Assign Values To Items In Combo Boxes And Check Boxes?

Feb 27, 2009

I used this code to created 2 combo boxes General and Specific...and Only show Specific (Combo when Combo A is chosen.....What i need now is to know how to assign specific values to the items in combo b (Specific).??? If i chose a sode, Fanta, i want the total price to be $10.00 (this price will show up in the finial price box..

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DGV CheckBox - Recognise Which Check Boxes Are True And Update Automatically When The Information Is Opened From A Text File?

May 8, 2012

I have code which saves DGV contents including check box columns as a comma separated text file. I also have correct code which will take the text file and re-insert it into the DGV at a later time. This all works.When I'm working on the DGV, I have this

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellValueChanged
If DataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name = "Column12" Then[code]....

So that when the check box is true, columns 1 and 3 turn different colours, and when false, go to a yellow colour.However, when I "re-insert" my DGV info from my text file, the check boxes come back correctly - as true and false on the right rows - but columns 1 and 3 don't change colour. I've tried a "DataGridView1.Refresh" option but not getting it to work.The DGV is unbound. I need it to recognise which check boxes are true and update automatically when the information is opened from a text file.

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Selecting Values Of Combo Boxes And List Boxes In Web Browser?

May 22, 2012

I am developing a program that makes it easier for users to log on to a website and search for specific data. I have the first portion finished in which I have a form with the Ax Web Browser control.

The web browser control navigates to a local website and automatically logs in for the end user. This is done by using code which automatically fills in the username and password and then submits the form to logon using something similar to this: WebBrowser1.Document.Forms.Item(, 0).elements("txtUsername").value = "user"

Once logged on - there is a search page which contains a combo box and list box. I am trying to set specific values for the combo box and list boxes.For example - the combo box on the website is titled: cbxDate and contains the following values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month.

A list box titled: lstArea contains the following values: Zone A, Zone B, Zone C, All.I am trying to figure out if there is a way through code to select, in this example, "Yesterday" in the cbxDate and "Zone B" in the lstArea on the webpage.If anyone knows of a solution, please feel free to let me know. Be advised that I am using the Ax Web Browser Control.

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VS 2008 Create The Form With A Button And Two Text Boxes - Move Text Between The Two Boxes

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to follow the book 'Sams teach yourself VB 2008'. It was going well until the end of hour 4. For exercise 1 I have created the form with a button and two text boxes, but cannot work out the code I need to move text between the two boxes. The Object Browser does not seem to help - am I reading it wrong?

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Clearing List Boxes And Combo Boxes?

Mar 20, 2009

what is the syntax to clear a combo box and also a list box?

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Interface And Graphics :: [VB2005] Check All Check Boxes?

Oct 23, 2008

I use check boxes and place them on my user interface (See attachment)I have coded the code for "select all" button :

Private Sub checkedall_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_
System.EventArgs) Handles checkedall.Click
Dim chkboxes, outs As New Collection()


I could not seems to check all the boxes. Is there something wrong with it? I am not sure how to assign array to check boxes.

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Combo Boxes And Arrays - Create For Random Numbers And Place Them Into For Different Text Boxes

Nov 3, 2010

So as the name states; I am a newer coder.

This is the code i have:

Public Sub RandomNumbers()
Dim s(4) As String
Dim RandomNumber As Byte

I don't know if you can tell what I am trying to do here, so I will try to explain. I what to create for random numbers and place them into for different text boxes. I also would like to do this with combo boxes and their selected indexes. So if the combo box has 10 items in it; the new selected index would be the random number generated above.

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Send Data From Text Boxes / Combo Boxes To Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.

What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.

The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.

I've already asked on other forums and people are where replying giving me third party programs that I could use to implement this, something I don't really want to do.

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Sending Data From Text Boxes/combo Boxes To Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.

What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.

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Forms :: Using Mouse Overs To View (make Visible) Text Boxes And Picture Boxes

Jul 5, 2011

Im trying to make a program that allows the user to view additional information via moving the cursor over the label to view (make visble) additional information, in the form of text boxes and/or picture boxes. How will i go about doing this?

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VS 2008 Student List Views - List Boxes And Data Fro Access DB Tables

Dec 30, 2010

This is what I'm sure will be the first of many noob-ish questions from yours truly... I'm studying as a mature student for a Computing Degree (encompassing web design, hardware, programming and systems analysis). The programming seems to be my weak spot this year. I enjoyed C++ last year, doing basic console applications, but progamming visually with VB in Visual Studio 2008 I'm struggling!


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Placing Selected/unselected Items In Checked List Box Into List Boxes?

Mar 16, 2011

This program is supposed to allow the user to check items in a checked list box. If the item is checked, it goes into the Completed List Box on the right. The program then adds the unchecked items to the Pending list box on the left. I keep getting placement values (e.g. O,1,2) instead of the strings (e.g. "Key Returned") in the list box results (see photo attached)

Public Class frmCheckOut
Dim i As Integer
Dim cleaning As String = "Cleaning Inspection"
Dim damage As String = "Damage Repaired"


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Move Info From Text Boxes On One Form To Binding Source Text Boxes On Another Form?

May 8, 2009

how to move info from text boxes on one form to binding source text boxes on another form. I am displaying array info in text boxes on one form and i need to add them to the database on another form. How do I do that?

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Transfer Data From A List View To .txt File?

Jun 17, 2009

the code I can incorporate in my application which will allow me to transfer data from my listview to a notepad or .txt file

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Transfer Item Selected In A List Box To A Label In .Net?

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to select an item in the listbox (e.g. January) and retrieve the number of days to display in the label. Have listbox (listMonth) created but cannot seem to add the data ("31") to show in the label box(lblDays.text) when January is selected.

Public Class MonthDay
'Declare global variables
Dim Jan As String = "31"
Dim Feb As String = "28 or 29"


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C# - With LINQ, How To Transfer A List<List<string>> To List<string>

Dec 15, 2010

I got an object of List<List<string>>I need to bring this into a ist<string>I have no idea how to do this with LINQ.

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Two Identical Check Boxes But They Don't Look Same

Aug 15, 2010

Most of my check boxes look like these (on the left of the picture) (ignore the checked check box in the upper left corner , I am not talking about tat one) :However , ONLY on tab 2 the check boxes look differently in both cases the check boxes are Disabled , but they don't look the same . Why is that ? I even tried copying the check boxes from tab 3 to tab 2 but to my surprise they once again looked differently ! This only happens on tab 2 . How is this possible ?

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