Losing Control Handles Code

Jan 14, 2011

Just about every day as I build my app and run/test it, I click on a control (button, grid, anything) and nothing happens.I double-click the control in design mode, and it's like clicking on a new control, no code is there.It turns out that the control loses the part of the line of code.[code]This has happened so often that I know I'm not deleting it accidentally.

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Losing Handles On Events In Inherited Forms?

Mar 21, 2011

We have a vb.net 2010 application with a base form and an inherited form When we change the position of a control coded on the inherited form we lose handles on the events in the inherited form for that control. We also lose the handles on the Load event in the inherited form.

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Handles Button.click Event From Custom Control Inside Other Control?

Jul 29, 2009

I've created my own ascx control with button inside it. Now I'm using this control inside other control. (In my case it is a webpart). What I would like to do is program button.click logic from my custom control inside webpart

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C# - WPF: Control Losing Its Binding?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a MenuItem of a context menu of a Grid and its IsEnabled property is bound to MyProperty. It works fine until I actually click on the event handler of the MenuItem, which has no code in it. After I have clicked on the MenuItem the dataBinding no longer works.

I can tell cos' my breakpoint in the getter of MyProperty does not get hit.


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Control - Prevent Another Application From Losing Focus

Nov 23, 2011

I'm creating some software to keep my students on task. I've set it up so that I can control certain aspects of their computer from my computer. Problem is, I'm not sure how to control other applications from my application. I mostly just want to prevent it from being minimized. Some students like to switch screens quickly when I walk by. I would just like to make sure that it is always on top until I specify otherwise. I'm using VB.net, I'm using the 3.5 .net framework for compatibility reasons.

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VS 2008 Losing Session In Webbrowser Control?

Mar 8, 2012

i am using Visual Studio 2008 Expres Edition. I use the WebpageManipulation Example VB Code from KLEINMA downloaded from this forum. It uses a Webbrowser Control. What i want to do:


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Asp.net - Losing <asp:Label> Text Value From ViewState For Dynamically Added Control?

Mar 5, 2012

I am adding controls to a page programatically in the code behind. I add an asp:Label and set it's Text value. I add an asp:TextBox and set it's Text value. Both Text values are returned in the Response and displayed in the browser. All fine so far.

The user performs an action that causes a postback. I re-load the dynamically added asp:Label and asp:TextBox. When the Response is returned to the browser, only the asp:TextBox Text value is displayed. The asp:Label Text value is not. If I inspect the HTML I can see the asp:Label control (rendered as an HTML span tag) but no value.

How can I get the code to automatically re-load the Text value of an asp:Label on each postback? Why is the behaviour different for an asp:Label and an asp:TextBox? I do not want to have to manually re-set the Text value on each postback.

Here is some code similar to what I am doing (placeHolderNameplates is an asp:PlaceHolder control on the aspx page): Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then


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Custom Control Losing Size Around Edge When Added To Form

Dec 7, 2011

Having some issues with creating a simple control in vb.net.

I create a control with a single label in, I don't change anything except the colour of the control and the label and also making the label anchor to the edges ( with a small border around the edge)

When i then build it and add this control to a form. Some of the edges are cut off and it isn't anchored the way it was in the control.[url]...

as you can see in the second image the control has lost its white border at the right and bottom.

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Find Out Other Classes/control Handles For Different Programs?

Mar 25, 2010

In all the sendmessage examples its always to Notepad using the class "edit" how would i find out other classes/control handles for different programs?


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Handles Keyword Dissapears On Control Cut/paste

Jul 22, 2010

When I cut some controls in designer window and paste them in some other container, handles keywoards dissapears from code.

If I have btnOK on form and click event handled like this:

Private Sub btnOK_Click(...) Handles btnOK.Click

and then in designer I cut the button and paste it somewhere else, Handles part just disappears, living the method.

I understand why this happens, cutting like this is like deleting the control but silently removing parts of the code is not nice behavior from editor.

Is there any workaround, preference or plugin to add some warning before messing with my code? Or even better, to keep handlers and leave removing to me?

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How To Find Out Other Classes / Control Handles For Different Programs

Mar 25, 2010

In all the sendmessage examples its always to Notepad using the class "edit" how would i find out other classes/control handles for different programs? [code]I'm just testing this on mozilla firefox for now, but it doesnt send over the Virtual Key because i cant find the Hwnd.

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Release Configuration Mode - Custom Control Losing Property Settings

Jun 27, 2011

I have a custom control that as a custom property. The property has several preset values to chose from a drop down. The control can be added to a form. The property can be viewed and set in the properties box in the IDE. It all works fine.

Here's the problem: I can create new versions and recompile the control and/or the application without the properties preset value being lost as long as I do it in Debug mode. However, once I try to recompile in Release mode the custom property values predefined setting is lost. I first thought it was something with going from debug mode to release mode. But it seems to be ANY time I recompile in Release mode the custom property values are lost. Is this a quirk in VS that needs a configuration setting, etc. to get around it?

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VS 2008 Writing Some VB2008 Code To Control Four 7-seg LED's / Serial Port Control?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm writing some VB2008 code to control four 7-seg LEDs I bought from Velleman. They came with some example code in VB 5.0, and with instructions telling me to input 5 bytes at a time in the format Chr$() & Chr$() & etc. for the rest of the 5 bytes. When I try to do this using VB2008, it rejects the $ sign, so I've tried it using the Chr() format, which VB2008 allows. However, it doesn't work. Is Chr() the new version of Chr$() or are they different entities? In sending data to the LEDs, I'm using LiveComPort.WriteLine() as my command. (My serial port is called LiveComPort) I also tried it with LiveComPort.Write() asthe command. I know that my serial port and the LEDs are working, because they respond to the demo program provided by Velleman.

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.net - Losing Data Continued?

Jan 20, 2011

This procedure is inside of the xsd file:

Public Shared Sub AddRowData(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim myDataCol As DataColumn
Dim myDataRow As DataRow


Before it leaves the procedure I'm checking the DataSet row and I see that the Variable are there.In the next step it goes to a form on which I'm viewing the relative report.The Last form has only the Load event, nothing else. there is no any row .

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Gridview Losing The Format?

Jun 10, 2012

Having a problem with Gridview losing it's column width, font, headings, etc when attempting to change font/color when null fields exist.

Here's my code that works correctly


'>>==== Highlight a Row after grid is sorted ======
'can be used to show 'over budget' items highlited in Red Italics
For i = 0 To DgvGrid.Rows.Count - 1
If Not IsDBNull(DgvGrid.Rows(i).Cells("BudYtd").Value) Then 'Only test Non-Null Values


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Listview Losing Listviewitems?

Dec 6, 2009

Here's an interesting issue:I've got a listview on a form that will load up properly, but as soon as I get my proxy (multithreaded) going, the listviewitems inside the listview suddenly cease to exist.

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Losing Focus On Other Applications?

Nov 18, 2010

I've written a short application that consists of a form, listviewbox and a timer, the program sits in the taskbar with the form invisible, the timer is set for 40 seconds and basically it queries a database held on an SQL 2000 server, when a certain change happens within the database my form pops up and shows some data in the listview, this happens well, the problem I have is when the check is going on (every 40 seconds) the user loses focus on what ever they're working on. Is there a way I can stop this?

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Losing Value Outside Of Databinding Expression

Oct 21, 2009

When I call a function, it doesn't retain the return value for use later on in the script. How do you keep a value from something that's called within the <%# %> databinding expression?
<%#GetGoal(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "GoalName"))%>
GetGoal just returns a string based on the value of a databound item. The reason I'm using this approach is because this is within a repeater and each row is different.

<script runat="server">
Public Function GetGoal(ByVal Goal As Object) As String
Dim tmpControl As UserControl = LoadControl(lblLastGoal)
If (Goal <> lblLastGoal.Text) Then
[Code] .....

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New Processes And Losing Focus?

Apr 19, 2009

I need to start multiple processes, with minimized windows - and I don't want whatever the current process is to lose focus.Something like this should be simple enough:


However, whatever application is running will lose focus when this code is executed. I've looked high and low, and there doesn't seem to be any relatively simple way to do this. I had some ideas about capturing whatever application has focus (I don't want to assume my program has focus), then running the above code, and then restoring focus. However, I'm fairly certain this will require win32 API calls, and I'm not sure how to do that.

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Time - Timer In .NET Is Losing One Second

May 6, 2012

I use a DateTimePicker to pick a dateTime value and see how much time I have until it is zero: [Code] The timer is set to make changes each one second. What Can I do to have the right results?

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Why Does The Msgbox Keep Losing Focus

Jan 23, 2011


Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("server=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=true; Database=memberlist;")
Dim sqlComm As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM memberlist", sqlConn)


when i do this the first msgbox pops up, i click ok, it then loses focus, i think its actually minimizing. I then have to click it in the task bar several times to get it to come back up. from then it will sometimes give each msgbox over and over just fine, sometimes it will minimizes random ones. the first one seems to be a constant.

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C# - Rounding To The Best Unit Without Losing Precision

Jan 26, 2010

I receive a decimal number with a maximum of 4 digits after the "." and I know this number is in milligram.

I have to find the best matching unit (milligram, gram, kilogram) for the number.

for an example if I receive


116000000.0000 milligram, it's going to return 116.0000 kilogram
66990000.0000 milligram, it's going to return 66.9900 kilogram
49000010.0000 milligram, it's going to return 49000.0100 g


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Losing Decimal Places After Division?

May 16, 2012

I am trying to load a small decimal number (eg 0.0566897 from a dataset field in to a variable (double), divide it by 2 and place it back in the dataset. After the divison, the variable is 0.0 and the rest of the decimal places are gone. How can I avoid losing the decimal places?

Dim dblCostps As Double = "0.0000000"
dblCostps = todds.Tables("todinfo").Rows(1).Item("cost_per_second")
dblCostps = dblCostps \ 2
todds.Tables("todinfo").Rows(1).Item("cost_per_second") = dblCostps

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Losing IntWeight Variable For Multiplication?

Apr 16, 2012

I'm new to VB and programming in general and have not had too much trouble however i cannot figure this problem out and i've been working on it for a week. basically i have to create a program that calculates the mass of someone on another planet with the conversion numbers as constant, an input box for the user's mass, using select case format and output to a label including the name of planet ie "Your mass on &strPlantet is x" so what happens is my intWeight variable becomes zero and the lblResult is Zero. (i have not added the all the code for the label output) oh yeah i must also use a try/catch structure to prevent non numeric data from being input.[code]

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Losing Most Of The Page Content On Second Postback?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a form with a update panel. This posts the form and validates it. Returning a errorMessage string of any invalid field such as "Field xyz is a required field, Field abc needs to be a quantity" When I enter incorrect date it posts back fine and displays the text in a div at the bottom of the page which the update panel is aimed at to update. (and only this it should be changing)This works but the second time I hit say (say i enter invalid data twice) the Complete form will disappear leaving me with just the banner of the site and the error message that is returned.

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Losing Session Variables When Loging In With IE?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to fix an ASP.NET application that is also written is VB and uses session variables to store the information from the logging page. In Firefox, the application runs just fine, but in IE (I am using IE 8), when I summit the logging credentials, the session variables become empty (takes me back to the logging pageThe weird thing is that when I move the privacy settings in IE (doesn't matter if high to low, or low to high) and enter the logging information again, the runs great. Also if I restart IIS 6.0 the application runs great. What's going on?

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Re-run The Whole Form Again Without Losing The Values Stored As It Run?

Jan 11, 2010

How do i re-run the whole form again without losing the values stored as it run?


But they don't seem to work. Once the form reaches the end (after the user press enter), it just display a blank screen. But what i want is for the form to start all over again without losing the values. Is there a way to do that?

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Save On Form Losing Focus?

Nov 30, 2009

I have three forms frmStudent, frmClass and frmMain. I want to add code so that if the user focuses on another form without saving a message box will appear to prompt the user to save. This is necessary because If the user starts entering data on another, related formand assumes that the changes from the first form were saved, then there could be integrity issues.

I have tried formating the deactivate event, but when I hit yes it just deletes the record entered.

Private Sub frmStudent_Deactivate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Deactivate
If GradebookDataSet.HasChanges Then


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Show Form Without Losing Focus?

Aug 23, 2010

I've created a small form that acts like the office notifications (fades inout above the notification icon tray)I'm having problems showing this form, I want to display it without the focus being taken from my main application (or any other form), I've managed to get the attached code doing roughly this, (using Me.Activate to take back focus) But this isn't great - focus switches for an instant plus I want to show the form from various areas in my application...

Dim frm2 As New frmNotification()
frm2.TopMost = True

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Sockets Losing Or Mixing Up Data?

Oct 9, 2010

First let me start off by saying that I have dealt with Winsock for MANY years and am attempting to convert my project over from vb6 to VB.Net.This program was made to handle up to 70 connections at a time and constantly sending data from Server to clients and back.

There is one packet however, that reaches up to be around 177kb when sent. The sockets are set up to sent 1kb at a time.... (No other packet actually uses the whole kb). It seems that after the server sends this large packet... the client receives the data out of order. After debugging and monitoring I find that it normally happens between 3-4kb. While the first 3 are good and in order.My question is, is there a different system I should use instead of just Sockets (I have had similar problems with TCPClient) and/or can someone maybe link me to a sample project that would not have this error?

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