Make A Client To Server File Transfer?

Apr 7, 2011

I really need to know if its possible because I'm making a messaging client since me and my friend find believe MSN is getting buggier. I've looked on how to do it but none of them worked for me, or were server to client. I want to make it client to server to clients but I don't know how! I know I shouldn't tell you to give me code but maybe give me a few tips on this. Me and my friend share files nearly everyday.

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Data Transfer Between Server And Client?

Jul 12, 2011

i am creating a software that needs to transfer data between client and server. i m storing the data in client in a database. but how does server access every clients data.

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VS 2008 Data Transfer Between Server And Client?

Mar 28, 2012

i wanted to develop an apps that sends sends data from client to server and vice versa. i want to biuld it with

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Make A Client/server File Sharing Through Lan?

Sep 8, 2011

links or Procedure how to build a client/server and file sharing through lan because my friends needs a reference for That

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FTP Download - Transfer The File Over To Client

May 28, 2009

I'm encountering problems when i want to download files from my server to my clients. My client is able to connect to my server but it will never transfer the file over to my client and i am unable to solve it.


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Created An FTP Client That Uses Pasv Mode To Transfer File In .NET?

Jul 13, 2011

I have created an FTP client that uses pasv mode to transfer file in VB.NET.while downloading a list of files the often times the application will hang on the socket.recieve command of the data channel and never return.I have tried setting the timeout to forever, and waited hours.We control the ftp server, it is IIS 7.5.I can not duplicate the issue in house.It only seems to be happening in the client enviroment

I examined the ftp logs of our server and there is no difference between a successfull transfer and a failed.I also examinid our firewall and no port blocking has occured

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Writing A Program With 1 Client And Server Where Client Side Creates A Text File

Dec 1, 2008

I have been reading through Atheists posts in regards to client-server and TCP client/server connection's. But how do i go about writing a program with 1 client and server where the client side creates a text file.Once the server sees there is a text file it connects and downloads it to itself or the client pushes the text file to the server.Once on the server i will read the text file and put its info into a sql db.

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Make A Copy Of Sql Server Database - Get Error "Unable To Connect To Source Server For Transfer"?

Feb 18, 2011

I am trying to make a copy of an existing database, I use .net framework data provider for SQL Server.I get error "Unable to connect to source server for Transfer" when it runs to oPackage.Execute().

oConnection = oPackage.Connections.New("what the providerID should be?")
oStep = oPackage.Steps.New
oTask = oPackage.Tasks.New("DTSTransferObjectsTask")[code]......

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C# - Server To Server File Transfer Without Any User Interaction?

Feb 16, 2011

In my scenario, users are able to upload zip files to a.[url]....I would love to create a "daemon" which in specified time intervals will move-transfer any zip files uploaded by the users from a[url].....From the info i gathered so far,

The daemon will be an .ashx generic handler.

The daemon will be triggered at the specified time intervals via a plesk cron job

The daemon (thanks to SLaks) will consist of two FtpWebRequest's (One for reading and one for writing).

how could i implement step 3?

Do i have to read into to a memory() array the whole file and try to write that in ?

How could i write the info i read to b[url].....?

Could i perform reading and writing of the file at the same time? No i am not asking for the full code, i just can figure out, how could i perform reading and writing on the fly, without user interaction.I mean i could download the file locally from and upload it at but that is not the point.

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Client Server Application - How To Make Clients On Sql Server

Sep 24, 2010

How to make clients on sql server i mean when i will install my application on clients how i will connect it with sql server?

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Make Client Server Without Installing Sql Server?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application in which i have a database .mdf file in directory which i use a connection string to give a path of to access it, which means without installing sql server i can access database. Connection string below to access this database(.mdf) which placed in the directory.

dim con as sqlconnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLExpress;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=|DataDirectory|Universal_data.mdf;user instance=true")

Now the question is that if i access this .mdf file without installing sql server, i also want to access to this .mdf file on other computer(client) after creating DSN or any other connectivity tool.

Let me know you that when i install sql server 2000 or 2005 i create SA user name and password which i use to create DSN on client computer and give SA username and password in the connection string that successfully works and client get access to sql server, connection string is below.

Dim serv = "MY-LAPTOP"
dim con as sqlconnection = new sqlconnection("Data Source=" & serv & ";Initial Catalog=clinic;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa")

I only need to know that my application access .mdf file without installing sql server works fine on a single computer, and i want to give access to this .mdf file on other clients without installing sql server on server computer (like i mentioned above paragraph) how will do it.....

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VS 2008 TCP Server / Client - Client To Send The Server 4 Numbers - Depending On The User's Choice

May 9, 2009

how to create a client/server... But I couldn't... I don't want anything fancy. Just want the client to send the server 4 numbers, depending on the user's choice; after that, the server would turn off the pc, restart it, etc. It all depends on the number received. Is there a rather "simple" way to do it? If it's not to much trouble you could use Atheist's example. (Btw I don't understand the code and, yes, I've checked on [URL])

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 : Send Data From Client To Server (encrypted) And The String Sent From The Client Is Not The Same As Received From The Server?

Jun 27, 2011

Hey guys, I am trying to send data from client to server (encrypted) and the string sent from the client is not the same as recieved from the server. I've been killing my brain for hours to get this to work but I cant manage. Im converting everything to Base64 string.


Public Sub SendMessage(ByVal msg As String)
SyncLock myclient.GetStream
sw = New IO.StreamWriter(myclient.GetStream)


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Using Background Intelligent Transfer Service To Transfer Files To Server?

Mar 20, 2012

I will use the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to transfer files from a client (laptop) to a shared folder on a server within our local network.The problem is a very slow network bandwith, if we transfer a file, the other clients canīt work, all requests to other clients (application) or viewing internet pages needs a long time.My idea is to use BITS in my tool to copy/transfer a file from client to server, also I hope to get more performance for the internet requests.

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File Transfer Tcpclient / Server

Nov 27, 2009

How would i send different types (.png/.bmg/.mp3) of file over a tcpconnection (server / client)

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How To Make A Server / Client Billing System

Dec 21, 2010

anyone can teach me how to make billing system which is server - client.i will put the sql database to one pc then clients - the gui system.i want to run may system from other pc then connect to sql database which in another pc..

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Make A Client And A Server Connected In Vb 2010?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying to make a client and a server connected in vb 2010. how to make a client and server connected? There is only vb2008 in the codebank and if my vb2010 tries to convert it to vb 2010 it will error.

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Make A Udp Server That Waits Client To Communicate

Apr 16, 2010

how i can make a udp server that waits client to communicate with him and the server answer them back even if the server doesn't know the ip of the client in vb.

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Make Two PCs Communicate Via Network Using Server / Client

Jun 22, 2010

I use Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and I am begginer in computer networks. I want to make two PCs communicate via network using server/client I followed the example from this site: [URL] (VB.NET TCP Client/Server Socket Commmunications) When I run the applications server and client in one computer then is possible the client to connect with server.


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VS 2005 Make A Simple Client-server Program?

Sep 27, 2010

I was wanting to make a simple client-server program.I saw some code for it and it was easy to understand but it was with winsock.

The program is:

Client: Clicks button.
Server: Recieves Text written in clients textbox.

Is there a reasonably easy way to do this?Maybe Net.Sockets or something similar?

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VS 2010 Attempting To Make Basic Client/Server?

Jan 6, 2011

Im trying to make a basic Client/Server. The server can handle multiple clients and each client can send /recieve messages from the server.It works fine with just 1 client. but as soon as i connect with a second client. The first one no longer works. Anything sent from the first client is ignored by the server and when running the server in debug mode it gets errors from the client 1 stream.

Its as if the server will only hold one stream at a time and whenever another client joins the other streams are shut but the new client works fine. Even though i never close a stream.


Edit: FINALLY FOUND IT! Stupid mistake i forgot to put the ClientN variable up by one for each new client.So i was creating a new space in the array but erasing the first slot for the new client

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VS 2008 Make The Client Send The Users Account And IP To The Server?

Oct 4, 2009

Im trying to make my client send the users Account and IP to the server. And the server puts them on a list box?

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Client-Server-Client Multithreading - Instant Message Another Client

Jun 21, 2010

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the "Life Lines" we want to use is "Ask a friend", where one client is able to Instant message another client for a short time to get help on the question.


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Create Client-server App, In Which Client Can View Files On Server?

Nov 15, 2011

basically i just want client to say "C: emp" ENTER

then, server must reply with all its files in c: emp

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Communications :: Client-server Communication Program - Click On CmdListen In The Server Form And CmdConnect In The Client Form

Jul 23, 2008

The problem I have is: When I click on cmdListen in the server form and cmdConnect in the client form,both programs won't respond and they crash for some reason I don't know.

Client source code:


Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


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Combobox Unhandled Exception - Make A Basic Winsock Chat Server And Client?

May 31, 2009

I want to make a basic winsock chat server and client, and I just need to know the basics, like.How do you determine where to send the data?How do you determine where to receive data from?How to actually send and receive the data?I just don't want to read from a website that has a lot of extra information. I just want to start off with the basics so I can actually learn.

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Javascript - Client And Server Side - Make The Rows Not To Be Deleted Once The Page Is Refreshed?

Sep 7, 2011

The problem im having is that I have a table that when a user click on a button it adds a row to the table via javascript, which works fine. The problem is that if a user need to update other data the user click another button which refreshes the page and all rows the user created in the table are deleted. My question is what can I do to make the rows not to be deleted once the page is refreshed? I know some might think, just not refresh the page, but there is to much data that has to be displayed and a new query has to be generated to grab the data.


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VS 2008 Client / Server - Constantly Download The New Data And Make The Application Freeze

Nov 13, 2011

Ive been working recently on a chat. Ive been using FTP to comunicate through both forms but it need to constantly download the new data and make the application freeze. Even with a Backgroundworker. So my question is : is there a way to keep a constant connection between the form and the host? And not LAN ,I mean that doesnt need to be on the same router.

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Make File Transfer With Winsock Component On 2010?

Mar 30, 2011

does it possible to make file transfer with winsock component on visual basic 2010? Because i tried much codes, but it doesn't works

View 5 Replies - Server.transfer To Transfer Execution Of A URL

Mar 9, 2011

I'm using server.transfer to transfer execution of a URL to a dummy page which fetches information from the database. The trouble is that the master page interacts with the session.

Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires at the beginning of each request
If Not (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(Request.Url.LocalPath))) And Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower


Master page:
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(CStr(Session("SessionId"))) Then

Session.Add("SessionId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString)

End If

Page declaration: <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="utilityCMS.aspx.vb" Inherits="utilityCMS" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/main.master" EnableSessionState="True" %>

Web.config snippet:
<add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
<add name="HttpModuleAggregator" type="XPIdea.Web.HttpModuleAggregator,xpidea.web.common" />

I'm getting an error :
Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration.

I should also mention that this same master page works elsewhere in the site. Session is used throughout the site as well (not just in the master page).

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