Make A Class Self-dispose As A Part Of Validation?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a set of nested classes built inside a main class called MainClass. This is a class library project, the end-user will be using the MainClass by referencing.

I want to add a user login functionality at the creation point of the class. So that if the login fails, the entire class is inaccessible to the user. I have the following code


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Class That Inherits Another Class In Which There Are Objects That Are Disposed In Dispose Procedure

Feb 14, 2010

If I have a class that inherits another class in which there are objects that are disposed in the dispose() procedure, do I use mybase.dispose? ex Class A inherits Class B. [code]

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Multi Form / Part Application Need To Make Part Protable For Transfer

Feb 22, 2011

im making an application in (duh!) anyway i have created and coded the whole project and it performs exactly as i want it to (i dont need code help). my problem lies with the fact that my project is 2-3 parts

1.a setup form that gathers inital data about the enviroment stores this data encrypted in a config file. after inital setup this form is not displayed again. but needs to be run on both computers

2. the second form is the real application form im in the process of turning this part in to a background service anyway this form is the one that establishes the connection between two nodes it works correctly

3. the config files

anyway here is my problem i want to make this application distributional with just one file the (.exe) and have this .exe make everything else happen. it runs the setup form and creates the first config file which it does then it needs to produce a copy of just the second form and the config file to transfer to workstation #2 that will run independtly without the whole application which i cant make happen then it needs to turn both workstations application on by only starting one on either computer and invoke the other computer to start its corrosponding app also no idea how to make this happen any ideas or suggestions as to where to look to try to find my thinking i might need to make two seperate applications (a setup app, and the running app) and include them both in a project and use the setup.exe to to package them together this is a little side project that im making for my self to use to make programming a little easier so i plan on giving it out to some fellow students to test and tell me what they think so im not really worried about ease of use or complicated procedures yet but if it turns out to work and actually be of use to anyone else i would be willing to rewrite it to distribute to the masses but for now i just want it to work for me.

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Access To Object Passed ByRef In The Constructor Of A Class Through Another Part Of The Class?

Aug 18, 2009

I have some classes, BsfciFile and StudyFlashCard. Bsfci is the extension to which I save my set of flashcards in an INI format. I am currently working to transform my code from using Windows API calls to access the INI to using a IniFile class that I found on the internet. I would like the BsfciFile to have a Array of StudyFlashCard objects, but I would like the StudyFlashCard class to use the IniFile class object contained in the BsfciFile class. I can pass the IniFile from the BsfciFile class to the constructor for the StudyFlashCard class, but I want it to modify the same IniFile as the BsfciFile class has later on.


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Dispose Method - Why Class Destructor Not Being Called

Jun 22, 2011

I have a class that has a destructor and a Dispose method (I also inherit IDisposable). Why is it that the only time my destructor gets called is when I call GC.Collect()?

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Does Dispose(disposing As Boolean) Need Implementing For Every Class In A Chain

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to work out whether every Class in an Inheritance chain needs an explicit Dispose(disposing As Boolean) method or, if a given Class has neither managed nor unmanaged resources to dispose of, it can be skipped for that Class - even if a latterClass does require a Dispose method to dispose of mananaged or unmnaged resources?

Here's two examples:
Public Class BaseClass
Inherits Component 'Component has already implemented IDisposable


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C# - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Dispose - Protected Override Void Dispose(bool Disposing)

Jun 25, 2012

I looked at the Dispose() method in System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction (using a decompiler):


Why does everyone say in forums that it is Rolling back in the dispose? Where does it rollback?

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Partial Class Custom Data Validation

Sep 29, 2011

I am testing custom data validation with partial classes. It is a Windows Form Entity Framework application .In the partial class file (time.vb) the code is:[code]What is wrong with my code? How can I handle the exception message in the main form (thrwon by the OnDataFundChanging event)?

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Serialize A Part Of A Bigger Class?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a issue in a serialization process. I'm trying to Serialize a part of a bigger class.

I've a Class named MyBigClass with contain many property and method, and some of them may not be Serializable.

And I'm trying to Serialize one property of the MyBigClass class, witch is a SortedList named SubClassXList defined as SortedList(Int32, ClassX)

My problem is when it is time to serialize the SortedList (SubClassXList) a error tell me that a Class (say Class B) could not be Serialized because it is not marked as "Serializable", but the Class B in question have nothing to do with the SubClassXList in question.

The only thing I could see, is that the Serialization method try to also Serialize the Main Class (MyBigClass).

Here is the method that I use to Clone a Object ClassX do have the attribute "Serializable()"

Public Function CloneObject(ByVal pObjectToSerialize As Object) As Object
' Create a memory stream and a formatter.
Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream()


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VS 2008 Deserializing Part Of A Class

Mar 23, 2010

I'm saving potentially very large amounts of data to disk as a single serialized class. But there is a sub class that I would like to be able to retrieve and write back to the disk without having to read the entire file or write back the entire file. Trust me, my reasons for doing this are good, and the design behind this is more than correct.In VB6 this is very easily done. A single statement gets the portion of the data you want from the front of the file and saves it straight to the Type it belongs to, flawlessly. Likewise, if the dimensions of the data haven't changed, but only the values, then Put can be used to save it right back to the file without disturbing the integrity of the entire file.When needed, the entire file is read into a larger structure, and the entire file is put back, but only when necessary. Most of the time the only information being read from and written to the file are in the first few hundred kilobytes of the file.

Now that I've got serialization working, I'm trying to use it to read (deserialize) only the first member of the class serialized to disk. I haven't been able to find any examples of this anywhere that have lead me toward making the sort of progress I'm hoping for.So I suppose the first question is this: Is it possible to read only part of a serialized class from the open file stream? Specifically, in one case I want to read the first two integers stored in the class. In another case I want to read only the first block (sub class) from the open file stream. In both cases I do not want to read the entire file, but just what I'm interested in starting from block 0. I don't need to write back the integers to the first file, but I do need to write back the block to the second.Assuming that the answer to the above is yes. My second question would then be: How is this done? I want to work with the file stream already open rather than opening and closing file streams over and over.I

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WPF - Update Specific Part Of Class File

Jan 5, 2012

I have a function list of 75000 for my project. I want to load each class file dynamically and need to add one line on top of the function and to lines in the ending. Which is the best way to update a specific part of the file. I don't want to make a small mistake here since its my source code and globally using.

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Dispose Of An Image For A Picture Box & Exifworks Class Does Not Release Image File For Deleting?

Jun 14, 2009

I have an app that loads a jpg into a picyure box, then updates exif data in exifworks classThe problem is that when I save the image(from image used for picture box) or class (to save exif data) then try to delete, sometimes I get success, others it won't allow delet I have gone to the trouble of using gc.collect, do events, put the delete in a timer & wait for the delete before continuing & still get the problem

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Create A Sub Main Inside A Class Which Is Itself Part Of A Project

May 17, 2009

why, when i create a sub main inside a class which is itself part of a project, i need to create it as a shared sub like this.[code]

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Event For A Form Created In Code As Part Of A Class

Jun 18, 2010

I have created a class which generates a form in code. I have hooked up the buttons and a text box so that they work. Now, I am trying to hook up the Resize event (and probably will need other events) for this form. How do I do that? If I can understand how to do it for the Resize event, I should be able to apply that to whatever other events I might want to use. I can't just put "Handles frmMyForm.Resize" or "Handles Me.Resize". I get the message "Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types." This all has been a learning experience.

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Get Assembly Information For A Class That Is Part Of The Project But Not Executing

May 2, 2011

Two of us at our company worked on a VB project. I developed the GUI interface. Another programmer developed some of the Classes that are also part of the project/Solution. Our manager wants to see as part of the 'Help/About' drop down, the version of the GUI application as well as the Class that the other programmer wrote. We are on the third modification of my GUI application, but the 8th version of the class that the other programmer wrote. Is there some way that the GUI application can get the 'Assembly Version' information for a class that may not necessarily exeuting at any given time?

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How To Properly Open A Image Using Bitmap Class And Dispose It Properly

Jun 22, 2010

I am looking for a code snippet which opens a image, creates a clone of this bitmap in memory disposes this opened image so that all handles are closed.

Usually we can open a bitmap using this[code...]

the following code however keeps the Image File locked until the application is running, any suggestions how to dispose it properly. (So that no handle is left open )

Things i already tried: use dispose method of bitmap <= doesnt work (need to write implementation)
Using Block also doesnt work.

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Make Data Validation?

Aug 11, 2010

I have dragged across the details of a table from the data sources onto a form. So VS2008 automatically generate the BindingNavigator, DataAdapter,Dataset, ...etc. On the form I hv also placed an errorProvider and listbox, which is bound to the bindingsource. So as user clicks on the items of the listbox, the values of the textboxes changes accordingly. My question is how do I validate the values in the textboxes.

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Make Image Combo Validation?

Jun 10, 2010

I want to VALIDATE Image Combo control just like the one that is in CommonDialog control. Now I have to choices:1. Put validation routine in Click Event, it works fine if I only use mouse, but if I use keys (Arrorw, PgDn-PgUp, Home-End, etc) Click Event is invoked.2. Put validation routine in Validate Event, perfect; but I will work until when focus is moved to other control.How CommonDialog Image Combo does work? I can open it with mouse click or with F4, then I can move across options with mouse or keys and, when I click a choice or press Enter is when validate routine is invoked.

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Make Validation Control To Only Allow Certain Characters?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a validation control that only allows (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9). Which control to i use in or do i have to write specific code to validate it?

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VS 2008 How To Make Textbox Validation

Jan 7, 2011

is there any way of making a textbox only accept intergers and treat them as such when doing calculations.

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IDE :: Make Validation In Txtbox Only Allow Letter And Number?

Jul 31, 2010

How to make validation Only Allow letters and Numbers to Input, without any special character in Textbox

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Make A Validation Code For ASP.NET Form With VB Coding?

Feb 16, 2012

im trying to build a form+attachment that needs to be send to email.Im using a VB background code (attachementemail.aspx.vb)and my front (b-16.aspx) I want the page to check that the user entered a email, name, phonenumber and attachment. what command do I put in the axp.vb and what on the .aspx tried just about anything.

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Visual Studio - Manage Multiple Files That Are Part Of One Class - Classes, Modules?

Sep 23, 2009

My VB project is large enough that it requires several files. It was originally developed as a Console App and I created each file as a MODULE. All modules could use subroutines, data structures and constants from other MODULES and everything worked fine. I needed to add basic windowing to the app and this required that the app be converted from a Console App to a Windows Forms App. The main window is Form1 which is not a MODULE but a CLASS. The problem is that some MODULE based functions cannot access subroutines, data and constants that are defined within the CLASS Form1 unless they are incorporated into the CLASS file and this makes the CLASS file very large. If I add a new Class file to the project, it also cannot interoperate with Class Form1 in the same way that multi-MODULE code interoperates.

How does one spread CLASS code across several files and still allow it to interoperate as if it were in a single file? Alternatively, how does one create several CLASS files that operate the way multiple MODULE files operate.I am sure that there are all kinds of best practices that I am violating but the goal to to get some prototype software working and interfaced to some lab equipment.

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Make The Seconds Part Of The Syntax?

Oct 26, 2010

shutdown -s t 60shuts down the PC in 1 minute. I would like to make the seconds part of the syntax variable as:Dim varSec as integer Process.start(shutdown s t & varSec)But it doesnt work nor produces errors. Can it be done this way?

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Got A WPF Application (the WPF Part Shouldn't Make A Difference?

Jun 3, 2012

I've got a WPF application (the WPF part shouldn't make a difference i don't believe).

It loads fine, however whenever I click into a textbox it crashes.

What could be the problem? how can I troubleshoot this?

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Make An Array Structure A Part Of Condition?

Mar 10, 2011

Is there any way to make an array structure a part of a condition?[code]...

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Make A Registration From With Proper Validation And Connectivity With Sqlserver 2005?

Mar 2, 2010

make a registration from with proper validation & connectivity with sqlserver 2005.

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Make The Search Part Popped Out Error Msgbox?

Oct 31, 2009

I am doing a project of insert,delete,update and search of customers in a windows application. But I have the problem on the search part. The search part is that I am searching by telephone. But the problem is that I want display an error messagebox if the user have enter an invalid telephone which does not match in the database.


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Can't Make Difference Between Public Class And Private Class And Friend And Protected Friend Class

May 15, 2009

I can't make difference between public class and private class and friend and protected friend class.

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Make My Webbrowser Control To Show Only A Specific Part Of Site?

Aug 27, 2010

How can I make my webbrowser control to show only a specific part of the site. for example show only the google text on [url]...

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