Making Columns In A Listbox?

Oct 20, 2009

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCompute.Click
Dim dblValue, dblTax As Double


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Making Infragistics Ultrawingrid Desired Columns Readonly

May 20, 2010

I am stucked at the situation where I need to disable few columns of a each row ,except newly added row.That is I have 10 columns in grid and I want first three columns that are binded from the rows coming from db as disabled or read-only, rest are editable. if I add new row then all columns of new row must be enabled until and unless it is saved.I dont have any DataKey or Primary key for my existing row or new row. I have to check for some boolean values like IsNewRow. [code] but the problem is that if i click on disabled/readonly rows then newly added rows also gets disabled., which i dont want

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VS 2010 - Making DataGridView Cell Span 2 Or More Columns?

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way to make a DGV cell span 2 or more columns?

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Fill A Listbox With Columns?

Nov 2, 2010

How to fill a listbox with data from a SQL (OLEDB) so that you can see one row of data with various columns to show the different values for that row,ie. all of the SQL statement as one row.[code]...

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How To Set Width For Columns In LISTBOX

Jan 28, 2010

I have a Listbox in to which I am binding the data coming from a DataTable

I am using VisualStudio 2003, .net 1.1
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
Dim li As New ListItem(dr("BIPAD").ToString().PadRight(25, ChrW(160)) +


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Make A Listbox With To Columns?

Dec 26, 2009

I want to make a listbox with to columns on it and they both have titles. If you look at the Mozilla Firefox bookmarks window i want it to be like that.

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Making A Favorites Listbox?

Dec 16, 2011

Im trying to make a favorites listbox. I've never messed with arrays that much and having a bit of trouble figuring this out. I dont want to start making bad habbits as well this early in my learning process. Here is what I have but its not working.

'Add Link Button in different form
Private Sub btn_Bookmark_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Bookmark.Click
Dim Bookmark As String = tb_Address.Text
End Sub

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How To Add Text From Textbox To Listbox Columns

Oct 15, 2011

' I want to get some idea about my new project I my project take the text from web siteto text box and that the code coming like this

#DESCRIPTION ---------- 1 ----------
#SERVICE 1:0:1:1FAD:2454:13E:820000:0:0:0:


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Listbox In VB 2008 - Set The Number Of Columns?

Feb 5, 2009

I've got a question about Listboxes in Visual Basic 2008 Express. I have a fair bit of experience with Office (both 2003 and 2007) and use the listbox in office all the time. The thing I like most about it is the ability to set the number of columns so I can have a string for the user to see and a second column of 0 width that holds my ref number.

So when I needed to do the same thing in VB 2008 Express I grabed the Listbox control and.....hit a brick wall. As far as I can find out from the help files and searching the web the Listbox control only shows one column really. Ok so it might wrap to a second column to save the user having to scroll but its still basically one column. There seems to be no way of having something like in Office.

I know I have no code, but I don't have any code for this. I'm just asking in case I'm missing a control or something obvious. Hell at this point I'm almost tempted to create my own Listbox control that acts the way I need but thought I'd ask before heading down that route.

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Make A Listbox Have Multiple Columns?

Oct 19, 2011

how to make a listbox have multiple columns and for certain columns to be editable.

I thought about using a DataGridView, but I am not linking this to any kind of database.

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Show All The Columns From A Datagridview In A Listbox?

Feb 23, 2012

Is it possible to show all the Columns from a datagridview in a listbox?

When i selected a row , it shows all tht Colloms in the listbox.

i fill the datagridview with code from a Excel file.

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VS 2010 Multiple Columns In Listbox?

Oct 8, 2010

i want to set my listbox up like:

Name | Posts

so the | is a divider and it will show their name on the left and their posts on the right(kind of like a1, b1 in excel). how do i divide my listbox to do this?

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VS 2008 Making Search Box For Listbox?

Sep 9, 2009

I got a listbox (ListBox1), and I want a search function for it, BUT;When someone search for a string in the textbox, the "Items" in the ListBox will only show the result, nothing else.

So if listbox normally says:


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Forms :: ListBox With Two Columns - Sum Up For Grand Total

Jun 8, 2009

I have managed a listbox with two columns (the items and their quantities). I am trying to sum up all the qtys together for a grand total, but cannot manage. I tried with listviewitem.contains and listviewitem. items. Now I'm lost.

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Get Selected Line With Multiple Columns Within A Listbox?

Dec 8, 2011

How do I get selected line with multiple columns within a listbox and put the info into an excell worksheet with the data in distinct cells

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ListBox, Adding Column Headers And Spacing Out Columns

Mar 16, 2012

I have been trying to pull rows from my access database into a list box, so the rows do appear on the list box, however the columns are not spaced out, and when I put & Space(10) & inside the ListBox1.Items.Add() the values are all scattered around. How do I fix this?

And how do I add column headers for them?

TransactionTableApt.FilltList(LoyaltyDataSet.Transaction, busid1)

Dim x As Integer = 0


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2008 - Making A Media Player Using Listbox

Jan 16, 2009

Ok I'm making a media player using a listbox, but when I added an Item to the listbox it would display as a URL, so I decided to make a mediaplayer playlist instead then when I add a new song it would put the title of the song in the listbox but I have an issue, when I goto switch the song in the listbox, it shuts down with an error.

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Making A Selection From An At Runtime Generated Listbox?

Oct 22, 2011

Private Sub ListOfCrops_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListOfCrops.SelectedIndexChanged

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Making A Utility That Will Read Through The Files In A Listbox?

Apr 12, 2009

I am making a utility that will read through the files in a listbox.I already have it where it can read the files but you have to have the file selected in the listbox. Im wanting it to do it to all listbox items instead of just the selected one. This is what I was using:

Dim files = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString

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Setting Up The Listbox To Have Multiple Columns That Will Be Populated From A Stored Procedure Within SQL?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm doing a project in database development which requires to use a list box that will populate from a SQL Server database.I'm confused on setting up the listbox to have multiple columns that will be populated from a stored procedure within SQL.I drag and drop the listbox onto the form, size it, change it's property to multi-column, set column width to 10, but don't know what to do next.The listbox on the form design doesn't show multi-columns.

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Making A Rating System For People To Rate Things In A Listbox

Apr 22, 2012

I'm making a rating system for people to rate things in a listbox. I've setup so the stars get saved using my.settings, but how would I make it so it gets stored into a database, and it checks to see if they already rated.

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Forms :: Looping Through Listbox Making Calculation To Every Item - Won't Update New Result

Apr 6, 2009

i have 2 list boxes.. Qty and Cost both of these are populated from a sql database. The code is suppose to read through the listboxes and multiple the Cost by the Qty and then replace the Cost with the new result. The Cost listbox is populated with the cost of one item. The reason i am not doing this calculation in the sql query is because the sql query is very complicated filter out a bunch of stuff to show just the qty of the item...


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Making The System Pull Items Off The Listbox Randomly And Launch Them In The Web Browser?

Sep 5, 2008

I am making a popup program for something, so I added a listbox and such, and I need to know how to go about making the system pull items off the listbox randomly and launch them in the web browser.

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Write Listbox Text To Text File And Keep Columns Aligned?

Apr 16, 2011

I've got a program which displays data in a listbox in five columns. All are separated using one or more ControlChars.Tab. I want to write these columns to a text file, however, when I do, my columns lose their alignment. I can change alignment so that it displays nicely in text file, but then it is off in list box. Is there a way to get what I see in my listbox to display the same way in a text file - maybe a different way of separating my columns (not using ControlChars.Tab)?

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DataGridView, Set Up Columns, Populate Data Table, Bind, But Not Using Columns Created In Code?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm using 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:


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Add/subtract/divide/multiply Certain Columns And Place The Information Into Other Columns?

Nov 30, 2010

My goal is to connect to my database either manually or using an sqladapater, and get information from two of my databases on sql server 2005. Then I want to take this information and on run-time begin to add/subtract/divide/multiply certain columns and place the information into other columns. I can do this in queries, however, I want to do it on run-time what is the best way to achieve this.I had some of this working, but I just want to start fresh and see how you would go about doing this.


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.net - Aggregate The Columns To Group On The Period And Sum The Count Columns?

Jun 29, 2011

I have the below Linq query that is returning the data but I need to aggregate the columns to group on the Period and Sum the Count columns. How do I go about doing this?

from t In tblTimes
join h In tblEngineeringDashboard_CADMachinesCounts on t.ID Equals h.TimeID
Order By t.Period


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Adding Columns And Modifying Columns In Access Database Using NET/SQL?

Oct 15, 2009

I am using the following code to alter an table imported from an Excel spreadsheet

Dim SQL As String = "ALTER TABLE receipts ADD payee integer, account integer, category integer, reconciled boolean"
Dim dataread As New OleDb.OleDbCommand()
dataread.Connection = Connection1


Both ExecuteNonQuery() actions yields the exception message {"Syntax error in field definition."}The error message does not happen with the first if the boolean column is not there (I tried Tes/No as a definition - but that also failed.The second query to modify the ID column from autonumber to integer I assume fails because it is a Primary KeyHas?

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Organize Columns - One Table Which Have Tree Columns (ID, Number, Name)

May 23, 2011

Imagine the following scene: I have one table which have tree columns (ID, Number, Name).

A Select query result on this:


Now, the user deletes the Number 3 and 4. So, now the Select query is going to be:


And I want to have:


How can I organize the column?

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Designing Software - Making A MPC Sampler - Drum Machine - Making A Sound Directory ?

May 16, 2012

I'm a huge music person (got my own lil record thing going) but I'm wanting to design a program that would make music in my way. I have a decent amount of background knowlege of Visual Basic and Java I'm just wondering how could I execute this whole project. The Project is making a MPC Sampler. MPC is a drum machine; a machine with buttons that once you press it that it will play a sound from a drum (ex: snare, kick, tom, ect.) . So I would want to make some pads on my program that each have their own sound. Total of 16 pads. Which the design wouldn't be hard to make nor would the functionality of it having the play back sound (in my opinoin it wouldn't be hard atleast). But the thing is I wanna map out these pads to number keys on the number pad or keyboard. I'm not so sure how to do that. But that's all the easy stuff...

Also finding information is making a sound directory. What I mean by this is that I want to make a User Interface that will open up a file directory of sounds and the user can select what "kick" or "snare" sound he may want for the kick or snare pad. I don't know how to do that or even know what to search; neverless I don't know if this whole project idea is a good idea for Visual Basic or another programing language.

Also LATER ON I am wanting to add a record and export function that alows users to..well...record and export their beat or instrumental ha. That doesn't seem too too complex (mainly due to the fact that all it needs to do is record the users key strokes and then show them and play the sounds, but obviously it would get more complex than that.)

Here is an image of one of many MPCs but one with a directory - [URL]

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