Manipulating The Registry From A Click Once App?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a couple applications that store data in the registry for persistence.It works great when running in Windows XP, but since upgrading to Windows 7 I've noticed that it fails, basically saying that the permissions are inadequate.

If I disable the UAC it seems to work fine, but I don't want to do that.

Dim regKey As RegistryKey
regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SoftwareTagLookup", True)
If regKey Is Nothing Then


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File I/O And Registry :: Allow User To Click 'Cancel' To Allow VB Application To Continue Running

Nov 5, 2008

I have a VB application and I want to allow the user to choose an option between "OK" and "Cancel" buttons when he want to exit the VB application. So far, I cannot figure how to allow the user to click "Cancel" to allow the VB application to continue running. [code] So how do I allow user to click "cancel" button to prevent from exiting?

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File I/O And Registry :: Using "Click-Once" To Publish Embedded Text Files?

Nov 1, 2008

this is driving me insane. I have 4 text files that are needed for my application to run and I'm using the following code to read the data in them :


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.net - Manipulating .gif Images?

Apr 26, 2011

How would I turn single images into animated gifs and vice versa? Is there an existing library for such a thing?

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Manipulating The Picture Box?

Jun 30, 2009

I'm trying to design a game using window application, my game is sokoban, a logic game where the character pushes boxes to the destination.I have already programme my picture to be move by my direction key, I trying to find out if it is possible for picture box to push picture box like when the character(a picture box) move to the box(a picture box too), the box will move also. and also the logic for creating obstacle for the game, as the picture that i have programme can move beyond the page, I'm trying to lock the obstacle in, so when i move the picture, it will be block by the picture box.

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Manipulating Pictureboxes Positions?

Dec 18, 2011

i'm creating a game like text twist. that when i press letter a, i need to determine which picturebox contains letter a and display it to different location. that also goes to the proceeding letter a's. for example, i have a jumbled letters "aamba". in my code, it only gets the first letter a and removes it form the screen, it's nowhere to be found. and it won't recognize that i still have other letter a's i'm pretty sure about the location that i set it to be is my

(it's kind of brute force i think)
ElseIf e.KeyChar = Chr(97) Then
counter1 = 0[code].....

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Manipulating Audio Files With .net?

Apr 2, 2012

I need to be able to read audio files and manipulate them from within my own program (similar to how Audacity does it). Now, I'm not asking for something with a thousand effects and such, I just need the minimal as far as audio manipulation for .net goes. I really just need to be able to figure out pitches and frequencies being played at what times and the ability to move them all around.

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Manipulating Data From A Database Within VB?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm creating a program that displays data from a Access database in DataGridView, and I'm able to "call" the database and display it in datagridview normally, but I need to be able to take the data from 3 separate columns and average them together, within VB.

My table basically displays 3 grades for a student, one column for the student's name and the other 3 columns for 3 separate grades, I need to be able to take the 3 grades from the same row and average them together, then display them in a separate column within DataGridView.

Here is my code so far, but this only displays all the records without the average:


Public Class Form1
Sub UpdateGrid(ByVal sqlStr As String)
Dim dt As New DataTable()


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Manipulating Data Sheet Next

Jan 10, 2012

I am using the Print Document to create the impression in I set a certain number of records per page however see the other pages just like the first,some help to handle these records correctly in the leaves?

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Manipulating Excel Files Using VB8

Jul 7, 2011

My script is pulling some information (filename, date, &c) from a server that contains only (nearly) identical excel files generated by a separate application whenever it is used. The goal is to find out who is using the tool and how often.

I need help with two things: extracting info from within the excel file, and appending the results to the SAME excel file each time it's run instead of creating a new file each time.

Here is what I have...


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Manipulating Output From Sql Command

Feb 10, 2011

I am building a quiz application which has 5 categories. I am saving details like name, category and score to DB. Table where all data is saved looks like :

Name Category Score
John Windows 10
Tom Mac 5

On the start page i want to disable/enable categories if user has/has not took quiz yet (ie. if John has already completed Windows quiz but hasn't Mac then enable Mac Quiz, disable Windows and show Windows score).Whats the most elegant way of retrieving these values from database and then passing them to variable or boolean? What if search returns NULL (if quiz was not taken by John) and manipulating output from SQL Database? I am using 2.0 and SQL server 2005 and its an application.

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Manipulating Table Structure?

Mar 3, 2009

I have a string array that contains the following:

(Date Type RequestNum)
3/3 xyz 3
3/3 abc 4


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Manipulating Text In Another Form?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a program that can handle menu order in restaurant.

In this program, there are Main form (frmOrder), Starter Form (frmStarter), Entree Form (frmEntree), and Dessert Form (frmDessert). Each category (Starter, Entree, and Dessert) contains 4 menus, and each forms other than main form have label for name, price (label), and quantity (textbox).

Main Form have 4 buttons (3 of them opens respective form of Starters, Entrees, Desserts. Last button calculates total), and it has big label that displays all the ordered menu. By default it has current time and date, so any ordered menus are supposed to be displayed on separate line (with quantity, name, and price with dollar sign).

Below is the code I wrote for frmOrders


I tried to see it works, but lblTape.Text (which is the big label that displays ordered menu) do not change. I did saw lblTape.Text got value it supposed to (item quantity & item name & item price) but it doesn't change when I close form and return to Main form. I'm not sure where I got trouble to end up like this...

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Manipulating Windows ACL With PowerShell?

Dec 12, 2011

I have a file full of last-names separated by commas and then first-names.


gc permissions.csv|% {$_.split(",")[0]}

I'd like to grab the first character of the first name and then pre-pend it to the string of the last name. The general idea is to find the user ID that's stored in Active Directory, in my company it's the first letter of the first name and then the last name.

Then I'm trying to add these users as read-only on a specific directory.

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Sql - Manipulating The Data In Files Itself?

Apr 26, 2010

I have developed an application using VB.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and the SQL Server database. Now I want to ignore the database (it has 1 table as customer (name,password,hour,minute)) as I don't want my client to install SQL Server separately or other overheads.I am planning to do the whole using file handling in VB.NET (manipulating the data in files itself, for example change username, password, etc.). As I am new I don't actually know the proper way and of course need assistance.

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File I/O And Registry :: Error Is Coming Registry Access Is Not Allowed.While Opening A Key

Jan 21, 2009

Error is coming Registry Access is not allowed.While Opening a Key.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
NewDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", "Sonia")
End Sub


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File I/O And Registry :: Writing (Default) And Dword(binary) Entries To Registry

Jan 31, 2009

I've had a bit of a look around the net and on the forums but I've yet to find an answer to my question. I've got Visual Basic 2008 Express and I'm trying to write some registry entries, I can write strings fine just using


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Manipulating Cell Values In Datagridview

Jun 2, 2011

I have a items in my database named as

product number | product name | dosage | description | price | remaining box(es)
0023 amoxicillin 50mg none 50 50

i am having problem in my buy button. how can i manipulate the value in the remaining box(es). for example, i select the item named amoxicillin, and i entered 5 on my textbox. when i press the buy button the value in remaining box(es) will be 45.

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.net - Manipulating Textbox Variables In Calculations?

Jan 2, 2012

I have some code where I am trying to use variables in a tabpage. The first tabpage only has one text box for user entry (miles.text) and a button to do a calculation: traveltime = mileage/speed. The value from miles.text is stored into a variable called mileage while the speed used is stored in a variable called speed (me.speedtextbox.text).

Ordinarily, doing val(variable.text) works like a charm and it's not doing it in this case. When the user enters 100 for the mileage, it should be divided by 65 (the number in the database) and, therefore, the answer should be 1.53 hours. In my case, I'm getting "infinity" and whenever I do anything else with the variable, I get "when casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity." But it is! It's only 65 and I double-checked that the dataset said that too, which it does. Not sure why I am getting this error.


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Forms :: Manipulating Elements From A Webpage?

Nov 20, 2009

i am using a webbrowser control on a windows form to display streaming video from cameras at different locations.i can get the image to display on the webrowser but my problem is that there are other links and texts that are displayed on the webpage.

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Manipulating / Resizing / Scaling An Image

May 24, 2010

Imagine I have a rectangle say 400px x 300px. All of this is very easy using Sytem.Drawing. DrawImage. But then I want to leave the left hand side as 300px but change the right hand side to 250 px. I can draw the box using 4 DrawLines but I don't know how to squash the image into the new shape. I want the right hand side of the shape to be 250, the left size 300 and the top and bottom 400px.I can't use DrawImage as it expects the left and right sizes to be the same. Is there a way to manipulate the image into the new shape?I've looked at other questions, but they only apply where the left and right hand side is equal.Any thoughts on how to squash an image into a shape which did not have parallel sides?

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Manipulating Access Database Via DataGridView ?

May 1, 2012

I've set up a datasource that binds each table in my access database to the appropriate datagridview... how would I go about submitting changes in the datagridview to the database itself?

ALSO: I would like to have buttons on the form that submit SQL statements to the database and update it. For example, something simple like...when I click the button, it takes the values in the text boxes and forms an SQL statement to create a new record in the appropriate table.... How would I go about submitting SQL via a button?

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Manipulating Bitmap Object Pixels

Feb 13, 2012

i mostly use C and assembly, but i thought i would give VB.NET a shot. i used to use VB6 all the time, so wanted to see how different this is. in VB2010, i'm trying to modify the pixels of a Bitmap object and then make it show up in a PictureBox on the form. i get no errors, but this code does not show the new bitmap after it runs.."disp" is the name of the PictureBox on the form.[code]

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Manipulating Collection Of Textboxes In Form?

Aug 27, 2011

I have 5 text boxes that I need to perform several operations on as a group, named tb1, tb2, tb3, tb4, tb5.for example, if I want to retrieve the text from each one and process it, I believe I can use the text box or control collection and test each textbox to see if it's name starts with tb, check to see if it has text in it, and then process the text.I think I would use something like for each textbox in..... to test the collection but not yet comfortable with collections and this seems like a good place to start learning how to use them.

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Manipulating Data In Text File?

Apr 14, 2010

The products file contains data such as prices and the product used such as TV. I want to be able to manipulate the data in the product and location file so i can set different products to different location types.

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Manipulating Data With Binding Navigator

Feb 22, 2012

looking for simple code for adding, deleting, editing, and updating data using binding navigator in vb 10. first time using, been using vb6 and code is totally different.

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Manipulating Internet Settings With 2005?

Apr 12, 2009

Is there anyway of adding a site to the blocked cookies settings list for internet explore using code.

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Manipulating Listbox Control From Another Thread?

Jan 17, 2011

I have the following sub:Private Sub AmIintheListBox1(ByVal datatoenter As String)'Note.- ListboxItemsCount is a variable in the listbox1 change event


I do not know how to do the search of the datatoenter in a listbox with more then one item. If the item is already in the listbox then exit otherwise add it to the listbox.Threaddisplay adds the data to the listbox which I can do when there is no item yet.

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Manipulating Selected File Names?

Mar 21, 2010

I want to select a single file (for examples 1.dat) and then save 3 files from this, 1.dat, 1.cmd and 1.cms. How can i select 1 file but create 3 differnt extensions? The three files are created by using filestreams.

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Manipulating The Split Function For Two Arrays?

Aug 21, 2009

I had a question regarding the split function used in Visual Basic. As of now I have written a function that brings in a string value. The string value returned will probably look like this "List1;List2; Field1,Field2". My goal is to use the split function for this string to put all the lists in one array and to put the fields in another array.

The problem is between where List2 and Field1 are. I don't want Field1 to be placed in the list array. I'm thinking there might be a way to do this by parsing but I'm not sure. Here is my current code below.

Dim s As String = GetSetting("ReOrderList", properties.SiteId)
Dim affectedLists() As String = s.Split(";")
Dim affectedFields() As String = s.Split(",")

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