Manipulation 2010 - Transfer The Value Of Textbox To A Gridview

Jan 20, 2012

how can I transfer the value of textbox to a gridview or when I select a value of a gridview it will be transfer to another gridview.

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VS 2010 Transfer Text From A Textbox Into A Word Document?

Nov 13, 2011

VS 2010 transfer text from a textbox into a word document


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VS 2005 Data Transfer Gridview To SQL Table?

Jun 20, 2012

my below code not able to transfer data gridview to sql database table... giving below error : -

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Protected Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click


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VS 2010 Insert New Record In Gridview Coming From Textbox?

Mar 28, 2011

how do you insert new record in the datagridview coming from what the user insert in the textbox?

I tried to used the INSERT INTO -- sql query, but it didn't work..

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Manipulation Textbox To Produce An Arithmetic Result?

Jun 17, 2010

Lets say i have three buttons[cod]e...

how do i write my code under button3 that my result will output 27 on the textbox

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VS 2010 Txt File Manipulation?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a text file that has about 200 programs that were dumped from a cnc machine. I want to be able to take that text file and extract each program and save it as it's own text file. There is a distinct character at the beginning and the end of each individual program. I an new to vb and the projects that I have done to this date involve database front ends so i have no idea on how to work with text files.

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VS 2010 Data Manipulation And Conversion?

Jan 18, 2012

I have eight text boxes each can have any numerical value only consisting of the numbers 1-8 up to eight digits each. No 0's or 9's. I am using a timer to loop through the sequences of text boxes at a given rate. This is already configured.

Now here's the hard part so bare with me.I need to output the first value of a text box, wait some time then output it's counter letter (below the number on the keyboard), go to the next text box and repeat. Example:


Ultimately I'm trying bring my PC Interface project up to date by going from a parallel port to USB. This will be the "Custom Loop" function for the device.

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VS 2010 - DataGridView Manipulation - Screen Mapping Status

Dec 15, 2011

[Code] i need a way to screen each employer status and mapping status before placing them in the DGV. I need to convert the numerical values to their corresponding status. 1 = Good, 2 = Non-Reporting, 3 = Under-Remitting and 4= Non-Remitting(which i already know how to do). I just don't know how to get the values being placed on the DGV. I would love to do this on oracle but i don't know how to.

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VS 2010 Form A Code For A Small Arrays Manipulation?

Dec 25, 2011

I need help to form a code for a small arrays manipulation. The input data are known: they are two integers "N" and "s". An integer "N" is always divisible by 4.I need to create an array of "N" members, by repeating (N/4 times) this sub-array: 1,2,2,1 (always is the same). In the picture, this is shown in blue. Then I need to add the same array to the existing array, but shifted for "s" places (red array). The result is "yes" if each sum in new columns is always the same (3). Otherwise the result is "no." note there is no need to draw or display something (DGV, table ...). The required result is only "yes" or "no".

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Visual Studio 2010 WinForms Application File Manipulation?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a list of .txt, .doc, .pdf on my listview. How do i code this problem;

1. When i double-click the item (sample.txt) on my listview it will open in a notepad.

2. When i double click the item (sample.docx or sample.doc) it will open the MS word and shows me the things written on the particular item.

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How To Transfer Datagridview Data To Textbox

Jun 22, 2010

How can I transfer the data from the Specified cell of the Datagridview to texbox.. For example I click on the specified Datagridview cell, I have a 3 columns Name,Username and Password. I want to transfer all of them in their designated textboxes. txtboxName, txtboxUsername and txtPassword. It's like that the columns in the Datagridview were binded into the textboxes once I click on it..

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Transfer Data From Datagridview To Textbox?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a form for User Account Maintenance and I want to transfer the Data of the specified Cell of the Datagridview once it's selected by clicking the mouse. How can I transfer it to textbox?

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Transfer Data From Excel Row Per Row To TextBox?

Aug 9, 2010

I use this code to transfer data from Excel row per row to TextBox

If i have 100 Rows in Excel and 100 TextBoxs , I need to write this code 100 Times


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Transfer The Contents Of A Row In A Datagrid To A Textbox?

Jan 16, 2010

Is it possible to transfer the contents of a row in a datagrid to a textbox? (Like, when I click row 3, the contents of that row will be transferred to the textboxes) If it is, can anyone guide me to a tutorial? Or is this technique applicable only to the ListView object?

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VS 2008 : Transfer From Textbox To Richtext?

Nov 22, 2009

im gonna create a form with 1 textbox, a button and a richtext the textbox you write something like "bla bla bla" and press on the button and it apear on the richtext thing.then i write "yahoo" and press on the button. then it should post it on the richtext thing but on another line, like its pressed enter and then do ctrl+v.

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2010 - SQL Data Manipulation - Display Each Element On A Page In A Structured Format

Jun 15, 2010

I'm currently learning and can confidently connect to databases and return results to comboboxes run stored procedures ect to datagrids, However I'm wanting to find an online tutorial for doing loops with data so for example

I return the following data into a dataset

Orderno Orderitem Price GUID
111 Pies 1.50 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx
111 orangutang 2.00 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx

I want to display each element on a page in a structured format so as to make a visual representation in seperate entities (labels maybe) of the data like so:

Order number

line 1 (includes item and price in plain text on a page i guess using a label)
line 2 (same goes)

Subtotal( )

The results and formulae i can do but it's simply how to split off the data from my dataset and display elements as seperates (also how will i dynamically create the lables as obviously i'm not going to know in advance how many order item rows will return )

Obviously this is not urgent but if anyone could point me at a tutorial or even better a few lines of code that will do this for the microsoft northwind data so i can mess about with it and play.

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VS 2010: String Manipulation - Cycle Through Every Item In The Listbox And Find The Ones That Have Been Checked

May 31, 2012


Then skips straight to the Else without performing the two lines in between, regardless of whether the item was checked or not checked. It doesn't crash, doesn't throw any errors, so I am assuming I coded this wrong somehow.

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Can't Transfer Text To Another Textbox If Form Load In MdiChild

Feb 20, 2009

I have 3 Form[code]...

I use CustomerListForm to transfer text to OrderForm[code]...

the program working normal(Transfer Text Done) if Start Up Form is OrderForm.

but the problem is, if Start up Form is MainForm(MdiParent), OrderForm(MdiChild), CustomerListForm(MdiChild)

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Populate An Excel Worksheet - Transfer The Value Of The Textbox To Each Cell

Jun 2, 2009

I am a newbie programmer using and I need to create a form with a TextBox that will populate an excel table. I created the form already but I do not know how to transfer the value of the textbox to each cell in my spreadsheet. The table is only only column and 2000 rows.

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Using Background Intelligent Transfer Service To Transfer Files To Server?

Mar 20, 2012

I will use the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to transfer files from a client (laptop) to a shared folder on a server within our local network.The problem is a very slow network bandwith, if we transfer a file, the other clients canīt work, all requests to other clients (application) or viewing internet pages needs a long time.My idea is to use BITS in my tool to copy/transfer a file from client to server, also I hope to get more performance for the internet requests.

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VS 2010 LAN File Transfer?

May 9, 2012

I'm studying how to use Visual basics 2010, and I have been asked to create a program that transfers a audio file to one machine, then plays that file when it receives it on the other machine. I have made a basic file transfer, but when I install it onto a computer, the server crashes for some reason. But it will work on some computers. Here is my code for the server:

I also have to make the program so that the client can click a button and then it will play a preset audio file. (example: User clicks button to play a fire drill)So to sum it all up, The server app goes onto the computer that will be playing the audio and the client app allows you to send audio files to it and play


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VS 2010 Getting String To Transfer Over To A Second Form?

Mar 26, 2012

i would like my application to transfer over two peices of string two a second form, it will be the forename and the surname and i would like them to keep the information entered

Form 1
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Your_DetailsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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VS 2010 - How To Transfer MySQL Connection Over 2 Forms

Jun 13, 2011

I'm creating a database management program and I just got started. I will be using a login form and a form that is the management part. The MySQL connection will be created on the login form and I was wondering how to get it to the other form. What I thought I should do is create a public mysqlconnection property on the login form and just use it from there. I don't think I have ever known the correct way of transferring a mysqlconnection over 2 forms.

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VS 2010 Automatic Access To MySQL Transfer

Jan 31, 2012

I'm trying to make a program that takes my old records from Access and moves them to MySQL. Its supposed to take records from 3 different tables in Access to 3 different tables in MySQL. The first table is "Orders" and it sorts the ones to pull to the dataset, taxDS, by "Where Status = 'Waiting Payment' OR 'Cancelled'". Then the second table pulls its info(this is where i'm having trouble) by the "Control_Number" in the "Orders" table, so basically if the control number isnt already in the dataset its not going to pull the data into the new table "FNF Taxes".

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Backup


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Make File Transfer With Winsock Component On 2010?

Mar 30, 2011

does it possible to make file transfer with winsock component on visual basic 2010? Because i tried much codes, but it doesn't works

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VS 2010 Fast Transfer Byte Data To Picturebox?

Jul 16, 2011

I need to transfer a block of pixel values as quickly as possible to a picturebox control. The data will be in a byte array representing 512 pixels by 4 lines. The data is greyscale values from 0 to 255 but I could easily store each value three times to represent R, G and B if that made it easier/quicker to write the values to the picturebox.I've used fastpix (by Vic Joseph "Boops Boops") in the past but this seems more geared towards fast plotting of individual pixels and as I have a pre-formatted block of pixel data I was wondering about alternatives. I've done a bit of research and BitBlt seems interesting, but can this be used with a byte array as the "source"? All the examples I've seen are for transferring/merging between bitmaps/pictureboxes. How about Direct Memory Access? I just need a simple "brute force" method of getting my pre-formatted data into the picturebox. Oh, when I say "fast" I mean I'd like to plot my 512 x 4 pixels in less than 10mS.

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VS 2010 Internet Transfer Control Omitted From Express?

Dec 30, 2011

I'm trying to write a program using Internet Transfer Controls, but I'm using Visual Studio (Visual Basic Express) 2010.

Is Internet Transfer Control omitted from the express version?

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VS 2010 Transfer Deleted Record Into Another Database Table

Jul 8, 2011

How will I transfer deleted record into another table instead of deleting it permanently? I think it is what we call "history"..somehow..For example I have 2 tables. 1 is Original_Record the other is Deleted_Record. If I deleted one record in Original_Record, the deleted record will be transfered into Deleted_Record table.

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Get Value From Gridview Column Into Textbox?

Apr 15, 2012

I want to get value from gridview column into textbox. i have DGS4 as my gridview . and i want to use query like i used bellow. i uses some code from @luc001 but it stil not working.[code]...

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Get Value From Gridview Column To Textbox?

Feb 12, 2011

how to get value from gridview column into textbox. For example if I have EmailGridview with 2 columns ID, and EMAIL. And would like under gridview to show Email value also in textbox.

I was trying to do many options, but somehow could not get result.

This is nearest, I was with the

EmailTextBox.text = EmailGridView.rows(0).cells(email)
But, of course it is not working.

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