Maximum Threads Usage In A Program

Jan 27, 2010

Maximum threads usage in a program

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Vb Application - Maximum No. Of Threads ?

Apr 22, 2010

I know increasing the no . of threads causes risk and many other issues bu i wanted to know what is the maximum no. of threads that my vb application could open..... and is there any way by which i can determine how many threads are currently open in my application?

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Save Settings During Program Usage

Oct 27, 2010

I have created a bunch of user settings using my.settings.*** and only save these upon form_closing for the time being.I wanted to save the settings every 30 or so seconds, so I created a timer with 30 second tick intervals. Inside the tick event of that timer I included the code that I had in the form_closing event.While it works to save the settings, it also 'freezes' or 'skips' the main program for about a second or 2 while it's saving. The code to save settings includes looping through at least 2 arrays and adding them to the settings specialcollection object one item at a time.Is there a better way to accomplish this, without 'locking' up the main form for a second or so? Is it feasible to loop through all the settings in a different thread (can you access settings cross-thread)?

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Maximum Amount Of Space That Can Use For MS Access Database Applications Inside VB Program?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a program that is running with a Data Connection to Database MS Access Office 2007. I maxed the Database at 1.97 GBytes of memory. I then inserted the Database into my VBasic Program and tried to compile. The compiler gave an error at the Me.ChemicalsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Chemistry2aDataSet.Chemicals)

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
radPrefix.Checked = True


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Program A Form To Calculate Rainfall Total,average,maximum, And Minimum?

Mar 15, 2010

Im trying to programme a form to calculate rainfall total,average,maximum, and do I create the input box that opens to input the info I cant seem to find it in the tool box. Am i Missing something, and how do I set a array to calculate?

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VS 2010 Application For Tracking Program Usage?

Jun 20, 2012

Is it possible to create an application with to track a users usage of Excel, Word and another application called lets say - Userapp.exe

At work we have been asked to create a diary of our days work and since most of my work is in excel, word and a custom application I have built, I was wondering if it was possible to track the usage of these programs store the data in a datatable and then save it to a access db.

Usage of the program would mean the time that the file is open on the screen, that way the time a program is open but minimised in the taskbar would not be counted.

The data table would have these headings -

1. Program (i.e excel, word etc.)
2. Name of File used
3. Time used in program

Could I use the windows task manager for this?

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Reducing Memory Usage When Storing Data In A Program - C#

Apr 18, 2012

I have an ArrayList that stores 100,000+ numbers inside of it. Each number is 10 digits in length or smaller. The program itself has data input into it, of which it loops through the user input to see if any of their numbers are already in the array using if ArrayList.Contains(userinput).

It would appear that when having an ArrayList of this size a LOT of memory is being used. Would there be a faster way to run this, E.g. Database or If TextFile.Contains(Line)?

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Why Does A Nearly Empty VB.NET Program Use 4 Threads?

Mar 17, 2011

I just noticed after adding the threads column in task manager to Win7 that a fresh new VS2005 project with single form and no code compiles and runs with 4 threads. Does anyone else notice this? Can anyone tell me why?

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.net - Feedback From Threads To Main Program?

Jan 27, 2011

My software will simulate a few hundred hardware devices, each of which will send several thousand reports to a database server.Trying it without threading did not give very good results, so now it's time to thread.Since I am load testing the d/b server, some of those transactions will succeed and a few may fail. The GUI of the main program needs to reflect this. How should the threads communicate their results back to the main program? Update global variables? Send a message? Or something lese?

Now, if I update only at the end of each thread then the GUI is going to look rather boring (and I can't tell if the program hung). It might be nice to update the GUI periodically. But that might cause contention, with threads waiting for other threads to update (for instance, if I am writing to global variables, I need a mutex, which will block each thread which is waiting to write).

I'm new to threading. How is this normally done? Perhaps the main program could poll the threads, instead of the threads iforming the main program?

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Multithreading - .NET 4.0 Execute Multiple Threads But Threads Are Completed Before Resuming?

Oct 19, 2011

I just had a new, last-minute idea on to take on a task, so I am running to StackExchange for quick help.

What I want to do is execute a series of methods right in a row, each in their own threads. I want the application to wait until all of these threads are completed, after which the program will resume. It also has to use managed threading (thread pool).

What quick examples could you provide to help me along the way? If it's too complex, what things should I know about so that I can Google it on my own?

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Queue Threads - Spawn A Series Of 'child' Threads From A Loop

Dec 30, 2009

I have a main thread which is designed to be a batch processor - it spawns a series of 'child' threads from a loop (which can vary in terms of the no of items) - see below


However, each of the 'child' threads could take anywhere from milliseconds to about a minute to process - depending on the complexity of each calculation. There may also be a large number of child threads - e.g 100s. Creating large numbers of child threads is not efficient. I therefore want some way to effectively queue each child thread (and cancel if the process is taking too long to complete). Autoevents seems like one way of doing this, but the only examples I can find seem to assume there are two different processes on seperate threads, not one process being repeated.

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Threads Program Uses To Scape List Faster?

Nov 22, 2011

Im making program that scrapes things from big url list, is it possible to make user set how many threads program uses to scape list faster? If its possible,

For each url as object in urllist.items Do something.Next If can be made into that, would be nice :P

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VS 2010 - Creating New Threads From Set Amount In Program?

Jun 1, 2011

How do I make my program create new threads from a set amount? For example if someone typed "60" in a textbox and they pressed "Start", it would create 60 threads that would do the same function.

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Create Multiple Threads To Improve A Function On Program

Sep 7, 2011

i need to create multiple threads to improve a function on my program. it is a simple thing really but it's slow and if multithreaded it can improve the speed some thousand times. my program uses a dll to check the MX record of an e-mail from a textbox called emails if the mx record is correct then it validates that domain, if not, it sends to an error textbox with that mail my problem is that im reading a lot on multithreading and i dont have an idea how to make something like this: for x=0 to emails.lines.count -1' start a thread that runs my function next if i can limit the number of threads to avoid crashing it would be good.

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Should Threads Update Global Data In The Main Program

Mar 18, 2011

I want to launch a bunch of threads, each performing the same task, and know in main() when each finishs and it if it was successful or failed.The solution offered was to use a ConcurrentQueue, but other posts have recommended using a BackgroundWorker Class, or a thread pool.Is there a definitive answer?Again, all threads perform the same code and have a pass/fail result. I want to run more than there are available threads so as soon as one thread finishes I will launch another asap - I want tehm to stress a remote systems as much as possible (reather than stressing my local PC with too many threads, so I will need to experiment to determine the optimal number of threads).

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Get The Current Number Of Usage Days, Unique Usage Days, Etc In An Evaluation License Using CryptoLicensing Generator?

Jan 25, 2010

Get the current number of usage days, unique usage days, etc in an evaluation license using CryptoLicensing Generator.

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'Value' Should Be Between 'minimum' And 'maximum'

Nov 21, 2008

I'm attempting to invoke with parameters:[code]Value of '415' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum'.Parameter name: Value..What does this mean? Is there a way around it?

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Get The Maximum Number In VB?

Apr 4, 2011

how can i get the maximum number in visual basic

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Get The Maximum Value Of Two Numbers?

Jul 24, 2011

I'm trying to get the maximum value of two numbers.I want my variable z to be equal to the maximum between x and y

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Set A Maximum Font?

Dec 10, 2009

I created a new control. When the user changes the font, I don't want the user to change the font past font size 14. If the user changes the font past 14, the font should reset to 14.


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Control's The Maximum Size?

Dec 29, 2011

I am currently making my own custom controls, I want the user to be able to change the control's size, but only the width, the height needs to stay constant.

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Datagridview - Set Maximum Rows?

Apr 28, 2010

How do you set the maximum number of rows allowed in a given DataGridView control? I'm using an unbound (meaning unbound to any data table) DGV to create a spreadsheet like entry. This is in order to allow the user to enter an array (80 elements). I can stretch the DGV into 80 columns and limit myself to 1 row or I can do 1 column 80 times. Either way, I need to limit the user to a finite number of rows...

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Find Minimum And Maximum?

Jun 22, 2010

SqlServer Table1 has data as follows



1) I want to display the SMALLEST Date into textbox1 which is 01/01/2010

2) I want to display the BIGGEST Date into textbox2 which is 18/01/2010

3) I want to display the BIGGEST SNO against date 18/01/2010 into textbox3 which is 9

4) I want to display total records against date 18/01/2010 into textbox4 which is 3

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Find The Maximum Value Of A DataTable?

Jun 20, 2012

I have been very stumped by this one. I have a fairly large (~1500 x ~1000) DataTable of positive and negative integers only that I acquired from a .csv file. For my program, I need to find the maximum value of the entire table, not just in a single row or column. Optimally, the code would be short and sweet, but that's not always the case ;).

The name of my DataTable is BeamMap and I am trying to return a value of MaxValue (already declared as an integer). I can post the code I have for creating the DataTable upon request.

Extra Credit: (not really)

Is there a way to quickly find the location (ie., row,column) of said maximum value? So far, all of the examples I've seen check cell by cell for a predetermined value, which is rather inefficient for the number of data points that I have.

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Form Maximum Length

May 16, 2011

My form length is currently 1040 which when run displays as 870 and I use the vertical scroll bar to access the the boxes not displayed. I need more however, let's just say 1140 in length, but when I type that number into the 'size height' it only goes to 1044. Is there a way for my form to be the length that I need?

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Get The Trackbar To Go Up In 1`s To A Maximum Of 400 At The Moment It Goes Up In 10`s?

Nov 25, 2010

im using a trackbar (First time of using one)i want the trackbar to go up in 1`s to a maximum of 400 at the moment it goes up in 10`s iv looked at the properties of this and i cant seem to figure how to change it from 10 to 1, I looked at the maximum and changed that from 10 to 1 but it just counts the hole trackbar as one which is doing the complete opposite to what i want?

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How To Set PictureBox Maximum Size

Nov 15, 2011

I need to setting the maximum size on a picture box. I thought the syntax for setting size was picturebox.MaximumSize = (Width,Height) but doesnt seem to work. Did syntax change from VB6?

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IonicZip.dll Maximum Zip Size?

Dec 2, 2011

i am using the ioniczip.dll to create folders with my application and this works great BUT when i want to compress a file bigger than 300MB it can't. Does Ioniczip.dll have a file size limit that it can zip.

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Maximum Capacity Of Dictionary?

Jan 27, 2010

is it ever possible for a dictionary to hold more than 2147483647 items?

which exception do we get if we try to add to a dictionary with already 2147483647 items?

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Maximum Size Of An Array?

Jan 13, 2010

What is the maximum size of a multidimensional array in VB.NET (in my case two-dimensional)? I'm using Visual Studio 2008, Framework 3.5 I found in msdn [URL]: "The length of every dimension of an array is limited to the maximum value of a Long data type, which is (2 ^ 64) - 1. The total size limit of an array varies, based on your operating system and how much memory is available. Using an array that exceeds the amount of RAM available on your system is slower because the data must be read from and written to disk." However, I am trying to use an array of data type single, with dimensions 64513 by 301 but Visual Studio seems to freeze when I execute the line to redimension the array ( Redim myArray(64513, 301) ). I have 4Gb of RAM and am using Windows XP (32-bit).

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