MessageBox Keeps Adding With The Code

Feb 17, 2011

I hope you can tell me what is wrong with my code. I have tried this code below, And when the my requirements are met. the messageBox keeps loading, for as long as my requirements are met. (I get hundreds of messageBox's). I am using Visual Basic 2010.

Basicaly when a progressBar1 reaches a percentage I have Stated I what a MessageBox to show a message. and because the message is long would I add vbNewLine where I have Underlined.[code...]

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VS 2010 Adding Title To A Messagebox?

Nov 18, 2011

here is what I have

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim r As New Random


That basically displays a random piece of text from a string of entered texts into a listbox, but when I put a comma and apostrophes next to the last set of apostrophes to add a title to the message box, I get a really long error. how can I avoid this and add a title to my box to make it pretty?

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VS 2008 Adding A Prompt (MessageBox) During Program Exit?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a mini form application. What I need is to have a message box asking the user to confirm exist. Yes/No. This should happen if the user click the exit button on the form or the (X) on the title bar.

I have this piece of code attached to the exit button on the form. I'm trying to use an if statement but don't have a clue as to how I can apply it to what I already have.

Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Confirmation", _


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Messagebox Won't Show In What Looks Like Fine Code?

Jan 16, 2012

This code isn't working...

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Code If User Doesn't Select Messagebox Button

Feb 26, 2009

I have an application that has a timer. Every hour, the application will see what time it is. If it is after 5 P.M., then the application will shut the computer off. (For power saving purposes)I have a messagebox pop up warning the user. I want the user to be able to hit "Cancel" on a dialog box if he/she is still working on the computer and reset the timer to ask again in about an hour. If the user isn't there to select a button on the messagebox, I want the computer to turn itself off. But I can't get the code to skip the dialog box after so many seconds. [Code]

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Jquery Messagebox Call From Server Side Code?

Feb 3, 2011

I am new to Jquery and trying to start learning the new tool. What I want to do is call a JQuery message box from my gridViews Row Command function after the processing is done so I can notify the user the process has been complete. I was trying to use this website as a referanceBut not sure how to call the function from the serverside. I have triedPlace this inside your script tags...

$(document).ready(function () {
//Determining if there is a message to be shown if the message is not equal to empty string then the messagebox should appear.


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MessageBox In Visual Basic Express 2010 Open Form3 From MessageBox?

Mar 28, 2011

From my login form, and when a correct Username and Password has been succesfull and I get a messageBox saying "welcome to your System" (Picture Below) and when I press the OK button in that MessageBox, I want to open I add code to the Underlined code (below Picture), or Do I write a completley different code after the messageBox code.


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Jump Into A Vbyesno - Step Into The Bolded Code When Click On No In Messagebox - Keeps Skipping

Aug 13, 2009

Private Sub CMDreturngame_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CMDreturngame.Click
Dim gameID As Integer


The above is my code. I'm trying to get it to step into the bolded code when I click on no in the messagebox, but it keeps skipping. No idea why as I've wrote another piece of code with similar coding, which works perfectly fine.

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Getting Loop Through Adding Each Result Without A MessageBox Stop In Each Loop?

May 3, 2010

I have written a function that gets the alexa ranking of a given url, now this function works perfectly but I want to loop through a ListView of urls and grab the alexa rank of each item (url) with my function.The code works great if I put a MessageBox in the loop to test that the function is returning a value but when I remove the MessageBox the loop does not work.I need it to loop through adding each result without a MessageBox stop in each loop.

For Each Item In ListView1.Items
Dim result As Integer
result = GetAlexaRank(Item.Text)


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Adding A Number To Another In Code?

Jan 4, 2011

This sounds like the stupidest question ever!!! BUT what is the code for adding a number to a label with the label's value being calculated dependent on user input?! So you choose 2 numbers to multiply, If a box is ticked then you add 10 to the label. I've got everything else I just can't work out the structure/code for this little bit.

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Adding A ToolStripProgressBar To Code?

May 26, 2009

I have the below code which will send xml to me website when Button3 is clicked:

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Button3.Click
If RichTextBox2.Text = "Please enter the XML Data" Then


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.net - Code Behind From Adding AJAX Exentenders?

Jan 17, 2012

I am working on adding some ajax controls for either a hover menu or popup control. But when I do I get the following code.<System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute()> <System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()> _
Public Shared Function GetDynamicContent(ByVal contextKey As System.String) As System.String

End Function I am trying to find out exactly how to code against this function. I am at a bit of a loss with regard to the WebMethodAttribute, and ScriptMethodAttribute, one would think I could delete one or the other. I watched numerous videos by MS and others and this code behind is not covered.

If someone could point to some tutorials, MSDN, white papers, or web sites where this is used, or in a project or something,

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Adding And Deleting Controls Via Code?

Aug 14, 2011

I am trying to create and remove a series of controls programatically. The user will have a numeric updown to pick a number. The program will then create a bunch of duplicate controls based on whatever number they pick on the fly.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub NumericUpDown1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles numberDebts.ValueChanged[code].....

The creation part works just fine.As the number is toggled upward a new label is created.However whenever I remove labels it acts very strangely.The first time I bring it down it works just fine. Then the next 3 do nothing but the 4th removes another line.I can also toggle back and forth and it will eventually remove the label. So for example.

Starts with 1 selected - 1 label visible (1)
Change to 2 - 2 labels visible (1-2)
Change to 3 - 3 labels visible (1-3)[code]....

If I toggle back and forth between 2 and 3 eventually label 4 will go away.I want only 1- my numeric up down value to be displayed and have everything else after that removed.

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Adding Code To A Combobox Field?

Dec 13, 2010

I am creating an application install program, but one of the main things i cannot get working is the combobox, this is a drop down list of all my applications that i have put in there. I was wondering if there was a way you could tell the combobox to look at a directory or share and list the names of files within it? So, for example i could place 5 programs inside a share or directory then when i run the program and the click the drop down combo the 5 programs are listed and then i can click and install this program. Also then if i add/remove any programs it also removes it from the combo list.

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Adding Code To A Contextmenustrip Item?

Mar 3, 2010

I have made it so that as soon as the form opens it puts an icon in the tray and when you right click the icon it comes up with a contextmenustrip. in the form I have put a button and a textbox. when you click the button, it creates a new item in the contextmenustrip What I wanted to do was add a peice of code to this new item, is this possible?

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Adding Code To A Form While In Runtime?

Sep 13, 2011

i am in runtime mode and have a form open. I do some calculations on it and based on those i generate some lines of VB code (concatenated and saved in a local variable). Is there a VB command that i can use that will take this code and INSERT it into another form?

i could copy the code, exit runtime, go to design mode and paste it into the form myself but because i want to do this for several subs for a lot of forms then it will become very time consuming.

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Adding Custom Code To A Report

Feb 6, 2011

I want to custom code to a report. For example, I have a text box, txtABC on the report. I want to assign it a value from variable, when report runs. How to do it.

View 1 Replies - Adding Hyperlinks Dynamically By Code?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a web form but I have to do this by code since I dont know the number of hyperlinks I need from the beginning.How can I add some hyperlinks with Image in a label, the number of hyperlink depends on the number of rows of a query, and each row give me the link information to navigate.

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C# - Adding The CANONICAL Tag To Page For SEO Through Code Behind?

Sep 9, 2009

I am using ASP.NET with MasterPages. Thus i cant just place this link in my pages that reference my MasterPage.

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

I need to place this link in though my Page Load of each one of my pages. How would i do this through code? I am using VB.NET but C# will also help me in the right direction.This is how i did it for my DESCRIPTION tag in my code behind.

Dim tag As HtmlMeta = New HtmlMeta()
tag.Name = "description"
tag.Content = "Find or rate any company in South Africa for FREE and rate them"

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Interfaces - Adding Code To A Sub Or Function

Jan 14, 2010

In using the IDisposable Interface, the two subroutines are displayed in my code from Microsoft when coded. How do I do the same with an Interface that I write? Is it possible or is this a feature that only Microsoft can do? I am using Visual Studio 2005!

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VS 2008 Adding Code Using The Program?

Jan 24, 2012

Today I'm facing the problem of adding code when the program is running.I know i can execute command, (like when i press button1 it does the command in textbox1) but I want the code to be saved.Using the setting or resource tab is not an option, (don't ask why).

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Adding Controls To A Code Created Form

Apr 28, 2010

What I am trying to do is create a form in code that runs while the BackGround worker is running.I created a form the normal way with a label and progress bar but I want to update the label with what is going on in the BackGround Worker.Doing it the standard way isn't updating the label on the form.So my next idea is to create a form in code which I have done, but now I can't remember how to add controls to that form at runtime.Here is the code I have so far.[code]So from here I have tried the CreateControl() and the Controls.Add() and neither one is working for me.

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Avoid Adding The Development Of Malicious Code?

Dec 3, 2009

How to avoid aiding the development of malicious code I see an uncomfortable number of questions asking for info that could easily be put to malicious use. You can probe the OP to discover their intent, and you get replies that come in one of two flavors.

I have come to realize that trying to discover their intent is a waste time. Not because of the reactions, but their intent is really irrelevant to the matter at hand. Security. Posting code of any nature in a public forum that can be abused for malicious purposes is outright reckless. I wish could provide the help they request, but I don't know most of those programming tricks anyway. I would discourage anyone from publicly posting code that could be perverted no matter what the person asking for it claims. Their claims take a back seat to common sense. Anyone can read the post, people. Don't post anything that could become part of someone's malicious software in public.

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IDE Not Switching To Code View After Adding Event?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm having some problems with the IDE for VS 2010 Professional. When I click a button to add a click event procedure, it's not switching over to code view. It also seems to be adding a bunch of extra code that I didn't add for other controls.

Private Sub dgvData_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub btnChange_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Source Code For Adding Your Program To Startup?

Feb 9, 2009

What is the source code for Adding Your program to Starup? for VB2008

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VS 2008 Use Declarations For An Object After Adding It In Code?

Nov 16, 2009

Dim wBrowser As New WebBrowserTabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Add(wBrowser)I used the above code to add a WebBrowser to a tab, but I have no idea how to use declarations for it after adding it in code. I'm mainly after the

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Adding Handler To Code-generated Form And Picturebox?

Jun 18, 2009

I've got a form with a TabControl. PictureBoxes (containing thumbnails) are added to each TabPage thru a loop. A click event Handler is added for each PictureBox. When a PictureBox is clicked, a new form is created thru code and a PictureBox is added to it that shows the pictures enlarged. What I need is to add another Handler to the PictureBox in the code-generated form so that I can rotate the pictures because some of them (photographs) were taken with the camera at 90 degree angles from vertical. I've tried to come up with a solution but I always run into the problem of the PictureBox on the code-generated form needing to be declared WithEvents before a Handler can be added.

Code for adding PictureBoxes to TabControl:
'Variable p declared public withevents at class level
p = New PictureBox
img = Image.FromFile(Path.GetFullPath(picfile))


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Adding Icon On Custom Form Border Through Code?

Apr 15, 2012

I have below code that set customised form border color and title. the form is missing icon to add icon to the form as well.

Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces... and can span multiple lines 'A form with custom border and title bar.'Some functions, such as resize the window via mouse, are not implemented yet.

Public Class CustomBorderColorForm
'The color and the width of the border.
Private borderColor As Color = Color.GreenYellow
Private borderWidth As Integer = 3


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Adding Simple Labels And Combobox To Code Not Working?

Jul 30, 2009

I have a simple poker game that deals out 9 cards into pictureboxes and shows another 3 pictureboxes that hold cards for the dealer. The code itself does what I want it to...even though I'm at a dead end with writing the code further to evaluate the poker hands. I would simply like to add a few labels and a combobox to my form, but everytime I add something, or try to add it I get cast error?

Public Class Form1
Dim ListOfCards As New List(Of String)
Dim dealtCards As New List(Of String)


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Coding A Button Click Event, And Adding The Code?

Mar 29, 2011

In the example from my book, I'm coding a button click event, and adding the code..."me.width=me.width + 20"The author states that "me refers to the object to which the code belongs(in this case the form)".

But this isn't exactly accurate, is it? The "code belongs" to the button object -- not the form object, right? So, I'm guessing that what the author really should have said is that "me refers to what ever form you're working on". Would that be true?

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