Microsoft VB 2008 Email Sender Not Safe?

Dec 13, 2009

if people wanted to sign up for a email sender they can enter there email into my form i created with VB and it would send that info to my email... well it turns out that they could get my password and i then got my email password hacked... how is this possible is it because i did not encrypt my form and they decrypted my form to get my email and password info? please tell me how this is done so i can be safer next time

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VS 2008 Email Sender Recipients?

Dec 24, 2009

I made a email sender, and the problem I'm having is that the others can see who else I sent it to. Which I do not want to happen. I want them to see only their email and that's all. No one elses.

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VS 2008 Multiple Email Sender?

Dec 21, 2009

I have made a email sender already, but I would like to know how to make it so that it sends multiple emails instead of just 1. Like on the list of textbox so that the email sender reads 1 string and just goes down the list. Instead of reading the whole list and confusing it for 1 email.

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Add A Domain / ID To Outlook's Safe Sender's List Using Program?

Aug 19, 2009

I am working on an application using VB6.0, in which mails are to be automatically sent through an SMTP server.The mails which are sent through the server are going into the recipient's JUNK-FOLDER.One way could be adding the sender's domain/ID to Client's Outlook Safe Senders List manually.But instead of setting it manually, I want to add a domain/ID to the Safe Sender's List through my application itself.

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VS 2008 - Log In With Email And Password And Make Keep Safe Items?

Jul 27, 2009

i have created this programme which is basically a keep safe programme, well it's not created yet far i have coded the the log in page, so the user can log in with their email and password.Once they do it comes to a screen asking if they want to visit their 'keep safe' items, or, asking if they want to deposit a file in their 'keep safe'.This is the programme belowThe Reason It say's JMEsseneger, is because i had other plans for the login until i came to face the fact, that im not quite fluant enough in this language to understand it all

1) As soon as they hit 'sign in' it creates a folder somewhere on their computer (using the same password they enterd to login and would only create the file if login is successful)2)The "Open SafeBox" obviously opens the file directory 3)the "Add To SafeBox" will allower the user to browes their computer for a file that they want to add into the "safebox" with a simple select and a click of an "add" button

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VS 2008 - Email Sender Minor - Syntax Error, Command Unrecognized

Oct 11, 2009

Note: This is not my code, I was just looking to edit it, but I run into this problem... "Syntax error, command unrecognized. The server response was: CLIENT AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED. USE ESMTP EHLO AND AUTH." (Bolded @ bottom)

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form2


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Email Recipients Cannot Send The Sender Email Address?

Dec 1, 2009

i can send email through behind code but how do i implement so that the recipient cannot see the sender email and only the name?i had done alot of research but i can't find any solution about this problem


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Email Receiver And Sender?

Jan 9, 2011

Is there a way to where i can send emails, but to the specific email client or receiver i make?

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Making An Email Sender?

Jun 23, 2009

I am making a program that can send emails by the click of a button. But the problem is that it takes a long time to send the email.When the send button is pressed it declares the smtp server, credentials and everything. But I am wondering if there is a way to have the smtp server, credentials, port and everything already declared and then as soon as the send button is clicked it sends right away?

EDIT: I am going to try declaring that information at form1_load.

EDIT: It didn't work, even when I tried changing private form1_load to public form1_load .

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VB Yahoo Email Sender?

Dec 31, 2011

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Email Sender Program Coding?

May 20, 2012

I am trying to make a program that sends emails. But I came across some errors. Note: All the errors except for the last one are from the EmailSenderForm, with the last one being from the LoginForm1.Here is my form coding:

LoginForm1 Codes:
Public Class LoginForm1
' TODO: Insert code to perform custom authentication using the provided username and password
' (See


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How To Make And Login Email Sender

Apr 25, 2009

I was wondering if any one can show me how would i make and login email sender...SO like ima have 2 forms the first one is gonna be the login form and the second one will be the email client sender +it will be the login to the email client and i would login to the form with a gmail email in textbox1 and in textbox1 with the password of the gmail account and button1 will show form2..So bascily i want to have a login for my email sender that usees gamil stmp..but i dont no how i would make the login form to get the info to form2 to sens the like instead of puting 1 gmail email in my email sender.... i can have any gmail account to send emails.

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How To Make Email Sender Program

Jun 14, 2011

i want to know how to make email sender program which i can do these things send emails attachments to one or more recipients i need open source project if it is possible

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SMTP - Create An Email Sender ?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm trying to create an email sender. I want the user to define the smtp host and the smtp port in an option window, and then export them to My.Settings and well, when I try to send the mail nothing happens.

Send button: (there's more but I guess this is whats failing)

and for the option window


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VS 2010 Fake Email Sender?

Oct 29, 2010

I have this code to send an email:

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Make A Progress Bar Work With Email Sender?

Dec 17, 2009

how I would make a progress bar work with a email sender.

This email sender is made to send massive amounts of emails at once, and I would like the progress bar to show what % of it is done. The list of emails to send the message to is on a Textbox.

The button to send is Button3, and the Textbox with the emails is Textbox1.

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Safe Method To Send Email In Application?

Jun 9, 2009

I would like to be able to send an exception report via email but my concern is I have to supply my email password in order to send an email, is there a better alternative on sending a report without me divulging my password?

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Getting The Type Of Sender In (ByVal Sender As Object)?

Aug 13, 2011

(me = an absolute beginner in WPF / VB2010) how to get the type of sender in (ByVal sender As Object)? Purpose: when two different Objects call the same subroutine, find out which one actually called it.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem How To Make Email Read

Jun 21, 2011

I have a console app which checks inbox for unread messages.I would like to make the email message read but could NOT manage. Is there a way to do it?

Dim oMsg As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem
Dim i As Integer


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Fetching Data From A Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table Into A Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building a VB 2008 Express Edition application.I have built a database (with a single table) using SQL Server Compact 3.5 and have connected it to the project. I am able to view and edit the data using a DataGridView on a second form (tutorial made this very easy). I need to work with the data in the table within the application. how to easily load the entire table into an array or even read the table a row or cell at a time so that I can make all of the data available for manipulation within the application (the tutorials only seem to show how to display the data).

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VS 2008 File Sender?

Jul 12, 2009

Can I make a file sender(with progress and information like: 300KB/s) like this?

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Connect Microsoft VB Data To Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2?

May 8, 2011

I am developing a database system using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Honestly i don't have any knowledge on how to connect the data in VB to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, so kindly anyone could support me with tutorial videos or ebook or any reference

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VS 2008 Generic Event Determine Sender In Sub

Jul 8, 2009

Is it possible to have a sub that is triggered when any control of a specified type is clicked (or some other interaction), and then within the code of that sub, determine the sender and depending on the sender perform an action?For example, you create buttons dynamically, and assign them a name based on a counter that tells the number of buttons on the form. Now you click on a button, but there was no code written for 'button123.mouseclick' specifically. Instead, you get the name of the sender (button123) and you do something specific to that button.[code]

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VS 2008 List (Of T) Is Thread Safe?

Sep 5, 2009

On the MSDN docs for the generic List(Of T) class, it says this:


Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.but I'm trying to work out what exactly that means or why it matters. Does that mean that if I had this:
Public Shared MyList As New List(Of MyClass)

then I could enumerate through that list from several threads at once without there being a problem? I thought you could read from any object from multiple threads without a problem anyway... I thought it was only if there were potentially other threads modifying that object at the same time that there were problems. Particularly with a collection like a List because you cant modify a list while another thread is enumerating the items in the list as you get an exception thrown stating that the collection has changed. I think basically what I am asking is if the MSDN doc said that a public shared list wasnt thread safe then what difference would it make?

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VS 2008 - Is It Safe To Delete RESX Files?

Mar 20, 2009

I have a Visual Basic project in Visual Studio 2008. Do I need to keep the .RESX file that seem to be associated with each of my forms?

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VS 2008 - Safe Cancellation Of Unknown Threads

Jul 7, 2011

I have got my multi threaded application running which is a Windows Service Project.

Basically when the service starts it starts a thread listening on a port for connections. The reason I started this on a new thread was so I could easily control it and not lock up that main worked thread.

Now on that thread when a client connects it dynamically assigns them another port number that is not currently in use and starts a new thread listening on that port and waits for the client to connect to do the actual data crunching.

So basically I have my main project thread, a Main listening thread then the possiblity of 0 to 100 more threads for each connected client.

Now this project should always be running but in the event it needs to be shut down (or server rebooted etc) I want to be able to shutdown the threads safely.

I can down my main listening thread safely but my trouble is all those other possible threads. What I would like is if the service is called to stop I want any of those other possible running threads which would have an active connection to the client to send a simple command like 'STOP' then close the connection gracefully (MyConnection.Close) and end itself.

The only solution I can think of which I don't really want to do is have a global varible (StopThreads as Boolean) and after each command in the thread check that boolean and if its set to true jump to some code to do what I want and end the thread but there must be an easier way? Or is this the best way?

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VS 2008 : Making Safe Crossthread Calls?

Mar 13, 2012

Imports System.Threading.Thread
Imports System
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.demoThread = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf Me.ThreadProcSafe))


I've been trying to use Microsofts example on their MSDN but I'm getting this error. :

Error1'demoThread' is not a member of 'WindowsApplication1.Form1'.C:UsersAydinAppDataLocalTemporary ProjectsWindowsApplication1Form1.vb89WindowsApplication1

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VS 2008 Making A List Thread Safe?

Aug 26, 2009

I am using WCF to make a chat application - I dont think the fact I'm using WCF is relevant for this particular question but just thought I would mention it in case there is something special about the way WCF does threading that I dont know about.So I have my WCF service that runs on a server and a WPF app that acts as the WCF client - each time a new client signs in or out it updates the server WCF service to let it know that it has changed status. The server then updates a list to either add or remove the user, so this list basically represents who is online at any one time. The list is declared in the core server class like so:
Private Shared List(Of ChatUser)

So, I have a method in my server side that is called whenever a user needs to be added to this list and originally I thought I could have some issues because while the server might be looping through this list to find out who is online, another user might have signed out and the list would therefore be modified while the server was looping through it which would cause an exception. So I added the following to the start of the method that removes a user from the list:
SyncLock New Object

and I havent had any problems... but I'm still not totally convinced that this will completely solve the issue. So would creating a Property give me a bit of extra safety? Assuming I always used the property to access the list in my code.
Like this:
Private Shared Property CurrentClientList() As List(Of ChatUser)
SyncLock New Object


Also, am I actually using SyncLock correctly? I mean should I be referring to a shared object that all of the threads can access rather than just doing New Object each time or does it not make a difference?

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VS 2008 : Make An Invoke Or Safe Thread Call?

May 27, 2010

i got a background worker that has the following code in the do work.... one of the things i want to do is to add rows if theres none available ...but i got an error saying i need to do a safe call thread...i already read about it but im stuck i put control.invoke, but that gives me an error too saying Error1Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.what can i do to add rows safely?
Private Sub BackgroundWorker2_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker2.DoWork
If DataGridView2.Rows.Item(num).Cells.Item(0).Value = "" Then

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VS 2008 Disabling Safe Mode And System Restore?

Oct 25, 2009

Is it possible to prevent my program from being ran in Safe Mode and System Restored?

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