Mixing C# And Projects = Broken "Go To Definition"?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a large-ish solution, with C# and VB.NET projects mixed. Whenever I try to o to definitionon a class, property or method thats defined in the other language, Visual Studio just takes me to the Object Browser, which is pretty annoying. Same for debugging: I cantep into a project that's written in the other language.

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Removing Projects From VB2008 Start Page Recent Projects List?

Mar 15, 2009

Removing projects from VB2008 start page recent projects list. The above list is getting clogged. How do I remove items from this list?

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Mixing C# & VB In The Same Project?

Aug 14, 2009

Can you mix vb and c# files in the same project for a class library? Is there some setting that makes it possible? I tried and none of the intellisense works quite right, although the background compiler seems to handle it well enough (aside from the fact that I, then, had 2 classes in the same namespace with the same name and it didn't complain). We're trying to convert from VB to C# but haven't finished converting all the code. I have some new code I need to write, but didn't really want to make a new project just for it

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Fileshare - Mixing Exe Forms?

Jun 24, 2010

i wanta fileshare i think thats what it called prob not but his my code make it vb 2008 ||...these are two DIFFERENT EXE's

public class shareReciever
Private sub btn1_click(blah)[code].....

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Forms :: WMI WndProc Not Mixing Well?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm using the WndProc To get messages about USB flashdrives connecting and removing from the users computer. It works grand. I also use WMI queries to get the info about the flashdrives. It works as it shouold. The problem is when both of these are in the same solution. I ended up creating an extra .EXE that uses the WMI queries to get the drive info and output the info to a CSV file which my Main will parse. I tries creating a seperate class of each and i also tried to make a DLL that I import to no avail.

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[2008] Mixing Different Concepts Together?

Mar 15, 2009

This is my first post as I don't like to ask questions without making sure I've exhausted all other means. I'm new to VB2008 and programming in general but I'm learning. I want to do several simple tasks. Doing each separately is easy but when I put them together I don't know what to do. For one thing to work all the code must be changed and everything else doesn't work.

1. Plot a graph of data from a DAQ. I can do this by using a Timer1_tick method and displaying the data on the linegraph as long as the timer is turned on. I've decided to stick with this method of acquisition. I want to acquire data for long periods of time (perhaps 3 hours) so a timer is pretty good. No problems here.

2. Apply a filter to remove noise from the plot dynamically as the data comes in so that I get a smooth curve instead of a jagged graph. I know I can do this with for loops if I'm using an array. But how do I do it since I'm using a timer? Here the problem begins.

3. Log every piece of the filtered data that the timer is getting to be exported to a CSV file. I learned how to do this with do loops but not with a timer or array. But I really need to use the timer this time.

4. Acquire statistics for the data like maximum value, minimum value, and average value dynamically as the data changes. I know how to do this with an array of data after all the data is acquired. But How do I do this with a timer while the data is still being collected?

5. Monitor the data coming in to execute an alarm (Or event, like stopping the acquisition) when the data coming in has plateaued and is constant (eg: The voltage I'm monitoring starts to become constant and becomes one constant value) - Ok I don't know anything about this.

6. Execute a mathematical operation on the data that has been acquired (post acquisition) like finding gradients and such. Basically this means "How do I now manipulate the data I have and where is this data stored?"

Here's my starting code that gathers data with a timer. How do I work from here?:

Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Timer1.Enabled = False


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Mixing Console And Form Together Fail

Mar 29, 2012

My app is basically console based but I need a Form to run in background. Adding a form in the app works but using Form1.Show didn't work, so I used VB.NET Application.Run(New Form1) However, in Form1_Load Me.Hide didn't work. I have no idea why. It works in buttons or other components in the same form.

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Sockets Losing Or Mixing Up Data?

Oct 9, 2010

First let me start off by saying that I have dealt with Winsock for MANY years and am attempting to convert my project over from vb6 to VB.Net.This program was made to handle up to 70 connections at a time and constantly sending data from Server to clients and back.

There is one packet however, that reaches up to be around 177kb when sent. The sockets are set up to sent 1kb at a time.... (No other packet actually uses the whole kb). It seems that after the server sends this large packet... the client receives the data out of order. After debugging and monitoring I find that it normally happens between 3-4kb. While the first 3 are good and in order.My question is, is there a different system I should use instead of just Sockets (I have had similar problems with TCPClient) and/or can someone maybe link me to a sample project that would not have this error?

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VS 2008 TCP Control - Mixing Bytes With String

Aug 8, 2010

I am currently writing a VB.net app to control an Integra AV receiver. I have success controlling it via Serial, but it also has a network port for TCP control. I can control it using CommandFusion iPhone app but am now wanting to create a windows app to control it. I have created client/server software that I use to talk from one PC to the which works well. So I am going to use the same client software to talk to the AV receiver. I can connect fine to it, I just haven't quite got the protocol right to actually control it.


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IDE :: Crash VS2010 IDE By Mixing Lambda Expressions With SyncLock?

Jun 30, 2011

Can someone who is using a 64 bit machine help me pintpoint this crash to either the VS2010 IDE itself or one of the plugins I have installed?

It's the code fragment below. When I copy & paste it into the Main() function of a new VB.Net console app on my Win7 64 bit machine, the VS IDE crashes and dies onthe spot, every time I try it.

Doing exactly the same on a 32 bit XP machine, nothing abnormal happens.

The 64 bit machine does have some IDE plug-ins installed, the biggest of which is DevExpress (the free version), so i think either one of those or the fact that the IDE is running on 64 bit must be the culprit.

This is the code. The static variable can also be made a module-level variable, with the same result.

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.net - Response.AppendHeader() Is Broken

Sep 23, 2011

I'm using Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "2; url=default.aspx") To send users back to the home page after they log in or log out and it works. But, on the contact us page it fails and this is what it says: The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.Requested URL: /default.aspx, 2; url=default.aspx The weird thing is this doesn't happen in debug, only on the live site. It looks like it's appending the header twice somehow...

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MapObjects Is Broken In VS2010?

May 1, 2010

Trying to use ESRI MapObjects 2.4 in Visual Studio 2010 now traps an error when you instantiate the map object:Additional information: Could not load the structure 'ESRI.MapObjects2.Core.CancelActionConstants' from assembly 'ESRI.MapObjects2.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fc3cc631e44ad86'. The structure is marked as eligible for type equivalence, but it has a static or non-public field.

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Grr - VB XML Schema Transversal Broken In VB2010

Sep 23, 2010

I'm getting an error


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Httpagility Pack Scraping Between Broken Tag?

Jun 2, 2012

i need to scrape a p tag which has h3 tag after it but does not have a closing p tag. It looks like this :

<script ad>asdasdasd</script>
<p>Translation companies are
<h3 class="this_class">mind blown site</h3>

There is no </p> tag so i cannot parse it completely. Now i have two questions :

1) can this be parsed using httpagility xpath ?

2) i have a function to find text between two strings (getbetween). But i have a doubt - If i use "asdasdasd" and " is it always 100% that vb.net will use the script tag which is just above h3 because there are 2-3 same lines - "asdasdasd"

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IDE :: Broken Publish Tab (VSTS Pro On Vista)?

Apr 25, 2007

When I click the "Publish" tab for the project, I get the following message: An error occurred trying to load the page, The publish components are not available. You need to reinstall Visual Studio to publish your application.When I right-click the project and select "Publish," I get the same error Error: The publish components are not available. You need to reinstall Visual Studio to publish your application. ========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ========== ========== Publish: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========If I do things manually using MageUI, everything works fine.I have attempted the "Repair" option from the VS Setup, but this has not resolved the problem.

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Vs 2008 Broken Snippets Functionality

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to reset to the original vb.net snippets that came along with visual studio 2008? I recently installed a purchased third party lib, that managed to break almost all the default snippets. I can see that the snippets do physically exist in C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VBSnippets1033 but only the following sections are loaded to vs 2008:


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VS 2008 Openprocess Doesnt Broken?

Jan 17, 2010

I was just wondering if anyone out there has experienced the same problem as i. I have tried using open process with ReadProcessMemory and have been getting the same darn return value back (OpenProcess return value = 373662154752) and i dont know why.I tried even changing the processID to a bogus value and i get the same handle back! i find that really weird and frusterating. Anyways here is a snipet of my code.


I also want to mention that i have tried changing the Access rights to PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS and received same damn value... Any help on getting it to work would be appreaciated. Also i am working under windows 7 X64(Bit) if that makes any difference.

P.S If you have questions to why im using these api functions, its to do with creating a program to save information from stored buffers of a flight simulation software at bombardier where i work. All software has been given to me in order to build this program.

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VS 2008 Process.Start() Is Broken?

Jun 7, 2009

I've been using 'Process.Start()' for awhile now, to open web pages. And now, recently, I've noticed that it does not work anymore. Is there a solution to this? my format for it is:[URL]..and this does not work. It Throws and esception saying that the Parameter's were in-correct. This error just suddenly started appearing, no idea why.

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AxWindowsMediaPlayer PlayStageChange Event Either Broken Or (almost) Useless

Jul 16, 2010

After over a year of debugging and searching I have come to the conclusion that the AxWindowsMediaPlayer PlayStageChange event is either broken or (almost) useless. I am not the only one that has come to this conclusion [URL]

Let's start with the official documentation for the PlayStateChange event: "Windows Media Player states are not guaranteed to occur in any particular order. Furthermore, not every state necessarily occurs during a sequence of events. You should not write code that relies upon state order." I have been a top level software developer for 25 years and I don't recall ever seeing documentation that officially states that a certain function cannot actually be relied upon in a repeatable fashion. I'm all for multi-threading but this is a bit astounding to say the least. I can only assume that this event is actually exposed soley for logging status.


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Windows Forms Designer Broken In VS2010?

Sep 3, 2010

We've recently upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010. The conversion of our vb.net Windows Forms app went well, but we're now having big problems with the forms designer.retty much any change to the layout of a form (sometimes just a solution rebuild) will work once, but on recompile, the IDE designer refuses to display the form, the error message being a null-reference exception (with no details as to what).Closing and restarting VS2010 will cure it, but only for one compile cycle - and it's obviously not practical to close and reopen every time. Closing and reopening the form does not fix it.

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After Using Init Method Masterpage Design Time View Is Broken?

Aug 3, 2011

I am using asp.net 4, .net 4 and masterpages. I added in the following code to my child page

Private Sub FoodChain_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init


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IDE :: VB 2008 Express Edition Learn VB Tutorial Broken Links?

Jan 22, 2011

Associating an Event with an Event Handler, in the VB 2008 Express Edition Learn VB tutorial, but the link to "Events and Event Handlers"does not work.

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VS 2008 Built In Key Calls (Shift - Ctrl - Alt) Are Broken On Windows 7 Bit

Nov 23, 2009

VS 2008 Built in key calls (Shift - Ctrl - Alt) are broken on Windows 7 Bit

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Does Not Contain A Definition For

Jan 18, 2011

I'm facing really strange problem, in one of my BLL files whenever I add method or property i get this message Error1'CPLogic.BLL.OrdersFaxGroups' does not contain a definition for 'GetFaxGroupForStatusCheck'C:CouponphoneAppsCPFaxEngineCPFaxEngineCPFaxEngineFaxEngine.cs20658CPFaxEngine I know that the method is in that file, i even able to build the application with success but when ever i try to lanuch it i get this message, the same thing happend to me yesterday in the same file, i ended up deleting it and copy its content again to new file with the same name. but now even that not working..

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VB Mixing Characters When Change Position Of Two Characters In Word

Aug 27, 2011

I'm making an application that will change position of two characters in Word.


Program works good, it is mixing characters good, but it doesn't write text to the file. It will write text in console, but not in file. Note: Program is working only with words that are divisible by 2, but it's not a problem. Also, it does not return any error message.

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C# - Definition Of Type In .NET?

Dec 14, 2010

When you want to define a type you must say GetType(Type) ex.: GetType(string), but ain't String a type itself? Why do you need to use GetType in those situations? And, if the reason is because it is expecting a Type 'Type'... why isn't the conversion implicit... I mean, all the data is there...

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C# - WPF Definition Of FontSize?

Mar 1, 2010

I know that in WPF, FontSize = 1/96 of an inch (same as 1 pixel I think). Is the FontSize dimension the height, the width, or diagonal size of a character? I would guess it's the font height, but the Microsoft documentation doesn't really indicate what it is.

Also, is there an easy way to get the height and width of a font size?So it looks like the FontSize is the height, and the width can only be determined (without knowing the actual character) on monospaced fonts since proportional fonts have varying widths.

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Go To Definition With One Click

Feb 28, 2012

When I right-click on function name and then press "go to definition" it takes me to the function definition. Is there any way to do this with just one click on function name,., is there some option ,or add-on for VB? that will be perfect, fast and furious

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Go To Definition With One Click?

Feb 17, 2010

I right-click on function name and then press "go to definition" it takes me to the function definition. Is there any way to do this with just one click on function name,., is there some option ,or add-on for VB? that will be perfect, fast and furious

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VS 2005 Go To Definition Not Available?

Mar 9, 2010

I made a copy of a program so I could 'play around' with modifying it. The copy is in a different project in the same solution, plus I renamed it so there shouldn't be a conflict-so why is Go To Definition not available in the copy? It's active in the original (and other programs) but grayed out in the copy. I've rebuilt the entire solution, including the copied program-and it still doesn't work.

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