Moving To Current Record In Data Grid?

Mar 12, 2010

I m workin on oledb, I have also added datagrid Control to my form

for retriving database from .Mdb file i used following code

'decleared Name Space
Imports System.Data.OleDb


or when i click any record in datagrid, then the current record of dataset also should move to clicked record of datagrid, so that i also may see datagrid's clicked record in textboxes

in short i want to use default feature of vb6's ado control, when we bind datagrid with ado control, it worked autometically, both data grid and adodc wer connected each other at a time, so that moving next record also apears in datagrid.

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Force Users To Save Current Record (If Current Record Has Changed) Before Going To Next Record

May 17, 2010

How do I force users to save the current record (if current record has changed) and not let user go to the next record unless the save button is pressed?

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Print And Delete All Data/record In Data Grid View?

Feb 15, 2012

i have a form which search data in specific date and show result in the datagridview, what i want is that when delete button is clicked all datas that in the datagridview will be deleted sameway in the database

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Save Record From Data Grid To Db?

Jul 3, 2011

Here is the code i am using to save record from data grid to db

For r = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 2 ' Why RowCount-2?
For Each cell As DataGridViewCell In DataGridView1.Rows(r).Cells


Error is

"Conversion Form type dbnull to Type date is not valid" Please view the attached image what should i do to remove this error.

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What Is Code To Search A Record In Data Grid

Oct 15, 2011

im having problem with my simple library i dont know what is the code to search a record in the data grid im ung adodc any one kindly help with my project only the search code.. is my problem so how to search in the data grid? url...

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Delete Foreign Key Record From Child Data Grid?

Nov 28, 2010

I have master detail form with two datagrids. customer and order detail.I have relationship between customer and order detail on customerid.How do i delete record from order detail when i click delete button to delete record from customer datagrid.Here is the code so far.

Private Sub btndelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btndelete.Click


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Drawing Grid - Moving Snake To Square?

Apr 7, 2009

I am setting up a snake game, I just like to know a few things. Do I require a GRID? and the grid needs to be the same size as the square obviously but how do you go about moving the snake to the square. I mean why do I even require a grid? Why cant I move the snake by its own size. Just need some clarification of the steps I should take to make my snake game. I would like to do this from scratch.

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WPF - Moving To New Record On Collection

May 23, 2009

I'm just getting started with collections (ObservableCollections). I have a WPF screen with a DataGrid to the left and TextBoxes to the right of the screen. The DataGrid is bound to the ObservableCollection (Activities) and I can click up and down the DataGrid and see my TextBoxes refresh with the correct info. I can then alter the info in the TextBoxes and save it back to the DB. All works perfectly!

However, when it comes to Adding a record to the collection I'm lost as to the correct approach. I'm using the Add method as shown below, but how do I move to this newly created record so it can be edited? I've tried a dozen approaches but I've yet to find a correct approach. The TextBoxes just remain focussed on the last edited record.

Private Activities As ObservableCollection(Of ActivityRecord)
Private Sub AddMode()
Dim _ActivityRecord As New ActivityRecord(0, DateTime.Now, Nothing, "", gWorkerID, "")
'Code to move to the newly created record should go here

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Control Moving Between Record Thru Binding Navigator?

May 27, 2009

i want to control the functionality of moving the records thru binding navigator in

for example, on click of next button in navigator, i want to check some condition, if condition is true then move to next record otherwise don't move.

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Data Grid View Header Grid Color

Jan 14, 2010

This is a VB .NET application where we are showing the output of a SQL statement in a Datagrid view. using .NET 2005.We need to get the seperators of the headers on the grid control to be the same colors as the GridColor on the form. See the picture below:We've tried looking through all of the properties of the DataGridView control, and found some interesting things that looked promising such as the DataGridViewAdvancedHeaderStyle, and DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle, but none of it seems to allow you to change the colors on it.Does anyone know how to do this without remaking the entire thing with a GDI+ control?

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Automatically Put A Data Grid Row Column In A Data Grid?

Jan 8, 2012

Is there a way to automatically put a Data Grid Row Column in a data Grid?[code]...

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Delete Record From Grid?

Mar 15, 2012

i've a problem with deleting record from datagrid. i have few columns in my datatable and all publish on to a grid and under "ID" column there are id nos and they are "NOT" unique. user able to search using this "ID" no. problem comes in deleting records since the "ID" is not unique. if i use following command to delete; it deletes all the records which are having same "ID". but i want to delete only the current row records,

sqlDelete = "DELETE * FROM table1 WHERE ID ='" & form1.dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString & "'"

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IDE :: New Record Position To Be At The Top Of The Grid?

Mar 28, 2006

VS 2005 - WinForms - VB - DataGridView Is there a way to have the New Record position to be at the top of the grid? I could do this using Janus Grid?

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Silverlight Data Grid With Grid Splitter?

Oct 13, 2011

I have the below code that i am trying to have two datagrids with a grid splityter in the middle. The split seems to be working fine but the issue i am having is when I populate the datagrid it is growing in height and changing the splitter instead of leaving the height alone and adding scroll bars.

What simple thing am I overlooking?
<Grid x:Name="gdHistory" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" >


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No Current Record Error?

Apr 3, 2012

I use this code to move to the next record. but when I move last and then I click movenext I get the "No current record error" but in the code I specified "If Not dbs.EOF Then". How can adjust the code so that I dont get this error

If dbs.RecordCount > 0 Then
If Not dbs.EOF Then


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Remove The Current Record?

May 2, 2010

I'm a bit of a newbie and am trying to delete the current record on a form. next record, previous record is easy. i just write the following Me.CustomerBindingSource.MoveNext()

How come there is no "Delete" method available? such as:Me.CustomerBindingSource.Delete()

code available? I have my form binding to a database table called Customer and am wanting to write code for my own record navigator buttons.

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Delete The Record From Grid View And Database?

Jul 14, 2011

is my coding and i want delete the record from grid view and data base also .. but i can only delete from grid view

this my Module coding

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Module1
Public con As New OleDbConnection


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Command To Get A Field From The Current Record?

Dec 28, 2010

I have used a data repeater, some of the data it repeats are URL's taken from the SQL DB. How can these link labels be made into links that will open the clicked URL in a browser?

I know i have to use the


url) command but i dont know how to get the URL from the current record.Is there an easy command to get a field from the current record?

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Insert Record With Current Date?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a form to add a new record to a database. In the form load event I have[code]...

If i comment out the line that sets the dateadded field, the record is added fine.

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Passing Current Record To The Second Form

Jul 30, 2010

I am returning to programming after a long absence (last real work done in VB5.0). I'm trying to do a small customer management project. I'm starting off with a DataGridView on one form showing a reduced number of fields. When the customer is selected a second form gives the full details. I struggling to find a clean way of passing the selected record to the second form. Both forms are using the same dataset.

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Print Current Record On Form?

Oct 5, 2010

How would I print the current record showing in a form. VS 2005, SQL server 2005.

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Updating The Current Record On The DataGridView?

Jun 22, 2011

Visual basic 2010. I am having a problem with updating on a DataGridView that has me confused.

I have a DataGridView on the first tab page that is displaying data in a DataTable.

On the second tab I am updating the current record on the DataGridView.

The text fields on the second tab are bound to the DataTable in the following manner

rnameTxt.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", TableData, "rname", True))

When I move to the second tab the correct data appears in the text fields.

When I modify a field on the second tab the modified data appears in the DataGridView, on the first tab page. But when I check for changes in the DataTable in the following manner

Dim ModifiedRows As DataTable = TableData.GetChanges() I do not see the modified row - i.e. ModifiedRows = Nothing? Why is the modification not being identified???

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VS 2005 - How To Print Current Record

Sep 15, 2010

How would I print the current record, ie the one that shows on the active form. App is VS 2005. DB is Sql 2005.

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Table Adapter - Record Deleted In Grid But Not In Database

Aug 14, 2010

I have a table adapter which is bind to a grid, and I have three button insert, update and delete. Insert and update are working fine, when I delete a record in grid it is been deleted but it is not been deleted in database. Once again if I run the application the deleted record is shown.

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Delete The Current Record Datagridview Using Adodb?

Aug 18, 2009

how to delete the current record datagridview using adodb in is my code:

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDelete.Click


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Showing Current Record Of Dataset In Datagrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I m working on oledb, I have also added datagrid Control to my form

for retriving database from .Mdb file i used following code
'decleared Name Space
Imports System.Data.OleDb
'Dicleared Variabls in Class Form1


how to move current record in datagrid, i mean when i press Next record button then datagrid's data (table) also should move to next record or when i click any record in datagrid, then the current record of dataset also should move to clicked record of datagrid, so that i also may see datagrid's clicked record in textboxes in short i want to use default feature of vb6's ado control, when we bind datagrid with ado control, it worked autometically, both data grid and adodc wer connected each other at a time, so that moving next record also apears in datagrid.

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VS 2010 Current Record Of Records To Lable?

Mar 30, 2012

example of displaying the record number of total Records in a label.

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VS 2010 Insert Into ListBox Above Or Below Current Record?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a ListBox populated with records and an insert button that activates an InputBox which prompts for the record name. What I would like is instead of an OK or Cancel button, I'd like a Insert Above, Insert Below, or Cancel button. My current workaround is using a second InputBox so after receiving the record name, this box asks to place it above or below. It would be much easier for the user having a single InputBox that takes the record number and having the three options, above, below or cancel.

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VS 2008 - Excel And Data Grid - Importing An Excel Into A Data Grid - Receive The Value "null"

Mar 10, 2010

I have a problem with importing an excel into a data grid.

Here is my code:

Dim _Obj As New ExcelConnection.ExcelConnection
_Obj.ImportAttendence("c:Info_pc.xls", DataGrid1)
Catch ex As Exception

End Try

In the excel i have numers and text and "Service Pack", "Processor Speed" and "Numar procesoare(Number of processors)" and the values for these are numers. in the data grid when i import the excel those values doesn't appear, i receive the value "null".

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Multiple Record Selection In Grid View And Batch Processing?

Sep 1, 2009

I would like to know how to select multiple records from a gridview, (ie checkboxes in itemtemplate) and process SQL statements on the records. So in short, its basically selecting records from a grid view by ticking the check boxes, and clicking a process button which then proceeds to execute the SQL statements corresponding to the records selected.[URL]..

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