Moving Vb Project From One Computer To Another?

Jul 30, 2009

I have developing a program on one computer and when I try to move it to another computer running vb2008 express, I always get an error message saying "the project file (directory path, project name.vbjproj) has been moved, renamed or is not on your computer." The files etc. are in the same folders as other projects that run properly. Can't figure out how to correct the path etc. or figure out why the message as the files are where they should be.Cancel the question. I found my problem and it was me that caused it.

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VS 2008 Moving Project To New Computer?

Oct 26, 2011

I have been developing my program using Vista on my laptop, and I want to move it to my new desktop with windows7. I had many errors when building the project on the new computer,which I thing I have been able to fixed. This is the last error I am getting when try to debug on the desktop:

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Opening Project After Moving Files To New Computer?

Dec 4, 2010

I am having trouble opening my 2005 project from a backed up copy on a hard drive. The original files are on my old XP computer which I no longer have access to. I am trying to open the project in 2010 on Win7. I have converted the project to 2010 and when I open the file, nothing shows up, when I try to open them, it tells me the form isn't found in the project directory because it's been moved or deleted. I know that the software on the hard drive didn't back up .exe files, I'm not sure if it did back up other kinds of files. I don't want to restart the project because I've spent over a year on it and have written over 3000 lines of code on it.

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Moving Exe File To Other Computer

Jun 22, 2010

I am very new to vb 2008 and have create a simple window forms application which link to microsoft access 2007 database.I build the application exe file already. The exe file is run well on my computer, but when i transfer it by copy and paste the whole folder to another computer it cannot run. I am wondering why this happen? the error is as below : "selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system".

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Moving Program To New Computer

Aug 15, 2009

I have been working on a program on my old computer. Now, I have gotten a new computer and would like to continue to work on it there. The program is not yet finished. I would like to copy my program to my new computer. How can I do this? I tried copying the folder from my old computer to my new one and it opened the project, but I could not edit it as there was no permission given to edit it. It shows it as a read-only.

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Move Item/project To Other Project/computer VB 2005 Express

Feb 21, 2009

VB 2005 Express Visual BasicI want to move (part of) projects to different projects/ computer.I used File - export template- and was able to save templates of whole project or item(s).They saved nicely in a subdirectory called "templates" as zip files.How do I import to 1/ other project on same pc?2/ To a different computer?I tried copy zip files into corresponding folder on new system. No luck.

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.net - Object Reference Message After Moving To Another Computer?

Feb 29, 2012

The Error I get is "Couldnt show any because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"While on the development machine it works.Both running Win7, I inclluded all sql files as stated on the deployment instruction for datafile and sql-ce dll's from the msdn.The datafile is fine and connection is good, becuase a "cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()" runs without problems.

Public Sub LoadFolders()
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As SqlCeDataAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter()


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VS 2008 Moving Database Vb Exe File To Another Computer?

Jun 14, 2010

I have done a database system using microsoft access 2007 which connected to a form of vb2008.And now i want to transfer the system to another computer but as i tried it's not work.I already build the file and copy whole folder that contain the bin, obj and my project to the new computer. I tried to run it on the new computer but it show me an error that "selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system".What should i do to overcome this?

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Moving A VB6 Project To VB 2008?

Dec 24, 2009

Have been doing well moving a VB6 project to VB 2008.Here's another question.I am making an onscreen keyboard.I have my qwerty buttons handled by the same Event, as recommended to me by someone in these forums. It works great, and it was easy to set up.In my VB6 project, when I designed the "CAPS" button, all I had to do was this:


Can someone take a second and explain to me how this is accomplished in VB 2008? Do I have to physically type every button into an array and then do something like I did in VB6?

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VS 2008 Moving A Project To 2nd PC?

Jul 18, 2011

don't want to run into any problems. I just set up a 2nd PC and installed VB express 2008 on it.

If I want to move a project and all it's necessary files to the new PC, is it as simple as copying the project folder and then File > Open ?

If so, can't remember -- best choice is the project file or sln file?

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Moving A Project In Visual Basic?

Feb 1, 2010

Using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008. I have students zip the folder for a vb project and send it to me. Then I unzip and add it to a project of mine. It will not open any of their work as the path has changed. I can't even see the code. If they send me the code only then I have to recreate the forms. They also have problems saving it on a jump drive, then moving that jump drive to a different computer as the drive letter changes. I have looked for help and it states to go to icons that I can't find in studio 2008. Using the open existing project gives the same result as the path has changed. Is it impossible to give someone else an existing project? I have gone in the import/export options but have run out of guesses.

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Moving VBA Project Into Compiled Code?

Jun 9, 2011

i am a Microsoft Word developer and I sell Microsoft Office solutions, to companies. I am beginning to be concerned that my solutions are being copied - which is fairly easy.I am hoping someone can give me some advice about the best way to do this.I don't really have much of an understanding outside of Office VBA development - but have dabbled in .NET and VB in the past. Should I be buying Visual Studio - if so, does it matter if I buy Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 - I will initially need to convert some Word 2007. I have previously downloaded the .NET framework, and not sure how this relates to Visual Studio.

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VS 2005 Moving Project To Laptop?

Nov 20, 2009

I developed a project that uses Access 2003 db on my Vista 32 bit desktop. I recently bought a Vista 64 bit laptop and upgraded it to Windows 7.I installed Visual Studio on my laptop and Office 2003.I copied the project from my desktop to my laptop using the exact same paths. When I try to build the project on my laptop I get this error:"Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store"So, I tried creating a simple project using an Access 2003 DB and when I try to run it I get this error:"MicroSoft.JET.OLEDB.40" Not registered on this machine".I went to the "windowsSysWOW64" folder and ran "regsvr32 msjetoledb40.dll"and it ran successfully, but it didn't solve the problem.If I use the Server Explorer in the IDE, it displays the data.

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VS 2008 Moving Forms To A Different Project?

Nov 22, 2009

How can i move a form to a different project.

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C# - Setup Project And Script Folder Moving?

Jul 20, 2011

I include a javascript include folder in the root directory of my setup project in the Application Folder. I tried to move the javascript include file under the Javascript folder and I now get:


I can delete the the directory and then add the files one by one but their are over 200 files in that include directory. Is their an easy way to move a folder in the application folder of the file system view of a setup program?

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Moving A Windows Form (with Dataset) From One Project To Another

Mar 15, 2010

This must be a common problem, so perhaps someone can point me to a Knowledgebase article. I've got a form that works fine in a completed project. It's a windows form that uses a dataset and tableadapter (which show in the tray below). Now I'm developing a different project that requires a very similar form. I want to "copy" that form into my new project, make some minor changes, and then save it under a new name.


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Copy Project From One Computer To Another?

Dec 3, 2009

This has to be really simple and I am completely missing the boat. I have a VB2008 express windows forms project with several forms and an access database that I work on here at work. I want to copy it to a thumb drive and take it home and work on it there, then bring it back, etc.

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How To Export .net Project To Another Computer?

Sep 29, 2009

i have my project on my old computer where i have visual studio 2005 Now i have another computer with visual studio 2005 How can i export project on new computer is there a wizard ? utility or simply copy and past ?

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How To Use A Project Folder On A Different Computer

Sep 5, 2009

I made one project in Vb Express 2008 on one computer in my office.I copied the Folder of the same Project on another computer at home. There I also has Vb Express 2008. The problem is that the code of project is opening like Form1.vb but the actual Form in Form1.Designer.vb is not opening in that computer. Please advise how i can open the Designer form of my project on a computer where the copy of Project folder is used.

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VS 2010 Run VB Project On Another Computer?

May 18, 2012

I have a project built in VB. As any other developer I want my project to run perfectly on any computers. what I need to run my project on another computer. Like what dlls needed, how can I find them, and other things required.

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.Net Project File Is Not Running On Another Computer?

Jun 2, 2011

i am new in visual basic. net programming. i am facing problem that when i made a file in and run it on same computer than it runs fine, but when i copy it to another computer where or .net framework is not installed then it doesn't work. can somebody help me how to run that file without install .net framework

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How To Copy Project Files To Another Computer

Jun 22, 2012

I will be working with another programmer today. He is just installing VB 2010 Express this morning on his computer. My question is how do I copy some of my projects over to his computer. Will copying the folder(s) under C:Documents and SettingsMy_User_NameMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2010 Projects.. be sufficient or will there be other support files I need to copy as well?

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Project Networking - Sharing To Other Computer Possible?

Nov 3, 2010

I just made my project, I just wanna ask is possible to share your project to the other computer, like file sharing or networking, which you can access your project to the other computer, is that possible? If possible, how should I do that?

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Publish Project And Use It In Other Computer That Not Installed Vb6

Oct 31, 2009

I have a project in vb.net2008. I use tools of vb6 and excel in it. Now I want to publish my project and use it in other computer that not installed vb6, vb.net2008 and excel programs. What must I do?

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Detaching SQL Database And Attach It To Other Computer And Run The SQL Project?

Jul 13, 2011

how to detach SQL database and attach it to other computer and run also the VB.NET windows application SQL project there.i want to get rid in this. or if there's a existing thread for's the screenshot of the database and need to transfer it and debug it to the other computer.

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IDE :: Project Execueable File Not Running On Other Computer

Jun 29, 2010

I made a project in Visual Basic 2008 Expression Edition. My project works perfectly on the computer on which I made it. But when I make the executable file (.exe) and try to run the project on any other computer it doesnt work. I get the following message Project has encountered a problem and needs to be closed.

I followed the procedure provided by the Beginner Developer Learning Center to make the executable file. [URL]

I have Windows 7 installed on the computer on which I made this project.

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Installing Vb 2010 Express Project On Other Computer?

Nov 7, 2011

I've managed to produce a simple project in vb 2010 express and to publish it onto a cd. I can install the project from the cd and run it successfully on my windows 7 machine where I developed it but trying to install it onto a windows xp machine produces the message:

"An error occurred while downloading a required file...


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Run A Project Made In .net On Another Computer Without Visual Studio?

Feb 15, 2012

Ok I have Googled for the answer but couldn't find one. I want to run my project on another computer without visual studio. I have created a setup file but after installing also i need visual studio.Isn't there any another way round?

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Copied Project To New Computer But Can't Open Design View

Jul 22, 2011

I have a project I built in VB 2010 Express Edition. I copied the project's folder to a flash drive, pasted it into the visual studio 2010 projects folder on a different computer, and opened it with VB 2010 Express Edition on that computer. I can view the code, but when I try to open the design view, I get the following error:


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Data Sources Keep Dissapearing From The Project When Have Shut Down Computer?

Jul 14, 2009

I've recently started using visual basic express 2008 and am having problems with saving my project. Basically, the data sources keep dissapearing from the project when i have shut down my computer and come back to the project at a later time. This has happened to my project several times now and is getting quite irritating as i don't seem to beable to find a resolution to the issue.I could continue developing my application without having to re write the code constantly.

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