MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex Doesn't Change The View?

Mar 18, 2012

I have a DropDownList in a MultiView2:View2, and if the selected index of the DropDown is 5, then the view should change to View3, but doesn't work, I have AutoPostBack property of the DropDown set to True, the two views both have UpdatePanels within them. I have this within an IF statement obviously, and everything else fires, besides the MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1.

This is my code so far...
This is under the SelectedIndexChanged event
If drpDownSecurityQuestion.SelectedIndex = 0 Then


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Tooltip On Windows 7 Doesn't Work VB2010 - Thecolor Doesn't Change ?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to change the background color of a tooltip

I am using tooltip.backgroundcolor = color.colr

No errors but thecolor doesn't change

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VS 2010 Change The Labeledit To True But That Doesn't Change The Selected Node?

Feb 9, 2011

Ok, so I know I have to change the labeledit to true but that doesn't change the selected node to be able to edit, so how does that work?

Along with renaming I have it set to that a user can add a node. So once the node has ben added how do I let them rename it as it is being added and without being a prompt or inputbox? So lets say I cam clicked on a parent and they click add node, it adds it to parent but I have it so it is default "New" but I want them to edit it as it is added. I think it will be along the same lines as clicking on one and rename but I have to start some place.

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Forms :: Change A Property On Form - Doesn't Show That Change

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit. This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why.


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VS 2010 View Code Doesn't Always Appear?

Jan 4, 2012

Sometimes when you click view code on an item, it doesn't always automatically add in the private sub, why is this? How can I make it so it does? I dislike having to go on events every time =[

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MicrosoftReportViewer Doesn't Show Up In Form In Design View

Jun 6, 2011

I have created a form and dropped a MicrosoftReportViewer onto the form. It appears in the control panel on the bottom of the design view but it will not show up in the form. This is the second form I have done like this. The first one is fine. I can see the report viewer in the form and reports work correctly. For the second form nothing. Something I did notice is that in the first form the ReportViewer1 has a name in properties. In the second form there is no line with the name of the control.

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Text Doesn't Change?

Jul 24, 2011

Im having some really simple problems. whenever i click a button its supossed to disable another button and write text into a label that has words in it. for some reason it doesnt work

If move1 = "TL" Then
lblBL.Text = "O"
btnBL.Enabled = False


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Datetime Picker Doesn't Change

Jun 5, 2009

Why this line doesn't change the value of my datetimepicker using me.gatepassbindingsource.addnew():

Me.GatepassDataSet.gpheader.gpdateColumn.DefaultValue = Now()

Implementing BindingNavigatorAddNewItem executes above line correctly. I don't want this because the bindingnavigator items are active. Coding me.gatepassbindingsource.addnew(), I can make my bindingnavigator items inactive/disabled while adding record.

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Image Doesn't Change After A New One's Been Updated

Jan 3, 2010

I've got a page which has 5 images on, 5 FileUpload controls, 5 buttons and in the code behind 5 on click events. The page shows the images and lets users change each individual image if they'd like and it's all working well....except. When the upload is done and the new image has been uploaded to the ftp server, how do I then re-display the same page the user has just used, but this time with the new image image in place of the old? Do I need to call an instance of the page_load event again?

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Application Icon Size Doesn't Change

Jun 21, 2010

My vb app uses an icon which is 128x128, which looks fine on the desktop. But when viewed in a folder with View set to Extra Large Icons its size doesn't change - it is too small (smaller than 128x128). Any ideas how I can rectify this?

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Module Doesn't Work On Windows 7 X64 Change?

Jul 29, 2010

This Module doesn't work on Windows 7 x64.What I should change?The module is : Runpe.
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class rp


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ToolStripButton Doesn't Update The Current Change

Nov 12, 2010

I have an editable datagridview that's been databound with dataadapter and datatable, and a normal button on a form. When i edit the dgv's cells and click the save button it fires the datagridview_cellvalidating event and if the cell validation is correct it updates and saves the current record to the datasource. Also, before save it commits change in any cell under editing. But when I use a toolstripbutton to do the same work, though it saves the dgv records but doesn't update the current change i.e. it saves the old records that are being fetched when the dgv was populated first during form load. Also, clicking the toolstripbutton doesn't fire datagridview_cellvalidating, datagridview_rowvalidating etc events. What it seems to be is it's not committing the change in any cell under editing. [Code]

Why isn't it happening and how can I make it work? how can I fire datagridview_ cellvalidating, datagridview_rowvalidating and other events; and commit cell value change by clicking toolstripbutton.

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VS 2005 - Field Value On Form Doesn't Change

Oct 24, 2010

I have a field on my form for Check Number if a bill was paid by check, if not it should be blank. When I run the query in Access it returns the right records.the query loads all current customers, 99 out of a possible 107, when I navigate through the records as soon as I hit one where a Check was used, the Check Number field stays filled in for all records displayed after.
If Not dsForm.Tables(0).Rows(dbCursor).Item(1) Is DBNull.Value Then
Me.txtRentalID.Text = CStr(dsForm.Tables(0).Rows(dbCursor).Item(1))
Me.intRentalID = CInt(Me.txtRentalID.Text.Trim.ToString)


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VS 2010 : WaitCursor Doesn't Change The Cursor

Jun 1, 2010

I have a form that asks the user for certain search criteria. Based on this it goes and searches Active Directory for computer accounts. Whilst this search is happening I want the cursor to change to the hourglass but I've tried


Nothing works. The cursor stays firmly as the default cursor.This is the code that calls the form

Dim inputform As New MachineSearchInputForm
If inputform.ShowDialog = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim PropertiesToLoad As String() = New String() {"name", "distinguishedname", "objectclass"}


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VB Login Page - Allows Individual To View The Next Page And Doesn't Throw The Error

May 17, 2012

So i've been working on a page for a project where the person logs into a login page and then can see a list from the database of employees. everything is working except for one problem. If someone puts in a username and password, username= a and password=b, for example it still allows that individual to view the next page and doesn't throw the error that i have enbedded on the login page to say sorry you have the incorrect password/username. The working code that i have so far is below:


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Radio Buttons Are Clicked The Effect Doesn't Change

Apr 9, 2011

i am having a problem with a calculator that i am making. i am using radio buttons as selectors for the operations (+-*/). i have two input-boxes. i want to do some error checking. for example if the user want to find the mod of a number, i want them to only use inputbox1 to enter the value. [Code] the problem is that when other radio buttons are clicked the effect doesn't change. how can i fix it so that other radio buttons don't have the same action. i am using visual studios 2008 professional.

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Variable Value Doesn't Change Untill All File Created

Dec 3, 2009

i am using file system watcher for service when a xml file is come in i processed the xml file and set Processed = True but this variable value doesn't change untill all file created..

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VS 2005 One RadioButton Check Change Doesn't Effect Others

Sep 3, 2010

I have 3 RadioButton on the form, and a button. in button click event i have the following line RadioButton1.Checked = False when the rb1 checked is set the false, none of the other two rb's are set to true.Which should happen by default (atleast i happens when i set the checked using mouse or keybd)

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[2005] Categorie Doesn't Change When I Search A Title

Feb 28, 2009

Hi, I have a project that works with a database. It groups al my films per category. I use this code to group everything by category. The categories are chosen in the combobox cboCateogorie.

Private Sub cboCategorie_SelectedIndexChanged_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategorie.SelectedIndexChanged

If Not cboCategorie.SelectedValue Is Nothing Then
cboCategorie.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", objDtsMuziekcollectie.tblCategorieen, "CategorieID"))
Dim dtvDVDInhoud As DataView

dtvDVDInhoud = objDtsMuziekcollectie.tblDVDInhoud.DefaultView
dtvDVDInhoud.RowFilter = "CategorieID = " & cboCategorie.SelectedValue.ToString
dtvDVDInhoud.Sort = "DvdID ASC"

objTblDVDInhoudBindingSource.DataSource = dtvDVDInhoud


End If
End Sub

Now I've made a textbox and a button which I can search with. But I want that my category in the combobox changes when a film is selected with that search. Now I already have this code to search with a joker sign.

Private Sub btnZoek_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnZoek.Click
Dim dtvZoeken As DataView
dtvZoeken = objDtsMuziekcollectie.tblDVDInhoud.DefaultView
dtvZoeken.Sort = "DvdID"

objTblDVDInhoudBindingSource.DataSource = dtvZoeken

dtvZoeken.RowFilter = "Titel like '" & txtZoekveld.Text & "*'"

End Sub

Ok, so what I want is the opposite off what I do when I select a category in a combobox. Now I actually select a film and this film also has an ID, namely DvdID and with that I want that the combobox shows the category where the film belongs to.

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[2005] Categories Doesn't Change When Search A Title?

Feb 28, 2009

I have a project that works with a database. It groups al my films per category. I use this code to group everything by category. The categories are chosen in the combobox cboCateogorie.

Private Sub cboCategorie_SelectedIndexChanged_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategorie.SelectedIndexChanged
If Not cboCategorie.SelectedValue Is Nothing Then


what I want is the opposite off what I do when I select a category in a combobox. Now I actually select a film and this film also has an ID, namely DvdID and with that I want that the combobox shows the category where the film belongs to.

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.net - WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted Event Doesn't Always Change SelectedValue

Mar 23, 2012

I have a WinForms app built with VB.Net in VS 2010, and I'm scratching my head over the following issue.I have a form with a combobox which gets bound to a datasource when the form is loaded:

With Me.cboCompany
.DataSource = Me.m_dsBidResults.Tables("Company")
.ValueMember = "company_id"


This seems to work fine, as long as the user doesn't switch focus to some other control and then go back to the combobox. After switching focus, if the user then changes the combobox selection to the first item in the dropdown list (SelectedIndex = 0), the SelectionChangeCommitted event fires, but the SelectedValue remains set to the previously selected value. I've verified this by adding a message box in the above event handler, displaying SelectedIndex and SelectedValue side-by-side.

'add this to SelectionChangeCommitted event handler MsgBox(String.Format("Selected Index: {0}, Selected Value: {1}", cboCompany.SelectedIndex, cboCompany.SelectedValue))

This does NOT happen if the user changes SelectedIndex to anything other than 0; everything behaves as expected. I've verified that the table I'm binding to contains unique values for company_id and company_name.Do I need to use some other event to verify that the SelectedValue has actually changed?

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DataGridView Bug - Row States - Data Table Doesn't Change When Editing

Apr 15, 2010

It seems like when there is only one row at the data grid view with a data source pointing to a data table, it's row state for the data table doesn't change when editing. It remained "unchanged" reguardless to how many columns I had entered. However,after editing, when you click on a different row or click on any of the column headers to change their sorting, the row's state from the data table then gets changed to "modified". I'm not sure why the data table's row states gets changed only when you do those things instead of finishing editing itself. Couldn't the data grid view be able to change the data table's row states when you finished editing a cell?

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Localization - Do SEs Consider It Duplicate Content If URL Doesn't Change When Switching Languages

Jan 27, 2012

I have my company's website (Visual Studio / vb / 4.0) localized in 9 different languages, and they all work great. When you're on, for instance, about.aspx, and you switch to Russian or Swedish, it stays on about.aspx and doesn't add a query-string to the end of the URL; it just changes the page's text to that language. Will the major SEs like Google, Yahoo, etc., consider this duplicate content for SEO purposes and if so, what should I do?

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VS 2005 Change A Datatype In Access, Datagrid Doesn't Work

Aug 18, 2010

I have a VS2005 utility that I'm working on that has an Access 2003 backend. A couple of days ago, my boss asked that I change one field in two tables from TEXT to MEMO, to allow more information to be put in. In doing some final pre-deployment testing, I find when I hit my button to pull up the list of tickets, I get the error

"System.Data.ConstraintException was unhandled
Message="Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.""

The datagrid is based on a query I have in the database. The query runs fine, and when I go through the XSD and go into Query Builder, the QB is also returning data. I have made the various changes to the utlity as suggested by Microsoft, but no luck. When I put the two columns back to TEXT, the Grid works fine.

How the heck do I set it up so that the grid will recognise the new data format? The number of characters for the individual columns is set to 37,627 (I believe, it's whatever the default is). I only have 200 characters in my test data. I need to rebuild the whole dataset - this deployment has to be done by the end of the day tomorrow and I have a whole pile of other stuff left to do.

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VS 2008 Change Proxy Sub Doesn't Work On Windows 2003

Mar 12, 2012

I'm having trouble getting this sub to work on Windows 2003. It works on Windows XP and Windows 7. Windows 2003 has "wininet.dll".

Public Sub change_proxy(ByRef proxy_port As String)


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WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted Event Doesn't Always Change SelectedValue?

Sep 29, 2011

WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted event doesn't always change SelectedValue

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Possible To Change View Of Files Through Code

Oct 13, 2009

I'm using the WebBrowser component to view specific directories on my hard drive, I was wondering if it would be possible to change the view of the files through the code (Thumbnails,details,list...). In addition, Is it possible to delete a file through the code that is currently selected in the webBrowser window? I know there are alternatives to using the webbrowser control as a file explorer but I really like being able to change the views of the folder contents, the alternatives I have seen so far only allow for list views.

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Change Culture When Switching View?

Jan 12, 2010

I am working on a website web site where each user has a culture setting to allow control of resources displayed. The main page has two views, one the log on screen, the second the main menu.

When first loaded the page displays with the culture settings of the previous user (if any). If I then log on as a user with a different culture setting the view changes to the main menu without changing the culture. Go to another page and the user's correct culture settings are picked up, go back to the main menu, uses the correct culture etc.

This is logical but is there a way (without redesigning the site to have a separate log in page and main menu) to reset the culture to the new user's when switching view?

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Change List View Icon?

Sep 15, 2010

I needto change the icon of the selected list view item upon double clicking it and also is there a way to change the ablolute path to the

project folder where the icon is to relative path so that even when you install it to other pc it will work

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Change View Setting In A Folder?

Apr 20, 2009

i am using a webbrowser to view folder files. if it's possible, i'd like to add the view settings (thumbnails, tiles, icons, list, details) to button commands. if it's not possible for the webbrowser, i could still use the information for a folderbrowserdialog, or such.

also, a button to view folders or the windows listing on the left side of the windows browser. this is for a folder/file browser set in a tabcontrol to load all my favorite folders in one. nice project to have for a dev'ie.just a squirrel looking for my nut...

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