Variable Value Doesn't Change Untill All File Created

Dec 3, 2009

i am using file system watcher for service when a xml file is come in i processed the xml file and set Processed = True but this variable value doesn't change untill all file created..

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Change/delete Item From Form, Who Was Created As A Non-global Variable In Rum-time

Nov 4, 2009

I have created a picBox inside a function, this function then adds some properties to it and then adds to: Me.Controls.Add(thisarray(count))

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Writing File/Folder Sync Prog, Result Text Boxes Not Updating Untill After All File Action Is Done Even Though Update Code Comes Before Copy?

Apr 12, 2011

I am working on a program using VB.Net 2010 which will enable me to setup groups of files & folders for back up with syncing capabilities etc. I have a concept program which is based on some sample code I found out in one of the VB.Net forums. I have modified it from a command line based program to a form based program. At the moment I consider this code to be a "concept" program which once I have the various copy/sync routines developed and debugged will be integrated in to another program I wrote for
creating "Back Up" groups to automate the process. There are some 3rd party programs that do similar things that I want to do such as Microsofts Sync Toy, but none of them offer the grouping and exclusions options that I am going to program in to this backup/sync program.

So here is my problem, I have the included code taking two folders, a source and a destination, and copying everything from the source to the destination. It will skip over any unchanged files/folders and will delete anything found in the destination folder that is not found in the source folder and it will update all files in the destination folder that have a newer version in the source folder. In other words it will mirror image the source to the destination but will be smart enough not to copy unchanged items from the source to the destination thereby saving a lot of time. The sync part of the program is working fine, the displaying of the progress and results is not.


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Tooltip On Windows 7 Doesn't Work VB2010 - Thecolor Doesn't Change ?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to change the background color of a tooltip

I am using tooltip.backgroundcolor = color.colr

No errors but thecolor doesn't change

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VS 2010 Change The Labeledit To True But That Doesn't Change The Selected Node?

Feb 9, 2011

Ok, so I know I have to change the labeledit to true but that doesn't change the selected node to be able to edit, so how does that work?

Along with renaming I have it set to that a user can add a node. So once the node has ben added how do I let them rename it as it is being added and without being a prompt or inputbox? So lets say I cam clicked on a parent and they click add node, it adds it to parent but I have it so it is default "New" but I want them to edit it as it is added. I think it will be along the same lines as clicking on one and rename but I have to start some place.

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Forms :: Change A Property On Form - Doesn't Show That Change

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit. This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why.


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Spanning Columns With A Dynamically Created Label Doesn't Line Up Correctly?

Mar 3, 2010

Create a generic label method:

Public Function buildBasicLabel(ByVal labelName As Label, ByVal text As String, ByVal font As Font, ByVal align As Integer)
Dim tmpLabel


For some reason, the label is not lining up with the others once I span it. I'm trying to span it to get all the text to show but once I do, it starts pushing it over. I don't see anywhere where I restrict the size so that shouldn't be the issue.

I tried doing all this in the design and it works just fine. Mimicking the designer code doesn't seem to fix it either unless I'm doing something seriously wrong...

Posting images for clarity. NOTE: The borders are just to show the label alignment and the text should read "Flat-Footed AC"

IMAGE 1: Spanning 1 column (doesn't show all text)

IMAGE 2: Spanning 3 columns (still doesn't show text and you can see it's starting to dis-align)

IMAGE 3: Spanning 6 columns (Still doesn't show text and greatly dis-aligned. It should at least show all the text)

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Auto-increment Only Adding Untill 10?

Jul 18, 2012

I wrote a small code to generate auto-increment number and save it to the database. the problems is that whrn it reaches 10, it stops incrementing

hereis the code
Dim Separ As String() = fullString.Split("-")
Dim StrPart As String = String.Format(Separ(0), "ABC", System.String.Format("SIM"))


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Why Images Of Toggle Button Created With Checkbox Doesn't Show Inside Updatepanel In Webusercontrol

Nov 12, 2010

Why images of toggle button created with checkbox doesn't show inside updatepanel in webusercontrol ?

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Visual Studio 2010 Created Program Doesn't Work On Windows7 64 Bit While Works Fine On Windows Xp

May 15, 2012

I have one tool which we developed on visual studio 2010. there are basically two parts of my project, one is UI part which i wrote in VB and algorithm part which is in C++ on back end. When we compile C++ part it creates a .dll which is used by my front end VB program.

Now my problem is little weird since i am compiling and deploying this tool on windows xp machine but some of the users are using windows 7 64 bit machines and after running the program for about 5-10 minutes, it crashes on windows 7 with following error

Not enough storage is available to process this command and when i view details of that error, i get the following description.

See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
************** Loaded Assemblies **************


i am completely clue less for this error since this program works fine on xp but doesn't work on windows 7.

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TCP Server Not Reading From Socket Untill Objects Disposed?

Nov 24, 2009

Please excuse my choice of wording and/or mixup of terms, I am a dummy when it comes to socket programming. I am trying to connect to a TCP server, write a message and process a response. I use the following code:

Dim tcpClient As Sockets.TcpClient = New TcpClient()
tcpClient.Connect(hostname, 9080)
Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()


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Global Variable Can Be Created During Runtime?

Jul 16, 2009

global variable can be created during runtime?

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How Many Instance Will A Shared Variable Be Created

Apr 7, 2010

How many instances of a shared variable will be created in a class? just one? correct


So, in other words, the DocumentDelivery class will only have one instance of RenderList, correct? can somebody confirm?

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Write Down Into A Label Time Left Untill His Exam Begins?

May 25, 2009

my brother asked me for this project:he is writing down the time his exam begins, example:current hour is: 14:05:09 and his exam starts at: 14:50:00

how can i write down into a label how much time left untill his exam begins?

like: 00:44:51 left untill your exam begins..

View 9 Replies

Global Variable Doesn't Work Right?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a problem with a global variable in VB.Net.In one sub (triggered by a button) I create objects and store them into a global variable (an array). After that I create a table (DataGrid).With a second button another sub is triggered and tries to use the array from the global variable, but it seems to be empty.Here is the code:

<script runat="server">
Dim array_datensatz(12) As Datensatz
Sub submit1_click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)[code].....

Why arn't the objects in the array?

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Pointers To Variable - Vb Doesn't Support But C# Does

Jan 17, 2010

Since vb doesnt support pointers but c# does. I am using a wrapper dll that requires a pointer to some singles to be passed within the method. I get an error that the method has some parameter types that are not supported. How can i pass a pointer to this method if vb .net doesnt support pointers.

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Handle EventArgs On Variable Or Not Yet Created Controls

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to add subs that will handle MouseOver events on textboxes that don't get created until after the program starts.

Each textbox gets created with a unique number attached to it like this...


Depending on how many are needed. But I never expect more than say... 15 at any given time.

Is it possible to handle MouseOver (or any events for that matter) if they don't exist until later.

I tried this but it didn't work....

I added this is the Designer code....

Friend WithEvents AptTextBox0 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Friend WithEvents AptTextBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Friend WithEvents AptTextBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox


But it doesn't do anything. I don't get errors, but apparently it's still missing something to properly handle the events.

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Handle EventArgs On Variable Or Not Yet Created Controls?

Aug 19, 2010

Handle EventArgs on Variable or Not Yet Created Controls

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VS 2008 CType Using A Variable To Hold The Type Doesn't Work

Nov 14, 2010

So I do not know at design time if the var ms is going to be a stringreader or a memorystream. So I am trying to do basically this:

Dim ms as object = myfunction...
Dim mytype As Type = ms.GetType
Dim returnedobject = ser.Deserialize(CType(ms, mytype))

But I get an error saying "type mytype is not defined". How can I do this?

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Use CType To Change An Object Variable "obj" To Custom Class That Reference Using A String Variable Like Obj.GetType.Name?

Feb 9, 2011

The code below works for the class that I hard coded "XCCustomers" in my RetrieveIDandName method where I use CType. However, I would like to be able to pass in various classes and property names to get the integer and string LIST returned. For example, in my code below, I would like to also pass in "XCEmployees" to my RetrieveIDandName method. I feel so close... I was hoping someone knew how to use CType where I can pass in the class name as a string variable.

Note, all the other examples I have seen and tried fail because we are using Option Strict On which disallows late binding. That is why I need to use CType.I also studied the "Activator.CreateInstance" code examples to try to get the class reference instance by string name but I was unable to get CType to work with that.When I use obj.GetType.Name or obj.GetType.FullName in place of the "XCCustomers" in CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i)I get the error "Type 'obj.GetType.Name' is not defined" or "Type 'obj.GetType.FullName' is not defined"

Imports DataLaasXC.Business
Imports DataLaasXC.Utilities


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Pass An Object Variable But Doesn't VB Force Decalre The Header As ByRef?

Oct 20, 2011

Why if you pass an object as byVal into a method is it then treated as if it were byRef? I know you're only passing the reference across when you pass an object variable but why doesn't VB force you to decalre the header as byRef?

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Text Doesn't Change?

Jul 24, 2011

Im having some really simple problems. whenever i click a button its supossed to disable another button and write text into a label that has words in it. for some reason it doesnt work

If move1 = "TL" Then
lblBL.Text = "O"
btnBL.Enabled = False


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Change Name Of Web Service Class After Created?

Nov 4, 2009

I wrote a quick and dirty web service in VB.NET. And as it always goes, I want to move it to production, but don't want to use the name Service1 for the public class. When I change the name I get an error when trying to reference it. I know there is somewhere else I need to change the class name, something in the code behind but I can't find where it is.

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Datetime Picker Doesn't Change

Jun 5, 2009

Why this line doesn't change the value of my datetimepicker using me.gatepassbindingsource.addnew():

Me.GatepassDataSet.gpheader.gpdateColumn.DefaultValue = Now()

Implementing BindingNavigatorAddNewItem executes above line correctly. I don't want this because the bindingnavigator items are active. Coding me.gatepassbindingsource.addnew(), I can make my bindingnavigator items inactive/disabled while adding record.

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Image Doesn't Change After A New One's Been Updated

Jan 3, 2010

I've got a page which has 5 images on, 5 FileUpload controls, 5 buttons and in the code behind 5 on click events. The page shows the images and lets users change each individual image if they'd like and it's all working well....except. When the upload is done and the new image has been uploaded to the ftp server, how do I then re-display the same page the user has just used, but this time with the new image image in place of the old? Do I need to call an instance of the page_load event again?

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Change An Object (textbox) Created In Runtime?

Nov 1, 2010

I have written some code to generate 10*10 textboxes during run-time.the problem is; I don't know how to access / change them after they are created. after some googling, I found this code to show the text of ie box42;


but it gives an error (nullreference exception was unhandled) hereby the code;

For i = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To 10
Dim tb As New TextBox
tb.Name = String.Format("box{0}{0}", i.ToString, j.ToString)


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Change Color Of A Button Created From An Array?

Mar 4, 2009

I have created 3 arrays of buttons for a form which manipulates the value in a combo box or 2 by the name of the button ( buttons named 2 through to about 70 )

This works great but the problem is, now that the buttons are in, I want to be able to change the color of the buttons when another button is clicked

ie. The first bunch of buttons is a list of locations all with unique text.the second bunch of buttons is events that happen, sign on, sign off, beach open and beach closed.

What i want to be able to do is change the color of the button clicked "before" i click sign on, sign off, beach open or beach closed.

I do not know how to reference these buttons in my code as for starters, they are numbers, which is a big no no apparently. Also, even if i change the name from just a number to something like cmdBeach(i) when creating them, i still can't refer back to cmdBeach5 in my code as the button doesn't exist yet

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Change Interop Dll Version Created In Program When Using In Net?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm facing problem while reference vb6 dll in .net project. When ever i refer a vb6 dll in .net project the interop dll is created with same version( Its creating problem for me as the setup used to deploy the application at client side does not replace the dll if the version is same as before. I want to change the version of the interop dll (created using vb6 dll). I read it cam done using tlbIMP but how to create tlb file for vb6 dll.

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Change Properties Of A Dynamical Created Object?

Aug 11, 2011

I want to make a lotto bulletin and i created the buttons in the program. I have assigned a handler to it and that is working also but how can i change the background of this button later on in the program ?

'/ teken 10 groupboxen
For i = 0 To 1
For y = 0 To 5


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Use /change Attributes From Dynamic Created Buttons?

Aug 15, 2011

how can i select these buttons in the program ?I can change the propertiies inside the click event because i know wicht button i pressed thru the sender of the event but i don't find a way to adress the other buttons outside the event.

please note that i am a beginner in programming in
For i 0To 1
For y = 5


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