DataGridView Bug - Row States - Data Table Doesn't Change When Editing

Apr 15, 2010

It seems like when there is only one row at the data grid view with a data source pointing to a data table, it's row state for the data table doesn't change when editing. It remained "unchanged" reguardless to how many columns I had entered. However,after editing, when you click on a different row or click on any of the column headers to change their sorting, the row's state from the data table then gets changed to "modified". I'm not sure why the data table's row states gets changed only when you do those things instead of finishing editing itself. Couldn't the data grid view be able to change the data table's row states when you finished editing a cell?

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Editing Current Data In A Data Table?

Dec 2, 2010

I am using following data to add new data to my table

Dim drNewRowEditSummary As DataRow
drNewRowEditSummary = DbResultDataSet.tblResult.NewRow
drNewRowEditSummary.Item(1) = "Test"

How can I edit my data using similar method as above?

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Editing Data On Particular Column In DataGridView

Feb 10, 2010

I'm having problems editing the text of a particular column in a datagridview from the front end. The text enters ok but as soon as the cell loses focus it goes back to the old value. The datagrid view readonly property is set to false and I don't have any problem writing to the other columns.

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BindingSource Can't Change Row States

Mar 16, 2010

I have a bit strange problem in my application. I have more binding sources then one in my different forms. All of them work great when editing, deleting the data except one. But this one is a bit different from others. I'm using it only for updating and deleting. You can't add new records using it. And also its dataset doesn't contains any Insert commands in it. That's the difference.Now problem is:

After deleted the rows (using BindingSource.RemoveCurrent), it doesn't mark rows as deleted. I call BindingSource.Count method after deleted rows, it sill counts deleted rows. So it seems it doesn't update the dataset. But it is. Dataset.HasChanges returns true.

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Catching SQL Exception - Put Data In A Field That Doesn't Matched What Is On The Other Table

Nov 9, 2009

What is going on with my code. To .NET and handling SQL connections. I am trying to catch an error where lets say someone puts in something that violates the rules of the field (i.e. they put data in a field that doesn't matched what is on the other table.) Please find teh code I ahve put on the save button to try to catch the error. Instead of popping a message box up the program just closes itself.

Private Sub Job_tableBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click_2(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Job_tableBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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DataGridView Doesn't Refresh After Insert Data?

Aug 15, 2011

I have insert data to MS.Access and re-load data to DataGridView, it's always do at LoadAllData() but some time datagridview is not refresh.


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Windows Forms Datagridview Doesn't Show Data?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a user control that contains a search value text box a button, and a datagridview to display what the data adapter found. In the data set designer, I have an ODBC connection to a table, with two SQL queries defined FillByCustomerName(NAME), and FillByCustomerNumber(CUSTOMER_NUMBER). If I preview the data in the designer, I see the data expected. The datagridview doesn't show any data. The functions PopulateGridByName and PopulateGridByNumber do the work. I've tried adding a statement, The form that calls the user control has no codebehind code, and throws no errors.

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim SearchValue As String = CreateSearchValue()


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.NextResult() Method Does Gives An Error That States That No Data Is Present

Mar 7, 2012

I'm trying to use the .NextResult() method of a DataReader but I get an error that no data is present.

The 1st query returns a value but the 2nd query is the problem.

Dim strSqlStatement As String = "Select Count(*) As TotalRows " & _
"From Parents " & _
"Where (FatherName = @SearchValue " & _


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Tooltip On Windows 7 Doesn't Work VB2010 - Thecolor Doesn't Change ?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to change the background color of a tooltip

I am using tooltip.backgroundcolor = color.colr

No errors but thecolor doesn't change

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DataGridView - Update The Change Back To The Bound Table

Dec 17, 2011

I have a DataGridView bound to a data table. I have one column where I permit updates. After I fill the table (at form load), I make an update to this column Then I attempt to update the change back to the bound table. I get the error 'Update requires a valid Updatecommand when passed dataRow collection with modified rows'. I have seen some examples on-line to define, load, and update but since I have the generated datagridview with bindings, shouldn't the update method me a simple 1-liner? [Code]

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DB/Reporting :: Save Button The Data Doesn't Show Up In The DataGridView Until Close The Application

Sep 21, 2009

I have a form that has around 4 txtboxes. Data is inserted into these boxes and then a "Save" Button is pressed. I have a GridView added to my form and want to view the entries. The issue I am having is that when I click the save button the data doesn't show up in the DataGridView until I close the application and then re open it.


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Data Table - Datagridview - On Running The Code A Second Time The Related Data Is Lost

Aug 6, 2011

I have two data tables. the second related to the first. Using a datagridview for the first table I am able to enter and save data ok. if I run the code twice in a row the data is still there. When I edit the data in the related table in it's own datagirdview the data is there and displays correctly, but on running the code a second time the related data is lost. In both cellendedit events I am using



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DatagridView Textbox Value Other Than Underlying Data In Data Table?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a datagrid view in my windows form which is bound to a datatable. one of the column have the status code and i want to display the status description of the same which is defined in an array.can we have display text and value of the column different. i dont want to go with datagridcombobox column.

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Get Data From Another Table Into Datagridview

Jul 20, 2009

I have a table namely packing containts only one field pack_size. the data on this field


I have a datagridview namely DGVPRICES there is five columns sku,qty,upc,desc and price. I need to get the data from packing like listbox when you click on desc column.

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How To Change Source Data Of Excel Pivot Table

Aug 7, 2011

I want to change the source data for my pivot table in Excel using VB.Net to a named range.

I have : table.ChangePivotCache(wb.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=Excel.XlPivotTableSourceType.xlDatabase, SourceData:=sheet.Names("name_of_NamedRange").RefersToRange))

Exception : The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))

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Populate A Text Box From Table Data On Dropbox Change?

Jun 10, 2011

I want to populate a text box from a stored table I have this for the data

With DropDownList1
.DataSource = ds.Tables("property")
.DisplayMember = "propRef"


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Bind Two Table Data In Datagridview?

Feb 5, 2010


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Data From Datagridview To Msaccess Table?

Sep 17, 2010

i want to transfer data from datagridview to msaccess table...but there is something wrong in this code.. im not finding a way to do that
Dim MyConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim q As String
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand[code]......

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Fill DataGridView Data With Its Table?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a data table with query inside, then i need to sent value of data table exactly in datagridview i made before.

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Linking DataGridView By Table Data?

Dec 22, 2009

in VB6 we was use this code for linking :

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Rs

what is the code which do it in VB9 ?

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Change Data In Datagridview

Mar 2, 2009

I wrote some code that displays 2 columns of the table "gebruiker" in a sql 2000 database called "TST".But if I change something in the Datagridview it isnt passed trough to the database.What do I have to add in my code so that it does?[code]

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VS 2010 Change The Labeledit To True But That Doesn't Change The Selected Node?

Feb 9, 2011

Ok, so I know I have to change the labeledit to true but that doesn't change the selected node to be able to edit, so how does that work?

Along with renaming I have it set to that a user can add a node. So once the node has ben added how do I let them rename it as it is being added and without being a prompt or inputbox? So lets say I cam clicked on a parent and they click add node, it adds it to parent but I have it so it is default "New" but I want them to edit it as it is added. I think it will be along the same lines as clicking on one and rename but I have to start some place.

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DatagridView Get Data From Other Table To Unbound Textbox

May 9, 2012

I have one DatagridView baed on following TBLSTUDENTS SQL table


In my datagridview i can put a combo but in IDCITY field and the correct city appaers in the view, but what i need is a TEXTBOX, not a combobox

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Db Update - Get All The Data From Table And Set It As The Datasource Of A DataGridView

Jul 28, 2009

I have this


which is supposed to get all the data from my table and set it as the datasource of a DataGridView. You can see where I put in two msgbox's to view how many columns are in the DGV before and after the "update". The first count gives me 22, which is the correct number. After the .DataSource and .DataMember lines are ran, the count jumps to 41 and I have no clue why. All I want to do is clear a dataset, fill it with the new data and set it as the data source of a datagridview. It appears the info is being saved to the table correctly too.

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Display Data Fro Employee Table To DataGridView?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm want to display data fro employee table to DataGridView and i intiate DataGridView and make column BloodType as code bellow


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How To Update Data In Table Bound To DataGridView

Sep 22, 2009

How to update data in a table bound to a datagridview? Using Visual Basic 8.

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Retrieve Data's From MS Access Table Using Datagridview?

Feb 26, 2009

how to retrieve data's from MS Access table using datagridview?

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VS 2010 : Displaying Table Data Is Datagridview?

Jan 3, 2011

I found a sample of how to display data from a table in to a datagrid using VB.

Dim reader As SqlDataReader = _
DataGrid1.DataSource = (reader.GetSchemaTable())

But this just displays the details of the table columns. For example row 1 has details about usrID, row 2 usrTel ect rather than the actual data of the table.

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Write Data From A DataGridView To A MS Acces Table?

Oct 10, 2009

I want to write data from a DataGridView to an MS Acces Table, BUT I want e.g. cell in DataGridView to be cell 1 in the Acces table.

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Forms :: Change A Property On Form - Doesn't Show That Change

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit. This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why.


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