Multiple Windows Forms Opening Upon Program Launch

May 8, 2012

I am running Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express. I created a simple program that is nothing more than dozens of Windows Forms that are linked together by the various clickable buttons I put on each form. The program is like a "book" with several pages, and you jump to a specific page by clicking on specific buttons on the current page ("Windows Form").

My question is, how do I change my program so that when it is launched, instead of just 1 Windows Form opening, the program opens up several Windows Forms (of my choosing) automatically? In other words, instead of my "book" (VB program) opening "page 1," when I run it, I want it so that pages 4, 7, 8, 10, and 15, are "opened" whenever I run my "book."

Is there some code I need to insert into each Windows Form I wanted opened automatically when the program is loaded? Or is this a MS VB 2010 Express environment option I need to set?

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Multiple Forms Opening When Not Desired

May 16, 2012

I have a group of buttons all with different labels. I want to have each of these specific buttons open up the same form, but my problem is when I write the code of it pops open twenty or so different windows. How to I make one button open just one window?

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Multiple Projects And Opening Forms?

Apr 29, 2010

Over the past months I have been working on small windows forms applications and learning vb as i go along. The aim was to pull these altogether into one big application.

I am now at the stage of pulling these together I have created a new project (called MainMenu) and designed all the buttons and interface. I have added my other projects (SISApp, CURApp) to this project. File > Add > Existing Project. I can see these projects in the solution explorer.

Now my problem. How can show Form2 in the SISApp project when I click ButtonX in the MainMenu project.

I dont just want to show Form2, i want all the functionality and the database connection in form2 to also work etc.

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Multiple Windows Opening While DEBUGGING

Jun 29, 2011

Since last 2 days I have been getting a strange problem with my Vb programming (VS2005). Whenever I open any Vb or C# code and press F5 (in order to debug), several windows open at a time like Memory1, Memory2, Memory3, Threads, Processes, Registers, Data sources. And simultaneously the SOLUTION EXPLORER that is present at top-leftmost corner generally goes missing. When I restore that and put my cursor over SOLUTION EXPLORER, the program hangs and a message comes as : "Microsoft Visual Studio has encountered a problem and needs to close".I have attached the screen shots of the problems to this Thread.I tried various ways like restoring my computer to an early date, repairing Windows XP and then uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio. But none seem to work.

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Multiple Windows Opening While Debugging?

Jun 29, 2011

I am having a serious issue with Visual Studio 2005. Whenever I open any Vb or C# app and press F5(to debug), multiple windows open simultaneously like Memory1, Memory2, Threads, Processes, etc... Also, SOLUTION EXPLORER goes missing from top-leftmost area(where it is present usually). When I put the cursor over SOLUTION EXPLORER (after restoring it), the program hangs and the following message is displayed: "Microsoft Visual Studio has encountered a problem and needs to close".

There is no option to attach something, otherwise I would have attached the screenshots of the problems.

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Multiple Forms - Quickly Opening All Tabs?

May 11, 2010

I'm just having a small problem with tabpages. I have a program that have multiple forms (on startup they are all created and hidden, except for the one being viewed by the user). When the user open one particular form, I has a tab control with two pages. I also have a toolbar. when the user click a menu option, I call a method that assigns all my controls to a variable (to be used in an insert statement later).

Here's an example of that Sub:
Public Sub SetValues()
'page 1
DateCreated = Date.Now
DateEdited = Date.Now
DateCompleted = Me.DateTimePicker2.Text
[Code] .....

The problem is, the controls on the second page cant be "seen" (this is confirmed by placing a msgbox in the above sub, which comes up blank) until the user open the second tab, at least just once. Then its ok. I know I can just run a small method to quickly open all tabs, but is there a reason this is happening, and a better way to do this?

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Anti Multiple Opening Of Same Dynamic Child Forms?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a program that will let you open a certain table in the database and query it on a child form in a MDI parent form. Of course the child form is a new instance of an existing form.The thing I want to do is that the opened table in the child form cannot be reopened again in the other child form. So I did was to create a childform name on every new instance of a childform depending what is the name of the table.

The first thing I did to do this restriction is to put the names of the opened table to an public array and when the user tried to reopen the table, the program will check if the childform name is already existing... and if it exist it will not let the user to open the table in new childform.When the childform is close it will erase it's name to the public array. And it can be open again.If you don't understand what I want to do this is the situation for example in a microsoft office when a word document file was open it will be put in a childform, and when the user tried to open the word file again and still the word file is open in the microsoft word the application will tell it's user that the word document file is still open.

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Forms :: Opening An App Over All Other Open Windows?

Sep 17, 2011

Is there any switch that will allow you to open an application over all the other currently open applications? My problem is getting Explorer to open over all the other currently open applications. Right now, it only opens in the background......

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Forms :: Prevent Browser From Opening New IE Windows?

May 19, 2010

I am making a webbrowser,how to prevent my browser from opening new IE windows. Because what happens is, there are some links that will open new windows and therefore IE comes in place because it is set as default windows browser which I really don't want because my browser looks really bad if it opens links in another webbrowser.I want it to be just a basic browser, it has only one window, and it should navigate within that window. This is because the browser is integrated in a bigger application only for some website applications that are related to this main application.I am using 2008 Express Edition?

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Forms :: Opening A New Application In A Panel Of A Windows Form?

May 14, 2010

i have a query of opening a new Application(eg. UgNx,Ansys)file with in a Panel (Which is already dropped on a Window Form).

For Example :-There in one Window Form and i have fixed a Panel there now with in the panel i want to open a new Application like other softwares UG NX or Ansys.

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Opening Multiple Instances Of Program When Clicking System.Diagnostics.Process

Mar 28, 2012

I have an windows application (created using visual studio 2005) and it also is using an autocad .api. The user runs Autocad and the user enters various commands that will open forms. One of these forms, contains Windows.Forms.LinkLabels with paths to the autocad drawing files they've attatched (.dwg). When they click on the link, I need the file to open in the existing Autocad they already have open; however, the problem is that it's opening a new instance of Autocad and placing the file into it. How can I make it so it opens in the existing Autocad program already open? [Code]

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Application That Has Multiple Front Ends Developed Using Windows Forms / WPF / ASP / Compact Framework Mobile Forms

Apr 9, 2010

I have the requirement to create an application that has multiple front ends developed using Windows Forms, WPF, ASP and Compact Framework Mobile Forms.I would like to be able to create a series of obejct representing the business logic and have this logic accessible from the various front ends available. My first thought was to use remoting as I'd like to be able to pass the business objects back and forth between client and server but the compact framework doesn't support remoting and also transferring a full framework business object to a compact framework business object doesn't seem possible.My next thought was to use web services but again the passing of business objects seems to be very hard to accomplish. Without doing this I would have to create individual web methods for each business operation.

Finally my next option is to use sockets and write the whole client/server logic within some classes and expose them to the UI/Business layer. My only problem with this is it is not scaleable should the number of clients increase dramatically whereas using remoting or web services I can host the solution via ASP.Net.Does anybody have an ideas on the best way forward for this or even have any input on how they would write an application that required a windows form, wpf, asp website and mobile device GUI all of which want to use the same business logic?

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Multiple Forms Program Needs To Open Successive Forms Somehow?

Nov 3, 2009

i was doing a fair amount of programming many years ago, like 10 it feels like, so I'm sorely not up to date on how my newly downloaded Visual Basic Express expects me to communicate with it.I am writing a program that pulls a cell from a database after the user has gone through several forms to determine which cells they want. When I write it like that, it doesn't sound very efficient, but I've designed it this way for usability.Here's where I have a problem: Should I store the path the user takes in a string, an array, what?

Here's an example:Someone wants baseball stats and trivia. They run my program, main form pops up, they select National League button, the NL Form pops up. Now the way my program is set up right now, is there are two ListBoxes on the form, one is populated, and as the user selects a Team from ListBox1, it jumps to ListBox2. Once they've selected all the teams they want info for, they click a button Next.

What I now need the program to do is show the next form "Team: name" once for each team, and insert the name of the team on the form in the appropriate label which I'll have blank. This form will also do the Listbox thing except the first listbox will populated with Topics like HR Stats, Pitching Stats, Coach History, etc.

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Using Multiple Windows Forms?

Jun 24, 2011

I created a Shipping calculator for my project. I am almost done, it is just on my Form3 code, I am having trouble retrieving information from Form2 and place it in a listbox. I was able to retrieve information from Form1 successfully, but nothing from Form2.

Public Class Form1
Dim Total As Double 'Variable to hold the total


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Linq To SQL Using Data Across Multiple Windows Forms

Mar 10, 2010

I have to forms, form1 and form 2. On form1 I have datagridview with all the fields in it. If I double click on it I would like a new form to open where I can add a new record.

Then I have a edit button on the form, If I click the edit button I would like another form to open where I can edit the data in.

In this post it explains it, I need the same but for linq to sql.


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Forms :: Operating System Multiple Windows With Same Shell?

Mar 26, 2010

Ok basically i am making a game (personal/share with others for free)The idea of the game is its 1998 and you have windows 95 and you have to someone obtain windows 98. then slowely new operating systems are released... 2000, xp, vista, 7 and you have to continue to upgrade.

The game in played in a simualted real environment of the windows operating system. The idea is that you have access to the real programs that came with windows 95... (or whatever operating system you have ingame) and you have access to my fake webbrowser which has a bunch of fake websites (offline) in the game. You can either try to illegally download the operating system (viruses can infect you like this (fake ones)) or you can buy it off microsoft but to get money you need to do hacking jobs....

Anyway thought i should give you some back story to what i am actually making. (This project is more a test project since i am only 15 and have only really just started using visual basic for a few months.)

OK now i have so far got it looking almost completely like windows 95 and functioning like it to...

Hey just for the record... here are some nice pictures of it running

First of all heres what it looks like when you are doing selecting which program to open with the start menu:

This next picture is of notepad in my program:

Ok now this picture shows perfectly the active window has become inactive when rightclicking (or normal clicking) the desktop

Next picture shows the display properties windows... not that fasinating yet since i have not finished it and it does not accually do anything yet... its just for looks right now and scrolling through the theme names.

Now this is another tab from the properties window (the screensaver tab) you can't do much here apart from looking at the names of the screensavers)

Ok heres another pic from another tab in display properties... (this shows how you can pic a color to change the background in the display window (clicking apply makes your background of the destop in the fake os accually change)

Ok this image in the same window as the previous one shows how you can select to change different things colors (i only got active titlebar and desktop changing right now...)

This image shows the active titlebar color change...

This screenshot shows the settings tab of the properties window

This screenshot shows windows help (main purpose here is just to show the colour change has taken effect)

Ok last of all this just shows that the maximize button works

I CAN ONLY HAVE ONE PROGRAM OPEN AT ONCE basically this is because i have a panel called program and in that a another few panels such as the active window titlebar...

Now i basically have it so that the programs are all in the pannel programand when you "open" a program all the other panels in this window are closed and the one you "open" is docked... and the label (programsname) is chnged to the name of the program.

Here is a picture of the visual editor if you don't get me...

As you can see there are weird little things in program1 (forget program 2 that is a thing i was trying to do ages ago with my old crappy shell)

these weird things are my programs which get docked to the size of the program panel when you click to open a program...

This method works well but only if you have one program at a time.

A solution i thought of was to copy and paste the shell (program panel) and then just put each program in a seperate shell... this would work... but then i can't open 2 of the same program e.g. have 4 notepads running at same time. I am also having heaps of trouble with the taskbar (there in a button on the task-bar which changes text when the programs name changes)

Anyway i am going to post my full program here (code and all) just download if from this rapid share link.
EDIT: the file was 5 meg and now is 3 meg so that should be easier to download RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting and then run the solution file or whatever

Please show me some code that will get me be able to run infinite windows of same type and different type...

Do whatever you have to do (just make sure you make sure it works on your side before resending the project back to me.)

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See Multiple Windows In Program?

Mar 20, 2010

I've been using the VBE for about 10 years now, but when I started using VBE under Excel 2007 I can't seem to find a way to display two windows at the same time. If I have two workbooks open and I want to compare macros from each workbook or maybe to copy a macro from one workbook to another, I can never seem to be able to view contents from both modules. What must I do to turn on multiple module viewing?

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Close A Program If It Has Multiple Forms?

Jan 18, 2010

how do you close a program if it has multiple forms? Me.close doesn't seem to be

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Proper Way To Launch Multiple Processes/

Jul 12, 2010

I have a quenstion to discus: I'm using Process.Start() and somettimes it's not worked properly. I meanin start application instantly or with random delays, even with hang's. So, as i wrote in title, there is a some proper way to launch another aplication?

I'm trying to write a some sort of launcher for user specific application based on createble profiles. In each profile user can set a file name (*.exe) with must be launched one or several times.[code]....

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Add Multiple Hyperlinks In A Label Control In Windows Forms In Visual Basic 2008

Apr 4, 2011

In a label box, I want to list a couple of websites, email address along with some text. How do I go about it?

Potential uses- As a Help > About dialog box where websites, email of the author can be listed.

To make things as easy as possible for the user, and encourage visiting of the mentioned websites.

Simple text will be ignored, while standard blue color, underlined text with hand mouse-cursor will need no thinking on user's part.

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VS 2010 Don't Allow Program Open Multiple Windows

Apr 1, 2012

i am making mp3 player. i didn't wanted to use open buttons so i've associated my app with .mp3 filetype (with If (My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count > 0) Then...)

The problem is when i want to play next song while the first one is playing it opens my program again so it plays 2 songs at the same time.

I want to do is when im opening new mp3 make it shut down the old one

I guess there is more methods that open in same app but just change the url.

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Linking Multiple Forms - How To Program Response Radio Buttons

Nov 29, 2009

I have 1 project with about 7 forms. On each form I have 6 x 4 responses radio buttons (i.e. a multiple choice quiz). If the correct response is selected, the examinee gets 1 point, else 0. At the end of the quiz, the examinee can click a button that will add up all the correct responses & display the % correct. How do I program the button to do this given that data are on 7 different forms? [URL].

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Run A Program With Multiple Forms In Application Using Visual Studio 2003?

Apr 20, 2012

I can launch a program from inside my program and embedded it in my program using a Visual Basic Control such as a Panel. That works well if you launch say NotePad or Calculator.However, If I want to launch a program that uses MULTIPLE forms... all that gets embedded is the Main Form... All the other forms are floating on the desktop nonconstrained... So If I minimize my program the other forms are still shown.So what I am attempting to do is to get ALL the Forms from the external program embedded into their own objects on my form.Have pieced together a program from a couple of program samples that I have seen across the internet... Here's the code so far:[code]The Main form for the program that I am attempting to embed is 384 x 347 in size.Panel1 is a Panel Control on my Main Form."MyProgram.exe" is a program that I have written myself.I have looked at Spy++ for Visual Studio 2003 and it is able to identify ALL the forms from my program.My question is how do I embed ALL the forms from my external program in the NEW Program?

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Convert A Windows Forms App From C# To Program?

Mar 17, 2010

I've been converting all kinds of other things, classes, interfaces, ASP.NET MVC apps, and WPF applications, but I am stumped as to how to convert a windows forms application, as the whole structure seems to be different. Does anyone have any advice on how to tackle this problem?

I see essentially that you have two files, Form1.cs and Form1.Designer.cs. Literally translating them from C# to VB doesn't work because of some intricacies or other of how Visual Basic works. I think you /might/ be able to convert Form1.cs in this way, as it's just a constructor plus event handlers, but the designer contains the references to the controls etc. and I am not sure how to go about doing that

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Find Out If An URL Is Already Launch From A Windows App?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a windows app written in Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2005) where different URLs are launched in a new windows when every time a different button is clickedHowever, if it has already been launched, I would like to bring it to front instead of opening up several windows for the same url.

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How To Launch Windows Desktop

Oct 29, 2010

I need help on how to launch the normal windows desktop. I have a TCP Client/Server application where the client should start before any other application starts. To do this, I replaced explorer.exe with my application file path in the registry. What I want to do is the client minimizes when it receives a command from the server, and start windows as normal.

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Launch App Using Shell From Another .net App Within Windows 7?

Aug 19, 2010

I am having an issue with a .net application launching another application using Shell On Windows 7 the app will not launch at all. I am assuming UAC is preventing this?

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Launch Forms Across Languages Without Compiling?

Mar 21, 2011

how to launch forms across languages without compiling.

I have a solution with 2 projects. One is VB.NET and the other is C#. The solution will never be compiled. I am using it as a repository of examples on working with the DevXpress grid. I have a few VB.NET examples and one in C#. The demo runs the C# executable. I was wondering if there was a way to show the C# form from VB.NET in the same solution without going to the executable. This is how I am doing it now:

Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
Dim info As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo


I tried linking it but either I did something wrong, don't know how to access it or it doesn't work across languages and didn't generate an error.

P.S. If anyone else uses this grid I can post the code, it is mainly for working with combobox columns. I just don't think anyone here uses the grid.

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C# - Launch A Windows Application From A Webpage?

Mar 8, 2011

We have a company intranet and the powers that be think it would be nice to have a collection of icons/links representing the applications that most reps use (Outlook, Excel, few other apps).

The idea would be that if the application is installed, clicking the link/icon would launch the application on the client machine.

Anyone ever had a requirement like that and been successful implementing it?

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Launch In Windows Safe Mode

May 3, 2012

The problem is as follows: If Windows starts up in Safe Mode, no applications I make with VS 2010 will run. Even if I try to launch them, doubleclicking, running, almost everything I tried, the problem is that the application just doesn't show up. There is no window there, and I don't know (haven't checked) if a process related to the application is running.


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