MySQL Command (create A Mailbox)?

Aug 24, 2009

how to create a mailbox but it seems like im stock cause i dont know the correct syntax. Thats the table inside my database that handles the messages function. Im Logged in as NIXZ. What will this command return i mean it contains multiple variables:


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.Net MySql Command Parameter MD5?

May 31, 2010

Is it possible to execute a command like this?

select * from tbl where col1=somefunction(@param1)

or will the parameter throw off the function? I have been unsuccessful in getting the command to work so far.

Please let me know if this needs any further explanation

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VS 2008 Possible To Run A MySql Command

May 6, 2010

It it possible in to run a MySql command like you would do in MySQL or SQL? like insert and update statements and also to create a table in the db?

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Check If Exists Command In MySQL

Oct 28, 2009

How can i check if a value exists in mysql lets say if user: "Nick" exists."SELECT CHECKIFEXISTS (Value) FROM..." ???

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Get Proper MySQL Command To Work In 2010?

May 15, 2012

I have an application developed in VB.NET 3.5 2010 with MySQL as Database server.I need to generate a report type on on a form datagrid View.In the table i have fields as below

Reviewed_By - varchar
Stage - varchar
Review_Status - varchar


I Need to retrieve the data to a dataset in below format Reviewed_By are repeated in the table, so i need only 1 cell to be filled by the data and the other empty.I used the below SQL code which worked well at MySQL prompt

SET @PrvSupervisor='';
SELECT IF(@PrvSupervisor=Reviewed_By,'',@PrvSupervisor:=Reviewed_By) Reviewed_By,Stage,sum(Review_Status='Int_Approved') as Approved,sum(Review_Status='Retake') as Retake,COUNT(*) AS TotCount,GROUP_CONCAT(Shot_Num) as ShotsList FROM ShotTable WHERE DATE_FORMAT(Review_Date_Time,'%d/%m/%y') LIKE '10/05/12' AND (Review_Status='Retake' OR


In the above result as the last 4 rows are from Person2, so only 1st record of that person is having data remaining 3 are empty.but when i used it from VB.NET i am getting below error.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':=Reviewed_By) Reviewed_By,Stage,sum(Review_Status='Int_Approved') as Approved,s' at line 1

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MySQL A Command Simillar To Textbox.AppentText?

Oct 28, 2009

How can i just add a string in a field? its text = "AAAA"and i want to add ";BBBB"How?the result should be text = "AAAA;BBBB"

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Unwanted Result When Executing Command In Mysql

Jan 15, 2012

i have a table named Tuition with fields:


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[2008] MySql Connector Net 5.2.5 - Run UPDATE Command?

Jan 28, 2009

I can't figure out how to update a field in a MySQL db using MySQL Connector Net 5.2.5. Can anyone show an example code?

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MySQL 'UPDATE' Command Returns As Empty Fields?

Feb 27, 2011

I am building a application for a client, and there is a problem. I am connecting to a mySQL server, and using the UPDATE command to update certain fields to the specified values, however, once I run this code, the fields on the mySQL server turn EMPTY. Here is my code :

Sub updateresidents()
Dim connection As MySqlConnection


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VS 2010 - MySQL Command - Not Running The Cmd2.executenonquery

Dec 29, 2011

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Form1
Dim myTime As Date = TimeValue(Now)
Dim myDate As Date = DateValue(Now)


It'ss not running the cmd2.executenonquery. I've tried many different things such as opening a different connection and yet it still doesnt run that line of code, but it'll run the message box in the if then statement. So I assume it's something to do with the connection somewhere. I've also tried using try and catching the error. nothing. So the problem is that its just not running query2.

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VS 2008 What Is The Place Holder For MySQL Parameter With Command Object

Jan 27, 2010

with vb 2008 express is there any EOF & BOF properties if not is there any alternative for the same any sample line of code (2) what is the place holder for MySQL parameter with command object?

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Popup Like To In Mailbox?

May 4, 2009

In my mailbox, google search, etc when we enter 2-3 chars all words starting with those chars come in like a pop up window, we select from that list and the text is displayed in the text box. Same happens in th To/CC/Bcc text fields, we get name and email of our mailbox. I want to implement the same in a form of my MDI application. I want is 2 values same like name, email and on selecting any from the list, it should be displayed in respective text fields. But I haveno clue how to implement this in VB.NET.

how to implement it. I will require the same in more than 1 forms, so is it possible to use Write Once and Use Many times. Atleast 2-3 times is the same data but in differnet forms.

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Get A List Of Folder From MailBox?

Jun 22, 2010

I have looked high and low and can't seem to find some sample code anywhere.I am looking for a snippet of code that will return all the folders in a Mailbox, not so much the drafts,nbox, outbox, sent items but a custom folder created by the user.Using MS Outlook 2007 ver.12.I know how the look for items in a folder but it only shows me the items in my Inbox.I need to show all the folders available and let the user select the folder to search in Or at this point I would settle for a way to set the defaultfolder. I can make this accept anything other than olFolderInbox?

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Creating An Exchange 2007 Mailbox

Dec 21, 2010

Apologies if this is in the wrong sub-forum. My organization has a custom application for creating and managing AD users and exchange mailboxes. Under exchange 2003 this worked perfectly. Earlier this year we implemented exchange 2007. Some alterations were made to the code to keep it running - and successfully creating mailboxes. This worked up until we removed the last exchange 2003 server.


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Mailbox Unavailable - User Not Authenticated

Feb 26, 2009

When I run this code it give this error
""Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.3 Requested action aborted; user not authenticated"".

The code:
Dim mail As New MailMessage()
Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient
SmtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(TextBox1.Text, TextBox5.Text)
ProgressBar1.Value = 10
SmtpServer.Port = 587
[Code] .....

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Rename User Account And Mailbox?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to rename a user programically and can't figure out the mailboxiece(proxyAddresses).

Working code below...
Public Shared Function renameUser(ByVal curUsername As String, ByVal newUsername As String) As Boolean


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Sql Server - Import Email From AD Mailbox?

Apr 2, 2012

We have an old legacy SQL 2000 server (the last in the farm) - We've been unable to get rid of this server as it uses xp_findnextmsg, xp_readmail etc to monitor a mailbox (via mapi) and import all email to that address into a database. The database contains simple tables that store "from", "to", "subject", "body", "Sent Date" & so on.As you may know, the procs above are no longer in use in SQL 2005+This table is read from dozens of internal systems, for instance emails to this mailbox can be automatically picked up by our helpdesk systems & create calls etc.My question is this: what it the easiest / modern way of doing this in SQL 2008+? Is it going to be a case of writing a .net binary / service that will use smtp or something to connect to a mailbox and insert the data into SQL or is there a simpler way to do it? (SSIS / 3rd party tools / pre-existing code / projects?)

Just thought I'd ask before i start writing something - no point re-inventing the wheel as it were.

PS: The Mailbox in question is an exchange 2010 mailbox.Edit: This functionality was hinted to be re-introduced in 2008 & dbmail: but it looks like it failed to materialise!

Edit 2: I've just found a decent code sample here that utilises the new web services in exchange 2007+: - experimenting in progress (has anyone ever worked with SQL and the Exchange web services?)

Edit 3: All done! I knocked up a .net service that sits on our exchange server and monitors a mailbox & pushes any new mail into SQL. Incase others have a similar question and need some sample code to get started - here is some rough code (chopped out of my service - replaced parameterised SQL with basic dynamic SQL for easy reading): (Note: you'll need the EWS API 1.1 dll)


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Application Can't Connect To Local MySQL But Can Connect From Command

Sep 30, 2011

We have a VB.Net application which works fine in our tests in different Windows XP SP3 machines. However there is one machine in which is displaying this error:

Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts

Using the mysql command, we can successfully connect to the database. We already checked for any other application or firewall that could be blocking the connection but it seems fine. We also reinstalled the system (no errors during the installation) but the MySQL error message doesn't change.

The system settings are exactly the same as in the other computers. We are using "localhost" as server in the connection string. The "hosts" file has its default values (nothing strange in there).

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MySQL SQL Command To Query From One Table With Three Same Columns To Another Table?

Jun 13, 2012

My problem is with the tickets table, I have listed the user that created the ticket, the tech who will solve the ticket and a user that over sees the ticket. All three users reference the users table. So how do I can I query the tickets table and get all three users that reference the same table storing the users?

Table1: Tickets
1) Ticketnumber
2) EnteredBy User 100
3) Issue


What I can do now is something like this:

Select Ticketnumber, EnteredBy, Issue, UserName FROM Tickets INNER JOIN Users
ON Tickets.EnteredBy = Users.UserID

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Update MySQL DatabaseThrough Datagridview Update Command?

May 25, 2010

I have been on a database project for a while now. I wanted to be able to make changes to my database using the update command of a Datagridview control.However, I have been faced with a series of unsuccessful outcomes.I want to do this how do I go about it?


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Adding Mailbox With VB - Upgrade To Exchange 2010?

Jan 21, 2011

We are getting ready to convert to Exchange 2010. Currently we're using VB code to add new users to AD and create mailbox for them with specific settings. I've been trying to figure out - what do I need to change in my code in order for the code to work in Exchange 2010 environment. I've seen some references about using Powershell in a remote environment and guessing that AddPSSnapIn will no longer work. Not sure about hardcoding username and password for remote access. Is there any way to avoid it? Whose u/p should it be anyway? AD user who runs the code? Below I'm posting the code that we using in Exchange 2007. Please let me know what I need to change?


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C# - Detect New Mails In An Exchange Server Mailbox?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a mailbox that gets alerts from different servers from time to time. Each time, we get this alert, I want it to perform a custom action based on the contents of the email.And I would like to keep it as a service in (C# or which can be run from anywhere. Is there an API for reading this?

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C# - Retrieving Mailbox Rights From AD Using System.DirectoryServices

Jun 3, 2011

I need to pull back the security descriptors for the active directory attribute "msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor" on user account objects.So far, all I can find is that I need to use this class to do so, but I cannot find any example code of how to start to pull what I want out using it.I'm restricted to using .Net v2.0.

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FormLoad Email Mailbox List (Drop Box)?

Jan 7, 2010

One of my clients is going from Server 2000, SQL 2000 w/ VB6 to a new environment of Windows SBS 2008, SQL 2005 standard 64bit, w/ Visual Studios 2005. We have a custom built app written all in VB that has been converted. We already took care restoring the databases and setting up the odbc and such. After conversion, the app threw a couple of errors, and warnings, which have been fixed. We have a formload function that is supposed to populate 2 fields with dropdown information. One is a folders list in outlook and the other is a send recipient. The Recipient field populates fine and the outlook email box does not.Here is the formload code. I can't figure out why this would allow one box to fill and not the other.

Private Sub frmProcessEmail_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'starts up email


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Get Just A Count Of How Many Items Are Inside A Mailbox Inbox?

Aug 17, 2010

Would I be possible to get just a count of how many items are inside a mailbox inbox??

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VS 2005 Enumerating Items In Outlook Mailbox?

Oct 26, 2009

I need to enumerate all the items in an email inbox. However, this code fails

For Each MI As Outlook.MailItem In folderToProcess.Items
'Console.WriteLine("Subject:" + vbTab + MI.Subject)

It fails whenever it comes across an item that ISN'T an email (e.g. a meeting request). I've spent the last hour or so trying to find a way of enumerating every item no matter its type. So far all I've come up with is to use the base Object type and then work from there but that's Late Binding and I'd prefer to avoid it if possible.

Has anyone come across this problem before? How can I determine what type of Outlook item it is during enumeration?

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.net Active Directory - Rename User Account And Mailbox?

Jun 29, 2009

I'm trying to rename a user programically and can't figure out the mailbox piece(proxyAddresses).


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Sending E-mail - Error : Mailbox Is Full Or Something Along Those Lines?

Aug 30, 2010

Error I receive sometimes is: Mailbox is full or something along those lines, the application crashes and gives that error.Code I use:

Imports System.Net.Mail
Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress("email")[code].....

It doesn't happen all the time i've found, different pcs etc.

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WebDav To Validate A Mailbox Exists On An Exchange Server?

Aug 12, 2009

6 program to VB .NET 2008 that had code that used the CDO 1.21 DLL to validate if a mailbox entered existed on an Exchange server. I saw the one posting from Microsoft that states that CDO is not supported on the .NET Framework. As this is a client application, the article recommended using WebDav to interact with the Exchange Server.

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How To Create GUI To Run Dos Command

Jun 13, 2012

I want to create a gui application for a dos command I use at work. Instead of opening command prompt every time, I'd like to create a gui based application to input a line of text, hit a button and run the command. The command is "java DecryptPassword 'hash tag'". The decryptpassword is a java application that, well, decrypts passwords. The hash tag is provided by a web application that creates a hash tag from a user name and usually looks something like 'StgweteGFSAdfASD='.
I would like to develop a small application where you insert the hash tag in a text box and click a button (Get Password) to run the command. I'm fine with the password displaying in dos prompt but if I could somehow get it to display in the gui that would be awesome. As I'm sure you can tell I am pretty new to all of this.

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