Obtaining WiFi Network Information?

Jan 9, 2012

I am developing an application to be deployed on an XP Tablet edition PC. I am interested in monitoring information (e.g. Channel, AP MAC Address) about the Access Points that I am connecting to to location where in the facility a given Tablet PC is operating in.I have been unsuccessful in finding any code samples/snippets showing information on how to retrieve this sort of information.

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Obtain WIFI Access Point Information?

Jun 4, 2006

I was wondering if it's possible to access information from within Visual Basic about WIFI connections, such as their SSID, MAC address, ect. I don't know whether I have to add a reference, what commands to use, ect.

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Obtaining Network Lan ID And Getting Info From Outlook Address Book

May 19, 2010

I need to be able to get the current users LAN id using VB.NET and then use this info to pull out the phone number and full name and perhaps other dept info from the address book in outlook. The application I am building is web based in VS 2008, and the users will access the site once they have logged into the companies network. So I need to obtain their LAN ID. They will then be able to send an email using the smtp client. I need the email to send the lan ID of the person as well as include the address book info in the subject. how to use the smtp client.

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Sql Server - SQLException Obtaining More Information?

Jun 14, 2012

Currently working with converting SQLException error messages into messages that are more useful for the end user. My largest issue has been finding the information I'm looking for.For instance, error code 8114 is

"Error converting data type [Type1] to [Type2]" And error code 8152 is "String or binary data would be truncated"

Using ADO.NET in VB.NET with SQLServer, is there a simple way to figure out which columns are affected by these errors?

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Obtaining Network Address From Host IP Address And Subnet Mask

Mar 8, 2009

Can anyone point me to some code which can help obtain the network address from the host IP and subnet mask?

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Getting Basic Network Information Such As The Ip Address Gateway

Aug 29, 2009

how i can go about getting basic network information such as the ip address gateway etc

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VS 2008 Uploading Files With FTP Then People Can Always Read My Information With Network Sniffer

May 20, 2009

Well when i am uploading files with FTP then people can always read my information with a Network Sniffer.Thats why i now want to solve it with a PHP-Script now:This is the information when i upload a file:everything that is red i do not understand i tryed it then with the code below but doesent work. [code]

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VS 2008 Network App - Send Message Or Network Package To Some Of The Clients In The Network

Aug 18, 2009

Here is my idea so far: I have a bunch of computers connected in a local network. One of them is a MySQL server, one will have a vb.NET program wich will act as a "second server" and the rest will be different clients. What I want to do is that the "second server" will send out some kind of message or network package to some of the clients in the network, and they will execute a code based on what message it is, or what kind of package it is. I'll give you a simple example:


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Something Other Than Wifi?

Aug 22, 2009

I have wrote an application that works fine using wifi but now i have to come up with something a lot stronger that wifi. I'm talking about a distance of upto half of a mile. The application just receives a small string message once every few minutes.

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Detect WiFi Available Networks In .NET?

Jan 8, 2010

im wondering how to make a program that will detect the WiFi Networks in range and i can connnect to one,

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Send Data From PDA To PC Via WiFi?

Oct 11, 2009

I have basic VB.net programming.. Now, i want to make a project, the story is: there is a VB app in PDA and VB app in a PC, the database is in the PC. How can our VB app in PDA send data to update the database on PC via WiFi connection?

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List Up All Connected Pc To Router (wifi )?

Feb 6, 2012

Is there a way to list up all connected pc to my router (wifi )? Even if they arent on same LAN (like ipod touch). Or list list all user that are using internet? Atm I figured out this code :

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Which i though was suppose to list connected client but logged on my DS and didnt listed it up. Maybe it doesnt list DS?

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C# - Limit Wifi Access Using .net Application?

Aug 30, 2009

Currently following is the setup of my wifi connection.

Laptop 1 ------> Wifi Router <------
Laptop 2

There are about 5 laptops which connect to the wifi router to access internet. Network is password protected so anyone with a valid network key can connect and access internet.

I am planning to develop a local website which will be having a list of username and passwords. I will also remove the password of the wifi network so that anyone can connect.

If a connected system tries to access a web page in the internet then redirect them to a Login page (in the local website) and ask them to login. Once successfully logged i,n the mac id should be added to "Allow" list and monitoring starts. Internet should not be available for those who don't have a valid username and password.

I was thinking about developing the application to block/allow internet access though a vb.net/c# application.

I am okay with the website part. What I would like to know is

How I can block/allow internet access through the .net application. Is it possible in .net or should I be going for an unmanaged code development? If it is possible where is the best place to start? I have experience in winforms development but not much of network programming. Will there be any change in my current wifi setup? May be a new webserver/proxy server which will host the website and the windows application?

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Get Wifi Signal Strength With OpenNetCf In .Net?

Sep 2, 2011

I want to get the wireless signal strength from adapter on Windows CE, VB.Net, Visual studio 2008.I believe opennetcf.net library has to be used.

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Measure Wifi Signal Strength?

Jan 18, 2009

I was wondering if there is an available script or code in VB that could measure the signal strength of routers. I need an actual number in decibels.

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Wireless Communication In Two Computer Using Wifi?

Dec 10, 2009

I need to develop a communication between two computer using wireless medium like wifi is there any namespace or control in .net which support this type of communication i know i have to define protocol to understand communication but i need start ......

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Code For Sending Data From Android To VB Through Wifi?

Sep 23, 2011

I want to create a food order system at the restaurant using the android and VB. so the waiter will use Android to transmit data to the cashier who use VB.Is it possible to connect Android to VB?

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C# - Push Website From Server To Client Using Wifi Connection?

Jan 29, 2011

I want to make an application that can push ads (website) to client..

Here is the case : Client try to connect to internet via wifi. Once the client is connected, server send a website address to client, and a popup (website sent by server) will appear in the client's computer in default browser.

I can list all IP connected to server, but i don't know how to push the website to client

Here is the code to list all IP connected to server : (import System.Net library)

String strHostName = "";
if(args == null || args.Length == 0){
strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();


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Obtain The WIFI Signal Strength & SSID & BSSID?

Nov 22, 2007

I have 3 AP and I want design program to get the SSID & signal strength &BSSID(MAC Adress) for each APi found the some functions to obtain the SSID & signal strength for one AP ,,, i using timer to update every 2 second

Public Sub SSID()


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Send Data(text,images,etc) Via Wifi To Pda Or Another Computer?

Sep 5, 2009

I'm trying to send some data from one computer to another via Wireless adapter and these data are texts and images?

giving the source code in vb.net?

Or is there any library or reference that i can use in the vb.net?

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VS 2008 - Creating Remote To Turn Up / Down System Volume Via WiFi

Oct 28, 2009

I am working on a little project for my phone creating some sort of remote to turn up/down my system volume via wifi. The phone will send data to a text field on the website lets say such as "vol up" and the vb app sitting on the computer will be constantly reading this text field for key words like "vol up", "vol down". when it see's a recognized command it reacts by turning the volume up and so on. And one more thing: Is it possible to have a vb app that uses http? E.g., sits on port 80 itself and can be accessed via local ip.

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Obtaining Directory Name Via A Dialog

Aug 6, 2009

What I am trying to do is have a button that will pop up a dialog to where you can select a directory. Then the path of the directory will be placed in a text field.Click Button > Dialog Pops Up > Select Directory > DirectoryField.Text will equal "C:Program FilesStuff"

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Obtaining X And Y By Providing An Image?

Feb 20, 2012

How do you provide an image to the program, so the program finds that image on the screen and tells its coordinates. So if I was to provide an image of the start button, the program would tell the coordinates like (2,1000) or something similar.

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Customizing Obtaining User Choice

Jan 12, 2010

sample_form.rtf (1.48MB). Number of downloads: 36. I have a working form to give specific choices to the user and retrieve the user's choice. (See code below and attached image in WordPad file.) I know I can use a global ("Public") variable to pass the text of the three choices from the calling form to the called form, but is there a way to pass these from one form to the other exclusively? Of course, my main objective is to have as little memory being used as possible. I would like to make the form in my example (frmDialogChoice) a generic form that can display any set of three choices.

code within calling form:
Dim intSwitchToMake As Integer
Dim insFrmDialogChoice As New frmDialogChoice


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Obtaining A Bitmap Of Windows 7 Desktop

Mar 21, 2011

The following VB 2010 code runs, but returns only a black bitmap. I suspect the problem lies with the call to GetCurrentObject but I haven't been able to find good documentation on the arguments for it.[code]

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Obtaining Content Of Other Application's ListBox?

Feb 28, 2010

Obtaining content of other application's ListBox

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Obtaining Data From Proprietary USB / HID Device?

Jan 22, 2011

What is the best way to go about retrieving data from a proprietary hardware device that interfaces via HID USB? The particular device I need the data from is a blood-pressure/heartbeat measurement & monitoring device.The hardware came with software that downloads the data from the device and places that data into a (passworded/encrypted) MS Access database that I cannot connect to using programmatic methods, at least not without having the (admin's) password. The software provided produces reports, but the formatting renders them virtually useless (well, completely useless) for the needs of our company.

The device manufacturer provides to it's customers no API or any other technical information for accessing the data produced by their product; so, this pretty much leaves me stuck trying to figure out how to obtain the data via custom application in order to reclaim the initial justification for the expense associated with the hardware, which by the way has already been purchased.I don't need code snippits specifically, though examples would be nice; what I really need is to know is how to best approach this project, from a general design and programming stand-point.

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Obtaining Info From Event Viewer?

Oct 19, 2011

I want to be able to search the windows event log (security) on our 2008 DC to find out when a certain user logged in. Using the system.diagnostics.eventlog namespace I can search and view information based on the event Id(4624) but I cannot work out how to display the login name of the user.

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Obtaining RGB Values For Each Pixel Of Image

Nov 2, 2009

I am developing a software that would scan the image in a picturebox and obtain the rgb values of each pixel in the image and convert each rgb values to HSL values. I am using vb 2008 express edition. I am still a student. I am just starting to learn vb 2008. All I have done is to obtain the image in a file and paste it in the picturebox. Below is my code. I dont really know how to start with the process of obtaining the rgb values of each pixel and converting them to HSL values and averaging the HSL value.

Code to obtain image:
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit Off
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
[Code] .....

I still do not know how to start with the process of obtaining the rgb value for each pixel.

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Obtaining The Target Path Of A Shortcut?

May 25, 2010

I need to obtain the target of a shortcut (.lnk) file using Visual Basic 2008 or 2010 under Windows 7.For Windows XP and VB 2005 I used the Windows Script Host Object model and DLL, like this:

Imports WSH = IWshRuntimeLibrary
. . . . .
Dim MyShell As New WSH.WshShell


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