Open And Save File In WebBrowser?
Nov 23, 2009How can I open and save files in my webbrowser.
View 2 RepliesHow can I open and save files in my webbrowser.
View 2 RepliesI am using webbrwoser control to open Word document for editing on winform using (vs 2005). Now once user edit the word document, I want to forcefully save that edited document to my document when user directly close win form or user will try to EXIT. Unfortunately, word doc which open on webbrowser control if it is edited and when winfrom is being closed it won't ask us to save where as independent word document aske to save changes. I tried to call method "ShowSaveasDialog()" of webbrowser control on winform close event it did not fire up.
Following is my code:
i have made a downloader . i use save file dialog to save file but when open save file dialog it does not get the file name and file extension from the source....please help me to make a file downloader which gets the file name and extension automatically from web. my downloader downloads file succesfully but doesn't show its real extension and file loses its default extension.
View 1 RepliesIs there anyway I can get a web browser to open / render the text of a RTB without saving the file? I don't want to save it because it contains sensitive data.
View 2 Replieshow can i save 2 textboxes(string) into 1 file? and when open the file, the string goes to definite texboxes...
What i am trying to do is open a save file dialog and write to a .txt firl the contents of my listview. so far:
i have this, but i'm not to sure how to write to the .txt file i know i need to use a for each to loop the contents of the list view
Is there a method like ebBrowser1.Document.Image(0).SaveImageToFile("C:Image.jpg") ?
I'm trying to make an application that downloads all the images from a photo album on the web. The user will navigate to the first image in the gallery and the program should download all images in full resolution automatically.
I have a working version now, but it is not satisfactory. Here is a simplified version of the code I use now for saving the images:
Private Sub startDownloading Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(WebBrowser1.Document.Images(0).GetAttribute("src"), "C:image.jpg")
End Sub
This way, after the page with the image has fully loaded, it downloads the image using the Network.DownloadFile-method. So, it download the same file twice. But these files are big and websites are slow. Which makes the whole operation take about twice as long as it has to.
Is there a way to directly save the image-file that has already loaded in the WebBrowser-control, without having to download the image again?
I'm trying to Save Arabic string on file using file open but every time I load the file it gives me deffrant craters cant read it like "this code workking good In English but in arabic the resulut always like "??????" and cant read it back.
Once a user has selected a file with the open file dialog, how can I handle this action? For example, if the user has selected a .txt file and has opened it, how can it get the data from the file? How can it return the path that the user found the file in? Then, how can it save the file?I know that there is a OpenFileDialog.OpenFile() method, but I am also pretty sure this is not what I am looking for. I have also tried the ToObject method, but I probably messed up somehow.
View 3 RepliesI start some new project and i finding some way to save image from webbrowser to file. I can find url and get file. But i need cached file from webbrowser, bacause its generated :/ . I make lot of googling but no result..
View 4 RepliesI am loading an html page into a WebBrowser object in a VB.NET Windows Forms application. The user may make changes to textboxes, dropdowns, etc. on the HTML page displayed in the browser. I want the ability to save the current context to a .pdf file on the local HD. I am able to print using WebBrowser.Print(), which shows the current context, but what ways are possible to get this saved as a PDF file locally?
View 2 RepliesI have a sample application, in which I am trying to load a text file in WebBrowser control. I have a html file through which I am calling Javascript function to open text file. But it is showing me error like; Cannot find 'file:///C:/temp/test%2520page.txt'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct. File exist at this location and its name is; test page.txt. I am not getting what is happening.
View 1 RepliesI open a word document in webbrower, but some File Download dialog box opens up with three buttons Open, Save and Cancel. I always wants to open the document directly instead to click on open button.
View 5 RepliesI am doing windows application project in ,code for how to save ,open and print a file /document.i have used the below code for save but its not working fine. [[code]
View 1 RepliesI have a database file that excel reads just fine but i can't figure out what type of file it is. So i figure the easiest thing to do is open the file in via an excel object, then execute the save as i have seen 1000 examples but even after i think i add a reference vb still has no idea what "excel." is.[code]
View 1 RepliesHow can I save and open a file with inputs as follows:
1. numeric up and down
2. combo box
3. picturebox
how can i do it in visual basic 2008!...
coding in visual basic 2008 express for save the text of all text boxes, Lables and Buttons and open again in same condition. For saving I am using code like Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click
I have been using Visual Basic for about 2 weeks now so I know I am getting in over my head at this point, but times a factor. I have created a user form with around 100 User entered text boxes and pull down menus, tabbed pages etc. I can create a distributable file with no problem. However I cannot find any kind of example, tutorial, etc that will show me how to allow an end user to save the form as "enterfilenamehere.DCP" (for example) and then reopen any .dcp file created in my form application. The only examples and tutorials I can find are how to type text and save it as a txt. format. Could someone lend a complete novice some advice or point me in a good direction on where to learn about saving and opening custom file types?To clarify The user can use my form, But at this point has no way of saving and recalling what they entered in my form. It's a one time use only...not really what I want.
View 7 RepliesOkay so all i want to do, is to write something in a richtextbox then saving the text, as a .txt file, with ANSI encoding.
The title says to open and edit aswell, but i dont need thatm ingore that.
This is the code i have atm:
Save button:
Dim SaveFile As New SaveFileDialog
SaveFile.FileName = ""
I have been working on a project that opens, modifies, then saves an xml file. The problem is that one of the attribute values contains a dash, causing the parser to throw an error when my xml editor application attempts to open the file. I have yet to find a working solution after weeks of searching the web, I tried the the following method for saving the xml file[code]...
View 2 RepliesI want to open a excel template with a browse button, the file needs to open and must be directly saved by the user. after the file is saved the file location needs to be displayed in a textbox.With this i can open excel itself, but i don't know how to open the template and save the document
Dim Xl As Excel.Application
Dim Filepath As String
Dim Workbook As Excel.Workbook
The file opens and i get a save as dialog, but when i want to save the document it doesn;t save at all, However it won't give me a error.
Code that opens image file this code works properly
Private Sub MenuItem4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FromFile.Click
PBDisplay.Visible = False
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
PBDisplay.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
[Code] ......
This code is what I am using to save image after it is re sized, It will not save the new image, it saves the old image and the old size. I am using a picture box to import the image into, then I am resizing the picture box and the image. But when it is saved it reverts to the original image.
Private Sub MenuItem6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
I am trying to write a code to save and open data that is in my application. My application contains hundreds of text boxes, combo boxes and labels. I have created an array for each set of data, i.e.,
up to glist(89).
Is there a way to write a code to loop through the array and save the values so that they can be opened at a later time in my application? The array will contain Doubles and Strings.
code for how to save ,open and print a file /document.i have used the below code for save but its not working fine.
Dim objSaveFileDialog As New Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
With objSaveFileDialog
.DefaultExt =[code]......
im used to C programming.
Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click
The problem is that if I save a file I get "myfile.GDL" if I overwrite that I get a new file "myfile.GDL.GDL" ect.the other problem being that the filtering in the windows save/open dialog wont show .GDL files unless I select "all files".
I have the following code that generates a csv file on a button click. [Code] What I want to do is open a download dialog box that will allow the user to open or save that file it has just created.
View 2 RepliesI just published this simple console application that is supposed to show a textbox with the value of a setting called "userID" with value 1001. This works like a charm. Now what I need is to change this value outside the editor, from notepad etc. When I open the application a lot in there is non-sence etc. but with a quick (ctrl + F) I found the value 1001, and changed this to some other integer.
I ran the application again, and it failed, didn't even give any userful error-message. At a point I tried just opening a newly published non-corrupted version of the application, didn't change anything, then saved from notepad, and it were also corrupted. It seems like notepad can't open some characters or something. Do I need to publish the application in some specific text-unicode language or something? I use for this
i am using visual basic 2010 and i want to open and save multiple richtextboxes text into one
for ex
richtextbox2.text="My Name"
but i want to save these informations in one file.
i would like to do FILE I/O without a dialogue. the file always be the same and the location will always be the same, therefore i dont need a dialogue. i would like to know how can i do this? what is the code to open, write, and save to a file without the dialogue.
View 2 RepliesIm trying to make something that will save something from textbox1.text I got this code