Operation Is Not Supported For This Type Of Object?

Oct 16, 2010

I am trying to seek for a particular record and then delete it afterwards but somehow I get an error that says "Operation is not supported for this type of object". Of course the declaration are on top just below the "Public Class Form1"

dbs.Index = "PrimaryKey"
dbs.Seek("=", txtID.Text)


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Operation Is Not Supported For This Type Of Object

Apr 4, 2012

I am trying to seek for a particular record and then delete it afterwards but somehow I get an error that says "Operation is not supported for this type of object". Of course the declaration are on top just below the "Public Class Form1"

declarations just below the public class from

Dim DatabasePath As String = "C:RecordsetsRecordsetRecordsetMyDB.accdb"
Dim AccessEngine As New DBEngine
Dim db As Database = AccessEngine.OpenDatabase(DatabasePath)


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.net - Sync Framework 2.0 Error: The Specified Change Tracking Operation Is Not Supported

Aug 21, 2010

I'm fairly new to the MS Sync framework and have been beating my head against the wall for about four hours now to no avail. I'm simply trying to sync my databases (one "master" SQL Server 2008 with a SQL Server CE, the client) with:

Dim syncAgent As DataCacheSyncAgent = New DataCacheSyncAgent()
Dim syncStats As Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SyncStatistics = syncAgent.Synchronize()

It works just fine in Visual Studio 2010 and always manages to sync, but now that I'm trying to implement it on my client's computers, I always get the error:

The specified change tracking operation is not supported. To carry out this operation on the table, disable the change tracking on the table, and enable the change tracking.

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Method 'System.Object CompareObjectEqual(System.Object, System.Object, Boolean)' Has No Supported Translation To SQL.?

Apr 16, 2010

What do I need to convert?

Dim CEESearchByAppNo = From CEEsearch In dbCEE.tblScanneds _
Where CEEsearch.AppNo = iAppNo


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C# - Project Type Is Not Supported By Current Installation?

Feb 28, 2012

I am trying to open a project in Visual Studio. I have VB.NET and C# installed. When I open the solution, it says

"The project file D:MyProjectsComboSample.csproj can not be be opened."
"The project type is not supported by current installation"

What do I need to install? C# is already there.


Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ComboBoxSample1", "ComboBoxSample1ComboBoxSample1.csproj", "{6A1F1EE5-4AED-40E0-9517-3EAC47442628}"


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Error Msg Only True Type Fonts Are Supported

Apr 26, 2011

I try to use a special font in my programm xxxxxx.ttf (true type font)and i got this error "only tryetype fonts are supported .this is not a true type font "i used it before with same programm but since i installed a very old version of xp i got the error.

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Project Type (.csproj) Is Not Supported By Version Of The Application?

Oct 27, 2010

I am new to this forum and also to vb.net (am an ex vb6 programmer)..I installed visual studio 2010 premium edition and it works with my own projects BUT trying to open the microsoft Lab5 solution file I get this error:

"/file cannot be opened because its project type (.csproj) is not supported by this version of the application"

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VS 2005 : Error : The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation

Jul 15, 2010

I've downloaded the MSDN "101 VB Samples" from the MS site and I'm getting an error that reads "The project type is not supported by this installation". I can open the other files that I've tried (about a dozen in other folders), so I'm wondering if it is something specific with the VSTO files, or something about my VB setup.

I thought at first it was a problem with the path where the file is sitting, but even moving it from C:Documents and Settings[my name]My DocumentsMSDN to C: didn't work...Edit: I have also tried opening in notepad and converting the file to UTF-8, changing the File Association from MS Visual Studio version selector to devenv.exe, and running devenv /setup at the command prompt, all with no luck (all these ideas were found through Googling the error message....).

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VS 2005 : Error : The ReadElementContentAsString Method Is Not Supported On Node Type None

Mar 29, 2011

I get an error : The ReadElementContentAsString method is not supported on node type None.trying to parse an xml string from the server, this is my code

Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(New StringReader(sTempUrl))
Dim strResult As String = reader.ReadElementContentAsString()


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GIF Encoder Decoder Sample Has Error: 'The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation'.

Aug 12, 2009

I have tried to find the sdk ('Windows Software Development Kit') mentioned in the 'GIF Encoder and Decoder Sample', but there are so many SDKs I can't find the one I need. I am using visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition on Windows XP. The language I program in is VB. Can someone point me to the right SDKs for the sample and OS and VS version?

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What Baud Rates Are Supported By The Serial Port Object In VB 2010

Jul 12, 2011

What baud rates are supported by the serial port object in VB 2010?

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type <object> To Type <same Object>

May 7, 2009

This error makes no sense to me[code]...

Unable to cast object of type 'DynamicTreeNode' to type 'DynamicTreeNode'.

I have an inherited TreeView with an inherited class called DynamicTreeNode inside it. I am trying to loop through the DynamicTreeNodes in the TreeView.Nodes property which is causing this error.

View 10 Replies

Getting Error " Only True Type Fonts Are Supported. This Is A Not True Type Font"

Oct 2, 2010

i am using VS 2008 and just started to work with XAML and WPF. while opening in page(.xaml) in design mode i'm getting the error like this "Only TrueType fonts are supported and this is not a TrueType font".

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.Object[]'

Jan 25, 2011

For I = 0 To 10
If Items.Count = 0 Then Exit For
Dim T As New Thread(AddressOf Thread)
T.Start(New Object() {"Test", "Test"})


When I put same code in empty project it works.

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Casting Early Bound Object Type Into Late Bound Object Type?

Jul 5, 2010

I've got a piece of code in a project (MyProject) that contains early bound object from a referenced assembly (We'll call it CommonAssembly):

Dim myObject As CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType

now I have another assembly that is dynamically loaded because it is not present in all projects:

Dim myLateBoundObject As Object = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap("Utils", "Utils.MyLateBoundType")
MyLateBoundType derives from CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType, and I want to cast myObject to myLateBoundObject and then programmatically invoke the additional


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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Object[]' To Type 'System.String[]'

Apr 5, 2009

i always get this error when i tried to update my table: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Object[]' to type 'System.String[]'.

i only want to update STATUS, ENDTIME, and PRICE

the data type of each field are:
STATUS = nvarchar
ENDTIME = smalldatetime
PRICE = money


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Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed

Dec 13, 2010

is the insert of my code to close a form and it happens to be that when i click on the close button it gives the error "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed"and highlights the adoPrimaryRS.Close() line.

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Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed?

Sep 23, 2009

I am using an ADODB connection to a Sybase ASE Database for a small app that runs queries and returns the results to a grid, to XML and to Schema file. I recently tried the query on a Sybase script (Between a Begin and End statement) and had an exception when I used RS.EOF which reported "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed." The code works fine for other queries, including those between begin and end statements, so I did some debugging and found that the failure only happens when my SQL script (Which is typed into a rich text box) contains either Sybase variables (ex. @MyTable) or uses temp tables (ex. Select * into #mytemptable from myrealtable). The actual execution works OK (without an exception) but the recordset seems to be closed. A failing example is :

Declare @Name Varchar(30)
Select @Name = "MY_TABLE"


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Operation Not Allowed When Object Is Open?

Jul 7, 2011

Im trying to take fields from a Products Table and populate a listbox in a userform with the productName field. that works fine. but i also have to open the recordset and the connection. when i run the program, i get an error saying the 'operation is not allowed when the object is open' then it highlghts the bolded line in the following code:

Sub testc()
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT ProductID, ProductName, RetailPrice, QuantityOnHand " _


how can i get rid of the error? and what is the problem? i've tried closing the recordset in various places in different subs but nothing works. .

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Operation Is Not Allowed When Object Is Closed ADODB

May 10, 2012

I'm having difficulty using this code that the tutor has provided for me and have a strange error that only I appear to have. Below is a picture and my code... I have double checked my connection and reference and it all seems to be working fine. Whenever I click on a button within my application when i compile it the error below occurs.[code]...

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Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed ADODB?

May 10, 2012

Essentially every time I run my form it tells me that the operation is not allowed when the object is closed and it points towards my recordset. Below is my code in full (given to me by a teacher! not my own) and I wondered if you could tell me what the problem is. As I understand it there is another option to ADODB which is more appropriate for .net.

Option Compare Text
Public Class Form1
Private m_cnADOConnection As New ADODB.Connection


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Operation Is Not Valid Due The Current State Of The Object

Mar 15, 2012

During Loading of form I call connectpaybox to show the list in the combobox, but after that it will result in the error "Operation is not valid due the current state of the object"

but the combobox items that was taken from the database shows. I tried

"select CAGECOST from CAGETYPE where CAGENAME like 'Normal'"
where Normal is one of the items in cagename and it works.
Private Sub Paybox_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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VS 2008 Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed?

Jul 14, 2010

i have this error when executing "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed" on line rs = cn.Execute(Query)

this is my

tsReadLine = tsR.ReadLine
If Len(tsReadLine) = 0 Then GoTo skip_line


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C# - Function Or Interface Marked As Restricted Or The Function Uses An Automation Type Not Supported In Visual Basic?

Oct 19, 2010

What does this error mean in VB6? Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic.

I keep getting it when i call a particular method of a dll that comes with windows xp and beyond (in system32 called upnp.dll)

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Connecting Two Forms - Operation Not Allowed When Object Closed

Jul 7, 2010

I'm very beginner in vb. I need to connect two forms with ms access. First form is connect with second using(form2.show). My need is when I execute the coding. I got a error on first form " An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

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Oracle Operation Is Not Valid Due To The Current State Of The Object?

Apr 18, 2011

Ok, i am really in need of finding a way to do this via a string to clob instead of using the update query to to do all.

Dim theXMLCode As OracleClob
Dim OracleConnection2 As New OracleConnection()
Dim dr2 As OracleDataReader


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VS 2008 - Operation Not Valid Due To Current State Of Object

Oct 10, 2011

Before, my codes are working properly.. But not..I am getting this run time error. What the error means?
Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.

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VS 2010 Operation Is Not Valid Due To The Current State Of The Object?

Feb 21, 2012

During Loading of form I call connectpaybox to show the list in the combobox, but after that it will result in the error "Operation is not valid due the current state of the object" but the combobox items that was taken from the database shows. I tried "select CAGECOST from CAGETYPE where CAGENAME like 'Normal'" where Normal is one of the items in cagename and it works.


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Error Message: "This Server Version Is Not Supported Only Servers Up To Microsoft SQL 2005 Are Supported"

Nov 6, 2009

Error Message: "This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL 2005 are supported VB.NET" I am using VB.NET 2008 and attempting to connect to SQL Server 2008 with XP as the operating system. I have service pack 1 installed in Visual Studio but this error message presists. The articles I have read on this error said to install sp1 as a solution but I have done that and the error persists. FYI, the error does not occur when I am using code to connect to SQL Server but when I attempt to connect using one of the designer wizards this error occure.

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C# - Visual Studio 2010 Express Phonegap Error "The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation"

May 26, 2012

I just installed VisualStudio 2010 Express and Windows phone SDK 7.1. I downloaded Phonegap 1.4 and added the PhoneGapStarter to the projectTemplates folder. When I hit new project I get the Phonegap icon. When I double click it to start a new project I get this error:


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