PC Audit Software Examples?

Nov 16, 2009

Are there any examples of PC Audit software or tutorials/code? While I found 80% of my questions on this forum, like how to retrieve ram info, how to retrieve hard drive space, etc..

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C# - Performing An Audit Using Reflection?

Nov 11, 2010

I would like to perform an audit as part of a unit test that uses reflection to verify some assumptions, the basic-psuedo code for this would be as follows:


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Creating An Audit Trail

May 4, 2009

I was hoping that the various controls for WinForms in VB.Net 2008 would have a property such as OldValue and NewValue that I could pull from the Change property.

I'm wanting to write a generic code that will save the OldValue, NewValue, name of field and name of table, and date of change directly to a simple Audit table.

Items aren't changed often, but we need to be able to trace the history of changes to certain fields. I've got the code written for saving to the table, but I'm not finding anything that will show me the two values I need.

I get the NewValue from the changed property but how can I locate the OldValue for date/time pickers, text boxes, check boxes are the main items on the forms.

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Audit Option In Loging Form

Apr 30, 2011


above the sql statment, I want to use in my login form. When a user loging in software then it will set up all above option in sql end but how to set in code

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Audit Trail Of Record Changes In A Form?

Aug 17, 2009

How To Create Audit Trail Of Record Changes In A Form In Vb Net?I get the NewValue from the changed property but how can I locate the OldValue for date/time pickers, text boxes, check boxes are the main items on the forms.

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Audit Trails And Password Manager?

Aug 1, 2009

im beginner in using vb.net. creat an audit trail and password manager using vb.net and sql or ms access.

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Create An Audit Of A Folder Structure, And Tell Is/what Has Changed?

Aug 16, 2010

I've got an application that takes the files in a folder structure and publishes them to another location. Currently it goes through every folder/file and compares the dates in the source and destination. If the file doesn't exist in the destination, or is older, then it copies it across from the source. It's obviously foil proof, but not as fast as it could be.

Ideally, I'd like to create an audit (or audits) saying what the current state of play is in the destination and compare the source folders/files against that instead.

This of course assumes the destination isn't messed around with manually, but I think that's a fair limitation.

So has anyone got any suggestions for how this audit could work? ie: How I could store data/values, such that on the next run when I look down the source folder/files I could compare it to the audit and see 99% of the files are unchanged, so only send across the X new ones etc?

ps: I don't suppose there's a valid (in Windows) that can tell you the date any file in a folder was created/amended? ie: So rather than checking down 200 files to see their individual dates/times, if I could get a single folder level value saying the date of last update/create, if it hasn't changed since the last run, there's no work to do! There is GetLastWriteTime but this doesn't seem to get updated if you amend/update a file, rather than creating a new one!

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C# - Which Design Pattern For Activity Logging (Audit Trailing)

Jun 15, 2012

I have a winform which allows people to edit data from a database, to simplify things assume there is a Customer table in database with 3 fields - Name, City, Country. Through winform(s) people can Add/Edit/Delete customers.For each of these actions we need to save:

What the field names are (Name,City,Country in this case)What the field values were before they were modified What the field values are after they are modified.If the action is Add or Delete then 2 and 3 will be the same.I have already implemented this using XMLSerialisation (but not using any of the design patterns) and my XML output looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ActivityItem xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


The solution can handle different areas of the system with different number of fields (i.e the same thing works when you are modifying Products for instance).is there a well defined design pattern to deal with this kind of behavior?

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WPF & MVVM: Any Examples Using VB?

Sep 26, 2009

Almost every example of MVVM I found is coded in C#, are there any examples/tutorials coded in VB.Net? I'm having a hard time translating C# to VB.Net since I haven't really used C# in any meaningful way...Also, does a MVVM Template/Toolkit for VB.Net exist yet?

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.Net Examples Of User-Defined Exceptions?

May 22, 2011

example of a user-defined exception in VB.Net. I already have two examples that I was able to find online, but other than that, I cannot think of any more. I need to find at least 5 to put in my notes, and then submit to my teacher.The two I have so far are: invalid login information (such as improper username or password), and expired credit card information on an online store.

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C# - Multiple Language Examples In XML Documentation?

May 24, 2010

Is there a way to include examples for multiple languages (C# and Visual Basic, for example) in XML documentation?

I'm using SandCastle to build MSDN-style documentation and would like to include usage examples for a few .NET languages.

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Examples On Update And Delete In Datagridview?

Oct 6, 2009

from the insert code, I don't quite know how to make it into update.some examples on update of data.Here is the code for the insert part:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

conn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = G:MajorProjectFileProjectSampledatabaseUser.mdb"
sql = "SELECT * FROM customer"


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GPS Street Navigation Dlls Or Examples?

Aug 28, 2009

I have been searching but unable to find any code examples of using a GPS coordinate to navigate to another GPS by road way. Is there a dll from MS Streets and Trips or any other software that would allow this to happen? This would also need to be done offline, so no Google or other online serive call outs.

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Html Agility Pack - Why Are Most Examples In C#

Dec 2, 2011

I am looking to learn as much about the free source html aglity pack but 99% of what I am running into is code mostly in c sharp. Is VB.NET not the preferred language for html agility pack?

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Linq - Examples Of .NET Lambda Expression?

Feb 3, 2011

Where can I find complex LINQ examples made using VB.NET Lambda Expression syntax?During my searches I always found 101 LINQ Samples but they use the other notation and for me is not always clear how to transform that code into a lambda expression.

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Looking For Examples Of Error Handling Code

Sep 14, 2009

I have a routine that is called when an unhandled exception occures.It is called by the MyApplication_UnhandledException method in applicationEvents (which handles Me.UnhandledException)

I am looking for some code that manages disects the data provided to generate information that is of benefit to the debugging team.

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Multi-threaded Code Examples?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to teach myself how to create multi-threaded applications in Visual Basic Express 2008. I found a page headed "Creating Threads and Passing Data at Start Time" in the Library here -


However, I can't get any of the examples on that page to run. I pasted the code from an example into a new Project in my IDE but pressing F5 just gives me build errors which I have no idea how to resolve. It's probably something trivial but I can't progress with these examples. Please can somebody tell me what I need to add to get them to run

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Simple C# Or .NET Examples To Read A File From UNC?

Aug 25, 2009

how to fix the exception that occurs when an .EXE file is run from the the Network Share. This application works fine when running from the local machine. I have been trying a lot to fix this issue for a while, but without any success.

Here is the simple code I am trying to test :

string AssessmentFilePath = @"\abce.com
ootmditdevelopment estfile est.xml";
INetworkFileShareReader reader = new NetworkFileShareReader();
XPathDocument document = reader.GetAssessmentFileFromVendor(AssessmentFilePath);


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.net - School Assignment: Examples Of Different Types Of Applications?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm a student taking a beginner computer programming course. My teacher told me to use this website if I have any questions. The lesson I have just studied is about the different types of applications in VB.NET. My assignment asks me to "Give at least five examples of each type of application." I'm supposed to do a web search to find these. The different types of applications I'm supposed to find examples for are: Console, Window, Web, Class Library, Control Library, and Smart Device. Then I'm supposed to provide a description or a screen shot of each example.

I hope my question isn't considered too simple for this forum, but I don't know what else to do! I've spent a long time trying to search for examples myself and I can't seem to find anything.

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Good Examples Of Application Talking To MySQL?

Jul 11, 2011

I hope someone can help. I was "volunteered" to come up with an application for a local charity group. What they are looking for is a system that will track[code]...

They picked me to help as I have done some computer work and for them that means I'm an expert.What they want is for me to use a Visual Basic front-end talking to MySQL. I know enough to realize that most systems DON'T work out first time and the chances are even less if that person (Me) has not much experience.

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Good Examples Of Using Microsoft Chart Controls?

Apr 22, 2010

Anyone got any good examples of using the Microsoft Chart Controls?

What I'm trying to do is use a line graph. What I'm trying to do is graph stock prices. I have the date of each day for the past year in a list of strings called stock_date, and the closing price in another list of strings called close.

How do you get the stock_date to be on the x-axis, and the close price on the y_axis[code]...

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Multilingual - Good Examples Of Support Different Languages

Jun 18, 2010

Trying find some good examples of support different languages in VB.NET. I've read sites on System.Globalization and resource files but none explain fully how to implement them in my application.

What happens to the form title, msgbox strings etc. How do I make these multilingual?

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Proper Coded Examples Of MVC 3 Error Handling

Oct 5, 2011

I'm coming from the Winforms world where I trapped everything and handled errors with messages to the user with MessageBox.Show(ex.message) or just logged it.Now I'm in the web (MVC 3) world and I can't seem to find a definitive coded example of how to employ proper error handling. Let me show you what I'm using:

User clicks on a link which runs a controller action:


Then it falls to the catch block, and then routes to the HttpError action.. Twice! and then my Error.aspx view never opens, instead I get either no JSON result or a 500 internal server error... makes not a lick of sense to me. Basically, I don't know what I'm doing.

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Data Logging / Graph And Analog Input Examples

Jul 4, 2011

I want to write my own Datalogging example. But need some simple examples to start from.

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VS 2010 WebClient.UploadFileAsync : Including Both Server And Client Examples?

May 13, 2011

have any examples for UploadFileAsync? Including both server and client examples?

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Visual Studio Documentation Should Have Examples For Every Method, Function, Event And Operator?

Dec 17, 2009

It is really too bad that Microsoft (who once had the best documentation in the business) has slipped so badly. Good documentation does not really require analysis, though, admittedly, it is a lot of work. To wit: for each and every single method, function, event and operator provide the following: a brief topical functional description including any parameters, a detailed description of how the object works, a workable example of the code needed to make this object do something useful and links to all possible associated objects (See Also).

I see pages upon pages of useless text and links to other pages full of links. This rapidly descends into a crevace of unbelievable complexity for the developer trying to find out something truly simple like filtering a DataGridView without changing the data connection. (As it turns out this is very simple to do but I could not find a single example of how to do it in the Visual Studio documentation.)

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Specific Reason Camel Casing Examples Often Start With A Lower Case Letter?

Jan 14, 2010

Is there any specific reason why camel casing examples often start with a lower case letter?

E.G:Dim btnSave As New Button
'as compared to.>>
Dim BtnSave As New Button

Is it to make a distinction between the ( object / variable ) and its TYPE?

Why then does the IDE not add items starting with a lower case letter if lowercase initial lettering is more common or more accepted?

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Find Examples Of Print And Print Preview Function Available

Feb 7, 2009

Where can I find examples of the print, and print preview function available in Visual Basic 2008?

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