Paint Scrollbar On A Datagridview?

Mar 15, 2010

I have seached through the net to find a solution to customize the scrollbars on a datagridview. I found some stuff, but this seem to be not very easy.

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VS 2008 DataGridView Paint And Repaint?

Jan 20, 2010

paint events in my dgv, i have a dgv, that will be multi color and with some icons to indicate the state of the data. For example, i load all the data to my dgv, add a new image column to the dgv that will have three different icons, then the rows can have one of three colors. The values to set the colors and icons are in two columns of the data source table. And i have another var that indicates if the rows headers have numbers or not, just to help the user...

Private Sub frmGPConfirmar_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


So what i need it's how i can do this, paint the numbers in the rows Headers, put the images in the column, and change the back color of some rows?In other forms where i don't have this three conditions i can do what i want, but in this one i can't... or i can but i doesn't work very well...

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Hide Horizontal Scrollbar From Datagridview?

May 10, 2010

I need to hide horizontal scrollbar from datagridview.

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The Vertical Scrollbar Of Datagridview Will Be Un-functional

Sep 1, 2009

I faced a problem that the vertical scrollbar of datagridview will be un-functional.Here are the steps to rebuild the problem:

1. Add a new datagridview component.

2. Add a new timer to set the datasource of datagridview at a regular time. For example, I add following code on the Timer1.Tick event:

Dim v_connDB As New Odbc.OdbcConnection
Dim v_daCA2 As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
Dim v_dsCA2 As New Data.DataSet


3. Then I press the down arraw key on the vertical scrollbar with mouse while the datagridview re-bind its datasource, the vertical scrollbar will be un-functional. And the action will be changed to be re-size the datagridview will I press the vertical scrollbar position.So, is it the bug of datagridview? How can I fix it?

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VS 2008 Datagridview Scrollbar Glitch?

Nov 12, 2009

I have a backgroundworker that populates a dataset. My datagridview is bound to the dataset, and the datagridview refreshes once the bgworker is completed. Even after a refresh, the vertical scrollbar is missing, and clicking anywhere on the dgv does nothing. If I stretch the rightmost column to the right, the scrollbar appears and everything operates correctly.

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VS 2005 Horizontal ScrollBar In WinForms DataGridView?

Oct 1, 2009

I'm using a DataGridView in VB.Net in VS 2005. The issue is, when there are rows that exceed the width of the DataGridView, the horizontal scroll bar doesn't appear (the ScrollBars property is set to "Both"), but an ellipsis appears at the end of each row that is too long. I don't want the ellipsis, but the horizontal scroll bar. The vertical scroll bar works as expected when the number of rows exceed the height of the DataGridView.

I have tried setting numerous related properties (changing the AutoSizing property of the DataGridView, Resizability of the Row Template, made sure that no Columns were Frozen) to no avail.

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VS 2008 : DataGridView Horizontal Scrollbar Position?

Apr 5, 2011

I am working DataGridView in vb.net08.The intresting task is ,When i move the Horizontal Scrollbar in DataGridView from Left to Right ,the First two Columns should be stable and moving starts from 3rd Column.Means If i moved at end of the right side but the first two columns should be visible. When i move the scroll bar the first two columns should not be disterb.Is there any property like Scroll bar position should be starts ??I tried the " FirstDisplayedScrollingColumnIndex" property but it only starts the Scrollbar from giving column index after moving the scrollbar the first two columns are moving into left side.

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Textbox With Vertical Scrollbar - Get The Scrollbar Position Without Having To Reposition The Carat?

Oct 21, 2010

So with the stock Textbox, I set the Scrollbars property to Vertical. This is great if the text in my box never changes; I can scroll up and down while the box sits still. If I'm running a background operation that logs output to the box though, the scrollbar resets itself to the top every time I append text to the box.

I know I can set the Textbox.Selection property (or use the Select method) to reposition the carat in the textbox, make note of that position in a variable, then append text, reset the carat, and use the ScrollToCarat method to reposition the scrollbar where it belongs. That's a really (ridiculously) long way around. Anybody know if there's another/better way of holding the scrollbar position, short of actually building a custom control (or using a Textbox and a separate Scrollbar)? It never hurts to try. In a worst case scenario, you'll learn from it.

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[2005] Datagridview Vertical Scrollbar Doesn't Scroll?

Mar 9, 2009

I have a datagridview in my for that contain some infos like name of a file, date and hour but the vertical scrollbar doesn't work, the scroll doesn't move. Here's my code

If Me.ofd_Fichier.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim str_Fichier As String
For Each str_Fichier In ofd_Fichier.FileNames


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Create A Paint Program With All The Functions Of Microsoft Paint?

Sep 20, 2009

How to create a Paint program with all the functions of Microsoft Paint?

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Including The Functionalities Of Microsoft Paint Or Any Other Paint Pr?

Feb 9, 2011

How can microsoft paint(or any other painting software) be included in a project? I need to used its functionalities to maipulate jpg and movie file. Is there any ways this can be done on (or Visual Studio).

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Add Wav File To Box Going To Paint / Bmp?

Dec 15, 2011

Not sure how to do this, eveytime I try to load the the file, it says it won't read wav files.

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How To Paint On Top Of All Controls

Feb 17, 2009

I'm trying to achieve "disabled" affect of my form when running some process. I thought the best way to implement this was to somehow paint an overlay on top of the whole form with some gradient light gray color. But it seems like using the Form Paint event paints under all child controls. Is there a way to achieve this effect? I think I have seen somewhere else where some sort of snapshot is taken of the whole form and converted to grayscale but I need the form to be sizeable still.

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A Scrollbar For A Textbox?

Jan 26, 2011

How can I make a textbox have a scrollbar that appears when the text goes off the screen so the user can scroll down as needed?

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Can't Get Scrollbar On (VB2008)

Jun 30, 2010

I have inherited support for a program written in VB2008

The problem I have is as follows:

Users have a low screen resolution (company policy) and so can't see the bottom of a particular form.

The bottom of the form has buttons that allow them to navigate between its' four pages so they need to be able to see them. This being the case I need to add a scrollbar to the form.

If I try to drag and drop a vscrollbar from the toolbox it just sits there at runtime (you can slide the button on the toolbar up and down but nothing happens regarding scrolling the page.

All the reading I have done seems to point to forms being given scrollbars in accordance to the AutoScroll, AutoScrollMargin and AutoscrollMinSize properties of the Form itself.

By setting these properties I can get scrollbars to appear in the IDE but they are not there at runtime.

I think I'm probably missing something really obvious here but, so far, have been unable to work out what it is.

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Cannot Reach Scrollbar's Value

Jan 13, 2011

So, in my vertical scrollbar, the maximum value is 16. In my application, I made a Label to track the scrollbar's value, just for testing purposes. I noticed that when I move the bar to the bottom, the value is 6. And when a [i]release[/i] the button (stop holding it with the mouse), the value becomes 7. Something similar goes when I move the button to the top: It is 1, and when I release the button, it becomes 0. That's a bit weird, but what mainly bugs me is why I cannot reach value 16?

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Scrollbar In Windows 7, Not In XP?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm working on a project which must run on several computers, each with their own version of windows.

In Windows XP the project runs fine, but in Windows 7 I get a horizontal aswell a vertical scrollbar. I can't seem to turn it of.

I'm using a MDI parent and several childforms, eacht childform neatly adjusted in size to fit the parent, not exeeding the parent limits.

autoscroll is false
windowstate normal

Am I missing something, or is this just a supurb item in wondows 7?

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ScrollBar With DataGrid?

Oct 26, 2009

I am using Visual Basic.Net 2003 and have a DataGrid in the form that I am using but I can't find anuindication or procedure to add a vertical ScrollBar.

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A Scribble Tool In VB Paint App?

Feb 15, 2010

A scribble tool in VB paint app?

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Forcing A Paint Event?

Oct 3, 2009

The only way I know to force a paint event in my pictureboxes is to do a 'Picturebox1.invalidate'. I read that this isn't the best way to do it though, so what's the best way to make my picture boxes repaint?

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Form Paint Event In .net?

Sep 10, 2009

Weird issue: I have application that I fire some code in the Form_Paint event for the main form, it works fine on my machine, but on other machines is not working at all.

I tried to debug the code on the other machine, and Form_Paint event is not triggered at all!

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How To Make A Paint Program In VB

May 21, 2009

find a simple tutorial that show me step by step how to make a paint program in visual basic.i want to:

- draw lines
- paint circles and rectangles
- change colors
- text
- erase
- and save my painting
- upload an image

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Memory Leak In On Paint?

Dec 16, 2009

I created a simple application to display the current Date/time on a Form (see below). When the application runs, the amount of memory used continues to grow. I don't see any obvious problems. I am running Visual Studio 2008 on Vista Business OS.


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Multithreading Using A Paint Event

Nov 28, 2009

I was wondering how i would go about threading a paint event. I know the basic multithreading but i cant figure out how i would go about applying this on a paint event. This is the way i know how to go about multithreading.


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Open Paint And Paste?

Jun 11, 2012

How would you open a program like ms paint and paste in automatilcy what you have on a specific part of your form.

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Paint An Image At A Certain Angle?

Apr 20, 2011

how would i paint an image onto a form according to the mouse position? i have a sprite and i want the front of the sprite to always face the mouse cursor.

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Paint And Zoom On A Picture?

Dec 7, 2011

Ive been hacking away at this portion of a project for some time and I have a Picbox in a panel, I can, Draw on the image no problem, I can pan and then draw on the image, no problem. How ever when I zoom in out out on the image I can no longer draw on the zoomed image. How ever if I try and draw then zoom again, the lines will show up, but in the wrong places


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Paint Event Goes Behind Objects?

Mar 27, 2011

so im making a projectile motione simulator for physics project got it all working and im drawing the path of the object with this code

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, 25 + xcord(counter1), 600 - ycord(counter1), 1, 1)

however it will draw it behind objects for example if i have a groupbox it will draw(i assume its still drawing at leaste) behind the group box and i cant see it

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Pass Values To A Paint Sub?

Aug 2, 2011

I have been updating a program that was made in VB5. It contains several lines of code that are drawing lines and arcs, for example:

Arc(picCameraImage.hdc, sngOldX - sngCircRadius, sngOldY - sngCircRadius, sngOldX + sngCircRadius, sngOldY + sngCircRadius, sngOldX, sngOldY, sngOldX, sngOldY)

I have figured out, or think to have figured out, that the new way of doing arcs and lines does not require the HDC, so that problem is solved. The problem I am having now is that with the new way, every example I have found created a sub that does the drawings, like:

Public Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
Dim radius As Integer = 20
Dim diameter As Integer = radius * 2


Is there anyway to pass values to this sub? I have to draw several arcs and lines and the values for them are different everytime. I would like to create a sub that would be used in every spot the old program used the old arc command and pass the needed values through it.

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Resize Bitmap Like In MS Paint?

Dec 6, 2009

I need to resize a bmp like the resize works in MS Paint - that is with no antialiasing

Anyone know how to do this in c# or ?

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