VS 2008 DataGridView Paint And Repaint?

Jan 20, 2010

paint events in my dgv, i have a dgv, that will be multi color and with some icons to indicate the state of the data. For example, i load all the data to my dgv, add a new image column to the dgv that will have three different icons, then the rows can have one of three colors. The values to set the colors and icons are in two columns of the data source table. And i have another var that indicates if the rows headers have numbers or not, just to help the user...

Private Sub frmGPConfirmar_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


So what i need it's how i can do this, paint the numbers in the rows Headers, put the images in the column, and change the back color of some rows?In other forms where i don't have this three conditions i can do what i want, but in this one i can't... or i can but i doesn't work very well...

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Differences Between Update, Refresh And Repaint In VS 2008?

Oct 21, 2010

To me it seems that Update, Refresh and Repaint all do the same job but there are no doubt rules about when to use which. I would be grateful for any enlightenment.

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VS 2008 Custom DataGridViewRatingCell Forced RePaint

Jul 23, 2009

I have a project im working on in which data is loaded from a database using sqlite into a datagridview, one column in this datagridview is a custom rating column which windowsmedia like rating stars are displayed and when moused over the image is changed using the following custom column. When the mouse is moved in a cell the cell is forced to repaint and display the star image according to the mouse location in the cell.Now the odd thing is that this works perfectly when the data is loaded in with the SQLreader and added row by row, but when the data is loaded in using fill() using a datatable the cell will not repaint when moused over unless its row is currently selected or has been selected. Everything works fine loading the data row by row but loading time is much longer when there are 1000 items in a table.[code]

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Paint Scrollbar On A Datagridview?

Mar 15, 2010

I have seached through the net to find a solution to customize the scrollbars on a datagridview. I found some stuff, but this seem to be not very easy.

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Create A Paint Program With All The Functions Of Microsoft Paint?

Sep 20, 2009

How to create a Paint program with all the functions of Microsoft Paint?

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Including The Functionalities Of Microsoft Paint Or Any Other Paint Pr?

Feb 9, 2011

How can microsoft paint(or any other painting software) be included in a VB.net project? I need to used its functionalities to maipulate jpg and movie file. Is there any ways this can be done on VB.net (or Visual Studio).

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How To Repaint Controls Without Flicker

Feb 25, 2011

How can we repaint our controls at run-time without flicker (hiding them first and showing them afterwards)?

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Repaint When Updating Many Controls?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a program written with VB.NET 2008 that includes a large number of dynamic controls in a form. When I drag the corner of my form, I want to resize every controls according to the new form size. It works very well, except that the controls are repainted one by one, instead of waiting at the end of my fonction and do a single repaint.

I did a lot of research on the NET without any good results:

- "Form1.DoubleBuffered = true" does not have any effect
- "Form1.SuspendLayout" does not have any effect
- "SendMessage(Me.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, New IntPtr(CInt(False)), IntPtr.Zero)" suspended repaints but left the entire window messy.

I am running out of ideas. Here is a sample module to test if your trick works. Just try to resize the form, you will see how long it takes to repaint every control one by one:


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VS 2010 Frames Per Second In Picturebox Repaint

May 31, 2012

I'm looking for a way to limit Picturebox repaints. For example, I wish to be able to only call "repaint" a certain amount of times per second. All my searchs have come up with nothing. I could start a timer and get it to call repaint manually but that only ends up calling it more as it doesn't stop the normal form raising the event.

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VS 2010 Wait On Repaint Before Exit - Progressbar?

Jan 6, 2012

I'm having issues with a progressbar. I've created a progressbar that reads registry variables and uses that input to update the progressbar and some status messages (so I can call it from vbscripts, etc). I want it so when my status bar hits 100%, the bar stops, waits a few seconds, and then quits. However, it seems the program processes the remaining code and quits the application before it has time to completely repaint the progress bar (I'm guessing this because it will usually update to about 10% before it exits).. I'm using something like this...

If prcnt = 100 Then
progbar.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks
progbar.Value = 0


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[2008] MDI Paint Flicker (Imp)?

Feb 5, 2009

Whenever I load or close child forms or other form (for that matter) then there is flickering in my MDI form. The flickering maybe because the form may be getting painted with gradient or so. Now this flickering is really noticable and I need to solve this. I am pasting the code that I am using to paint my MDI form. If you guys think the code is in efficient then let me know. Or if there is any fix or other way to go about it then I would like to know.

CODE - written inside my MDI form.

Public Class MdiContainer
Inherits Control
Private WithEvents MdiPane As Control


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How To Create An Paint Software In 2008

Jul 24, 2010

how to create a software for paint mostly used in windows XP

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VS 2008 GDI And Paint Event Handling?

Aug 26, 2009

From jmchillihiney's most excellent code bank sumission on Drawing:Quote:The way GDI+ works, controls get repainted on screen over and over again, sometimes many times in quick succession. On each of these occasions the control's Paint event is raised. You need to use the Paint event of the control to perform your own drawing or else, the next time the control is repainted, your drawing will just disappear as the control paints over it.

When you're creating a custom control you should override the OnPaint method and perform your drawing there. When you're designing a form or user control and you want to add custom drawing to a child control you handle that control's Paint event, then perform your drawing in the event handler.

You may have seen, or heard people talk about, controls flickering on screen. That's caused by repainting large areas of the control repeatedly and happens because painting on screen is actually quite a slow process. As such, you should try to do as little of it as possible.So, I am attempting to draw part of a custom control. I have placed a SplitContainer on a UserControl, and oriented it vertically. I then shrunk to top panel to 15 pixels in height. I have two Methods which each draw a different type of Path + fill into the panel, and then draw a border around it (One is a gradient fill, and the other is just a plain color). The idea is that when the user clicks on this panel, it switches from one to the other (a "Selected State" and "Not-Selected" state).

I have also created an icon which looks like the +/- widget on a treeview (or more specifically, on the vs2008 Toolbox, which is essentially what I am trying to emulate here . . .) which toggles as the control is selected/unselected. Not that ultimately, the selected state will change when the user selects OTHER controls, but the Expand/Collapse gizmo will toggle when the user clicks on the panel in question.

Again, check out the vs2008 toolbox. The Group "headers" are what I am after here. Believe it or not, all of this now WORKS (gee me, look what I did!) EXCEPT the initialization. If I "Handle" the paint event of the SplitCOntainer.Panel1 object in any way which prevents the flickering jmc alludes to above, any redrawing required by either initialization OR hiding/unhiding of the host form is prevented. And it seems like the SplitContainer panel is constantly redraing (probably checking to see if the splitter has been moved).

I can post some code, but it is a little confusing, since I am dealing with some semi-complex interaction here. Also, It is not necssecarily structured well ()yet). AFTER I figured out the drawing bits, THEN I was going to try to do some refactoring and restructuring. Code Follows in next post.

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VS 2008 Paint On A Webbrowser Control?

Mar 27, 2010

I've looked everywhere, but I havn't found anything on how to paint on a webbrowser control. I tried to do it with a transparant panel over it, but that didn't work.

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VS 2008 Paint With Multiple Colours

Nov 18, 2009

I've got a picturebox where someone can draw what they like on it and I have added a colordialog so the person can change the colour of the pen.[code]The trouble is, when I change the colour, the stuff ive already drawn on the picturebox changes colour too but I want it so that it only changes the colour of the pen and not what has already been drawn

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Create A Paint Application In VB Express 2008?

Jun 22, 2009

Create a paint application in VB Express 2008?

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VS 2008 - Paint Event - Place To Put Code To Run Only Once ?

Oct 13, 2010

I've created a schedule panel,drawing some lines,and adding some labels,as in image(blue,red and green are labels added by code).Now I've put some code to show the number for each cells,for that I've used Paint event of the panel but this slow the paint event,and after some investigation I found that the paint event was raised for some 20 time on my first form shown.Is there a place to put this code to run only once ?


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VS 2008 Open Microsoft Windows Paint?

Aug 14, 2009

How can I make it so when I click a command button It will open up Microsoft Windows XP Paint??

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VS 2008 Making A Paint Event Handler A Method?

Jul 4, 2009

With reference to my previous thread on Paint event handler.. [URL] I went to read up more on Paint Event Handler.. I have a button which draw out a path based on the user selection.. Below contains the drawing of the path portion of the button click event code


However It did not activate the paint event when I clicked on the button.. Instead, the paint event still activate even before I click on the button? So can anyone teach me on how to activate the paint event when I click on a button?

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Graphic Repaint / Refresh - Draws A Circle Using A Timer - Circle Gets Displays It Flickers

Jun 8, 2011

I have developed a program which continuously draws a circle using a timer. Now every time the circle gets displays it flickers and which is because i have used me.refresh. Is there any other way to avoid this flickering.

Here is my code
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick

Me.sweepAngle += 1

If Me.sweepAngle = 360 Then


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VS 2008 Screen "paint" After Restore?

Sep 17, 2009

I have a small application that has a LOT of labels on it (>100). When the program is running and is minimized and then restored, the screen seems to take a couple of seconds painting all of the fields. Is there a way to have it restore but be invisible and then just perform an action to make it visible? To make matters a little more complicated, I'm minimizing to the notification area. Could that have something to do with it?

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VS 2008 Using "Paint" Can I Get Scroll Bars?

Sep 19, 2009

I am very new to the GDI+ but it is pretty simple... what I need to do.I have my program draw a bunch of lines. Sometimes it draws it bigger than the screen can show! Is there a way to add some scroll bars so the whole image can be seen (by scrolling)

Public Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
g = e.Graphics


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How To Invalidate A Specific Region Of Form / How To Refresh / Repaint A Specific Region

Jul 16, 2009

To refresh or invalidate only a region of the form.sometimes I will need refresh all the form, but in some situations only specific regions of the form..I saw some samples on the Microsft site, but I don't understood.I use VB .net 2008

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VS 2008 DataGridView Cell Validation - Allows The User To Exit Out Of The DataGridView Changes

Nov 6, 2010

I have a DataGridView where Cell_Validating is being done. I have a Cancel button on my form that allows the user to exit out of the DataGridView changes. The problem is that if a cell was currently flagged as in error, I cannot exit and remove columns from the DataGridView. I get the following error: Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or quit a cell value change. Is there a way to cancel the validation once the focus has been removed from the DataGridView? Here is my Cell_Validating


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VS 2008 Datagridview - Pass The Value From TextFname To The Datagridview Column1

Oct 4, 2010

I am making a simple program.. i have a Form named frmmain that contained datagridview control named DataGridView1.. and another form named frminsert that contains two textbox controls named txtFname and txtLname and Button control named btinsert.. I want to pass the value from txtFname to the Datagridview column1 and the value of txtLname to the Datagridview column2 when I click the btinsert.

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Add Wav File To Box Going To Paint / Bmp?

Dec 15, 2011

Not sure how to do this, eveytime I try to load the the file, it says it won't read wav files.

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How To Paint On Top Of All Controls

Feb 17, 2009

I'm trying to achieve "disabled" affect of my form when running some process. I thought the best way to implement this was to somehow paint an overlay on top of the whole form with some gradient light gray color. But it seems like using the Form Paint event paints under all child controls. Is there a way to achieve this effect? I think I have seen somewhere else where some sort of snapshot is taken of the whole form and converted to grayscale but I need the form to be sizeable still.

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A Scribble Tool In VB Paint App?

Feb 15, 2010

A scribble tool in VB paint app?

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Forcing A Paint Event?

Oct 3, 2009

The only way I know to force a paint event in my pictureboxes is to do a 'Picturebox1.invalidate'. I read that this isn't the best way to do it though, so what's the best way to make my picture boxes repaint?

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Form Paint Event In .net?

Sep 10, 2009

Weird issue: I have application that I fire some code in the Form_Paint event for the main form, it works fine on my machine, but on other machines is not working at all.

I tried to debug the code on the other machine, and Form_Paint event is not triggered at all!

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