VS 2010 Frames Per Second In Picturebox Repaint

May 31, 2012

I'm looking for a way to limit Picturebox repaints. For example, I wish to be able to only call "repaint" a certain amount of times per second. All my searchs have come up with nothing. I could start a timer and get it to call repaint manually but that only ends up calling it more as it doesn't stop the normal form raising the event.

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Extract Frames And What Not From An Animated Image Stored In A Picturebox?

Nov 10, 2009

I can't really figure out how to extract frames and what not from an animated image stored in a picturebox. I made a post earlier similar to this matter. But now I must ask how it is that you work with GetFrame and SetActiveFrame.

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VS 2010 Wait On Repaint Before Exit - Progressbar?

Jan 6, 2012

I'm having issues with a progressbar. I've created a progressbar that reads registry variables and uses that input to update the progressbar and some status messages (so I can call it from vbscripts, etc). I want it so when my status bar hits 100%, the bar stops, waits a few seconds, and then quits. However, it seems the program processes the remaining code and quits the application before it has time to completely repaint the progress bar (I'm guessing this because it will usually update to about 10% before it exits).. I'm using something like this...

If prcnt = 100 Then
progbar.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks
progbar.Value = 0


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VS 2010 Animated GIF Frames?

Sep 10, 2011

I've been racking my brain trying to figure this out. I've done a ton of searching but I can't find what I'm looking for. Right now my program gets a image file, converts the image to 4 colors (Black, Red, Yellow and Green), then converts each pixel to a number for that color.This works great, but now I'm trying to do this for an animated image, but I need to be able to loop through each frame, but I haven't been able to figure out how to access each frame of the image.

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VS 2010 : Controlling Objects In Frames (WebBrowser)?

Oct 6, 2010

I need to know how to control an object inside a frame on a web page. Actually, all I need to do is to be able to change the innerHTML of the body of the frame. The frame's id is "content_ifr". I've tried using the "getElementByID" method of the document to get the frame, and then setting that frame's document's body's innerHTML, but it didn't work.

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How To Repaint Controls Without Flicker

Feb 25, 2011

How can we repaint our controls at run-time without flicker (hiding them first and showing them afterwards)?

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Repaint When Updating Many Controls?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a program written with VB.NET 2008 that includes a large number of dynamic controls in a form. When I drag the corner of my form, I want to resize every controls according to the new form size. It works very well, except that the controls are repainted one by one, instead of waiting at the end of my fonction and do a single repaint.

I did a lot of research on the NET without any good results:

- "Form1.DoubleBuffered = true" does not have any effect
- "Form1.SuspendLayout" does not have any effect
- "SendMessage(Me.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, New IntPtr(CInt(False)), IntPtr.Zero)" suspended repaints but left the entire window messy.

I am running out of ideas. Here is a sample module to test if your trick works. Just try to resize the form, you will see how long it takes to repaint every control one by one:


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VS 2008 DataGridView Paint And Repaint?

Jan 20, 2010

paint events in my dgv, i have a dgv, that will be multi color and with some icons to indicate the state of the data. For example, i load all the data to my dgv, add a new image column to the dgv that will have three different icons, then the rows can have one of three colors. The values to set the colors and icons are in two columns of the data source table. And i have another var that indicates if the rows headers have numbers or not, just to help the user...

Private Sub frmGPConfirmar_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


So what i need it's how i can do this, paint the numbers in the rows Headers, put the images in the column, and change the back color of some rows?In other forms where i don't have this three conditions i can do what i want, but in this one i can't... or i can but i doesn't work very well...

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VS 2010 New PictureBox Located Relative To Another PictureBox

Jan 21, 2011

I am working on a small desktop form in VB 2010 and am trying to place a pictureBox with an image in it, next to another pictureBox already located on the form when the user clicks a button.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim tool As String


But for some reason the newPictureBox with image from "ptext" does not show up on the form. When I specify the new Point to be something like, (50,50) instead of getting the first pictureBox coordinates, the new pictureBox shows up in the right place.

Am I using System.Drawing.Point wrong? Or is there some other error that I'm making?

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Differences Between Update, Refresh And Repaint In VS 2008?

Oct 21, 2010

To me it seems that Update, Refresh and Repaint all do the same job but there are no doubt rules about when to use which. I would be grateful for any enlightenment.

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VS 2008 Custom DataGridViewRatingCell Forced RePaint

Jul 23, 2009

I have a project im working on in which data is loaded from a database using sqlite into a datagridview, one column in this datagridview is a custom rating column which windowsmedia like rating stars are displayed and when moused over the image is changed using the following custom column. When the mouse is moved in a cell the cell is forced to repaint and display the star image according to the mouse location in the cell.Now the odd thing is that this works perfectly when the data is loaded in with the SQLreader and added row by row, but when the data is loaded in using fill() using a datatable the cell will not repaint when moused over unless its row is currently selected or has been selected. Everything works fine loading the data row by row but loading time is much longer when there are 1000 items in a table.[code]

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Getting The FPS (frames Per Second) In VB2010?

Aug 11, 2010

Im creating a program that shows the CPU usage (already have the code for the CPU usage) frames per second etc, what im needing is the code snippet fordisplayinghe current FPS in a list box, but i also want the FPS to automatically refresh once a second

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How To Ensure 10 Frames(Screenshots) Per Second

Sep 30, 2011

I have a screencasting program where it takes 10 screenshots every second and saves it to a temporary directory then through ffmpeg the series of images are compiled into a video format. My problem is that due to the computers processing power or the size of each screenshot and its quality it sometimes takes longer than 100 Milliseconds to create one causing the whole video to be off balance. How can I ensure 100% that 10 Images will be stored?

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Javascript - ASP.NET (using .NET For Code Behind) Frames?

Aug 23, 2011

I am using frames for my web application.Description

(1)Left Frame with a list of buttons (clicking them opens a web page in the right frame)

(2)Right Frame, opens the web page passed by the left frame.

Problem: Button click works perfectly in Internet Explorer 8.0 on production machine, Windows XP, 32 bit.Button click event doesn't open anything in the right frame, just remains as it is, in Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 9.0

Intial code that loads the frames

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="frmMain.aspx.vb" Inherits="XYZ" smartNavigation="True"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Graphic Repaint / Refresh - Draws A Circle Using A Timer - Circle Gets Displays It Flickers

Jun 8, 2011

I have developed a program which continuously draws a circle using a timer. Now every time the circle gets displays it flickers and which is because i have used me.refresh. Is there any other way to avoid this flickering.

Here is my code
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick

Me.sweepAngle += 1

If Me.sweepAngle = 360 Then


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Access Frames/iframes In A Document Using IE?

Feb 24, 2010

it seems to me that the webbrowser.document.frames collection disappears in the webbrowser control how can i access the dom trees in frames now? i'm using VS2008

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C# - Working With Frames In Webbrowser Control?

Oct 18, 2011

I am using <webbrowser>.Document.Window.Frames to get frames.My <WebBrowser> having 2 frames.My only problem is ,I seem one at index 0, but not 1.

HtmlWindow wf = wb.Document.Window.Frames[1];
string s = wf.Document.Body.OuterHtml;

and view source

<frameset rows="0,*" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0">
<frame name="entrustTruePassAppletFrame" src="EntrustTruePassApplet.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" noresize>
<!-- It is mandatory for the frame where the user interaction happens to have the name defined in the Configuration as appletHtmlGuiTarget-->
<frame name="entrustTruePassGuiFrame" src="AuthenticateUserInputRoamingEPF.html"> </frameset>

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Capture Frames Of Video Files?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm Using vb 2005. I need to capture frames of video files, save theme to my hard drive and later on to gather them thumbnails.How can I capture frames of video files?

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Capturing Frames From Webcam And Send Them Via UDP?

Apr 3, 2011

Now i'm capturing frames from webcam and send them via UDP, it's not realtime. Is it streaming?

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Converting Frames-per-second To Timer Interval?

Mar 16, 2010

I have an animation program which allows users to import and animate images. I do this using timer events. I have a listbox which contains the image references, and a Image which displays the chosen image. Here is the

When the user clicks the "Animate" button:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles animate.Click
Dim cananimate As Boolean = True


I want to make a dialog to appear and allow the user to select a custom FPS for the animation. For instance, if they type 15, the listbox must go down 15 images in 1 second. But how do I convert FPS to a timer interval?

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Create A Mpg With Several Frames And One Audio Track?

Dec 22, 2009

How do I create a mpg file that contains several frames and one audio track.

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Get All Frames In Web Browser And Only Show That Frame?

Jun 18, 2012

i would like to how to get all the current frames from a website and also how to access those frames (Meaning , only showing that frame or where the loc is of that frame?

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Make A Video File From Frames?

Jan 23, 2010

I have 1000 frames and id like to create an application that will use all those frames and create a video file. I dont care about the file format(.wmv/.avi/...). Google isnt really showing any good results. Just this: [URL] The solution is to make PictureBox and quick load the pictures and will look like Video. I need it as a video file. Where can i look? is there a built-in function in VB.Net?

On the other hand it doesnt make sence at all: id like to create an application that will use all those frames and create a video file. What will be the time difference between two frames? What about the quality? ...

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VS 2008 Accessing GIF's Frames Individually

Sep 9, 2009

I did some research (mainly in the Drawing namespace) about animated GIF files and I know you can see how many frames are in the specified GIF using the GetFrameCount method, however how I can access each frame directly/loop through them one by one. This is my first time trying anything like this and I can't seem to find the right methods, classes or information. I'm not even sure if this is possible using the .NET framework.


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VS 2008 Capturing Frames Using A Camera?

Nov 9, 2010

In my project I am capturing frames using a camera. The frame resolution is 1280*1024. Now I wanted to copy the same captured frame i.e contents of buffer(1280*1024 size) into an another buffer which is of size 1024*1024. The remaining 256bits I just want to discard.

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Webrowser Autofill Page With Frames?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm tryin to auto-submit username and password in a web page, although i have done it many times came across a website that common solution doesn't seems to work.This is the url By clicking the top right text "Χρήστες" i'm getting the submit page but the url remains the same despite the fact that the text's address is [URL]cfm?Inspecting the element with firebug giving me the following

<script language="JavaScript">
var check=(document.layers&&window.innerWidth==0)?0:1;
if((((top.location.href!='https://www.taxisnet.gr/web/') && (top.location.href!='https://www.taxisnet.gr/web/default1.html') &&


It seems that i must work with frames tried many things and can't get a handle of the boxes. Innerhtml won't work, elementID or name doesn't work although i have both

<input size="16" name="username" class="textbox">

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Calculate And Display The Current Frames Per Second On A Computer?

Apr 13, 2010

I want to be able to calculate and display the current Frames Per Second on a computer.Now I do have a bit of code, though, it seems to be locked at 65fps (screens refresh rate?).Here is what I have:

'calculate Frame Rate
Public Shared Function CalculateFrameRate() As Integer
If System.Environment.TickCount - lastTick >= 1000 Then
lastFrameRate = frameRate[code]....

on the fps form, it is just a simple form with a label in it.

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Read HTML Content Inside The Frames?

Dec 10, 2007

I am writing a code to automate a webside. i succeeded in one website which have no frames. But if there is a frames, the code reads the element outside the frames.this code is used to get elements from one form a = f.IHTMLFormElement_item(count)How can we read the elements inside the frame?

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Show An Image For Exactly # Synchronized Monitor Frames?

Jun 9, 2011

What I can do: Display an image (e.g. a bitmap) by loading it into a control (e.g. picture box), showing that picture box (visible equals true / refresh) and then hiding it (visible equals false / refresh).The onset of the image onto the screen is not necessarily synchronized with the raster scan (needs to run on CRT monitor) meaning the lower portion of the image may appear one (partial) frame before the upper portion. Though I can specify (roughly) how long the image is on the screen I cannot specify the number of frames and there is enough variability in the timing that I will not get the same number of frames every time.

What I'd like to do: I'd like to be able to have my display wait until the beginning of the next frame before showing my image. I'd also like to tell it exactly how many frames to show the image before removing it. Ideally I'd like to be able to cue up multiple images to be shown for one frame each in order (animation).

I've found a lot of information on the web about DirectX but the few tutorials I've tried are overly complicated for my needs and invariably fail to start for unspecified reasons.I don't need 3D.What I want to display would work just fine in a picture box if the timing were cleaner and predictable.

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Stream Contents Of A WPF Form (as Frames) To An AVI File?

Apr 15, 2011

I currently send a live video mix to a output screen (a form on a particular screen).Consider it like a really advanced version of PowerPoint. I call it a video control room for the pc. I want to take 30 frames a second from a screen (of my choice, I allow multiple screens) and the audio from the computer (stereo) set, save it to a hard disks. How do I do that? I know I can draw the image of the interface using the RenderTargetBitmap class, but How do I put those images (as frames) in an AVI file or push it to a video server? An SDK? or a Code Example to point me in the right direction, would be nice! I also want to capture the sound of the current Stereo mix, or microphone (as determined by the user).

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