Perform A Split On Multiple Spaces?

May 10, 2011

I have a Windows Forms application. I am importing CSV files (from a website questionnaire) into a DataGridView.

I then need to populate the different columns in the DataGridView with the relevant information. A few people have filled in the Questionnaire incorrectly and I need to split the answers into the correct columns. I will give you an example -

Some people have filled 2 different e-mail addresses into the same answer. They are separated with a space, an equals sign and another space. One e-mail needs to go into one column and the other e-mail into another column.

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Split Removes Tabs/spaces In String?

Jun 16, 2009

i am trying to split a string up into separate lines with the following code, but for some reason it is also removing the spaces in the string.

Dim calculationText As String
calculationText = File.ReadAllText(fileName)
Dim fields() As String
fields = calculationText.Split(vbCrLf)

when i am in debugger mode, i look at fields, and every element has a line of the string but all the spaces and tabs are removed.

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VS 2008 Split Text Method - Remove All Spaces

Mar 31, 2009

Ive been reading up on the split function on Msdn but grasp how if I had a text in textbox1 it would remove all spaces and textbox1.text and is split the easiest method?

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VS 2010 - Parameters With Spaces (String Split Function)

Nov 23, 2011

My program uses parameters from the calling program in this format
parameter2 is a datafile path which may sometimes have a space like :
C:Program Files est company

I did this as a work around
Sub Main(ByVal Args() As String)
dim cArgs as string=""
Dim J As Integer
For J = 0 To Args.Length - 1
cArgs = cArgs & " " & Args(J)
And then used the string split function. Is there a proper way to work with spaces?

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Perform A VB(CrLf) Split In Windows Forms?

Jan 13, 2011

I need to split the Filepath in my Windoes Forms pplication in order to get the correct part of 'Import Project' file. I think I need to use the split(vbCrLf) control to do this but am having problems coding it. I have included my code(so far) and have underlined the area where I am confused. the code?


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Making A Button Perform Multiple Tasks In Order With Space In Between?

Dec 27, 2009

Like, I want a button to start five different timers, but at 1.5 second intervals. How could I make this button start timer1, wait 1.5 seconds, start timer2, wait 1.5 seconds, start timer 3, etc, etc?

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VS 2008 : Are Spaces In A Masked Texbox Not Really Spaces

Jan 1, 2010

I just changed a control on a form from a masked textbox to a normal textbox because I wrote my own code to validate the data. I'm trying to clear the leading spaces that were created for this column in an Access database using the LTrim function and it doesn't work for some reason. The column is " :30" in the table and when I LTrim it and save the changes, it's still " :30" , not ":30". Is that leading entry not a space character?

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Literally Split A String Into Multiple Lines?

May 21, 2010

I have a large string variable that I'd like to split into multiple line for readability. What is the syntax to accomplish this?

EXAMPLE: Dim str As String = "asfrgasdfgadsfgadfgdfgasdfgdasfgdfgsdghsdghsh"
EXAMPLE: Dim str AS String = "asfrgasdfgadsfgadfgdfgasdfgd" _

Something like that is what I'm trying to accomplish.

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Split A String On Multiple Blankspaces But Not On Single?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a string that i need to split where there are 2 or more blankspaces, but i dont want to split it on single blankspace. For example, a string might look something like this:

"Name of something "five blanks" Name of something else "three blanks" And so on"

And i need the split to be:

Name of something
Name of something else
And so on

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Split An Array Into Multiple Smaller Arrays?

Apr 9, 2010

if its possible to split an array into multiple smaller arrays?

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.NET Regular Expression To Split Multiple Words Or Phrases?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm using the code below to take a string and split it up into an array. It will take: Disney Land and make it two separate elements. If the string contains "Disney Land" then it is one element in the array. Works great, however it adds some empty elements to the array each time. So I just iterate over the elements and remove them if they are empty. Is there a tweak to the code below that will prevent those empty elements from occurring?

Private m_Reg As Regex
m_Reg = New Regex("([^""^s]+)s*|""([^""]+)""s*")
Dim rezsplit = m_Reg.Split(criteria)

View 2 Replies - Split Date Column Into Multiple Columns By Year

Oct 20, 2011

I'm trying to split a date column into multiple columns by year. If I could achieve a roll-up subtotal at the end that would be awesome.

I'm thinking the best way to do it, is using a .NET datalist control, but I'm open to suggestions.

Example data:

1/1/2009 | 1234.56
2/1/2009 | 4567.89


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Split Up Multiple Lines Of Text And Place Them In Textboxes?

Dec 11, 2011

I was developing a antimalware, and wanted to read Signature from a Signature.txt file, and place all the strings into different textboxes, my viruslist has 90069500 malware (Took Almost A Year Collecting Them) signatures and if I start typing then like:

If buff.ToString = "000008298FC27014ECF5610F163277E2" Then
txtvirname.Text = "Trojan-GameThief.Win32.OnLineGames.tvl"
txtrisk.Text = "Moderate"


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Take Multiple Lines Of Data From Textbox And Split It Up For Calculation?

Jan 18, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this

13:41 A spider loses 20 hitpoints due to your attack.
13:41 You gained 18 experience points.
13:41 Loot of a spider: 2 gold coins, meat
13:41 A wolf loses 25 hitpoints due to your attack.
13:41 You gained 27 experience points.


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VS 2008 Split Data From DataGridView Into Multiple Mdb Files?

Nov 13, 2011

I got this .dbf file with 80,000+ objects. Using 2008 I am trying to export the data from the .dbf into a .mdb file. Problem is that when I try to open the mdb file in Access, it says that the file reached the maximum limit of records. I found out that .mdb files could only hold 32,700 + objects in one database.

Is there another way around the maximum number of objects such that I could fit 80,000 object in it? If not, is there a way to, instead split the data from the datagridview into several parts that can be saved into multiple .mdb files?

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Sql - SSIS - Script Component, Split Single Row To Multiple Rows (Parent Child Variation)

Mar 5, 2012


Basically here's what I want to do.

Input data
ID Item Name
1 Apple01,02,Banana01,02,03
2 Spoon1,2,Fork1,2,3,4


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Regex - Split String On Several Words, And Track Which Word Split?

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying to split a long string based on an array of words. For Example:Words: trying, long, array Sentence: "I am trying to split a long string based on an array of words."Resulting string array:Multiple instances of the same word is likely, so having two instances of trying cause a split, or of array, will probably happen.

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VS 2010 Take Multiple Lines Of Data From Textbox Split And Organize Them To New Textbox

Feb 18, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this


and get it so i push a button and it seperates it out so it adds and looks like this inside a display field


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Create A Split Container With A Three Way Split?

Mar 1, 2012

I would like to create a split container with a three way split. The first split is a vertical split. The second is creating a horizontal split within panel2 of the first split container. panel1 will hold a treeview control the other two panels will hold listview controls

I think this question has been asked already in a couple different ways and I've reviewed those posts and I've tried to do what was suggested but it doesn't seem to work for me. I've tried to place a second split container inside panel2 of the first split containter. This gave me what appeared to be a three way vertical split.

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Can't Split String With Space Character Using Split(" "c)

Dec 28, 2011

I'm trying to split a Yahoo historical stock price csv file, downloaded into a string, by what looks like a space character. I want a new row for each split. The split function works for other characters I see in the string. I suspect the characters may be a non breaking space character but I've been unable to split on them. This is the test csv file that is downloaded into the string: [URL] I'm trying to split the string like this:


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VS 2008 Line.Split, Changing The Line That Gets Split?

Jun 19, 2010

I have listbox which is populated from a text file with all the items fromt he 1st split, the text file looks like this:

test l1c1 | test l1c2 | test l1c3
test l2c1 | test l2c2 | test l2c3


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Get Rid Of All The Spaces?

Dec 31, 2010

I have the following macro that combines two columns in a table and then displays it in my ListBox. The problem is that when it combines the columns there is a large gap (spaces) between the two. How can I get rid of all the spaces?

Dim sourcedoc As Document, h As Integer, j As Integer, myitem As Range, m As Long, n As Long
Set sourcedoc = Documents.Open(FileName:="U:INDUSTRIAL SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT.doc")
h = sourcedoc.Tables(1).Rows.Count - 1


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Add Spaces In A Label?

Jan 27, 2011

I am trying to add spaces in the following label so the output reads - your guess of 200 is too low.

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Put Some Spaces In String In .Net?

Sep 8, 2010

i have string like

Dim Test as String = "abc " & " def"

what above code does is gives is "abc def" as output, what i want is "abc--------def" (where hash sign is spaces i need) i have tried

Dim Test as String = "abc----" & "----def"

for some reason (dot)net only takes it as one single space. check above(1) example ,i gave two spaces but it got converted to one space.

Dim Test as String = "abc" & Char(9) & "def"

doesn't work (found char(9) solution on internet)

Dim Test as String = "abc" & space(8) & "def"

doesn't work I have tried another 10 different option but none seems to be working for me.

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Set The ComboBox To Spaces?

Feb 20, 2009

I have a Combo Box which I fill at design time and the Text property is set to blanks. I've added a button to clear the form. I would like to set the ComboBox to spaces, but the first entry shows up.

Code for Designer

Me.ComboBox2.DropDownStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
Me.ComboBox2.FormattingEnabled = True
Me.ComboBox2.Items.AddRange(New Object() {"QUERY ", "QUERY/R ", "REPLY ",


I tried adding a blank item, and setting the SelectedIndex to 4, but then the blank entry shows up as a choice in the drop down box.

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Automatically Add Necessary Spaces To Comments?

Jul 5, 2010

When I'm writing comments in my code, I often forget to add the initial space after the comment identifier.

'this is a comment

when really it is supposed to be

' this is a comment

I realize this is quite trivial, and you could simply say "just add the damn space you idiot", but I'd really like to automate this so that I just don't have to worry about it. add the comment space?note I do realize that a catch all string replace or regex replace could screw up other things ... IE:

Dim something As String = "I'm a nerd"

would actually come out

Dim something As String = "I' m a nerd"

if it's only on a line by it's self and is not followed by a second single quote... IE: '' would not trigger the replacement.

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C# - WPF Black Spaces On Resize

Sep 25, 2011

When i create a band new WPF project without changing any code whatsoever does this on resize. It stays this way if i minimize or drag across monitors. Is this supposed to happen? It does this with all of my WPF applications so i set ResizeMode="CanMinimize" .

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Detecting Spaces In Textbox?

Sep 23, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Textbox1.Text.StartsWith(a.Text & (" ")) = True And String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Text) = False Then
Textbox1.Text = encryption.Text.Remove(0, a.TextLength)


I want this part of my project to detect spaces because it can happen if the user puts in a certain value for on and that value begins with another it will not process. (ex. a.text = 123, b.text = 1234, then i get the outcome or "aa" and it should be "ab"

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Finding Spaces In A String

Feb 14, 2009

I want to be able to find both spaces using the indexof method. Here's my code so far. Basically the program will turn the string "Will Smith" to "Smith, Will" But I noticed when I type in a name with a middle initial or middle name "Will J Smith" I would get "J Smith, Will" And I want to be able to find that second space when its there and apply a code that would produce "Smith, Will J" When there is a second space. How would I go about doing so?


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How To Remove All Spaces In Textbox

Apr 3, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic 11 (VS 11 Beta). I am having trouble finding, anywhere, how to delete all the spaces in a text box. Here let me give you an example: The user can load in a text file, that is fine. There is a button and when the user clicks it I want every single space in the file to be removed.

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