Pictures Appear/dissappear Control Within Excel?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a set of pictures about I want to apper within the Excell spreadsheet depending on cell value:i.e.If cell A1=1 I need picture 'X' to appear.I have few different pics I need to appear in the same place within the spreadsheet depending on cell value.Is that possible and how?

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Forms :: Form1 Load Event - Drawings Appear For An Instant And Then Dissappear?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to develope a small graphics application in VB.NET. My startup form has a picture box with a background image loaded from a file. The user can click spots on the picture box and this draws some circles on it. On exit the coordinates for these spots are saved to a file.In my form load procedure I load the background image, the coordinates for the graphics(saved from the last time the program was run), and then call the drawing procedure.

The drawings appear for an instant and then dissappear. If you click the picture box the graphics re-appear.The form works fine once you do this.I guess the picture box is refreshed by the form load event and this is causing the drawings to be wiped.(I stalled the call to the drawing procedure by using a timer and this works but I am sure there is a proper way of fixing this)Is there a way of ensuring a form is fully loaded or making sure the drawing procedure occurs only when the form is fully loaded?

Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized[code].....

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Exporting To Excel: Include Pictures In Resources Folder In .net?

Nov 25, 2011

I am exporting excel in but I don't know how will I add picture in it from my Resources folder in my project.

infoRange = xlWorkSheet.Range("B5", "C5")
infoRange.Value = ""
infoRange.HorizontalAlignment = 3
infoRange.VerticalAlignment = 3

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2 Pictures In One PictureBox Control?

Feb 23, 2009

is it possible to have 2 pictures in one picture box ? the reason i ask is because im doin a lil project. it needs to have the picture change when it intersects with another picture

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How To Sort Pictures In DataList Control

Jan 23, 2012

I have a Datalist Control and Reading the pictures from folder and showing them in lightbox from Datalist I am also reading data and time from those pictures. Ist thing is that the datalist is not reading the Date picture taken from the attributes and second is that pictures are not being sorted in desc order of date picture taken.

My data list code is here
<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns="5" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Width="23%" CellPadding="2" CellSpacing="0" Height="270px" HorizontalAlign="Center">
<asp:Image Width="200px" height="200px" ID="Image1" ImageUrl='<%# Bind("Name", "~/MMS/1 Box/{0}") %>' runat="server" />
<br />
[Code] .....

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Selected Some Pictures From Showdialod And Set Name In ListBox Control

Dec 19, 2010

I want to Browse The showdialog and selected some files and when press open he paste the name of Pictures get in the listbox

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Selected Some Pictures From Showdialod And Set The Name In The ListBox Control?

Dec 21, 2010

I want to Browse The showdialog and selected some files and when press open he paste the name of Pictures get in the listbox

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VS 2008 Pictures Over Pictures Over Background

Nov 8, 2009

Im using a black n white image of a human as my back ground and panels to display the same bits in color when the area is clicked. What isn't working for me is the panels are slightly overlapped and one will always be on top of the other. it is transparent so you can see the back ground, but not the panel underneath it when it has a picture in it.

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VS 2010 Control In Excel?

Mar 25, 2012

It is very well written in books to use the classes, created in VS2010, in Excel. I want to create a control (a class with user interface) in VS2010 and use it in Excel 2007 or Excel 2010. Please suggest me any literature as a starting point.

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Find/control Open Excel Files?

May 12, 2009

Upon my program startup, I need to see if an Excel 2003 file with a certain name is open and then control it (set a reference to it). Unfortunately, the path of the Excel file is not set; else I could just detect if that file was open. So I guess I need to somehow loop through all open instances of Excel; then once I set an Excel app reference to each instance I could loop through the workbook names... But how would one go about looping through open instances of Excel in 2008?

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Opening Excel Inside Web Browser Control

Oct 14, 2009

If an excel document is opened inside a webbrowser control, and you try opening another excel document using a different instance of the same web-browser control, the previous opened excel (inside the web-browser) would not allow users to edit the excel workbook.

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Excel - Editable Control Should Use To Display My Spreadsheet In Application?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a spreadsheet in excel with three headers:

Project Name The name of a project i'm working on.

Requested Role The job title/profession of the project employee. (example: mechanic, manager, engineer)

The name of the employee.When i click on the Person's name i want another page or tab (specific to this person) to appear showing details about them such as their name, job title, how long they worked, what project they are doing... etc. (similar to a Facebook profile)

When i click on the project name i want another page or tab (specific to this project) to appear showing details about it such as the requirements, the deadline, who is currently working on it... etc.

Furthermore, i would like to set up two levels of access:For the specific pages i was thinking of using the tab control but i want it so that i can search through the list of projects or names, select one, and then it brings up the page about it.The levels of access is the least of my worries.

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IDE :: Excel Workbook Loads Separately Rather Than In A Webbrowser Control?

Sep 27, 2009

I am trying to use a webbrowser control to display an excel workbook inside a windows form. I checked out articles on Microsoft support and this is the code that I am trying out -->

Dim oDocument As Object
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


However, on run, the excel workbook opens up in an excel application instead of webbrowser control? I am using Visual Studio 2005 and IE 8?

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Office Automation :: How To Control Running Excel Instance

Aug 19, 2011

I try to develop a automation-add-in for Excel which can get some data from our SQL DB. So i call my add from an Excel-cell.. like "=getThisFromDb()"... This works totally fine! But what if i want to write to another cell then just give a return value? I managed to get the running instance of excel. I can read from it. I can open a new document in it and write to it. ->> But can't write to the Worksheet that called me!!

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VS 2010 Possible To Preview An Excel File In Printpreview Control?

Mar 6, 2012

Is it possible to preview an excel file in the printpreview control? if yes, please give me some guidelines.

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Excel 2007 Activex Control Caption Size Expands?

Apr 15, 2009

I have an activex command button located within a worksheet. After pressing the button a couple of times to run VBA Code, the caption size uncontrollably expands larger than the size of the control. I have to go back into the design mode to adjust the size of the button to fix.

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Export An Aspx Repeater Control To Excel - ASP.NET | Dream.In.Code?

Mar 10, 2010

I am exporting an aspx repeater control to excel, but in addition to exporting the data in the repeater I am also getting all of the html code. I want only the data, what am I missing?

Heres the snippet of code.

Private Sub submitxcl(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
If Sender.ID = "xcelBtn" Then
Dim fName = "ChargeAndSavingsForReportingPeriod_" & Replace(Trim(frdt.Text), "/", "-") & "_Thru_" & Replace(Trim(todt.Text), "/", "-") & ".xls"


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Navigation In A 'mutlipage' Control Embedded In A Form Layout In Excel ?

Jun 13, 2008

I have two questions concerning navigation in a 'mutlipage' control embedded in a form layout in Excel:

(1) I would like to be able to automatically move from page_1 to page_2 through a closeout button click command on page_1 (i.e. when actions are complete on page 1, page 2 will open without needing to click on the tab). Is this achievable ?

(2) secondly, While realising it is a simple step to set up navigation to another Excel workbook, is it conveniently possible (from a button command in the multipage) to open another directory, e.g. MMC console

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Showing Toolbars For Excel File In A Windows Forms Control

Apr 2, 2012

I'm showing an excel file in a WebBrowser control on my form, but it doesn't show any toolbars. The customers wants the ability to make changes in the control and save them, hence the need to show the standard toolbars.

I've tried many different things including:

For Each cb As CommandBar In xlApp.CommandBars
cb.Visible = True


how I can get toolbars to show in the WebBrowser control?

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Transfer Data From A Table In Access To A Listview Control In Excel?

Feb 9, 2010

I am currently building a tool which uses access as the backend and excel as the user interface (I am unable to change the applications).I would like to be able to use the listview option, howver I haven't a clue and searching on the internet is causing me a headache.

Basically what I would like to do is get the heading names from the table in access and populate the listview, later on I will what it to look at specifc data to populate the list view.

My connections is already open, I think I'm ok witht he sql, its just the other bits.

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VS 2010 Export Control Data To Excel Sheet/file?

Aug 25, 2011

I am trying to export data from textboxes to a blank newly created excel document on button click.

I'm simply taking the string data from textboxes and exporting/saving them to a excel document.

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References Most Likely Needed To Start In .NET Access And Control Excel Via Office Automationj

Apr 7, 2010

Background: (Office 2007 and XP Pro all Up to Data; Net Framework 3.5)Two data files are compared one to the other (in Access via VBA) to ascertain matches & non-matches. This aspect completed in Access because of Access's large datafile capacity

The matches and non-matches are passed to Excel via Offine Automation In short, I am attempting to ascertain the "Access-related" VB.NET References required in VB.Net Solution Explorer.

I have included snippets of the VBA code for examples of the Access objects.I would like some knowledge from an expert in Office Automation and VB.NET.


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Hook Excel - The Process Excel.exe Doesn't Finish After Close Excel

Jul 20, 2010

I need to access the current instance of MS Excel. To do that, I wrote the following code:

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Diagnostics
Private _ExcelApp As Excel.Application


The code runs nice, but it has a problem: After the user close the Excel application (click button X - note: no other instance of Excel exists), if you open the Windows's task manager, its possible to see the process Excel.exe.

If I open and close the Excel application, there is no process Excel.exe, but if I run my code with the Excel application openned, after the user close the Excel application, the process Excel.exe isn't finished.

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Add Pictures To Your Exe?

Nov 25, 2011

I am fairly new to and I was curious, I have experienced issues in the past of using .jpg files from my computer and it working fine, but then when I compile it and send it to another computer it doesn't work like intended and I assume it is because the file isn't on the other computer. My question is how do I prevent this? Is there an easy way of including all picture files I will be using.

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How To Center Pictures In A Form

Jul 27, 2009

im trying to center some pictures 5 above and 5 below in the center of a form "Form1". Right now i can make them look centered in a smaller area, but when i maximize the screen the pictures are in the upper left. I tried changing some options with no luck and have been browsing some WWW posts but im not coming up with any understanbable.

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Uploading Pictures To Websites?

Jan 14, 2011

I just can't seem to figure out how to automatically upload a picture to myspace, facebook, any of the social sites in .NET. I always have to do it manually through my web browser control. There just isn't any code out there to help me with this process that I can find.Does anyone have an example of an automated picture upload to a social website?

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Way To Move Pictures Around In A Form

Mar 11, 2012

I was wandering if there is a way to move pictures around in a form and where ever you move them to, when you close program and open the program up they come up exactly where you lift them, And how can i add pictures to a form by say right click the form and select new picture and it adds it to the form, is there a way to do this, on how to do this or point me in the right direction.

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Add Pictures Into Hangman Game?

Jan 27, 2011

I need directions on which code to use to load picture for each wrong guess.

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Add Pictures To Resources Folder?

Oct 1, 2009

I was just reading this project example from my school's folder, and they have a rock paper scissors game.

I saw this within the


My question to you is, where is my resources folder and how can I add images to it so I can access images using code?

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Add Watermark On A Series Of Pictures?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a strong amount of pictures, which i would like to "protect" by adding watermark on them. Is there any way of adding watermark by using or C# ?

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