Populate A ComboBox Using An Array In A 3 Tier Structure

Dec 8, 2010

It's a simple 3-Tier Structure Windows Form Application using Visual Basics 2008 express edition. I need to populate a ComboBox (User Interface Layer) using an Array with only 3 names (Data Access Layer and Business Logic Layer). I think I'm close to it but I'm unable to pass the data from the DAL all the way to the UI properly. When I run the application, My ComboBox gives me choices but the three choices are


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StreamReader To Array Structure To ComboBox

Feb 21, 2010

So the premise of an assignment I'm working now is that I will read lines from a txt file, eventually have a user select a combo box for a city, and then have the current timezone and time in that city.

For reference, each line in the file contains three tab-delimited sections which I need to access for varying purposes. An example of the format is:[code...]

What I have so far (below) is the file being read, splitting each section of the line into a multidimensional array, and then combining the "columns" into an array structure (I'm not too hot on using an array as a structure, so I may be doing something wrong).


Now assuming everything there is alright (I have a feeling something may be wrong in regards to the structure) I need to fill out the combobox with only the Location, and have that change the current time and timezone (located on the GUI as labels).

Where I've been stumped at for the past few days is how to proceed from here. I've been trying to populate the combo box, but all my attempts have failed and I'm starting to think it may be because of the method I'm using to do all this.

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VS 2008 Program That Utilizes A Three-tier Structure With Presentation

Jun 21, 2010

I am writing a program that utilizes a three-tier structure with presentation, business and persistence classes. I am needing to use a ComboBox to select a specific account type which will call a class. How do I get the program to call a class after the user has selected an account type from the ComboBox?

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Populate RadioButtonList Using 3-tier Logic?

Oct 21, 2010

The below code doesn't work becuase I need to somehow feed the DataText and Value fields. I need to somehow amend the code to allow me to populate my RadioButtonList and to fit inside my 3-tier architecture. My first time doing this so I'm a little lost.

' rblAnswers.DataTextField = dt.Columns(1).ToString
' rblAnswers.DataValueField = dt.Columns(0).ToString


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VS 2010 : Populate Combobox From An Array?

May 24, 2010

The below code is a sample code that is supposed to display the months in a combobox.

Dim months() As String = _
{"Select a month...",
"January", "February", "March"}


But what am I supposed to do with this code? I have created and named the combobox "cboExpirationMonth", but where do I put this code? I tried to put it as a click event of the combobox, but that doesn't work. I created a button and tried to put the code in the button's click event, but that still doesn't populate the combobox.

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Populate Combobox With Database, Select To Populate Second Combobox?

Jan 27, 2011

I need to pull from an access database to populate a combobox. Then from there I need to have a second combo box populated depending on the selection in the first box. My thought of an example would be a website that is setup for selecting car make, modle,year...can that be done in VB?

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Converting Structure Within Structure To Byte Array For Socket

Aug 29, 2009

I am trying to communicate with an external device and i am trying to send a byte array to the external device via sockets but i am always getting a response the message size is too small so i am not sure what i have done wrong. Between the data type there should be no alignment present and all numbers are represented in little endian format. The char array is not null terminated as mentioned in the protocol specifications.

I have to send data based on a struct that embeds 2 other struct. So here's my vb.net code for the struct used to convert to byte array and the sending part.

Public Structure MESSAGETYPE_OIP_Login
Dim UserName() As PSTRING


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Arraylist Of Structure Within Array Of Structure?

May 23, 2010

I want to make a structure within a structure. Basically it will appear like this:

Structure ID
dim CardType as string
im CardCode as string


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Assign Array Of Structure To Another Of Same Structure?

Oct 12, 2010

In Vb.net I am trying to assign an array of structure to another array of same structure[code]...

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Wpf - Populate ComboBox Based On Another ComboBox Using XAML?

Jul 29, 2011

I have two ComboBoxes

<ComboBox Name="cmbMake" DisplayMemberPath="MakeName" SelectedValuePath="MakeID"/>
<ComboBox Name="cmbModel" DisplayMemberPath="ModelName"/>

I use LINQ-to-Entities to populate the cmbGroup ComboBox

Dim db as myDataEntity
cmbGroup.ItemsSource = db.Makes

How do I populate my second ComboBox (cmbModels) based on the selection of the first ComboBox (cmbMake) using XAML so that whatever I select in the first ComboBox automatically filters the ItemsSource in the second ComboBox?

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Array.Sort Returns Blank Data When Sorting A Structure Array?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm trying to sort an array based on a structure but whenever I do this, it basically erases all the data in the entire array.I have verified that the array is populated correctly, it is when using array.sort that everything returns blank.

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Populate The Structure From The Data File, Then Call The Method To Transfer It Back To The Website?

Apr 13, 2010

I am adding a web interface (ASPX.NET: VB) to a data acquisition system developed with LabVIEW which outputs raw data files. These raw data files are the binary representation of a LabVIEW cluster (essentially a structure).LabVIEW provides functions to instantiate a class or structure or call a method defined in a .NET DLL file.I plan to create a DLL file containing a structure definition and a class with methods to transfer the structure.When the webpage requests data, it would call a LabVIEW executable with a filename parameter. The LabVIEW code would instantiate the structure,populate the structure from the data file, then call the method to transfer the data back to the website.

How do you recommend I transfer (copy) an instance of a structure from one .NET program to the VB.NET program that executed it?

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Passing A Structure Containing An Array Of String And An Array Of Integer Into A C++ DLL?

May 27, 2010

I'm having problems with marshaling in VB.NET to C++, here's the code :

In the C++ DLL :
struct APP_PARAM


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Populate Combobox From Selection Of Another Combobox?

Jan 1, 2012

I currently have a form with two comboxes. The first cbo is being populated with a project number, which is being pulled from the first column of a spreadsheet. I now want the second cbo to read the first cbo and then find that project number on the spreadsheet; when it finds that project number, I then need it to copy data from the row the project number is on. I have converted to vb from vba. Below is the code I used in vba (which obviously does not work). I only need certain cells from the project row.

Dim proj_num, rng As Range
Dim data, i As Long, j As Long
With Sheet1


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Four Columns Of Data In A 2d Array Or Structure Array?

Dec 2, 2009

Here's the data I'm trying to work with

Spark Plugs
column 1: PR214,PR223,PR224,PR246,PR247,PR248,PR324,PR326,PR444
column 2: MR43T,R43,R43N,R46N,R46TS,R46TX,S46,SR46E,47L
column 3: RBL8,RJ6,RN4,RN8,RBL17Y,RBL12-6,J11,XEJ8,H12
column 4L 14K22,14K24,14K30,14K32,14K33,14K35,14K38,14K40,14K44

Here is what i came up with for my code so far

Public Class frmMain
Private strSpark() As String = {"PR214","PR223","PR224","PR246","PR247","PR248","PR324", "PR326","PR444"}
Private strBrands As String(,) = { { } }
End Class

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Structure With A Structure Array?

Sep 12, 2011

I have two structrures

Public Structure PhoneScheduleEntries
Dim Count As UInteger
Dim PhoneSchedule() As PhoneScheduleEntry
End Structure

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Array Or ArrayList Or Structure In An Array?

Nov 9, 2010

After gathering the Machine names on the (sealed) LAn i am then getting the ip addresses, MAc address and Macine User name of each machine on the LAn..These details will need to be accessed seperately for use in the security testing and i am unsure how best to store the active data (though eventually in a database) Am i best to create a Multidimensinal arrayList or array(bearing in mind that all the data is convereted to "String" (arrays can only store one data type??) The data found on the live network is allways changing making an array a difficult choice? I have read some tutorials mentioning making a structure with the data and storing this in an arraylist but i dont know whether this will make accessing the individual data items (ip,MAc,HostName etc) a difficult procedure?

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Populate One Combobox From Another?

Jul 23, 2009

I select first value from a combobox1 but combobox2 was not populated corresponding to value selected from first one. Again I select same value now combobox was populated

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Combobox To Populate Textbox?

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to display an ID which is a primary key in my table by selecting the corresponding name in my table. the names have been saved in a combo box and depending on the name selected the textbox will display that Id. the code I have so far only gets the names from sql server but doesnt show the corresponding id in the textbox. I have been searching and cant find anything similar to this.

this is the code for combobox. i placed it in the formload


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Combobox To Populate Textbox?

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to display an ID which is a primary key in my table by selecting the corresponding name in my table. the names have been saved in a combo box and depending on the name selected the textbox will display that Id. the code I have so far only gets the names from sql server but doesnt show the id in the textbox.

this is the code for combobox. i placed it in the formload

Public Sub RtnCmbVal()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim str As String = "select ConsultantId, FullName from Derma_Consultants"


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How To Populate ComboBox From INI File

Jan 12, 2010

I can understand since .ini files are pretty outdated, but I'll explain. I have a combo box, and inside the combobox I want it to display the names in a section of the .ini file. So say my .ini file contains the following:

Name = Billy
Lastname = Bob

Inside the combobox I wan't it to display the items "Name ", and "Lastname " only, not the section or the values.

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How To Populate ComboBox Without Using Database

Jan 21, 2009

I want to populate a combo box but not using a database
e.g. combobox displays

But want I want is if a person chooses red I want to pass back the number 1 value to a backend database. I'm able to populate a combo box with the colours but not sure how i 'grab' the value to pass back
Dim colours as string[] = new string[] { "red", "white", "blue" }

What I want is this
value Colour
1 red
2 white
3 blue

Combobox just displays the colours and when chosen in the combo box I grab the value corresponding to colour chosen.

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Populate 2nd Combobox Based On 1st's?

Dec 13, 2010

How do i populate my state combobox,such that when i select the appropriate country my combobox will automatically display the appropriate state?

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Populate A Combobox Display?

May 24, 2011

I want to have a combobox, but I have two fields from my Access table that I want to display in my Combobox. I want to show the entire row in the combobox. Do I need use an asterisk at the line for adding items to the combobox? [code]...

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Populate A ComboBox Using SqlDataReader?

Nov 16, 2007

I am a beginner in VB.Net. I have a table tblName; which consist of columns 'Name' and 'ID'. I want to populate the comboBox, where displaymember = 'Name' and ValueMember = 'ID'. In short, when a user selects a 'Name', return value should be the 'ID'. I can do it using DataAdapter. Another way of doing is; using a Listbox in parralel with the comboBox, which will be hidden, to save the 'ID' .


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Populate A Combobox With Txt File?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 and i need to populate 1 combobox with a txt file.

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Populate Combobox Based On Value Other?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a combobox wich I want to populate based on the value of another combobox.[code

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Populate Combobox Depending On Other?

Nov 15, 2011

I have achieve to populate my combobox from sql and from this combobox to populate a textbox but now I have to do something more complicated.I would like to populate a combobox from an other combobox choice. And what i mean is that I have a table with Streenames and Postcodes. What I want to do is fistly to choose the Streetname from the one combobox and the interface to appear the Postcodes to the second combobox. Secondly, the postcode combobox should appear more than one postcodes because it is probable that the same streetname maybe belongs to more than one region(postcode).

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Populate Combobox From Sqldatareader?

Jun 22, 2010

I need to populate all the values of a specific column in each rows of my table from my database. The specific column that i need is the "position",I'm using sqldatareader here's my code. I know that I need to use looping statements and the items.add properties of the combobox but I dont know how will I do it..hope you help me here..

Private Sub cboPosition_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboPosition.Click
scmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text


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Populate Combobox In Datagrid?

Mar 8, 2012

I am using datagrid in one of my winform in which there is one column which has combobox cell type.I want to populate this combobox by data from table present in database.Tell me the shortest possible way to achieve this.

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