Positioning Controls For An ASP.NET Website VB?

Dec 18, 2010

I was wondering if there is an addon, or position controls for my website. I hate having to code the location of a button for example.

Isn't there a way to just move it freely around the form as you do in Visual basic or C# for example?

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Positioning Controls At Runtime?

Mar 4, 2009

How do you position controls loaded at runtime to align middle? I'm not looking to match the x y coordinates as the heights vary.

For example loading 2 text boxs and 2 labels.

I've tried using the Anchor and Dock properties but with no joy.

txtNewTextBox = New TextBox
txtNewTextBox.Name = "name"
txtNewTextBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill


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Website For Learning To Build Customs Controls?

Nov 29, 2009

Good website for learning to build customs controls?

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Cursor Positioning In A Text Box?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a small chat app. Type a message, press enter and the message is sent. Works fine...except the cursor is moved the the second line of the text box and i can't seem to get it back to the beginning

Private Sub txtMessage_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtMessage.KeyDown
Dim shiftPressed As Boolean = False


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How To Turn Off Absolute Positioning

Mar 1, 2009

I have a book for VB 2005 and I am running VB 2008 and in VB 2005 they have a layout tab where you can turn off Absolute positioning and in VB 2008 there is no layout tab. So my question is how do you turn off absolute positioning in VB 2008?

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Re-positioning Labels On A Form

Jun 13, 2011

I have a form where I need to place some labels dinamically. Some of the label's height needs to change depending on the string size that will populate the label's text. So what I need to do is position the labels one below the other, after the text has been populated and the height has been set.

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Tabcontrol ContentTemplate Positioning

Jan 4, 2012

I'm having problems positioning dynamic content for the contentTemplate, I have the following:[code]the itemsSource binding cats returns a list of Categories and in each Categories there is a property returning a list of products...Currently is displaying all the buttons stacked vertically, but I need the buttons to fill the wrapPanel. An illustration of what I am looking for the contentTemplate:

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IDE :: Positioning Window In Design Phase?

Jan 23, 2009

In earlier editions of visual basic I could move the form across the page by changing left in the properties window. VB 9.0 doesnt have that in the window properties window. I can set start position to manual but it wont drag and drop how do I move a form window in the design mode? added by TNT 1/24/09 I went back and checked VB5 the left and top positions were settable but only located the form during run time.

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Positioning Image In Datagridview Cell?

May 23, 2010

I builded this form: [URL]

In the first column I add the images as usual.

can I move the images a bit to right, to show, that this is a hierarchy? When yes, how?

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Redisplaying A Dialog Box And Positioning The Cursor?

Apr 16, 2009

After checking a value in a text box I am having trouble re-dispalying the dialog box and setting the cursor to the empty field.

Public Class frmCategory

Private Sub cmdOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdOK.Click
If Me.txtCategory.Text = "" Then[code].....

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Relative Positioning Of Objects On Forms?

Aug 21, 2009

how to make buttons and other objects move to the center of the form and possibly grow in size when form is maximized and also move back to its position when minimized.

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Interface And Graphics :: Top / Left Positioning Options

May 27, 2009

I have a system that has a collection of picture boxes.Each picture box allows you to place pointers(Custom control derived from label) on the image, when saved I store the X/Y for the pointers along with other information relevant to the pointers in a database.(See attached image)This way the chart can be reloaded and the pointers be moved or edited.This all works great until I resize a chart, the calculated percentage of size in/decrease often results in a float like in the following example. [code] I position the pointers by top and left, which only accepts integer, the rounding results in significant drift over multiple resizes.

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Positioning The Text Cursor In A TextBox Control?

Jun 21, 2006

I have a routine that iterates thru a collection and I want to print each iteration into a TextBox without having the second iteration overprint the first and so on. How do I position the text cursor between each iteration thru the 'For Each' that I am using?

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VS 2008 Positioning A Form EXACTLY Relative To A Label?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to position a small form that will have its top left edge exactly lined up with the bottom left edge of a label. But I am finding this to be impossible to accomplish because of some magical hidden offset that exists somewhere ... I don't know where.

So here's what I got, if I can manage to pilfer out only the relative portions... For the sake of simplicity, I'll focus only on the horizontal positioning below:

Dim FrameSize As Size
Dim TargetHorzFramePos as Single
FrameSize = SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize


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VS 2010 Positioning PictureBoxes Inside TabPages?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a series of tabs, each containing a series programatically generated PictureBoxes that are all 480x360. The TabControl is anchored to all 4 edges of the form, so it always takes up the whole area.

I would like the PictureBoxes to behave similarly to how images behave when floated in HTML/CSS. So if I have 5 pictures and the window is only ~900 wide then I will have 3 rows, 2 in the first 2 and 1 in the last. But if the window is then expanded to ~1500 then I get 2 rows - 3 on the first and 2 on the last.

What is the simplest way to achieve this? Is there a built in way?I am planning on repositioning the pictures when SizeChanged fires on the TabControl, or when the selected tab changes.

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BindingNavigator - BindingSource Not Positioning Correctly; Causing Errors

Jul 5, 2009

When I try to use code to move around in my database, using the code presented in:


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Snap To Grid Or Not / HTML Designer And Absolute Positioning

Jul 1, 2010

I installed VS2008 and just VS2010, both allow me to freely move objects around in the HTML Design View.However, I would like to be able to snap the objects in alignment.It is hard to space text boxes and buttons when everything is free flowing.

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VS 2010 Positioning And Item Regardless Of Resolution Or Form Size?

Sep 26, 2011

I am new to this forum, and have search both here and on the interwebz.I don't have my code here right now, but thought I could ask anyways:I have an application that is going to run in fullscreen and display a clock in a defined position on the screen when it is in fullscreen mode. How can I define that position so that the clock appears at that point regardless of resolution on the screen?

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VS 2010 Positioning Programmatically Generated Radio Buttons

Jul 30, 2011

I am adding a series of RadioButtons to a GroupBox programatically. By default they are all placed on top of each other. So I use a bit of math to position them all nicely and then resize the GroupBox.

However I notice that the GroupBox has an AutoSize property, but it doesn't seem to be resizing as controls are added.

Is there a better way to position my radio buttons than to specify each one programatically? I mean, can't this stuff be handled automatically by the framework?

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VS 2008 Select Website In Combobox Open Form2 With Website Preview?

Feb 19, 2010

What Im making is like a face book and tagged login from my app

1. I have Combobox with 3 urls in there ( Facebook.com Tagged.com and Bebo.com )
2. I have a Form2 with webbrowser
3. I have a Button when clicked it should open up my form 2 and preview of the website which I selected in my combobox in form1

All I'm trying to do is when I select lets say facebook in my form 1 and click load it should open up my form 2 with facebook website in it.[code]Now when I click my button in form 1 it will load Form2 ( named Explorer1) but my form2 is not showing me facebook or tagged page for some reason

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Creating A Website That Allows People To Upload Images To The Website In A Folder?

Feb 26, 2011

i'm creating a website that allows people to upload images to the website in a folder called images on the Site. But I don't know how to upload a file and I'v searched everywhere Please Note: In this Website were not Using the asp:fileupload, were developing our own interface

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VS 2008 - Website Scanner - Scan A Website Every 15 Mins

Apr 6, 2009

What I want is: To scan a website every 15 mins or so, (craigslist in this case), and email myself any new posts that come up. I know I need to use WebClient, but I never used that before. Another question would be how to only email when a new post is up and not receive the same email every 15 mins.

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Moving A Camera - Start Vector And End Vector For Its Positioning

Nov 17, 2011

I have a camera in my 3D game. I have a start vector and and end vector for its positioning. I am wanting to move it smoothly from the first vector to the end vector.

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Forms :: Maintaining Multiple Forms Positioning?

Jul 26, 2010

Launch a dialogue window from the main form, and then another dialogue window from that dialogue window. If you close the second dialogue window and call dispose the main form vanishes under any other open windows. This doesn't happen by closing a dialogue window normally, but I am attempting (rightly or wrongly) to stop memory useage creeping up by disposing of it.

So, the question is - what method can be employed to maintain the position of the windows?

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Integrating ASP.NET C# Website As Subsite To A VB Website?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a ASP.NET 2.0 website created in C# that acts as a completely independent site and I am looking to integrate this into an existing ASP.NET 2.0 website created in VB.NET. Unfortunately I just don't know much about the server management side of ASP.NET yet so too much I'm unaware of when it comes to IIS configuration etc. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can go about integrating this? Basically I want to host it in a subdirectory from root so when you hit example.com/myindependantsite/ it will pull up my C# site.

One possible solution I came across mentioned just dropping the project folder into the root directory and setting up that directory as an application virtual directory in IIS? A few other random questions were small things like would my application relative links (~/for-example.aspx) stay relative to my root subdirectory if it's made into an application virtual directory? Just trying to get this running on their site but like I said it's completely independent so want to preserve my websites environment.

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Log Into Website Without Website Open?

Sep 9, 2011

I want to create a program to fetch information from a website (that's fine). However, you need to be logged in to get this information. I just want two simple textbox controls that I would type my username and password into and hit submit and the information would be returned to me so I can use it. (I don't want to use a webbrowser control)

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Accessing The Click Event In Layered Controls Or When Multiple Controls Are Docked Within Each Other?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to know if anyone could tell me how to access the Click_event.I have a boarderles form with a panel control which has the Dock property set to fill and on the panel I have placed a Label also with the Dock property set to fill. I also have a timer running.How can I get code to execute in the Label1 click event.I've tried doing it by using the generic Click_event and also with two variations of the Click_event Handles parameters

'Alternativ 1:
Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click


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Manage A Large Number Of Similar Controls In A User Interface (such As Button Or TextBox Controls)

Aug 23, 2011

There is newer code in a follow up post. I suggest using the code in the later post rather than the code in this one. You can still read this post though. When designing a user interface, one should be conscious of how many individual controls are required to implement the functionality. In some cases an initial design may begin with many buttons or textboxes (for example) but then further review of
the actual required functionality allows for a reduction in the number of unique controls.

But other times, there isn't a better way (which will still make sense to the user of the application) then to have a series of many repeated controls. So in the cases where one can be certain that the best UI implementation for an application will require the use of multiple copies of a given control, then it often becomes necessary to maintain some method of managing all of those controls at various points
throughout the application. Doing so typically requires that one build up some collection of controls which can then be accessed by index in order to work with any given control; but this can lead to a lot of clutter in the code file which handles these control's events. For instance there will be some kind of collection declaration, some recursive routine to find all of the controls of interest, and then any number of event handler methods with long lists of Handles clauses, or additional code loops to wire up the event handling for each control.

Purpose Since most of this functionality could be considered a requirement regardless of the type of control being managed, or its required functionality, it may make sense to wrap all of the control management functionality into a single class. And since our first requirement is a collection of controls, then a base collection class could be the perfect starting point for our control manager. There are a number of existing thread around this topic, with some recent (at the time of this writing) ones being:[URL]..In this, and related, threads I have posted examples of a simple TextBoxManager and ButtonManager control. But again, with so much similar functionality required regardless of the control being managed, it would be technically possible to create a generic ControlManager(Of T As Control) class which can manage any type of control.


So in summary, one can facilitate managing a large number of user interface controls by building a "control manager" class which both encapsulates the list of control instances, and deals with adding and removing defined event handlers for every control it manages. The generic control manager class itself can be inherited and extended into a more specific class on a per-application basis in order to provide more application-specific functionality. Reed Kimble - "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

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Accessing Controls Inside ASP.NET View Controls (Event Handling)?

Nov 8, 2011

If I have the following ListView, how can I attach a SelectedIndexChanged event listener to the DropDownList so I can perform a command on the respective object? Imagine I have a list of new users and I want to add them to a usergroup by selecting the group from the DropDownList.

<asp:ListView ID="NewUsers" runat="server" DataSourceID="NewUsersSDS" DataKeyNames="ID">


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Control Recommendations - Controls At The Top Of It And A Large DataGridView Is Docked Below All The Controls

Nov 10, 2011

I have a maximized form that has controls at the top of it and a large DataGridView that is docked below all the controls. Its kind of like the Ribbon in MS Office. The controls cover about 1/4 of the screen at the top. I would like a way for the user to click a button to hide all the controls then automatically expand into the place the controls were so the user can view more data in the DataGridView and visa versa. For example, in MS Office Excel you can hide the ribbon by clicking a tiny button that has "^" on it.

I'm not very familiar with all the controls in Visual Studio so I would like to hear some recommendations. Is this situation ideal for a SplitContainer or ToolStripContainer or am I way off base here?

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