Re-positioning Labels On A Form

Jun 13, 2011

I have a form where I need to place some labels dinamically. Some of the label's height needs to change depending on the string size that will populate the label's text. So what I need to do is position the labels one below the other, after the text has been populated and the height has been set.

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VS 2008 Positioning A Form EXACTLY Relative To A Label?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to position a small form that will have its top left edge exactly lined up with the bottom left edge of a label. But I am finding this to be impossible to accomplish because of some magical hidden offset that exists somewhere ... I don't know where.

So here's what I got, if I can manage to pilfer out only the relative portions... For the sake of simplicity, I'll focus only on the horizontal positioning below:

Dim FrameSize As Size
Dim TargetHorzFramePos as Single
FrameSize = SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize


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VS 2010 Positioning And Item Regardless Of Resolution Or Form Size?

Sep 26, 2011

I am new to this forum, and have search both here and on the interwebz.I don't have my code here right now, but thought I could ask anyways:I have an application that is going to run in fullscreen and display a clock in a defined position on the screen when it is in fullscreen mode. How can I define that position so that the clock appears at that point regardless of resolution on the screen?

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Gets All Of The Labels In The Form Except For A Few?

Nov 28, 2011

Is there anyway to have a for each statement that gets all of the labels in the form except for a few?example i have

dim x as label
for each x in me.controls
x.tag = randomnumber

i want to get every label except for 2 of them (name1 and name2)

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.NET Iterating Form Labels?

Mar 26, 2012

I have several label boxes on my design form that all share the naming convention lbl_#.text where # ranges from 1 to 60. I want to make a loop that iterates through each lbl_#.text adding some incremental value, let's say multiples of 2 for this question's theoretical purpose.Something such that the end result would amount to the following:

lbl_1.text = "2"
lbl_2.text = "4"
lbl_3.text = "6"
lbl_60.text = "120"

I'm not sure how to access each of these labels through the coding side, I only know how to explicitly mention each label and assign a value :/

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Searching Labels Within A Form?

Jun 13, 2011

how to do this. I have a search box at the top of a windows form. And a bunch of labels throughout the same scrollable windows form. so when a user enters a search term within the search box it will highlight and set focus to the label that matches.

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Show 2 Labels In A Form ?

May 7, 2009

is it possible to show 2 labels in a form (one after the other) with the click of a button for example i have label1 and label2 (but label2 is like hidden), the form loads with label and a button when i click on the button, label2 it possible?

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Instruct VB To Save These Values In The Text Property Of The Labels So That The Next Time The Program Is Loaded The Labels?

Oct 21, 2008

I created a program that has serval labels on a form and a listview object. It has a button that when clicked reads a textfile and loads up values in the listview object. I then can click and drag text from the listview box to any label on the form and then the program removes the value from the listview box. Now, my question is how can I instruct VB to save these values in the text property of the labels so that the next time the program is loaded the labels will contain the values loaded during the last run time session?

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Labels (SHOW/HIDE) Place The Labels Ontop Of Eachother

Jun 1, 2012

Well im currently developing an application for public use, I have a login screen in which the user enter's their registered credential's and the progressbar loads by increments of 3, now i placed 6 labels ontop of eachother and where the progressbar coding is i put:

If Progressbar.Value >= 1 Then
If Progressbar.Value >= 20 Then

And so on up until Label8 Show at 100%,

Now the problem is... As i have placed the labels ontop of eachother i need them hidden until they are called to show, i have tried adding a background worker to do this but have had no luck, all i see is the labels overlapping eachother when i run my application when i want them hidden untill Label3.Show() is called, and then to display them as they are called and hide them when another one is called to show...

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.net - Change The ForeColor Of All Labels On A Form?

Feb 23, 2011

Is it possible to change the ForeColor of all the labels on a form at runtime, including the form which is yet to be called? So that all the labels have the same color throughout the app.

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Adding Two Labels Together/ Calculation On Form?

Mar 8, 2012

Public Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim vatResult As Decimal


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Labels Showing Wherever They Want When Form Is Maximized?

Nov 21, 2009

I have a form showing a datagrid with info from a database. It also has 2 date pickers to filter the database results. It shows everything perfectly in the datagrid, so the db connection is ok. But it also has a few labels below, showing some info taken from the datagrid. For example, the datagrid has sales information and the labels below show the total sales. This works fine too.But the problem comes when I open some other form, maximize it and then open this form containing all this stuff (while the previous one is still open and maximized). These labels (along with a few more labels that only contain the '$' character) get on top
of the datagrid. Even if I restore the form to its normal size the labels are positioned wherever they want. The weird thing is that this only happens with some labels and not with all of them.My first guess was the anchor property, but I set it to left-bottom and it still does this.

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Move / Drag Labels On A Form?

Jul 11, 2010

There is an image of a patient on the form.I have to mark the location of wounds on this picture.What I want to do is place 5 labels on a form.I am using these labels to mark the location of the wounds.these labels will be shown on the side of the form.the user can drag any one of the labels to a specific location on the image of the person.e.g face,head,leg.arm etc

Then I want to save the location of the labels in database so that when the record of the patient is retrieved the labels appear on the moved position.

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Moving Labels From One Location To Another In A Form In 4?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm making a small program in which i want to move labels from one position to another , I used the following statementLabel1.Location.Y = 10 ' Error - Expression is a value and cannot be the target of an assignment

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Resize Labels According To The Size Of The Form?

Dec 19, 2011

I have an application in VB. In a single form are lots of labels with atleast 3 different sizes. What I want to do is, when I resize the form or maximize it, all of the labels and pictureboxes int the form are also going to be resized.

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VS 2005 : Disable All Labels On The Form?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm creating a game and I have 29 labels,1 menu and some buttons on my form and i want to disable all the label controls in that form when game is over. . . .i use For each next but it will give me errors. . . .

dim obj as control
dim L as label
for each L in controls


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VS 2010 Printing All Labels In Form?

Mar 15, 2011

How can I print all labels in my form and have print preview on it? .

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Project - Add And Resize The Labels - Create Scrolling Labels ?

Feb 5, 2009

With VB, but I've got the few basics down, file naming, adding objects, naming objetcs, etc. But the reason I'm on here is because I cannot complete even the first step. Our form is 640 X 480, and we need to have two labels, both have vertical scrolls. I know how to add and resize the labels to meet my needs, but I do not know how to create scrolling labels. Or are they text boxes? On our bubble chart (Do you know what that means?) it says lblInformation. We are going to have clickable radio buttons which will update the lblInformation with info about each of the radio buttons.

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Cursor Positioning In A Text Box?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a small chat app. Type a message, press enter and the message is sent. Works fine...except the cursor is moved the the second line of the text box and i can't seem to get it back to the beginning

Private Sub txtMessage_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtMessage.KeyDown
Dim shiftPressed As Boolean = False


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How To Turn Off Absolute Positioning

Mar 1, 2009

I have a book for VB 2005 and I am running VB 2008 and in VB 2005 they have a layout tab where you can turn off Absolute positioning and in VB 2008 there is no layout tab. So my question is how do you turn off absolute positioning in VB 2008?

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Positioning Controls At Runtime?

Mar 4, 2009

How do you position controls loaded at runtime to align middle? I'm not looking to match the x y coordinates as the heights vary.

For example loading 2 text boxs and 2 labels.

I've tried using the Anchor and Dock properties but with no joy.

txtNewTextBox = New TextBox
txtNewTextBox.Name = "name"
txtNewTextBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill


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Positioning Controls For An ASP.NET Website VB?

Dec 18, 2010

I was wondering if there is an addon, or position controls for my website. I hate having to code the location of a button for example.

Isn't there a way to just move it freely around the form as you do in Visual basic or C# for example?

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Tabcontrol ContentTemplate Positioning

Jan 4, 2012

I'm having problems positioning dynamic content for the contentTemplate, I have the following:[code]the itemsSource binding cats returns a list of Categories and in each Categories there is a property returning a list of products...Currently is displaying all the buttons stacked vertically, but I need the buttons to fill the wrapPanel. An illustration of what I am looking for the contentTemplate:

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Add Values Form Multiple Labels To Ane Label?

Mar 8, 2010

am a undergraduate student from malaysia have some problem in my project i want to add the marks of five subjects in one label named total marks, and that will display total marks when subjects are selected from database i.e.

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Created A Form With 2 Labels 2 Textboxes And A Button?

Feb 10, 2009

I created a form with 2 labels 2 textboxes and a button. Basically it is a login from. When I launch the form it shows the blinking cursor in the 1st textbox(this is ok) but when i try to type nothing happens. Once i click the form(not the textbox-textbox works too but wanted to note it was the form) it works. I have tried doing textbox1.focus(). I have tried doing the form.focus(). Neither were successful. It may have nothing to do with focus but it seems to be that to me.

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Drag And Drop Element On Form With Labels

Mar 19, 2011

As I have been working on a project from a development book for self learning, I am having a problem with Dragging and dropping on my form. My form has labels that represent questions on one side and labels on the other side to be drag/dropped as the answers. I understand that under the element's properties there is Dragdrop and you can work with that, but how exactly do I actually make the element drag/drop? I want to be able to click and hold the element to drag drop, just as you would for reorganizing preferred settings or for my case of a drag/drop Q and A form.

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IDE :: Positioning Window In Design Phase?

Jan 23, 2009

In earlier editions of visual basic I could move the form across the page by changing left in the properties window. VB 9.0 doesnt have that in the window properties window. I can set start position to manual but it wont drag and drop how do I move a form window in the design mode? added by TNT 1/24/09 I went back and checked VB5 the left and top positions were settable but only located the form during run time.

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Positioning Image In Datagridview Cell?

May 23, 2010

I builded this form: [URL]

In the first column I add the images as usual.

can I move the images a bit to right, to show, that this is a hierarchy? When yes, how?

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Redisplaying A Dialog Box And Positioning The Cursor?

Apr 16, 2009

After checking a value in a text box I am having trouble re-dispalying the dialog box and setting the cursor to the empty field.

Public Class frmCategory

Private Sub cmdOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdOK.Click
If Me.txtCategory.Text = "" Then[code].....

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Relative Positioning Of Objects On Forms?

Aug 21, 2009

how to make buttons and other objects move to the center of the form and possibly grow in size when form is maximized and also move back to its position when minimized.

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