Print A Richtextbox When The User Clicks A Button?
Jun 10, 2011I'm trying to Print a richtextbox when the user clicks a button, and despite my many attempts, I am getting nowhere.
I'm trying to Print a richtextbox when the user clicks a button, and despite my many attempts, I am getting nowhere.
I'm trying to Print a richtextbox when the user clicks a button, and despite my many attempts, I am getting nowhere.
View 3 RepliesI have been able to do the exercise's in the first 2 chapters and half the exercise's in the third chapter of the text book (programming in visual basic 2008, Julia Case Bradley & Anita C. Millspaugh). but this one is making my head want to explode. please point me in the right direction with this.
Heres the problem. The company has instituted a bonus program to give its employees an incentive to sell more. For every dollar the store makes in a four-week period, the employees receive 2 percent of sales. The amount of bonus each employee receives is based upon the percentage of hours he or she worked during the bonus period (a total of 160 hours). The Calculate button will determine the bonus earned by this employee, and the Clear button will clear only the name, hours-worked, and bonus amount fields. A Print button allows the user to print the form. Do not allow missing or bad input data to cancel the program; instead display a message to the user.
Here's my code so far. its giving me the wrong results. i have tried many different ways,(hence the commented code) but I just dont know where im going wrong.
Public Class VB_Sales
Const BONUSHOURS As Decimal = 160
Attached image(s)
i want to populate a report and print it directly without the user hitting the print button.
i have this working in a diffrent project but for some reason it wont work in this one.
i get the error missing parameter, on the last line of my code
Dim paramFields As New ParameterFields
Dim paramField As New ParameterField
Dim discreteVal As New ParameterDiscreteValue
How do I change the startup form for an application when a user clicks a button?
View 1 RepliesI am working on a Text editor. The problem I have come to, is that when a user clicks a button, I want all the text to be displayed on one line. The reason for this is I am having problems being able to upload CSV email files on a website I am working on, because the format isn't like email, email, email, email. Instead it is like
So I have written a program that will format it. Only It still isn't working. I need it to recognise when there is a ".com," or something.
I'm running a survey to count how many times a user clicks the left mouse button. But the mouse click applies outside of the form, even applies to clicking start or other locations of the of the PC when the form has been minimized with a NotifyIcon. I know how to count the mouse clicks within a form but not outside the form. Somehow I feel I need to use a timer event but need it to apply outside the form. The timer tick event doesn't have a e.button event or mouse down event or mouse click for that matter. Whats a good way to get this function to apply outside the form?
View 1 RepliesIn my form I have a text box (txtJobNo) , a Find button and a dtagridview to display the record for a unique JobNumber. Everything works fine to retrieve data, my problem is the display part in the datagrid view, it replaced the first record. I want to keep all records in place until I am done and then insert all those records in a new table. Please HELP. Please find my code below:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Windows.Forms
I have this code that tries to kill the wampmanager process when the user press on a buttonBut how can I achieve the same thing if the user clicks on the close button. Is it possible to execute a small line of code just when the user clicks on the close button?If you know any alternatives in
Dim pProcess() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("wampmanager")
For Each p As Process In pProcess
how to do enter key from keyboard to do the same function when the user clicks a button from the mouse...For example, istead of clicking the button with mouse click, i would like to make enter key from keyboard to do that function for shortcut purposes..Its like when login form button..
View 2 RepliesI'm using VB2008 express. idea for a D&D application. So I wrote something and it works, but it's not coded like I want. Here's the program if you want to see it in operation: [URL]
Here's the problem I have. I want a message box to pop up if no dice are selected and the user clicks the roll button. So far the only way I have been able to accomplish this is to put the same code under each radio button:
RolledValueTextBox.Visible = True
Label1.Visible = True
Label2.Visible = True
YesRadioButton.Visible = True
NoRadioButton.Visible = True
I want to have this code only once. But If I put it outside of the If/Then bracket and no dice are selected, the msgbox pops up but also the buttons that I want to remain hidden until dice are chosen pop up. How do I get the msg box to pop up and stop...don't execute any more code.
Heres' the code so far. trying to keep it relatively simple:
Private Sub RollButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RollButton.Click
'see which radio button is checked and display random number accordingly
If TwentySidedRadioButton.Checked Then
RolledValueTextBox.Text = GenerateRandom.Next(1, 20)
Actually my problem is to stop a loop when i click on stop button. example:i have two buttons 'start' and 'stop' in start buttom i wrote a for loop as
Would it be possible to add a .exe to my resources and when the user clicks a button on the form it will create a directory ( C:My apps ).then add the .exe from my resources and launch the .exe from that folder.
View 12 RepliesI have a VB.NET 2010 Forms Application which includes a form with a textbox, and two buttons which I call from the main form using .ShowDialog
I've messed with something such that I can no longer prevent the dialog from closing when the user clicks the Ok button but has entered invalid information.
Here is the handler for the OK button's click event:
Private Sub cmdOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdOK.Click
If SomethingIsWrongWithWhatTheUserEntered Then
I have been trying to figure out how to do this program for a few days. Here is the question.Write a Windows application that allows the user to enter a seven-letter combination corresponding to that number in a multiple line TextBox when the user clicks the Generate Words button.Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0&1.
I got some help from my instructor but I can't get anything in the listbox?
I have a few questions. I am not understanding on how to do it.The first question is:
1.When the user clicks the button the info from the controls on the left appears in the label on the right.
2.How to retrieve the selected dates from the calendar control when the user clicks the button?
I have a problem with a Save button on a toolbar firing the click event twice if the user double clicks the button as opposed to single clicking.Disabling the double click on the toolbar itself seems to make no difference as it is the actual save button that is being clicked twice.I have tried setting a Boolean to stop the event firing twice but it is just too quick!I didn't have this problem with my code before as the server call was not async... and reverting back is not really an option.
My code is as follows:
Protected Sub tlbOrdQuot_ButonClick(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs)
Handles tlbOrdQuot.ButtonClick
I add a button to a form each time the user clicks a menu option as:
This draws a small blue line at the bottom of the button to show it is highlighted. Just like the mouseoverbackcolor property on a button except this will draw the line. It works fine until you slide the mouse very fast between the buttons. It is as if the mouseleave event doesnt always fire.
In my application, the user clicks a single button and the program displays each network adapter description into a message box and then gets all the ip info for the workstation and places it into a text file and opens that text for reading. What I would really like for it to do would be to display all the network adapters into a single messagebox instead of messagebox for every adapter like it is currently doing. Here is the code I have on that button. Let me know if anyone needs more info or has any questions:
I'm trying to make an application where when the user clicks a button, it generates a series of 100 random numbers between 1 and 1000, and then saves those numbers in a text file. All I could come up with is generating ONE random number, but I can't figure out how to make it 100. Here is what I have:
if could modify the following code for me so that it save data row by row from a DataGridView into SQl Server. Currently, the code saves data from all rows at time instead of saving only the recently added data in a row or rows when the user clicks a button.[code]...
View 1 RepliesOn each of my form I have put an 'Exit' button. When user clicks it, another form is displayed (I don't want to use 'MessageBox') asking user whether he really wants to quit. If user clicks yes the form closes. If user clicks no, form is redisplayed.
However, out of 4 forms only one form refuses to redisplay. The code is exactly same on all forms. I have included 2 Express 2008 projects showing one form each in the zip file
I have set up a notify icon for my form. I want to make it so that when the user clicks the close button that it doesn't close the form it just takes it to shows the notify icon. They can exit the program from the notify icon. Can someone tell me how to keep it running?
View 2 RepliesI'm in a bit of a quandry. I am trying to build a simple search form where the user selects the column title and in puts the criteria then clicks the search button. This is the code I am using
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
details = ComboBox2.Text
'column name selected by user
specifics = TextBox1.Text
'criteria input by user
I validate a DataGridView with the CellValidating-eventhandler.That works fine. However, I want to avoid validating when the user presses the Cancel button. In the sequence validation occurs before the event CancelButton.Clicked.
View 1 RepliesLets say i label "label1" , and 2 buttons named "button1" and "btnRefresh " [code]So , when user press the button 1 , the text will change. But what should i put inside btnRefresh to reload the forms ? and display the default label.text = "Form Load" ???
View 9 RepliesI basically, want this to happen:
Label1.Text = Form2.Button1."number of clicks"
How do I do it?
i need to print my windows form when the user click a button. what is the method for this?
View 4 RepliesI need to record the screen when my user clicks start, and stop recording when he clicks stop.I've searched for a while on this subject, and I have found nothing.I want to do this without adding any files to my project, I just want to use some built in function in Visual Basic, and start recording, or even take a snapshot and add it to an AVI file or something...These are some sites I have found:
This code is in VB6, but I am not sure how to even start using it?
I just wanna print my whole richtextbox using print document. I need to count words till the end of the page and so print them. And it must be bounded in a rectangle.(e.marginebound) from top,left,right and bottom. Also i don't know ho to use print preview. writing a proper print Document. It's the end of my Wordpad project and i just cant write a good printing!
View 1 Replies