Printing A Text File Can't Set Landscape Or Font

Dec 4, 2006

I have a simple text file that I want to print out from my application (actually a printer spool file). I use the following code to accomplish this.


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[2008] ReportViewer Remote Landscape Printing?

Jan 9, 2009

I've written the app involving the ReportViewer, and I'm using .rdlc reports. I have a range of A4 portrait and landscape reports which print fine when I run the app locally, and print locally, but they don't seem to want to print properly when the app is executed remotely.When I say remotely, its installed on a server which my client accesses using Remote Desktop Connection.As a company policy, we have to have our clients install a universal printer driver on any PC that needs to print anything created on the remote connection, and this works ok for everything except my landscape reports printed from the ReportViewer. Portrait reports are fine. Landscape reports are processed, but the page usually comes out on the local printer with all its text missing. A logo I have on the report prints fine, and if I choose a different printer, I get a slight variation - I get some text, not all, and still get the logo, etc.

As a temporary measure, I've written software to allow my client to print their reports without having to view them, and they're ok (they're converted to an image file, and sent to the printer that way). I've also written code so that they can email the reports to themselves, so this converts the report to PDF, and sends it. In EMF and PDF format,everything looks great! Its printing from the ReportViewer that is the problem

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Printing Barcode 39 - Change The Font Of The Label1 Into IDAutomationHC39M Font From IDAutomation?

Feb 10, 2009

printing barcode 39 truetype from idautomation i already try their integration guide but it didnt work....i want my project to

1. Label1 changes to what i type in the textbox1(the label1 is a barcode i change the font of the label1 into IDAutomationHC39M font from IDAutomation)...ive already done that...

2. print the barcode(which is the label1) when i click my button named btnprint..but it doesnt print...

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Printing A Text File

Dec 13, 2011

In my application, I have created a text file. I want to print the text file the application just created. I have seen some code which uses command prompt and others which use notepad.exe.

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Save The Font To A Text File?

May 18, 2010

I use the font dialog to ask the user to select a font.

I need to save the font to a text file, so I don't need to ask the font each time the program runs.

The problem is that I see more font styles available than the font styles I get (they are limited to the fontStyle enum, which contains just 4 styles).

for example, this fontdialog shows 8 font styles (including semicomprimida):


But the .Font.Style property of the fontDialog instance only returns values in the System.Drawing.FontStyle enum, and I cannot save the user selected font style, nor instanciating a new Font, with that style.

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Printing A Listbox To A Text File?.

Mar 5, 2009

im tring to get vb to print all the items in a textbox to a text file Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click For Each liststring As String In ListBox1.text liststring = liststring & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\sample.txt", liststring, False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) Next End Sub

am i going around the wrong way doing this? because this prints a selected item and also prints each letter on a new line

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Printing A Text File With PrintDocument

May 4, 2009

I am using PrintDocument to print a text file but the printer is overwriting into the same page instead of using a new page. [Code]

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Printing Text File In Windows 7?

Jul 13, 2011

I am not able to print text files using the code specified in when using Windows 7 operating system. The printing works when Windows XP operating system is used

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Print Xps File In Landscape?

Apr 29, 2012

I was able to print all .XPS files in a directory. This thread is located here: [URL]

I need these files to print in landscape mode. I have been able to print in landscape from within a program but in this case I am sending files to a print que and I don't know how to set the default printer to landscape.

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Program To Print The File In Landscape?

Apr 12, 2011

I am using following method to print a file programmatically. Is there a way to tell the program to print the file in landscape?

Public Function PrintPDF(ByVal PDFFile As String, ByVal Printer As String, ByVal Timeout As Integer) As Integer
If PrinterName.Trim.Length = 0 Then


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Tell Program To Prin File In Landscape?

Apr 12, 2011

I am using following method to print a file programmatically. Is there a way to tell the program to print the file in landscape?[code]...

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Tell The Program To Print The File In Landscape?

Apr 7, 2011

I am using following method to print a file programmatically. Is there a way to tell the program to print the file in landscape?

Public Function PrintPDF(ByVal PDFFile As String, ByVal Printer As String, ByVal Timeout As Integer) As Integer
If PrinterName.Trim.Length = 0 Then


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Loop : Just Reading And Printing The First Line Of A Text File?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a problem with a loop that I'm writing where it is just reading and printing the first line of a text file.

ofdFile.Title = "Choose file to read"
If ofdFile.ShowDialog() <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
sr = New StreamReader(ofdFile.FileName)
End If


Do i have the .peek set up wrong where its only doing the first line?

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VS 2010 Printing Accessdb Records To Text File

Apr 5, 2012

I am new at VB and am working on a simple project. I am reading records in from an access db and when the user clicks on the 'create label' button, I need the record displayed to be added to the labels.txt file. When they click on the 'save & close' button, I want the file to be saved (with no dialogue box) and the app to be closed. I am struggling with getting the records into the text file and saving it. [code]

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Printing An External File In Its Own Printing Routine

Apr 19, 2010

I basically have an application that generates reports in a .html file, I use a .html file for the ease of making tables and formatting text.Now I would like to introduce a way of printing the reports from my program. Because I use a .html file, the formatting would not the correct if I was to print it directly from my application (as far as I know). For this reason, I would like to print it just like my web browser would have in order to keep the tabular data intact and the text formatting.

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[2005] Font And Fontsize - Change Selected Font In List Accordin Font In Combobox?

Mar 7, 2009

How to list all font in combobox, and how to change selected font in list accordin font in combobox?

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Get Font Properties From A Font File Name?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to use Linq to loop through all fonts in the %windir%Fonts folder and find the one that has a property title of "Arial" (or any Font Family name supplied), but I can't seem to access the font properties (things like "Title", "Font style", "Designed for", etc.).

The following is only giving me the basic file info:
Dim fontDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "Fonts"
Dim fontFiles = From file In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(fontDir)


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Search A Term In Pdf File To Get Font Of All Occurrences Of The Term With Its Corresponding Font Information And Next 5 Words Of Each Occurrence?

Apr 9, 2010

I need to search a term in pdf file to get font of all occurrences of the term with its corresponding font information and next 5 words of each occurrence.

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Text File "printing" In .NET From VB6?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm porting an application from VB6 to VB.NET and have come across something that VB.NET doesn't like. The "Print #" function (whatever its real name is). The code is as follows:


I was just wondering what the equivalent of this in VB.NET is, as there is a LOT of this and I don't want to be here until the end of time.

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System Root And Printing Text To A Rich Text Box?

Dec 31, 2011

I am working on an applictation to scan windows files to check for missing files, i have a couple questions on how to do this.I would like to use the %systemroot%system32 that way that it doesn't matter what drive letter it is, i'm not sure how to do this because when i tried it, it told me the file i was looking for didn't exist (in this case C:windowssystem32 undll32.exe) which does exist. Is there some way to use the %systemroot%?

Also, i am trying to print the resaults to a rich text box such as if rundll32.exe is missing put in the box "rundll32.exe is missing". How do I allow it to write it in the box, I tried the print command, but it didn't work.

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Mdi Text Editor Printing Color Text

Mar 19, 2009

im trying to addapt my printing code so it will print my text what ever i have selected it to be in the text editor. here is the code i have at the moment

Private Sub PrintDocument1_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles mypdoc.BeginPrint
str = CType(Me.ActiveMdiChild, frmSplit).RTB.Text 'If this was a single text


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Add Font Dialog On A Text Box?

Mar 1, 2009

I want to add the font dialog on a text box

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Text Font Conversion To UTF-8

Sep 22, 2010

I have text and I want to convert it. Font name is Helvetica and I want to convert it in utf-8. Users cannot show this fonts on another computers. How can I do this in Example I have this text "‰ €" in textbox. How can I convert textbox.text?

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Printing Certain Text In Three Lines?

Dec 14, 2011

I just finished my first project. Just wanna ask, with this code:.....

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintiTicket.PrintPage
e.Graphics.DrawString("COUNTER 17.Your number is " & iTicket, TextBox1.Font, Brushes.Blue, 50, 50)
End Sub

I was able to print the text that I want, but is it possible that it be printed in three lines? i mean on the first line, the text "Counter 17", and in the second line with a smaller font size, "Your number is" and on the third line with a bigger font size the "& iticket portion"?

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Printing Text Of RichTextBox?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to print the contents of my RichTextbox. I already have a bit of code, but it will print the text only with the SelectionFont. I don't know how to make it print all the fonts, colors and sizes in the RichTextbox.

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Printing Through Text Mode?

Jan 7, 2010

I want to print my rich text box content in text mode but i also want to keep the formattings of the text box, how it can be possible.

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Embedding A Font In A Text Editor

Mar 24, 2011

I am working on a simple text editor for medieval Latin and I have a custom medieval Latin ttf that does exactly what I want. My question is: How can I embed that font into my text editor so that it can ONLY use that font, and so that when I send my text editor app to others they can start using it right away without having to download any fonts?

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Forms :: Changing Font On A Text Box?

Jul 25, 2010

am writing a program in 2008 ... I want the user to be able to change the font on a different form, however any code that I try and write comes up with the error code property is read only.. I hope I have given sufficient detail... oh one more thing I am trying to use fontdialog from the tool box.

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How To Change Font Of Selected Text

Dec 6, 2010

I am creating a Rich text file editor, and I want to change the font of the selected text with the font dialog. Here is my code (editor is the rich text box)
Dim font As New FontDialog
FontDialog1.Font = Editor.Font

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Rich Text Box Font Color?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a program that checks for the color under the mouse pointer. I also stores what I think is the RGB (could someone confirm this?) value for that color in a Rich text box and next to that in a text box the coordinates of the mouse at that time.The idea is to be able to measure the times between the bounces of a tennis ball in a video. The background is black and the tennis ball is another color.I wasnt sure how to say "if color is not similar to black... Do this"So my plan was to set the richtextbox font color to itself - as it is an RGB value. But thats difficult, it wants to change ALL the text in the RichTextBox, not just the current Value.Basically Ideally I would like it if it recorded the times between significant changes in color of the pixel and displayed them.

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