Printing Text File In Windows 7?

Jul 13, 2011

I am not able to print text files using the code specified in when using Windows 7 operating system. The printing works when Windows XP operating system is used

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Printing A Text File

Dec 13, 2011

In my application, I have created a text file. I want to print the text file the application just created. I have seen some code which uses command prompt and others which use notepad.exe.

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Printing A Listbox To A Text File?.

Mar 5, 2009

im tring to get vb to print all the items in a textbox to a text file Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click For Each liststring As String In ListBox1.text liststring = liststring & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\sample.txt", liststring, False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) Next End Sub

am i going around the wrong way doing this? because this prints a selected item and also prints each letter on a new line

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Printing A Text File With PrintDocument

May 4, 2009

I am using PrintDocument to print a text file but the printer is overwriting into the same page instead of using a new page. [Code]

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Printing A Text File Can't Set Landscape Or Font

Dec 4, 2006

I have a simple text file that I want to print out from my application (actually a printer spool file). I use the following code to accomplish this.


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Loop : Just Reading And Printing The First Line Of A Text File?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a problem with a loop that I'm writing where it is just reading and printing the first line of a text file.

ofdFile.Title = "Choose file to read"
If ofdFile.ShowDialog() <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
sr = New StreamReader(ofdFile.FileName)
End If


Do i have the .peek set up wrong where its only doing the first line?

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VS 2010 Printing Accessdb Records To Text File

Apr 5, 2012

I am new at VB and am working on a simple project. I am reading records in from an access db and when the user clicks on the 'create label' button, I need the record displayed to be added to the labels.txt file. When they click on the 'save & close' button, I want the file to be saved (with no dialogue box) and the app to be closed. I am struggling with getting the records into the text file and saving it. [code]

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Printing An External File In Its Own Printing Routine

Apr 19, 2010

I basically have an application that generates reports in a .html file, I use a .html file for the ease of making tables and formatting text.Now I would like to introduce a way of printing the reports from my program. Because I use a .html file, the formatting would not the correct if I was to print it directly from my application (as far as I know). For this reason, I would like to print it just like my web browser would have in order to keep the tabular data intact and the text formatting.

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Printing In Windows - 32 Bit Vs 64 Bit

Jul 22, 2011

so i have this program which prints out information inside a bunch of textboxes which i got to work out pretty nicely. it was brought to my attention one day that there was a user that could not print. they would hit the print button and nothing would come up, nothing. no print window or anything. i click it on my end and it works just fine. i try it on my laptops and i get nothing. come to find out that my windows is 32 bit on my desktop, whereas the versions that wont print are 64 bit windows.


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Cannot Fiend Any Write Functions To A Text File Or To A Other File In Windows Direction?

Jun 23, 2010

I can not fiend any write functions to a text file or to a other file in Windows Direction

I want a simple write function for a button when click button it will write some lines to a file

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File I/O And Registry :: Creating A Text File, And Using It Among Different Windows Users

May 31, 2009

I created an application that when a user logs onto their Windows account, a Form is displayed outlining the current Computer Usage policy set by the insitution and gives the user two options either Agree or Dis-Agree. The two options are in the form of buttons, with events that depending on what the user clicked, will create a log text file at a specified location, with enteries of Date,Time,CurrentUser, and if they agreed or disagreed. If they agreed the application after creating/amending the file will then terminate, otherwise it will update the file and then force Windows to logoff the current user.

Now I made a shortcut of the .exe of the application and placed it in the startup for all users, and yes the application loads at startup for all the users following the procedures mentioned above. The problem I am facing is, that if the current user logs off, or is forced to log off, and another user logs onto Windows, goes through the whole ordeal mentioned above, the application is denied access to the logfile that was created under the previous user, and thus crashes.

So my question is, how can I created a text file using vb 2008 application, that is accessible by multiple Windows users. I have even tried changing the location of the created file to the shared folder, but the end result is the same.

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Text File "printing" In .NET From VB6?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm porting an application from VB6 to VB.NET and have come across something that VB.NET doesn't like. The "Print #" function (whatever its real name is). The code is as follows:


I was just wondering what the equivalent of this in VB.NET is, as there is a LOT of this and I don't want to be here until the end of time.

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Printing A Form On Windows XP?

Jun 24, 2010

I developed an application for a local company that required printing a chart and some data. I made the program on a Windows 7 machine using the PrintForm control. It printed just fine and I sent it to the company, but they are running it on WindowsXP and the program is crashing. I assumed that PrintForm would work on all Win operating systems but apparently that is not the case?

If there is something special that needs to be done to get PrintForm to work on XP that would be fine (downloading a lib file or something), but otherwise what is the best way to print out a VB.NET form on Windows XP?

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Printing In A Windows Service?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to print in a Windows Service. The following VB.Net code is used:

Dim _pd As New System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument()
AddHandler _pd.PrintPage, New System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(AddressOf PrintDocument_PrintPage)


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VB 2008 - Printing Via Windows CE

Mar 6, 2009

i hope i am posting this in the right place. i have developed a application in 2008 prof for smart device. all is working fine the data storage and retrieval. now my prob. is how do i print a report? i don't see any printer dialog. i have done a lot of search and have come to know that to print via windows ce we need to use some ESCAPE characters (which i dont know anything of) can some one pls. guide me to a eg. where i can understand it pls.

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Icons For Printing In Windows Applications

Feb 15, 2012

I am using winform for printing a receipt created in vs2008.I have buttons that is printing my receipt.I have used pagesetupdialog,printdialog etc in my form programatically.What I want is to have icons of these controls which I have used the way they are availale in msword.I have got print.bmp file for printing but not getting for pagsetup,printpreviewcontrols icons.I searched for .ico and .bmp file in my compand on net aswell.

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Printing All Content In A Windows Form

Dec 5, 2010

I have all my project finished and have know idea how to do this. I have to get the program to print the invoice and have all the code done in the form but not the print button. i have the printdialog1 and PrintDocument1 on my form and can't get any further. here is the code i have so far in my invoice form.


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Batch Printing PDF Files From DOS / Windows SubDirectory?

Sep 30, 2011

Any VB example of batch printing pdf files from a dos/windows subdirectory (with only Acrobat Reader installed)? I've got a folder full of pdf's (30 or 40) and I need to fire them off to the networked Laserjet. Also, is there a way in VB, to set the "full duplex" (double-sided) printing option for an HP Laserjet (PCL6)?

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System Root And Printing Text To A Rich Text Box?

Dec 31, 2011

I am working on an applictation to scan windows files to check for missing files, i have a couple questions on how to do this.I would like to use the %systemroot%system32 that way that it doesn't matter what drive letter it is, i'm not sure how to do this because when i tried it, it told me the file i was looking for didn't exist (in this case C:windowssystem32 undll32.exe) which does exist. Is there some way to use the %systemroot%?

Also, i am trying to print the resaults to a rich text box such as if rundll32.exe is missing put in the box "rundll32.exe is missing". How do I allow it to write it in the box, I tried the print command, but it didn't work.

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Printing A Windows Form Without Title Bars And Borders

Jan 6, 2009

I have a windows application that I have created using Visual Basic 2005. I am a new user and have learned a few things, but quite an amateur! I need to printout a windows form but I do not want the form to have menu bars or borders printed. The windows form contains the data that I have updated using a Sequel Server 2005 DataBase. The form needs to be printed by clicking a Print Form Button on the form.Is this possible with VB 2005. i noticed a PowerPacks out there, but when I downloaded the tab does not appear on the VB 2005 Express Edition I am using.

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Mdi Text Editor Printing Color Text

Mar 19, 2009

im trying to addapt my printing code so it will print my text what ever i have selected it to be in the text editor. here is the code i have at the moment

Private Sub PrintDocument1_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles mypdoc.BeginPrint
str = CType(Me.ActiveMdiChild, frmSplit).RTB.Text 'If this was a single text


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Drag A Text File From Windows Explorer?

Oct 27, 2010

Requirement is to drag a text file from Windows Explorer and drop into a RichTextBox opened, that is so the text can be read amended etc

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Input Data To Windows Pgm From Text File?

Sep 29, 2009

I need to get data from a text or excel file and input it into a windows program that I do not have source code for and cannot get it.What I am trying to do is get sales order data from one of our customers in a file and then read the file and input the order information into our sales order system by actually stepping through the order entry process so all the checks for item #'s, zip codes, etc that are already in the sales order entry software are utilized, basically so that data files integrity is maintained.

I am very green when it comes to programming, can anyone tell me if this can be done using or should I look into using another programming language.

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Printing Certain Text In Three Lines?

Dec 14, 2011

I just finished my first project. Just wanna ask, with this code:.....

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintiTicket.PrintPage
e.Graphics.DrawString("COUNTER 17.Your number is " & iTicket, TextBox1.Font, Brushes.Blue, 50, 50)
End Sub

I was able to print the text that I want, but is it possible that it be printed in three lines? i mean on the first line, the text "Counter 17", and in the second line with a smaller font size, "Your number is" and on the third line with a bigger font size the "& iticket portion"?

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Printing Text Of RichTextBox?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to print the contents of my RichTextbox. I already have a bit of code, but it will print the text only with the SelectionFont. I don't know how to make it print all the fonts, colors and sizes in the RichTextbox.

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Printing Through Text Mode?

Jan 7, 2010

I want to print my rich text box content in text mode but i also want to keep the formattings of the text box, how it can be possible.

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.net - Cannot Create Modify Text File Into Program Files Folder Of Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2011

I make an application and make setup file using VS setup project. This work fine and create default text files into Program Files Folder for winodw 7/vista .but can not modify these files or create any new files.

There are few text files need to create ,modify during application running ,but in windows 7/vista unable to create,modify files.I am using full default admin right for these OS. If iuse C: root path then application work fine or for win XP no problem.I think UAC restricting to perform these opeartion. But i do not know how to change these restriction using, whenever application start.

I found one solution that , if change user rights manually then this problem solved.Follow these step to change your account settings.Control Panel-->User Accounts and Family Safety-->User Accounts-->Change User Account Control settings-->Never notify(Set tab to never notify).After this change need to restart system.Now can make all changes like windows XP into Windows 7.can also make changes into program files.

Its working fine, but need to make these changes manually in OS.but its not efficent solution. So if any one knows how can make these changes by coding that will nice.

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IDE :: Encrypt Some Data And Save It To A Text File With The 1st Windows 2005 Form

Oct 10, 2010

I have two windows form. I got a text file. I am trying to encrypt some data and save it to a text file with the 1st windows 2005 form. Now with the second one am trying to decrypt the data and retrieve it here.

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Write Motherboard Id Into Output File In Plain Text Somewhere In Windows Desktop?

May 20, 2011

I know this script [below] gives the pc motherboard number ,...well I would like to know how to write the result number as plain text somewhere in the windows, in a folder, or registry , or in a harddisk volume,... I know I could use

FileSystemObject CreateTextFile

I dont know how to insert it in the code , I tried but it gives me error

strServer = "."
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strServer & "/rootcimv2")
Set objInstances = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard",48)[code].....

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KB811401, Printing From A Rich Text Box?

Jan 28, 2011

I am NEW and don't understand a lot so I copy and paste and try and learn. I am trying to print the contents of a Rich Text box. Previous post pointed me to KB 811401 dated 11/13/2007, revision 5.5.Following stemp by step. step #1 in the second part says "click Build solution on the Build menu". But i don't have that option. i get Build RichTextBoxPrintCtrl or Rebuild.... or Clear.... I selected build. Is that right?

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