Printing From A RichTextBox Control?

May 18, 2010

After scouring the inter-webs for info on printing in, it seems to me that it's pretty difficult.

My question is, is there a simple way to print something that is in a RichTextBox control?

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Fonts On RichTextBox Control And Printing Text

Oct 23, 2010

I am having trouble with the fonts on a richtextbox control what I need is to do the following;
*Selected Text Within
5.Font up 1 such as from 10 button clicked then 12*
6.Font down Vice versa of 5*
7.Printing text in the RTB

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.net Printing Richtextbox Alignment?

May 29, 2011

i want print richtextbox but its text alingment is wrong i am using that code i am using print document

Dim Con
New SqlConnection
Dim Da


its print my text like this ("Building 34989,Street 4564 ,053534-345,4533 ,U.K")but i want like this

("Building 34989,Street
4564 ,053534-345,
4533 ,U.K")like richtextbox text

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Error In Printing Richtextbox?

Jul 8, 2009

I hav written a code to print richtextbox but i am getting following error at runtime "Unable to find an entry point named "SendMessageA" in DLL user32", although i hav added following code

Private declare function sendmessage lib "User32" Alias _
"SendMessageA"(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Integer, ByVal wp as IntPtr, ByVal lp As IntPtr) As IntPtr.

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Printing Contents Of A RichTextBox?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a RichTextBox that contains a Customer History.

I need to be able to print the contents, allow users to select the printer they want to use, and print the contents without running off the printed page.

I'm using vb 2008 with Vista.

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Printing Text Of RichTextBox?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to print the contents of my RichTextbox. I already have a bit of code, but it will print the text only with the SelectionFont. I don't know how to make it print all the fonts, colors and sizes in the RichTextbox.

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Richtextbox Printing With Formating?

Jul 13, 2009

I have a richtetbox and i have it so that the user can change the font and the font color, does anyone know how i could get it to print with the formatting (font, size, color)?

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VS 2010 Printing RichTextBox?

Jun 26, 2010

I am following this threadbut when I print the page is blank. Even though there is text in the RTB. What am I missing

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Printing A RichTextBox- Directly To Printer?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm making a program that has a "Print" button. I want it to open a PrintDialog, let the user select the printer they want to use, and print the contents in the RichTextBox/TextBox.

I was thinking about this:[code..]

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Printing From A Richtextbox On A Mdi Child Form?

Jul 13, 2009

What i am trying to do is setup the print and Print Preview - so i can preview and print the contents of richtextbox on a child form.

i have placed - Setup Dialog (mySetupdlg)
PrintDocument (myPrintDoc)
PrintPreview Dialog (myPrintPreDlg)
Print Dialog (PrintDialog1)

on to the child form and am putting the code for the above controls in the Child.vb - the buttons to use the above controls are on a menuStrip and the toolStrip - which merge witht the MDI parent menuStrip and toolStrip. The code below is what i have done so far

Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Public Class NoterChild


when i run the the program with the above code - any text thats been altered ie- had it font change or it font colour - just shows up in the print preview as the default style,color size .

i thinki am missing the obvious here but may due to getting fustrated with it not working the way i want it to -

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VS 2010 Printing The Contents Of A RichTextBox?

Feb 4, 2011

I want to print the contents of my RichTextBox1.Text how can I do this?

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VS 2005 Printing Mulitiple Fonts From A Richtextbox?

Jul 8, 2009

when I try to print from my richtextbox it's not printing what I have typed in. I want to be able to print the image that it shows. So if I type in Hello World it will print out Hello World. This goes for color too. A

Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing


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Disable Printing In A PDF Viewer ActiveX Control?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm using the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer ActiveX (AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF) control in one of my forms to display Controlled Document PDFs and my customer would like end users to not be able to print these documents. Is there anyway to disable printing through this control?

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What Control To Use For Printing / Displaying Pages Of Text

Nov 11, 2011

In my desktop application I am writing output to a rich text file *.rtb and loading it into my rich text box control so the user can see the results of an analysis...This analysis which is saved as *rthas 50-200 pages of textUsing the rich text box control works ok but I would like to have a table of contents with hyperlinks or navigation tree that would allow the user to click on a link and go right to the specific page of output.

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Ruler Control For RichTextBox Control?

Aug 16, 2008

Does any one know where I can find a ruler control that inherits RichTextBox Control for VB 2008 with code. I am building my own word processor and I am trying to make it look like MS Word. I am somewhat new to this, so take it easy on me ladies and gents. i am using VB 2008 Express Edition, Windows Form.VB 6.0, VBExprss, ASP,Net, & Gaming

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C# - Printing From WebBrowser Control Prints To Wrong Printer After Setting Default?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a WebBrowser control in a VB.NET WinForms app. I am able to set the default printer from code and print without prompting the user. However, there is also a print button that shows the PrintDialog. If this action is done first the page will print.Then if I try to programmatically print later (again setting the default printer to some other printer) the it will print to the last printer selected in the PrintDialog box even though I am resetting the default and see the default printer being changed in Windows.It works fine unless ShowPrintDialog has a printer chosen first. Once that occurs it seems to always use that printer no matter what I do.

For Each strPrinter In PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
If strPrinter.Contains("My Printer") Then


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Printing HTML Document Using WebBrowser Control ( .Print() Firing Late )?

Oct 14, 2009

I'm currently working on a reporting app that saves a report to HTML, then sends it to a PDF printer.First off, to render the HTML I am using a webBrowser control:

Dim _renderer As New System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser

To print the HTML document, I am using the WebBrowser.Print() function


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Control Scroll Bar Of A RichTextBox?

Aug 22, 2011

I Want Just Ask If It's Possible I Have A RichTextBox And I Wanted To Detect If The Control Needs A Scroll Bar But Without Performing The Any Other Function (Without Changing The Text).

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IDE :: Embed A Control In RichTextBox?

Dec 9, 2009

i want to embed a control in richtextbox , so that when ever i am writing or editing (text changed ) the control should automatically Change its position. Suppose i have a button control , which i hav added at position (100,100) . So when ever i am writing or editing something it should automatically change its position like text.

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Painting On A RichTextBox Control?

Oct 16, 2009

Drawing on top of a RichTextBox control has always been a pain due to the Paint event, and related OnPaint() method being suppressed. Here is a bit of code that gets around this issue.The following derived RichTextBox will use a seperate NativeWindow control to hook into the message stream of the RichTextBox, listen for the WM_PAINT message, and then raise the Paint event on the RichTextBox for you.In this way, it is possible to use the Paint event handler of the RichTextBox control to paint on top of the control after it has performed its default rendering of the text.The following code is an initial implementation but appears to be pretty solid so far. 'Based in part on code located at: [URL]

''' <summary>
''' A RichTextBox object which raises, and utilizes, its own Paint event.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>


I may continue to expand upon this idea, but I wanted to get the initial code out here as this seems to be the minimum to get the painting functionality to work.Reed Kimble - "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

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Scroll A RichTextBox Control?

Jun 8, 2009

I am working in vb2008. I understand how to set a richtextbox's selectedstart property to a text block using .find. I would like to know how to tell the richtextbox to scroll to the selected position based upon the find operation and show its position at the top of the window. I would like to pass text blocks into my richtextbox control and have the control automatically scrolll to that position if the text block is found.

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Use VScrollBar Control With Richtextbox?

Jan 9, 2010

I was checking out the internet to get some information on VScrollBar control in VB.NET, however I can't find any useful information on what I am trying to do, as I have never worked with VScrollBar before.

What I am trying to do is use a VScrollBar control to handle scrolling of two Richtextboxes (i.e. synchronized scrolling) because each line of richtextbox1 is associated with the corresponding line of richtextbox2.

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.net: Syntax Highlighting In A RichTextBox Control?

Sep 29, 2010

I need help Related to this form [URL]...Related to that topic Using the same code how can i add more then one color so how can i add it more then once So like words = the and bob ect... but I make a new dim call it words 2 = for next then ect... diffrent color I do this and it cancels out the blue the first one, so like this


So then i try it purple works but now blue does not..i know its possible with this one! All i want is to be able to add other words in a different color! Because this code works like a charm

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Add Context Menu To A Tab Control Richtextbox?

Oct 2, 2010

I need some code to add the contextmeu to the richbox Not the tabcontrol But the richtextbox is in the control, So I have the CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0),RichTextBox) But now what to add the context menu?

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Allow RichTextBox Scrollbar To Control Another RTB Scroll?

Jul 10, 2009

I want to be able to have a richtextbox scroll event synced with the scroll of another richtextbox. Do any of you know how this is possible

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Console To Richtextbox Toolbox Control?

Apr 19, 2010

I have read and played with code that streams output to a richtextbox but that is runningit from cmd.exe but I run kix32 programs like anything.kix using commmand line kix32 c:anything.kix and it can be run from a *.cmd file as well.

why havent' experts made a toolbox item/control that is say called console? like they seem to have many others dialogbox - browse box etc...? It has been years since has been out. why why dont they make one??huh? I have looked all over net and it ant no easy job either.

I mean all the code i see makes it very difficult you have to be an expert just to make the coding. Is there some class or something that maybe a beginner/intermediate might be able to tackle..

I just want the command line that is initiated by the kix32 engine to be streamed to my richtextbox in my gui program

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Create A Hyperlink In A RichTextBox Control?

Jun 19, 2008

I have a richtextbox in a form. I would to insert in this richtextbox a hyperlink with a text that will appear in the box, and a web address(hidden) that will open by clicking on the link. what is the correct code rtf to do this?

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RichTextBox Control And Loading RTF With Table

Jan 10, 2011

I have just turned to using and would like to know why when I load an RTF (with tables in a 9x9 cell format) all appears in a 1x9 format...i.e. instead of loading the tables (some are side by side), they load up in series (below each other).

My simple line of code on a button is:
RichTextBox.LoadFile("c: est.rtf")

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RichTextBox Control And Socket Class

Nov 20, 2009

I am using a RichTextBox control and a Socket Class. When I use the AppendText function in Form_load it get's added, but not in the event when text is received.
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
client.Connect(URL, PORT)
End Sub
Private Sub client_onConnect() Handles client.onConnect
[Code] .....
Just so you know, the MessageBox showing in Data is working perfectly.

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Syntax Highlighting In A RichTextBox Control?

Apr 23, 2008

I am currently working on a code editor program for Linden Scripting Language (Second Life Code) and I am having a lot of trouble using the Syntax Highlighting class which i have found on a website [URL] I dont understand, the Class inherits the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox so it should change the color of the text if i type one of the keywords shouldnt it and i should not have to do any codeing for the RTB (or do i?)

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