Error In Printing Richtextbox?

Jul 8, 2009

I hav written a code to print richtextbox but i am getting following error at runtime "Unable to find an entry point named "SendMessageA" in DLL user32", although i hav added following code

Private declare function sendmessage lib "User32" Alias _
"SendMessageA"(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Integer, ByVal wp as IntPtr, ByVal lp As IntPtr) As IntPtr.

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.net Printing Richtextbox Alignment?

May 29, 2011

i want print richtextbox but its text alingment is wrong i am using that code i am using print document

Dim Con
New SqlConnection
Dim Da


its print my text like this ("Building 34989,Street 4564 ,053534-345,4533 ,U.K")but i want like this

("Building 34989,Street
4564 ,053534-345,
4533 ,U.K")like richtextbox text

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Printing Contents Of A RichTextBox?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a RichTextBox that contains a Customer History.

I need to be able to print the contents, allow users to select the printer they want to use, and print the contents without running off the printed page.

I'm using vb 2008 with Vista.

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Printing From A RichTextBox Control?

May 18, 2010

After scouring the inter-webs for info on printing in, it seems to me that it's pretty difficult.

My question is, is there a simple way to print something that is in a RichTextBox control?

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Printing Text Of RichTextBox?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to print the contents of my RichTextbox. I already have a bit of code, but it will print the text only with the SelectionFont. I don't know how to make it print all the fonts, colors and sizes in the RichTextbox.

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Richtextbox Printing With Formating?

Jul 13, 2009

I have a richtetbox and i have it so that the user can change the font and the font color, does anyone know how i could get it to print with the formatting (font, size, color)?

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VS 2010 Printing RichTextBox?

Jun 26, 2010

I am following this threadbut when I print the page is blank. Even though there is text in the RTB. What am I missing

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Printing A RichTextBox- Directly To Printer?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm making a program that has a "Print" button. I want it to open a PrintDialog, let the user select the printer they want to use, and print the contents in the RichTextBox/TextBox.

I was thinking about this:[code..]

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Printing From A Richtextbox On A Mdi Child Form?

Jul 13, 2009

What i am trying to do is setup the print and Print Preview - so i can preview and print the contents of richtextbox on a child form.

i have placed - Setup Dialog (mySetupdlg)
PrintDocument (myPrintDoc)
PrintPreview Dialog (myPrintPreDlg)
Print Dialog (PrintDialog1)

on to the child form and am putting the code for the above controls in the Child.vb - the buttons to use the above controls are on a menuStrip and the toolStrip - which merge witht the MDI parent menuStrip and toolStrip. The code below is what i have done so far

Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Public Class NoterChild


when i run the the program with the above code - any text thats been altered ie- had it font change or it font colour - just shows up in the print preview as the default style,color size .

i thinki am missing the obvious here but may due to getting fustrated with it not working the way i want it to -

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VS 2010 Printing The Contents Of A RichTextBox?

Feb 4, 2011

I want to print the contents of my RichTextBox1.Text how can I do this?

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Fonts On RichTextBox Control And Printing Text

Oct 23, 2010

I am having trouble with the fonts on a richtextbox control what I need is to do the following;
*Selected Text Within
5.Font up 1 such as from 10 button clicked then 12*
6.Font down Vice versa of 5*
7.Printing text in the RTB

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VS 2005 Printing Mulitiple Fonts From A Richtextbox?

Jul 8, 2009

when I try to print from my richtextbox it's not printing what I have typed in. I want to be able to print the image that it shows. So if I type in Hello World it will print out Hello World. This goes for color too. A

Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing


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Printing Error With POS For .Net?

Mar 3, 2011

I am working for a POS software, trying to print receipt. Getting an error "Method PrintNormal threw an exception. Cannot perform operation while device is disabled.",posdm.exe is telling device is enabled.

I am using-

POS for .NET v1.12
Visual Basic .Net 2008
WASP USB Thermal Printer with OPOS Driver


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'EOF/BOF' Error On Printing Printpreviewdialog?

Dec 7, 2011

i'm having an issue when using the print button on a print preview dialog. im creating a document for customers statements that shows all the debits/credits to their account and a running balance. i have the code creating the document and populating the print preview dialog from an adodb recordset, and it shows the preview not a problem. its when you click the print button in the preview that it throws up an 'EOF/BOF' error on the recordset.

i now understand that the printpage even handles both the preview and the printing so i included coding that closed off the recordset, re-set all the counters and balance totals, re-set the connection string (i have to re-set it because there is the capability of printing only a partial statement, so i have to select all records before the selected date, calculate the balance up to that point, then select all the records from the selected date and use the calculated balance from that point in the statement), then re-open the connection. but this still throws up the error, when the error appears its as if the code isnt resetting the recordset and when it prints its trying to print everything after the last record?

some abbreviated code is below

Public reference_no, qtr, fyear As Integer
Public statement_type, statement, sqlString As String


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VS 2010 .NET Error While Printing?

Jan 15, 2012

I've got problems while printing a document.I've got a program that have a small form with options for printing two diferent pages.Here's the There is a Button for printing named Imprimir and two checkboxes for selecting what king of display I want to send to printer.At first time, there are no problems, the printer prints what I want, the form closes and it seems all is allright. The problem is when I try to print again, even the same layout, I call the print form again and I get the error in the picture...Why the same routine executes without problem at first instance and gives this error at second instant?

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Printing With Word.application Causes Error "There Is A Printer Error"?

May 4, 2012

When using the following code

Dim oWordApp As Word.Application
Dim oTargetDoc As Word.Document
oWordApp = New Word.Application


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Printing A Form...relieving An Error 91 Object Reference Not Set?

Oct 26, 2009

I am trying to migrate a vb 6.0 program to .NET as it was all coded and worked... i am running into this problem when I try to print... (Print = visible form) I found a tutorial that works when it is used as a standalone but seems to cause problems when trying to integrate the code into my vb 2005, .NET project.this is the start of the added code...

' create a printing component
Private WithEvents pd As Printing.PrintDocument
' storage for form image
Dim formImage As Bitmap


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Printing In Vb Express 2008 - Debugging Of The Code Giving Error?

Dec 1, 2009

I am working in vb express 2008. I got some sample code from the site and tried to implement it as it is. Debugging of the code gave following errors:Error 1 'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.

C:Documents and SettingsDaLicaRestaurantLocal SettingsApplication DataTemporary ProjectsPrintingForm1.Designer.vb 7 29 Printing


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System.Printing.PrintQueue Access Denied Error On Commit?

Aug 22, 2011

I have tried mulitple OS ( XP, Win7, Server 2008) using my administrative account as well as implementing in a WCF windows client service with local system rights. I have beeunsuccessful at commiting changes to the queue with a win32 access denied error on the commit line

Sub Main()


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Stop Printing And Paper Feeding In The Middle Of Printing In Dot Matrix Printer?

Jul 1, 2010

I need stop printing and paper feeding in the middle of printing in dot matrix printer.(Like a POS Printer - When wrote 'End Doc' on POS printer can stop paper feeding)

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Error With Listbox And Richtextbox?

Dec 27, 2010

Error With Listbox and richtextbox?

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Threading Error - Cannot Use RichTextBox

Apr 1, 2010

I need to ping to a port. It is working, then I tried multi threading. I need to show the result in richtext box, but it shows error.

The code is
Class Form1
Dim t As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf Me.ProcessBioAdmin)
[Code] .....

Error got is:
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'RichTextBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Printing On DotMatrix Printer (Ascii Printing) - Print Wont Come Right

Dec 6, 2010

I am using VB 2008 & Access Databases for creating WinForm Applications. Also i am using Crystal Reports for Report solution. my question is How do i created reports such a way that they can be printed in faster Ascii Format on any DotMatrix printer. The default true type fonts make printing very slower.

I tried to use "Draft 10 cpi" font which come to available me after i installed a correct driver for my Epson printer. which also helped me overcome this problem. however it wont be the scenario with all my clients i.e. they might have different printers having different Make with different drivers installed. i have tried to open such project on there PC but the printing wont come in Draft instead the fonts get expanded too much & the print wont come right.

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Printing An External File In Its Own Printing Routine

Apr 19, 2010

I basically have an application that generates reports in a .html file, I use a .html file for the ease of making tables and formatting text.Now I would like to introduce a way of printing the reports from my program. Because I use a .html file, the formatting would not the correct if I was to print it directly from my application (as far as I know). For this reason, I would like to print it just like my web browser would have in order to keep the tabular data intact and the text formatting.

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Schedule Printing And Check First If There Is Pending Job Before Printing?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm creating an application which has an scheduler to print and it checks if there is a pending job on the print queue before it prints the next file. I use a timer which checks if there is any file to be printed on my database. Example, the timer ticks and selected 10 files to be printed, it should print the 10 files 1 at a time, if there's no print queue, that's the only time the next file should print. I think another timer is required which will keeps on checking if print queue is done. How will i do this?

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Forms - RichTextBox User Control On Main Form - Error: StackOverflowExecption Was Unhandled

Apr 7, 2011

What I have is a user control that has two RichTextBoxes. In the user control, there is RichTextBox1's TextChanged event, I want it to set RichTextBox2's Text to the same as RichTextBox1's Text, I'm currently using: RichTextBox2.Text = RichTextBox1.Text. The user control is on the main form, when I run the application and type I get this error: StackOverflowExecption was unhandled. [Code]

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VS 2010 Printing A New Line While Printing?

Jun 11, 2011

I am setting up printing (to a printer or file) in my application, and it doesn't seem to print out any new lines that I specify. Here's some of my printing

' Loop through all of the text in the array
For i = 0 To 9
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then


When I print the output to a PDF file using PDFCreator, it stacks all of the letters onto each other rather than creating new lines at the places I've specified. I've also tried using vbNewLine instead of vbCrLf, but I haven't had any luck. I searched the web for this but couldn't find anything about it.

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Error "PrintForm Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Printing'"

Aug 31, 2011

i used printForm to print forms, but when i installed the powerpack 3.0 it doesn't work anymore.i am always getting an error "PrintForm is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Printing'" i am using visual studio 2008 professional edition.

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C# - Error "Settings To Access Printer 'printername' Are Not Valid" When Printing From Windows Service?

Apr 27, 2010

I get the error mentioned when printing to a network printer.The error does not occur when run under XP/Win2003, in a WinForm app or when a local printer is used.The error does only occur when run as a Windows Service under Vista/Win7/Win2008 and printing to a network printer.The Windows service runs under a network user that has access to the network printer. Before I print I check if the printername (including network path) is ok by looping through the available printers.

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Way To Search A Richtextbox Textfile That Will Highlight All Word Finds And Then Send Them To Another Richtextbox?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a richtextbox with a large file inside....I want to be able to search for "Fornication" within the text (KJV Bible) and have every instance of that word to pop up into another richtextbox along with the scripture it is in.

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