Program To Create A Class Outside The Default Project Namespace?

Dec 5, 2009

Is that possible to create a class in that is not in the default namespace of the project?

for example, say you have a project call sample1, then automatially IDE will have everything default to the Sample1 as your namespace root rather than under global, which is find for most case.but I want to create some classes that is directly under global namespace

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Remove Default Namespace For Class Libraries?

Jan 14, 2011

I've wrote a class library in vb. it only has a class called MathEx. Now when i add a reference to a test project, i had to refer to the class as MathEx.MathEx is there anyway i could refer to the class as simply MathEx? (in other words i do not wish to have the default namespace added to my class libraries)

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Change Namespace / Class Names For "Windows Application" From Default My.MyApp?

Feb 3, 2012

I'm using SharpDevelop and .NET 4.0.

My question is this: If you start a new project with a "Windows Application" template, it generates a Program.vb with the following contents[code]...

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Create A Project For Class?

Jul 28, 2011

For extra credit I need to create a project for my class. I am here asking what is some of your ideas on a project I already did a calculator and I don't know what else to do one one

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Create A Project That Contains A Pet Class?

Jun 21, 2010

Create a project that contains a Pet class. Each object will contain pet name, animal type, breed and color. The form should contain text boxes to enter the information for the pets. A button or menu item should display the pet information on a separate form. Hint: Use a ReadOnly property on the input form to pass the object to the second form.

What I have done so far is create a new class with the name Pet and have instantiated each object with readonly property. I have also created another form where the information entered by the user will be displayed. Guess I kinda need to know what would be the next step? And I want to ensure what I have done so far is correct.


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Use Program Class In C# Project?

Dec 11, 2011

I would like to use the below VB.Net class in my C# Project. [code]...

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Create A Class Library Project Is That A COM Component?

Feb 7, 2012

I hear COM here and there and I want to know is COM and a COM dll the same thing, and most important: when I create a Class library project is that a COM component?

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VS 2008 Create A Class Library In C# And Then Use That Dll In A .net Project?

Dec 30, 2009

I know you can create a class library in C#.NET and then use that dll in a project and everything is just peachy. But can you use C++.NET and VB.NET/C#.NET in that manner?

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Create A New Instance Of Security Class For Every Form In Project?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm creating what I believe is an mdi app.I have a login form.I have a class for security.My login form creates an instance of the security class. There are all kinds of security parameters for each user (permissions to different things, etc.)These parameters are part of my security class.Once the user logs in, many other forms will all be opened and closed within the main mdi frame.All of these other forms need the information of the security class to know what the user has permission to do.Do I have to create a new instance of security class for every form in my project? Isn't there a way to store this stuff globally somehow. Retrieve once from the db at the start of the app during login and just get it from this global area everytime?

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Create A Sub Main Inside A Class Which Is Itself Part Of A Project

May 17, 2009

why, when i create a sub main inside a class which is itself part of a project, i need to create it as a shared sub like this.[code]

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Create Objects Of C# Class From Program Class In DNN?

Feb 23, 2011

Can we create objects of a C# class from a VB.NET class and vice versa?

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Use C# Class In Program Project In Windows Application?

Feb 8, 2010

I wanna use the C# code file in VB.Net project Which is windows based application. But that C# class is not using in VB.NET application. How Can I perform this task.

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Why Don't Dynamic XML Literals Inherit Default Namespace

Feb 5, 2010

I have an XElement that I need to create via dynamic xml literals/embedded expressions and I need it to inherit the default namespace. This doesn't appear possible though through everything I've tried. how to make this work?

For example

Imports <xmlns="">
Sub CreateXAML()
Dim obj = "Rectangle"


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IDE :: Class Files. Same As Namespace Or The Same As The Class Object Inside?

May 22, 2009

If my namespace is Company.Application.EDI.Acknowledgement and if I stick with theprogramming practice of one class per file then should my class be saved asacknowledgement.vb? Are there any gotchas that will come up?

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ASP.NET 3.5 WebSite Stopped Importing System Namespace By Default

Apr 13, 2010

I have a VB Web Site project that has recently (and mysteriously) stopped importing the "System" namespace by default.

I'm having to either place an Imports System line at the top of each code behind, or preface everything with System, which is fairly annoying, not to mention redundant. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the System namespace back to being imported by default.

I've already checked to see that WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727CONFIGweb.config contains the <add namespace="System"/> line--it does. That was my best lead.

I have references to several namespaces within the System namespace in the <assemblies> node (e.g. System.Design, System.Web.Extensions of my website's web.config. There is no <namespaces> node. This has not been changed recently.

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Embed Dll From "class Project" Into My Project In Program?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a standard "class library" project with a set of classes that I use to import in almost all my new projects.

The way I work is creating a new Solution with an empty project, which is my main project, and then I add to the solution the mentioned class library project, this way I can see both projects in the Soluction Explorer and even see the library code or update it if needed. Then I write the code in my main project and I compile.

This lead me to have 2 files when I compile: file *.exe and stdlib.dll

Some cases I use the lib for very small tools that I want to redistribute in a easy and clean why, so I would like to embed the stdlib.dll generated from my class library project into my *.exe file.

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Create A List Class Variable With Default Size Of "1"?

Apr 8, 2010

I am not too sure about the syntax , since I am still very new to VB..

So this is what I have in a class

Code:Public Class DocumentDelivery Implements IDisposable Public Shared RenderList As New List(Of Byte()())

Public Function Initialize(ByRef env As et.User.SystemCommon.Environment, ByRef errs As et.Exec.Utilities.ErrorCollection) As Boolean


I didn't write the existing class, I am just making changes to it. I am not sure why there is no constructor. However, Intialize() is called every time a the class is created.Right now, I set the default capacity of the RenderList, (the class variable) to 1 in Initialize method.

Is there a way to set the capacity outside of the initialize method? what is the syntax?

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Create Own Project File In Program?

May 12, 2010

how to create a own project file in my program?

Like my filetype is "*.test" and if i open it with my program my listview and other things will load info.

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C# - Dll Reference Of One Project Into Another Project - Error Of "Type Or Namespace Name Could Not Be Found"

Apr 25, 2011

I have 2 projects, one built in VB.NET and another in C#.NET. I want to use certain functionality of VB.NET into C#.NET and hence I have added the dll file of VB.NET solution into C#.NET as a reference by browsing the dll from my system. Say dll name for VB.NET is myData.dll. In my C#.NET project I am trying to declare it as a namespace i.e. "using myData;" and its giving me an error of "Type or namespace name could not be found"

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Create Msi Installer For My Designed Project In Program 2008?

Dec 26, 2009

How can i create msi installer for my designed project in vb 2008

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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.net - Reference 2 Dlls Using The Same Namespace In 3.5 Project?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a 3.5 class library project that needs to reference two assemblies that have the same namespace. We have two third party dll's in which one is version 5.1 and the other is version 6.1. They have the same dll filename and they utilize the same namespace and functions/class names. The project needs to use one or the other depending on a specific situation. I've investigated up on a c# process that uses the "extern alias" feature to pull in the different assemblies.


What use is the Aliases property of assembly references in Visual Studio 8.It seems that this feature isn't fully available for Things I've Tried I've renamed the 2nd dll and added both references to my project. At this point I get tons of: 'blah' is ambiguous in the namespace. So I need to alias the different versions. In you can do aliases on an imports statement like:

Imports version5 = Somedll.Something

The problem is I can't setup an assembly reference alias for the different versions of the dll. Apparently in you can't set these up in the reference properties window. So I tried setting them in in my project file like this:

<Reference Include="somedll.5.Navigation">


I would then expect this to work:

Imports version5 = SomeDLL5.Something
Imports version6 = SomeDLL6.Something

But the "SomeDLL5/6" doesn't show up in intellisense. So how can I reference both dll's in the same project?

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Namespace / Project Design General

May 14, 2009

I'm trying to make more use of namespaces and giving my project a more rigorous design, as it has been getting pretty messy.I was wondering,before I get started, is there a standard convention for the names and organization of namespaces?For instance,for a 3-tier program, should there always be a "UI", "Business",and "DataAccess" namespace (and is this what they're typically called)?Or should I just organize the project as I see fit?

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Using Namespace To Assess Property Of Another Project

Jan 3, 2010

I want to use project B property in project A. Hence, I added project B to my solution. How can i use the property of B? Can someone guide me? i'm new to my knowledge, we need to use namespace and create a new instance. Could someone guide me on how to use namespace for this purpose?

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Which One Is Namespace And Which One Is Class

Nov 5, 2011

Imports System.Windows.Forms.Form which one is namespace and which one is class?

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.net - Make A Namespace To Be Viewed By All Project Without Necessary Imports?

May 11, 2011

I'm developing an web application using VB.Net, and I would like to know, if is there any way to make a namespace to be viewed by all project without necessary Imports?

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VB - Root Namespace In The Domain Project Is Blank

Feb 10, 2010

I have an VS2008 solution with 2 projects, WebUI and Domain; WebUI references domain. The Root Namespace in the WebUI project is:MyCompany. MyProjectName.WebUI. The Root Namespace in the Domain project is blank. (Namespaces are manually declared for all classes). So everything has been working fine, until I tried to reference a class in Domain via a fully qualified path: [Code]

Does this make any sense? So, then I cleared my WebUI Root Namespace, and voila, the fully qualified declaration then does work. However, doing this then seemed to invalidate the registration of all my user controls on my pages. The only thing that seemed to solve this was in the codebehind of each user control, manually add a namespace of MyCompany.MyProjectName.WebUI. which might make sense as perhaps the namespaces of the pages somehow had still retained the root namespace value. But, if I was to create a brand new aspx page and drop a user control on (this is before manually adding the namespace), even that page couldn't properly register it. Yet, the user control properly rendered in design view. so the VS UI seemed to be able to properly resolve it, but the compiler seemingly can't.

So from what I can tell, I can at least get things to work by manually wrapping user controls in the proper namespace. Why this is necessary for aspx pages, that have no namespace specified, to see the user controls, seems to make no sense. Is there some fundamental principle I am misunderstanding??

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VB 2008 - Setting Root Namespace Name Of A Project

Feb 9, 2009

I VB 2005 you can set the root namespace name of a project under the project properties. Where can I set this using VB2008?

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.net Namespace And Class Syntax?

Apr 7, 2011

I've added a new class1.vb file to my project containing:

Namespace MyFunc1
Public Class MyFunc2
Public Function Add(ByVal n1 As Int16, ByVal n2 As Int16) As Int16
return n1 + n2 ' Edited from: "Add = n1 + n2" (same thing)


In form1.vb I thought I used to be able to call my functions with:

n = MyFunc1.Add(15, 16)

The error says "it's not a member".These also don't work as expected:

n = MyFunc2.Add(15, 16)
n = MyFunc1.MyFunc2.Add(15, 16)
n = Add(15, 16)

I thought for sure, this used to work:

n = MyFunc1.Add(15, 16)

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Calling A SUB From A Class From A Namespace .Net?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a code but cant get it to work. I have a .vb site with a namespace and a Class and a Sub.Then on my index.aspx site i cant to call this sub The 2 sites is in the root of my project, and the name of the project is CalendarWeek

My WeekController.vb is
Imports System
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar
Imports System.Globalization


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